Post blatant propaganda normies fall for
Post blatant propaganda normies fall for
Finns are actually the most powerful race on the planet.
The Soviets never saw Simo, not because of his camouflage, but because he was a manlet.
The meme that Germany ever had a chance of winning the war.
So hard man
That America was ever anything except an evil kike owned faggot hole, meant to destroy all race and ethnicity, and bring about a world owned by the eternal, populated by raceless mongrel golems.
I agree, there are no real countries in africa, it's just a fucking tribal mess filled with subhuman nigger animals, they should all be made in to liquid fertilizer, then they could at least be put to some fucking use.
This. Every day that the jewnited states of muttmerica isn't nuked is a sad day for everyone.
I mean, yeah in fantasy land, Germany could have won. In reality, there was no way. And the Soviets were going to ass-ram the Germans in either case.
Imagine not only being born in the single most degenerate western nation in the planet, but also thinking your country is anything but disgusting and every war you fought wasn't just to sink yourselves to debt and make kikes rich
You're very deluded and ignorant. Maybe you should listen to something besides Jewish history forgery?
He's probably the faggot who believed in the holocaust, from that other thread a week ago
Perhaps you should make your own arguments instead of just referencing the Jews and thinking that solves everything. Germany was going to lose and Hitler planned a war with the US before WWII even started, specifically he figured 1942 would be the place, and he was very pleased to tell his navy to go ape on US ships after the Japanese attack. And, I don't know why you like Hitler so much. He certainly didn't like you.
Shut the fuck up. The jewnited states of muttmerica is shit and deserves death as soon as possible. It fucked everything up and caused every problem in human history,
Why can't our idiot mod permaban every single burger IP?
Zig Forums wihout the jewnited states of muttmerica would be a better place.
Top kek
Pay off your debts, faggot.
fuck off Croatia, no one in the Balkans even likes you
Welcome to nu/k/, faggot. Now go kill yourself.
This board is made solely to go on about how much we all hate the jewnited states of muttmerica.
Literally every piece of propaganda ever. If a normie crossed a minefield, they would step on every mine.
I have a book for you to read
Thanks famalam.
Great, now all we need is for the Magyar to come in and this thread will become the same hopeless shitfest that 90% of threads in CURRENT YEAR Zig Forums become. For fucks sake, you faggots are even shitting up the QTDDTOT now.
Still along way to become Aryan I see.
Maybe the gook larper was right, amerimutts can only whine and bitch.
Nobody cares about your gay mountain LARP.
The more important thing is when will the jewnited states of muttmerica finally be exterminated? I want to see people burned alive and mutt babies splattered all over pavements via sledgehammer.
About time you figured it out. Now you need to learn to hate them 24/7.
Hell, first thing I did in the morning after waking up was hate the jewnited states of muttmerica and start posting about how much I hate them here.
I hate the mulatto of muttmerica long before your muttspam or the gook larper.
Dont worry.
But are you having the jewnited states of muttmerica every waking second of your life?
You can never have enough hatred for the mutts. Goddamn do I want them all to suffer. I want each and every one of them to be tortured to death.
burgers were already sinking german ships for sport, as a prank (^:
It still makes me sad
The same soviets that had a 1/10 k/d ratio and nearly lost their capital in the furthest end of the continent? Those soviets?.
Yeah, the same Soviets that killed the 6th Army (twice) and drove the Germans back to Berlin, those Soviets. The same Soviets that stopped the Germans when outnumbered and denied their breadbasket, then fucked the Germans over and over until the end of the war.
This isn't CoD. The USSR was outnumbered during the start of the war and had units in poor positions, as they weren't expecting war with the Germans for some time. By the time of the Battle of Moscow, most of the Soviet population was under Axis control. The Soviets beat the Germans because the Germans simply could not sustain their frontline, and never would. Germany lacked men, oil, and production capability. Stalin said it best in his famous order 227.
This proved to be exactly true. Once Moscow happened, the Germans would never regain the upper hand, and would never win this war.
burgertard still doesn't know what private debt is
pic related
Fits with the theme of "blatant propaganda normies fall for" desu
Without lend-lease the USSR might not have made it, and yet those items don't use themselves and the battle of Moscow took place well before shipments of goods actually had a chance to make it into the supply lines of the Soviet military. So did it help? Fuck yes. Once could say it was indispensable. Did lend-lease beat the Germans on its own? Obviously not. Someone had to actually fight them.
This quote sounds like bs. The German word for Teuton and the German word for German is the exact same thing.
It's from his second book.
Which translation?
u mad
Yes actually. Thanks for ruining Europe going on a century now.
US didn't start either of the wars tho
You prevented the good guys from winning, however.
If the US is controlled by Jews why did the Federal Government and Israel back opposing sides in the Lebanese Civil War
It does matter. You can;t win if your men keep getting slaughtered like insects. The soviet union received around 47 trillion dollars worth of aide.
Bretty much. It woudln't be good propaganda if it didn't. Most normies don't investigate things or learn until much later to find the truth, if ever, instead they find alternative propaganda that fits their already conceived vivewpoints.
The claim that the Soviets did most of the fighting on their own which omits foreign aid as well as the fact that most of the "fighting" was in the form of dying needlessly by rushing machine guns.
Also, the claim that Hitler and his top ministers were all short when they were actually quite average and would have been seen as tall during the days of the ancient Aryans. This is not a pro-Hitler post but one about context and truth.
Also, there are still idiots that believe the NSDAP was obsessed with "blonde hair and blue eyes" despite the notion coming from general physical attribute leanings and a statement about Hitler's favorite branch of Aryan. It then leads to people feeling the need to bash them by ignoring archaeological evidence that showed that during the Bronze Age, they made a very accurate lunar calendar and had a system of writing and symbology but they claim they were all dumb savages in order to virtue signal against NSDAP propaganda.
For propaganda outside of WW2, there is the notion that the Romans developed their military on their own when they relied heavily on Etruscan designs as well as Noric steel from a group of Central European Celts. They also had to rely on collusion with Celtic lords within Gaul in order to conquer that part of Western Europe. Same applies when they tried to conquer parts of Germania.
This may not be propaganda but there is also the notion that iron and steel weapons will automatically beat bronze weapons. Early iron age weapons were shit compared to the higher quality bronze weapons and much of the switch over was caused by a shortage of resources to make decent bronze weapons and armor. Any damages done to the bronze weapons could be quite minimal such as small bends that left much of the edge quite sharp. The development of better iron and steel weapons really finished off such weapons.
Yes yes, commies would have taken that bet without knowing for sure (((somebody))) wasn't going to provide them double their industrial capacity.
Niggers are indeed superior to the hwhite mulattoes.
Zimbawe and South Africa proved this. Detroit and LA too.
There are very few accounts of this happening, most come from the beginning of the war. The "human wave" myth comes from ex-wehrmacht generals interviewed post war.
A smart leader would avoid getting into war with 3 superpowers at once, US presidents during the cold war were able to speed up the collapse of the Soviets with a massive war
And somehow the mutts lost all of their liberty and became mulattoes without culture for real this time and were forced to breed and share living space with niggers at gun point. Oh, and the whole 56% percent thing assuming the 22 million illegal spic number is real, which many mutts don't even think so
And most important and relevant to this board, is how mutt gun rights have gotten worse than an emergency authoritarian state raised to kill commies and expel invaders ever since the 1930s.
Winning must have a wholy different meaning to amerimutts.
Right I'm sure Hitler would've gotten rid of authoritarianism if he didn't kill himself in a bunker
If the US is controlled by jews why did the Feds and Israel back opposing sides in the Lebanese Civil War
Shut the fuck up already, mutt.
The jewnited states of muttmerica is a shithole. Don't pretend it's anything else. Kill yourself.
I'm ashamed of slovaks.
so surprised.
hi there shlomo
Because Israel has a timeshare agreement with Saudi Arabia.
>>>/4chan/ - >>>Zig Forums
I know that being spics and niggers with less freedumbz than in an authoritarian state and culture must suck, but you have to own up to yourselves and not destroying pure blooded people because you are envious, lieber Mulatto.
Oh shut the fuck off.
It's quite true that America has deteoriated over the years, same for EVERY country in the world.
But that doesn't mean the whole Germany being unbeatable being true, nor the whole WW2 was only won due to America being true.
The fact the germs can't take Moscow in '41 is already a sign of thing to come. Lend-lease just accelerates it.
Hitler can't control his generals and thus it's his downfall.
Hello friend; I’d like to inform you that your keyboard appears to be broken, it seems that your period and enter key functions have binded together. You might need a new keyboard, friend.
Keep restarting you router, Schlomo.
Reminder that the jewnited states of muttmerica caused every war in human history and is responsible for all suffering in human history. Therefore they all deserve genocide in the most torturous ways possible.
You just can't help yourself.
Reported for ban evasion again.
Wew. Sure am glad my countrymen are proud of the country's jewish exploits. We have occupied Europe for nearly a century, our own fucking government is outright trying to replace us and see our rights stripped and our children unwelcome in their home. Not a single conservative faggot is gonna stand up and take back their rights because it's antithetical to their belief system. Loving your country is one thing, refusing to accept america, as in the American government is so blatantly the bad guy, is another. Not even factoring in the other countries that have suffered under our Zionist expansion, but our own citizens. Faggots. Whatever, amnesty don for 2020. If trump says we gotta ban guns to beat those stupid libtards, that's what we godda do!
OP set himself up with a bait pic and either left or he's the faggot IP hopping and posting cuckchannel memes. And since you're a (1) and done burger just like the rest of them, I'm inclined to believe you're OP.
You'd figure Japan would be smart enough to not threaten US colonies if they didn't want to get embargoed
What happened to life, liberdy and bursuit of burger :DDDD?
NVM, checked the thread name.
Oy vey. Sensibility? You are one bad bad goy!
The US has never been about that for anyone other than a few of it's citizens, would the US have constantly expanded westward or annexed the Phillipines, Costa Rica, Hawaii, and half of Mexico if the US was isolationist?
It is nice that you admit "muh freedumbz" never existed. Most of you lots aren't this aware of your own existence.
M8, we all know there's no such thing as "freedom", "liberty" or "rights". Just master vs slave. Therefore everyone must be trying to fight and kill everyone else to be top dog.
Show me where in the Constitution it says "Thou shall not have overseas territories"
Shut up, mutt. The constitution is trash.
America would still be hated but slightly less if it was honest about wanting to be an empire instead of spreading "democracy" and "freedoms". Both stupid concepts anyway.
Why the federal government obligated to be honest with foreigners or anyone for that matter
Imperial governments usually had an obligation for the governor general to treat the subjects properly so they don't revolt and generate wealth for themselves and the empire itself.
United toilets of muttmerica don't concern themselves with such details so they can export degeneracy and decay with no concern for anything, without at least honesty about their goals.
I mean that system seems to work a lot better at generating wealth
Not really if you adjust for (((inflation))) and realize it's just paper with numbers on it, backed by nothing at all.
That's what every form of currency ever is, do you think gold has any actual value other than what we give it?
I'm honestly disappointed that we didn't get nuclear annihilation as a C*ristmas gift.
We honestly need it and at least i'll get to laugh at the rest of tge people panicking before I die.
You can't possibly be this retarded, but here I am falling for your bait out of morbid curiosity.
Has no value if a nuclear apocalypse occurs. Atleast the US dollar is backed by a country with a military and police force.
That nelson mandela was good for South Africa. Yes people actually believe this shit.
Blew my mind when he died and people just accepted the idea that he was a good and wholesome person.
The ruskies didn't collapse even when land lease was minimal i.e. 1941.
So do we just expect the germs to have infinite resources so they can corner moscow again and again? Nope, that was their last hope.
Sure as shit didn't matter in fucking 1941 when lend-lease was minimal.
inb4 that article in sputnik about how the post-Soviet Russian thanked the US
Face it, fake kraut, war has been over since the battle of moscow when the reich at its strongest failed to take the enemy's capital (or anything) at their weakest.
We are talking about winning and losing, faggot.
Do you accept Germany lost and made plenty of mistakes?
Which explains the uprising in pretty much every English colony/vassal i.e. India, Malaysia, the fucking USA, even the Boers.
inb4 the cucked pole goes into full cuck mode and declare it's right for the brits to put the boers into camp
Zig Forums is beyond cucked.
How can one stand against such a slaughter of autism and assburger?
How is that autism and assburger?
inb4 America can't win WW2 because reasons reasons reasons in 2018