Blackwater USA back in the game, faggots!
Mattis is out, and Blackwater is back: ‘We are coming’
Blackwater USA back in the game, faggots!
Mattis is out, and Blackwater is back: ‘We are coming’
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We "won
But we need to send in these mercs tho
Cucked by the ZOGnald again.
shitlib concern trolling
Germany is gay btw
So what is your thought on trump sending mercs to Syria and the Middle East?
Pretty good sign of the end of an empire
So do you think these are just adding up to the PMCs still in Iraq and Lybia too?
It is like the end of Rome all over again. baste
Who the fuck cares. Mercenaries have been a part of war since the beginning. I'm a house troop kinda guy, but I understand and respect them, you pay for them to fight when you need them. That's it. There's nothing wrong with hiring mercenaries to do your fighting, they accept the pay and fight and you are willing to pay. In truth its more ethical and proper than the practice of conscription.
Let the mercenaries fight, no problem. No more bad press, no more "bring our boys back home", no more bitching, no more whining. Let the men who want to be there for pay fight. If its cheaper, if we can accomplish some goals as we pull the main army out and can still hold a presence to accomplish certain things, if we can have a presence that is politically and economically suitable and can accomplish things just let them. Its not big deal.
I think the problem is that they politically ruined the situation, no amount of mercenaries will fix the problem. Its no longer fighting the Taliban by itself, its the fact that moves to centralize Afghanistan under one central state in Kabul managed to irritate and enrage every single tribe and ethnic group in the country, save for a few, to the point they hate the west and want them out and don't want them to help anymore. They burned what trust they had and now have few friends or allies of any kind. They burned bridges they can't rebuild so they will be fighting the whole country, not just the Taliban, its why they started to pull out in the first place.
Unwinnable, you could restabilize the country with a massive 100,000+ man re-entry and occupation, but if they don't its over. Even if they did occupy, is that going to make those hostile natives any less hostile? No. The situation is lost, give it up.
At this point small missions to accomplish small but achievable goals is realistic and necessary. The mercenaries have the political flexibility to do those things, let them.
The quickest way to restablize the deserts is to pull out completely cold and say sorry, kikes did 911.
But that will collapse muttmerica.
Sound like not my problem, fake kraut.
Troops's out and that's all that matters.
inb4 muh mercs are worse than muh troops
So, instead of NATO sitting around in bases and getting ambushed by the Taliban whenever they venture outside, it'll be mercenaries instead. Just fewer of them, and with far less support. All this, when the Taliban are acting more aggressive than usual and are making some important gains. Yeah, this is going to end well. Taliban government 2.0 when?
They will never going to do what you said because they are good goyium.
Why occupy Afghanistan?
I've never heard anything so retarded.
Listen kid, with 20k+ NATO soldiers the afghan government barely controls Kabul and the other major shitholes, they DO NOT control the country.
The Talebans controls the country as every major roads going from one shithole to another has to at some point or other cross into Taleban controlled countryside.
The gov' forces only moves in convoys (most of the supplies ones are already manned by mercenaries) or by air.
The previous military leaders (Obama surges and Mattis plan) have themselves ADMITTED DEFEAT and have gone multiple time on record that the situation was fucked and that the US military cannot hold the country long term.
Just like in Syria Trump is left with no choice than to admit it, but it's the previous administrations that are clearly responsible for those debacles.
Those battles were lost long before he was elected.
Aren't you the same gooks that supported the kike who banned bumpstocks and kept insisting us that it wouldn't happen?
Yep it happened, but it doesn't mean news of US troops withdrawing from Afghanistan and Syria aren't good.
So why are you getting butthurt about something not meant for you implying, and for a piece of news and development you have no control over?
So you are THAT shill who shilled for gun control. Disgusting. Use all the fake shill names and hop all the IP you want.
Disgusting anti gun gook.
The wars is the factories to manufacture the rapefugees so the jews can send them to the Europe and white majority countries.
Because this piece of news sound like something kikes bring up to downplay Trump's withdrawal of troops.
Never mind mercenaries cannot and will not sustain occupation like regular troops do, they lack logistics and number and cost much more than regular troops.
And I'm many things but anti-gun I ain't. I oppose Trump when the faggot props up gun control too.
What would these mercs accomplish though, now that their reputation has been tarnished even further?
They have no representation from the NATO ZOG govs, therefore no protection either.
There operational capacity is probably even worse than ISIS. Everything except for the shipping of logistics part. Intelligence? Maybe not because ZOG would directly support them with it? But then, If the intervention in the mudhuts has caused severe backlash, imagine killing civilians in the name of corporate interests. No way they can get any meaningful intel from goatfarmers anymore, not after what happened.
Any national army in the region can roll it and massacre these dogs of war and no one would blink an eye.
So maybe this guy is right.
The fiasco is really coming to an end and MGS was only a meme.
Maintain a skeleton crew as public image?
The afghan army propped up by the US needs some advisors.
You sound like some kind of mentally unstabe r_theZOGnald shill, you know that?
They have been there for a long time. Them making it official and blatant made the news which was the point of this thread.
Then you came in and kvetch at everyone who just posts any news that might or might not hurt steel slats in chief already none existing reputation.
Not what I and everyone saw before, gook. You viciously attacked people who posted trump's announcement that he would ban guns. All dozens of them. And now you tell us you oppose trump's anti gun shit?
And you used that shill name on me, as if it is natural reaction for you now.
It is cringy, but you are filtered, MAGA gook.
I don't talk with disingenuous anti gun shills.
Double posted link.
But your thread says they are "back" in Afghanistan. So are they back or not? Or they never left?
Which is again, an attempt to downplay Trump's actual good deeds.
Yes, because I oppose Trump's anti-gun bullshit. I was surprised when he announced that too.
One last time, gook.
My thread doesn't "say".
The news do.
Yeah yeah that why you jumped in at my throat in this thread with a shill created name and persona as if you caught a big bad fish.
Go shill for Commander in Chief of the steel slats and gun restriction and spergout somewhere else, gook.
TY aussie retard BO.
Semantics, your thread reports the news.
I was unaware there's ONE more anti-Trump, anti-american fake kraut on board.
I thought I was going to filter the anti gun gook/sperg IP hopping scum. But this is rather entertaining.
When did I say that? I just simply comment upon this thread.
Considering the timing, I wouldn't say so. This feels like a gotcha, Trump to me, never mind that they don't know mercs can't do occupation.
I wish my granddaddies weren't retarded and sprayed himself, his buddies and you gooks with agent orange. Now we have a defective retard on this board. My vote for Trump was wasted because of retarded subhumans like you. You let the fuckers get away with everything and you attack the voters who didn't want to take it up the ass.
I hate you, I hate the fucking Auscuck retard that doesn't ban your ass.
Actually, scratch that. When we realized we fucked up we should have driven these fucking gooks into the ocean like the Khmer Rouge did and then do a 180 on policies with the commies like the CIA always planned.
Would have had saved us from millions of tax dodging nail polish gooks that do not understand America and go crazy over a cult of personality.
We could have had manned borders, but now all we are getting is a glorified version of the Tijuana fence that spics already climbed through easily. Now it is so much more difficult for them that they can't cover up the spikes with anything that is semi-hard right?
This is the fault of the retarded MIGApedes and the subhuman shitskins blumpf employs like the gook in this thread.
Oh, and bump for you, kraut friend, for exposing trumpkike. Thank you, and fuck the anti-gun gook too.
I can't imagine what it must feel like to be a Trump voter.
Feel like shit and about to feel TACOed very soon.
Funny what all those walls that worked have in common.
We don't need a fucking bunch of spikes anyone can cover up. We only need MG nests every 3 miles armed with .50. And to use our landmines inventory. We can hire LARPers to play with the observation devices and we can hire redneck and their chevies to act as QRF at the borders. MG nests every 3 miles and QRFs every 10 miles. Drones flying constantly. More than enough to tackle any spic.
But anyway, let us not derail Hitler's (may he blesses us from heaven) thread and let's not feed that filthy fucking leddit anti-gun gook further.
Holy fuck do you actually do this for free you insane antigun gook?
When did I attack him for posting a piece of news?
Is it me or Zig Forums getting more retarded at the time? It's getting close to Zig Forums on using strawman arguments.
Not like you can, the US didn't wanna win Vietnam.
So why didn't you do it?
We know both of these are you
Fuck you emu fucker for not permabanning this gook. Krauts over there have the right idea on how to deal with cuckservative subversives.
Because of subhuman gooks like you who attacked us when we criticize trumpkike, you defective mutant
Even the way of typing is wrong.
And why do you want me to permabanned.
Funny, so the fact I post on this board means you cannot do shit? Really?
And why do you criticize Trump? What policies?
Endorsement of 2A infringemetns which led to many states and counties adotpting anti 2A laws, no wall, no border patrol reform, no improvement on demographic crisis, unnecessary "trade war" with china just to bring back more "jobs" reserved exclusively for the 50 million spics already here, actual official RTKBA infringement with the bumpstock ban and letting the ATF kike redefining "machine guns" as whatever the fuck they think, etc etc
But most of all hiring subhuman gooks and shitskins like you who attack people who point out the aforementioned out like you are doing in this very thread.
How about this for an eyesore, gook.
Is currently being funded/built.
Not needed, they just need to do their fucking job.
Not his promise.
So a chink shill, yep, strong domestic market bad, outsourcing good.
Bad, but you already say that.
Now that's worthy of celebration, but kikes don't want to acknowledge that.
Which is why like Herr Hitler here said, why did you attack people who posted these, gooks?
You attack them, insult them, INSISTED that these were only "hot air". Killing discussion on how to prevent the orange kike from doing that.
Fucking subhuman gook scum. I'm mad.
An Agency full of spics and niggers being faithful to their oath?
You retarded chimp disgust me.
That is right. Which is why no properly manned wall is coming.
The jobs are not "coming back" for me and for White Americans, why the fuck should I care and support hostility for no gain?
Indeed. First he caused a cascade of gun right infringements, and this week he institutionalized a massive attack on gun ownerships. A double whammy.
This fucking defective gook is now calling me, a drumpf voter, a chink shill for not believing any of his bullshit anymore.
Fuck you emu cunt and your shirk of duty.
Only to employ PMC KIKES that will fuck up the region even more using MY TAXES, to stir shitup and create flows of shitskins into Europe AND AMERICA.
Fuck you.
You are causing blumpf to lose even more 2020 voters, gook.
Is this your master plan?
When did I attack them?
Semantics, a fence is being built for the matter of protection.
Oh boy, why don't you join ICE then, to whiten it up?
inb4 but I need Trump to make ICE white only boo hoo
Why don't you man it?
The jobs are coming back for americans, white included. You are a scared chink shill who wants his trade deals.
Mercs cannot fuck up the region anymore than the national troops, retard. Mercs lack the numbers to do occupation as said above.
I think you are just looking for reason to rant about Trump.
Who cares? The truth matters, not votes.
I don't think you fake kraut and your chink shill matters jack regarding votes anyhow.
People here don't have amnesia like you nu pol leddit ZOGnald subhumans.
Remeber all you folks, this gook is now telling us to accept this fucking fence like it was telling us how trump gun control was just "hot air".
Because the borders are federal properties, you stupid subhuman dioxin gook. And ICE is full of spics.
You fucking piece of shit. He caused gun bans in so many counties, he fucked the only fun NFA alternative that doesn't cost a kidney, he allowed the ATF to run rampant and creating the very possibility for them to ban all semi auto guns. And those are just Zig Forums related things.
You fucking chimpanzee.
It is like nu/pol/ free fire here!
Ok, filter is up now.
Now fucking accusation without proof, that I fucking hate.
It was "hot air", but now it's reality and I'm opposed of it. Meanwhile, this fence is being built to protect the border, it's not ideal, but better than nothing.
There's nothing stopping you from going to the border and monitor and film all those illegals as well as ICE's supposed "laziness".
You don't want the China trade war, which actually benefits America, thus you are a chink shill.
Don't pay taxes then.
He caused the federal bumpstock bans, the other cuck states are gonna cuck regardless of him or not.
You are a fucking dumbass if you think bumpstock is the only fun alternative.
Which is again, a possibility. But we shouldn't be taking any chance.
Don't care, the truth is out.
Fake kraut and chink shill are here to smear and spam about muh Trumpkike, not to discuss anything.
I'm eternally sorry for ever thinking that sourkraut was overreacting to this gook.
You mean a fake kraut.
Holy shit kill yourself slant eye. Zig Forums is not high traffic. We know what people said here.
And who might you be?
Gook, I'm not your buddy. "fake kraut" or "chink shill", they are less cancerous to this board than you are.
And how exactly?
Man, this gook breaking down and sperging out is funny.
I double dare you to provide exactly what I said about the bumpstock ban.
And if you do not accept the fence, fine, but it is better than nothing.
If you support China AND outsourcing, you are pro-kike.
Sure sure gook. I'm sure a sperg like you didn't freak out and rummage through all those threads to delete your posts.
You are winning a lot of hears and mind with your own "semantic" truth in this thread, spergook.
If I delete my post, the signs would be clear. But I do not because I have no regrets of what I said.
Sure sure, gook. I'm sure the next announcement for gun control will just be 15D chest too.
I oppose Trump's anti-gun bullshit.
I'm grateful that I didn't get mutated by Dioxin.
If the slavs didn't rape your grandma, there wouldn't be you tho.
Jesus fuck you abo nigger, do your fucking job!
Krauts aborted the mongol fetus, FYI. And you are still a disgusting gook who shills for the worst anti gunner in recent years. Fucking Onigger did less damage than this.
There is no denying that fact, but Obama just straight out banned guns from Russi.
Fuck off with your anti gun coping shilling 56 D chess, you ledditor.
You nigger, it was Trump who increased US intervention in Syria a hundredfold in the first place, while Obongo was content with just funding proxies. It was also Trump who INCREASED the number of troops in Afghanistan. I won't believe he's pulling out until he actually does, because he's go a fucking history with breaking his promises.
You all said this but where I have been anti-gun?
Nigger, Trump is one who cut ISIS gibs. Provide proof of increased intervention too, because Obama bombed Syria regularly during his term.
Does this gook really believe what it says?
Yes, yes it does.
inb4 request for permban me for wrongthink
The absolute state.
Yellow boi, we care about guns, borders and our ethnic people. We don't care about your kosher cult of personality, insane retard ideas like lolberg or your shilling for a gun hater.
And I don't care about what you think, champ.
This is not a safe space board, this is not Zig Forums. We are not a hivemind.
When Obama was ending his term, there were around 500 US soldiers in Syria. Today there are around 2200.
Why do you think this leddi shill is arguing with you in good faith, friend?
I don't think he's a shill, I think he's just retarded.
Which has existed ever since Obama era.
Which include? Statistics?
They are sent in and out.
Officially, the US troops in Syria remain as 500 (as in Obama's times), but we know it's around 2000, which include troops rotating. And this is what? 4 times since 02 years, and not the tenfold as you have said?
How am I not arguing in good's faith?
I do recall him saying how blompf was just feigning gun control talking points too, as pickled cabbage friend and the burger have pointed out.
This fucker has been destroying threads after threads just for one single mention of what blumpf does wrong.
This is what I meant. Crying about "semantics" then does the same thing.
It is almost as if the they give up on disinfo and just want to destroy all discussions on h8chan now.
I indeed said that and even I admit I was wrong.
But I never defended Trump's anti-gun policy.
My problem is that even his positive policies (i.e. withdrawn of troops from the sandbowl) get criticized by blatant fake kraut and chink shill.
And make no mistakes, these fuckers hate americans.
How? The Czech said it was a "hundredfold">>634388
Then it turns out to be just about 4 times as much.
You really insulted me with your poor leading.
How? It's the exact point of this thread.
Never mind that again, mercs cannot replace full time troops as occupation force.
If leddit spacing ever existed, this would be a prime example. Peace out, almost Christmas.
Except new ones have been being built all throughout Trump's presidency, with the old ones being expanded.
How about you do your own reserach, cunt? Here's a recent convoy:
You see the problem the Americans have is that it doesn't matter how high or from what material the Wall is made, what matters is the will to enforce the wall.
All these countries your have picked out are or were actually willing to enforce their wall with violence and kill when needed.
Currently Trump is dragging his feet, because he knows even if he builds a wall that can give Mega City One a run for its money, it will be fucking useless in the end, since the wall will be staffed with weak and feeble minded US border patrol agents that neither have the balls nor the will to shoot at border violators.
And? Those are just expanded Obama legacy.
Seem like the average shit that Obama was handing out to the kurds since Rojava was formed.
Forget the wall, the americans in this thread are way happier whining about Trump than monitoring their own border.
They elect Trump, thus Trump must do all of the jobs, they just sit back and whine, that's all they do.
Pardon the americans who actually act as civilian monitors, but the internet americans are just whiners.
I thought it was a chink shill and not a burger, you autistic spast?
That is why he couldn't just say "I want YOU, my voters, to man my big beautiful fences!", right?
No fucking shit? We appointed a commander in chief to finalize our wishes. Are you retarded, you agent oranged montrosity?
Plenty of chink shill live in America.
Is it just complaining?
Nope, it's more than complaining, the chink shill was practically saying America would be dead with Trump's on helm, never mind that he's just a president, where does the rest of the population goes?
Then I ask you, if Trump doesn't do it, do you just whine about Trump or will you actually do it?
Because the former is just being an useless cunt, the latter is actually doing shit.
Sven is right, this fucking gook just destroy threads after threads, boards after boards. It doesn't even care what comes out of it's piehole.
Holy shit. We've got an actual 4D chess MIGApede here.
You can say a lot of things but the 02 Syria bombing that Trump did was 4D chess, Assad was unphazed by it.
The simple fact that Assad is still standing proves Trump favors his regime.
Thank you, gook?
We have a lot of traitors on this board, fake kraut.
The fact you can't even say the word Trump properly says a lot about you and your kind.