NRA sticker on my truck

So I was thinking about putting an NRA sticker on the back window of my Tacoma but i’m worried shitless that some anti-gun liberal is gonna bash the shit out of it? Should I just go for it or should I back off?

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How about you lurk for 2 years before posting anything?

Nigger literally no one cares. You will likely only get dirty looks from faggots. Why the the fuck would you ruin the loom of your car with shitty stickers, and support the NRA in the first place?

I think you need a safe space.

Sadly, the range I'm a member at requires NRA membership.

That doesn't mean you have to deface your car by advertising that you support an anti-gun lobby, you fucking faggot.


Will they accept a GOA membership instead?

Fud get out

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Gun-related stickers ensure that your vehicle gets broken into first and that they'll run twice as fast.


I've got a GOA sticker on my truck, since not too many anti-gunners know the GOA.

Why, niggers?

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You shouldn't do it because it advertises that you have guns and some nigger will make note of that and break in to your home to steal from you this might be what you want though

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Instead of just a NRA sticker that doesn't explain to people why they are wrong being against guns, stick a picture like this :

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Don't worry, the NRA are anti-gun too, you'll probably just get compliments like the fucking faggot you are.

You deserve to have the heroin dealers in Tacoma break into your car and steal your shit bro.

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I would brick your truck for supporting those compromising cucks

Facebook memes?

Op pic related

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To quote Daniel tosh," no matter what the sticker says, it reads I'm poor"

What the fuck has been going wrong with this board for the past 6 months?

Halfchan influx after raids and when normies for cuckchan discovered us…..
Also Mr. Insert three letter agencies cause le 400020D chess by Trump can't do anything wrong

Imagine being so weak minded that Daniel Tosh thinking your poor affects your decisions.

Money isnt to be shown, and showing it rarely helps your situtuation.

This. Unfortunately, it's for the best nowadays to keep the number of people that know you're armed down to a minimum. Range buddies, etc.

If I were you OP I’d try to hide it in between your reddit sticker and your lgbt pride flag sticker. Also what is QTDDTOT?

Is it the one in Charlotte?

GOA or [FPC] sticker would be better

The reason for the requirement (at least at my range) is that the range gets its insurance through the NRA, and it is stipulated that range members must be NRA members.

It is literally the only reason I gave money to Negotiate Rights Away. I thought long and hard about whether to join the range at all thanks this and their fudd-tier policies (e.g. CCW disallowed at the range, even for CCW permit holders. Really, faggots?). I compromised by becoming a GOA life member first and then giving as little money to the NRA as possible.

It's one thing for insurance purpose but is there any retarded requirement to put any sticker on your car. I don't mean things like parking pass stickers either.

No, that would have been an absolute dealbreaker. As I said, I was very reticent to give the NRA any money at all. Shilling for the NRA *and* violating opsec via a vehicle sticker would have been totally beyond consideration.

I wouldn't even display a GOA sticker, and I like those guys. Opsec, streloks.

Yep agreed. It's a shitty timeline that we're in but it's the same reasoning why I wouldn't put those retarded "this home is protected by Smith and Wesson" signs either.

The trick is you need to slap NRA stickers on a bunch of the libfags cars. Let them cry about it/ break their own shit.

So why ask about the bumper sticker if you don't even like the NRA?

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Don't be a faggot. I put one on the front and one on the back just for good measure.

You're just telling people you own guns. I mean, it's cool. I have a unit sticker on the back of my Tacoma (that's means we're buddies now), but I wouldn't put brand or organization stickers on it, just because some faggot will key your shit, especially if you drive a nice-looking truck.

We have id's here. I'll let you reread the thread.

I had an idea along those lines: obtaining bumper stickers that endorse extreme leftist insanity, such as "Circumcising my daughter is my First Amendment right!", "All undocumented immigrants deserve free healthcare!", etc, and slapping them on any car with an O 2008 or Bernie 2016 sticker.

How the fuck Mao could ban guns in 1935? For party members?

get a GOA sticker instead you pussy

I'd bash the shit out of it because putting a sticker on your vehicle makes you a faggot.

also, since you're being a compromising cuck by supporting compromising cucks you should make up for this by donating at least twice as much to GOA or a similar non-compromising cuck organization
