Anyone know how long this gun is? Trying to measure a manlet.
Anyone know how long this gun is? Trying to measure a manlet
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Looks like a Saiga in 5.45x39, so around 933mm in length. That guy is tiny.
Why not measure the beer bottle
top lel
He's four and a half feet, that's smaller than my ten year old sister. What the actual fuck.
He's approximately 7.2 bottles tall.
A bud light bottle is around 9" tall
9 x 7.2" = 64.8" or 5' 2.8"
He's tiny
I meant 5' 4.8", but he's still tiny
you're a big brother
His posture likely takes a few inches off his height, though he's still really short.
I just recalculated with much higher precision (using a piece of paper instead of fingers) and only got 6.4 bottles. That's 57.6", or 4.725 ft.
Do with this as you will
Goddamn, how can such a manlet exist?
The result of centuries of western feminization
For every guy who got a lucky roll on the genetic dice there should be at least an equal number who come away with snake eyes - even if most people end up somewhere in the middle distribution ensures that there's always going to be shortarses out there.
This, plus the gun and the bottle are being held at a forearm's length closer to the camera, which throws the perspective off. Probably closer to 5'8"
Still a manlet though.
When will they learn?
That means our measurements are overestimating, which would mean he's even shorter
Wrong, retard.
prove it
you can't
Go back to cuckchan.
wot, things don't get smaller as they get closer, what the fuck are you talking about?
For her.
Ok so gun calc is 4.5 feet and bottle calc is 4.7 ft, hes basically a little sissy boy who would get rekt if he ever saw a Gnatse.
The beer bottle and the gun are closer to the camera and appear larger. This makes HIM appear larger in comparison, because the scaling element is oversized.
Hes actually somewhere south of 4.5 feet.
or you could skim the article posted, you nigger.
That's not how that works, you fucking idiot. I know they raised you on Common Core, but Jesus.
Why would I read an article by some vitrioloc 4.5 foot manlet? If you want to waste time giving him an extra inch thats no ones business but your own, however dont post here expecting people to care.
4.5ft would be 4'4", dumb canuk.
Yes are you fucking retarded
you best realise your mistake retard
because the picture is of some faggy twitter edgelord that tweets Zig Forums memes that then the article writer takes as literal to spread hysteria.
I wanna sniff her cooter
That would mean a foot is 8 inches. You're an idiot.
Everyone does, fucking focus.
Five shot bri'ish revolver that can't even penetrate a desk, I'm really scared.
Some roar, old lion! If only you had the teeth to back it up.