Merry fucking christmas you gay cunts. I hope everyone is having a safe and happy Christmas and soon a new year...

Merry fucking christmas you gay cunts. I hope everyone is having a safe and happy Christmas and soon a new year, make sure to kill commies for mommy, prepare your arsenals and hope Santa got you that Rhodesian Camo you asked for.

I am also working on banning and cleaning up threads, 8ch being 8ch means its going along slowly, but im getting there frens!

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Other urls found in this thread:

Ban all those who insult CETME!

Why'd you delete my posts, you cunt?
Hating the jewnited states of muttmerica is a Zig Forums tradition.

Merry Christmas BO.

Get the fuck out and go back to your trash can Oscar, actually Oscar would be a much better resident than you.

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Merry Christmas lads.

Uncle got red-flagged by my aunt and was institutionalized when he refused to give up his weapons. Gonna be a fun christmas tomorrow lol

Want to run them over the border? I can hold them for a few days.

Merry Christmas Kameraden!

Merry Christmas, you bloody fruit shop owner.
Ever considered appointing some volunteers? Are you manually combing through the board or just responding to what people report?

Finally used the Rhodie Paint Kit I had laying around this holiday season!

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Merry Christmas lads.

That looks terrible, user.


Attached: 282.jpg (561x862, 351.71K)

Have you seen actual rhodie paint jobs? Its just slathered on.

Merry Christmas to everyone.
Except for the jewnited states of muttmerica, turkroachistan, and pissreal. May you lot all die violently.

Merry Christmas. Remember to Charlie-G responsibly.

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well you can have that opinion friendo, no matter how wrong and gay you are

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Merry Christmas BO and thanks for being active in the community

I don't understand how you fuck up a paint job that's supposed to be quick and shitty. That looks like toothpaste with the little mint scent wafers.

Attached: rode deseia forever bros.jpg (960x640, 83.45K)

Merry Christmas to everyone. 🎅🏻

Merry Xmas, to another year of loneliness and no guns.

Maybe next year is better.

Winter-chan Grow.

Hey BO, tell us in detail how much you hate the jewnited states of muttmerica and how much your want every single americucks to die painfully.

merry sanguinala faggots.

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Merry Christmas you shitposting cunt, and yellow blue bus to all of Zig Forums!

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Using painters tape to make the pattern mostly, while trying to avoid regularity in the pattern. It leads to the boxy shapes, but it's a lot better cammoed than it was unpainted.
So probably too much effort with no artistic talent to speak of.
Still I like it, sorry you dont.

just Japanon spending time in Taiwan; everyone here is so friendly! Going to the ROC museum tomorrow.

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May you find redemption. mutt
And frohe Weichnachten, ya cunt. Took you long enough to solve the real problems.

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Yep, more brother war, true redemption alright.

Fuck off fake kraut and the fake kraut under the US VPN. All cancer.

Merry Christmas my fellow Streloks, I love you all

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Merry Zig Forumsristmas you flaming homosexuals

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Nobody is brothers. Everyone is the enemy. The world is supposed to be everyone ready to kill everyone else at a moment's notice.

Everyone puts on your German IP and just put in the word mutt in spoiler randomly, when you want to entertain yourself tonight.

Also, reported for ban evasion.

More wars against the anti gun mulattoes are always good, ledditor.

That's just you.

Like pottery.

Wasn't that what le big stick man and le baste Cucktis said?

Attached: Mad Cuck Cucktis.png (800x540 73.14 KB, 144.05K)

Wasn't that the sniper from tf2?

Who cares what those faggots said. I want to see all life wiped out. The only way to fix problems to to kill everything.

Reminder that C*ristmas is a shitty jew holiday to venerate a kike on the stick. Why is this shitty thread up? You're supposed to wreck everything relating to it.
We need more threads about hating the jewnited states of muttmerica. Who gives a fuck about guns or military or dumb shit like that. Zig Forums has always, always been about hating the americucks and wishing for their deaths. Hell, Zig Forums shoukd go out today and kill as many americucks as possible.


THIS! We are supposed to mine libs salt and tear. What are you, some kind of weirdo NAZIS who like guns? Take them away, due process later. Trolling libs are much more important.

Are you stupid? Hating america 24/7 is more interesting that bangsticks.

Reminder that screeching 'haha MUTT haha JEWS haha CUCK haha' multiple times per day like a retarded child at day care won't make you any less of a self-hating nigger.

Shut up, mutt. You deserve to die. Hating the jewnited states of muttmerica 24/7 should be your first priority. The second is suicide.

Winter-chan grow.

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Isn't the babyshit the first coat and the not babyshit the second?

Hey BO, unban me. Why did you ban me in the first place for insulting amerimutts? That is not spam. That is an 8/k/ tradition.
Give a solid answer this time, you smarmy prick.

vetur chan vaxa

Goddamn, I hate Zig Forums so much. It's just a shittier /int/ with sometimes guns.
I want to become board owner so that I can permaban everyone, nuke the board, and prevent anyone from posting in it ever again.

Attached: much rejoicing.mp4 (800x450, 255.05K)

Why is he nicknamed Nellis?

It looks like the one from New Vegas.

I like winter and cold, but Zig Forums I hate even more.
>>>Zig Forums

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This, /int/ and an odd mix of nu/pol/, just without the Trumpstein-loving.
Actually, make it the entire site. Crash it with no fucking survivors.

Attached: [rage intensifies].gif (300x300, 555.05K)

You guys used to be one of the major players. What happened? Jews?

The libshit monarch immediately sold out to (((liberal democracy))) after Franco had passed away. What do you think?

Winter-Chan Grow!

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Is the mutt poster still being a faggot?
Daily reminder not to give him any (you)s under any circumstances.

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Happy New year and merry fucking christmas lads, thanks for some of the best goddamn pdfs(reading material) i got my hands on in a long time. Anyone got kurt schlichter indian country on PDF? I already read Peoples republic.

Semi relevant. But can anyone confirm that the warrant cannary was down? Techs being autismo rightfully so but I can tell if it was sage level memes or something else.


Sperkraut is just a strawman applied to non cucked krauts. There is an actual sperg we have proof of.

Attached: spermutt exposed.png (1343x3083 409.05 KB, 409.05K)


There is no sperkraut. There is only one sperg and you just saw the proof.

It all makes sense now

Happy new year Zig Forumsunts


That doesn't account for the faggot that was spamming "muttmuttmuttmuttmutt" for eight months straight, like a parrot at a kennel club meeting

Mutt has been spammed non-stop by various yids on this board.

They desire more brother wars and anti-americanism.

Do we really have to ally with spergs if we want to unironically gas the kikes, or is the acceptance more of an optional thing? Asking for a friend.

No, spergs will always be dangerous. Imagine if you are having a conservation then suddenly they shout 14/88 race war now kill all niggers gas all yids.


Maybe because it was an actual mutt, as exposed.

Yes, but that still leaves the problem of the == WEAPONS BOARD == being treated as a discount /int/, with people spamming "le 56% face"
Say what you want about /v/ and it's owner, but Mark had muttspam on lockdown within a week.
If someone tells a joke every day for six months it will get old.

Мир Божији, Христос се роди Zig Forums

Happy Orthodox Christmas to you mr.warcrimes

Maybe you shouldnt have chesthumped so hard back then. People are just pounding you out of opportunity now.
Yes, YOU might not din du, but your compatriots did. And Spermutt too.

What a kiked concept.

Far as I'm concerned it sounds better than Mr.Kebabremover.

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Just noticed something.

U istinu se rodio!

I just want the board to be more focused. people hardly ever talk about guns anymore.

Americucks are just going to lose their guns anyway. The rest of the world would follow suit. What does it matter if Zig Forums is focused or not?

Except that Germany is occupied. You are not. And you do have more guns and more options regarding weapons. You do have less excuses than they do. They did wage an apocalyptic war on kikes and commies. You were on the other side, remember?

Because there isn't that much to learn about small arms before you have to get into detailed metallurgy and chemistry and thermodynamics?
Basket weaving boards are simply not made for that level of discussion. In fact I think most faggots here learnt more from selective googling on arfcom and other fudd sites than from here.

And heavy weapons? Most fags here are shitty grunts at best. How many of them actually used the heavy weapons and the air vehicles in combat? Much less when it comes to technical maintenance. As said, from small arms and upward it is just LARP. Just hearing faggots here talking about jet fighters make me lose hope in humanity.

Survival threads? Done to death. And like small arms, you learnt more on your own. Eventually you hit the plateau because there are only like what, tropical, artic, desert, arid and urban. Five enviroments. Not too much to learn either.

And the ever shrinking gun scene because retards let it happen. Like the latest bumpstock.

Frankly I don't see anything but a hard reset that forces people to actually use guns will blow some life back into the weapon scene.

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By a mere what ten thousand of troops, what do the millions of germans exist for? Why didn't they stomp the Bund?

America is "occupied" in the same, except with a larger military force.


They did and the whole kike infested western "white brothers" came to destroy them, save for a few millions Europeans from here and there.
But lets us be clear that the US and NATO by extension never did actually declared war to extinguish communism at any point, mmkay? And remember how McCarthy was treated for telling the truth.
The krauts paid their prices in blood and got even more blood sucked out. It is fair to say it is your turn as the last "western" country left with a semi functional military..

So germans simply do not exist anymore then?
Then why do you say Germany is occupied?
Communism just dies on ass.
This is fucking masochist bullshit, nope, we are brothers, we fight together against past mistakes, not about fucking we are fucked now you are fucked bullshit.

It is actually 40k and 40k men with guns are infinitely stronger than millions without. But of course we know that touching those 40k has a lot of (((consequences))).

This is like the worse logic leap ever. Piss off.

Yeah, a million can just swarm them.
>But of course we know that touching those 40k has a lot of (((consequences))).
Man, starting a war with Europe would be suicide for any politician career.

Nope, you said Germany is occupied there it should exist, but if exists, where are the germans? Why don't they rise up and drive out the skeleton crew that is maintaining the US bases?

Why don't you go swarm yours first? They literally waged the first war already and paid the most terrible toll for it. Trump banned bumpstock, the AWB, 1986, NFA, Civil Rights act. It is your turn. My grandpa volunteered in the SS, we did our duty as a family.


Because nobody is saying America is "occupied" here, while you do. We are occupied, but by kikes.
Lot of americans volunteered to go back to Germany to fight for Hitler too.

This is the logic why things like mass shooting happens.

Yep, just act like sheep when they point a gun at you. That's how you win.

Based mutt logic.

That is rich considering how the "wall" turned to "fence" not even being built and how the NFA, Civil Rights act, 1986, AWB and bumpstock ban happened :°)
And how the withdrawal from Syria is postponed again on a retarded, unteneable condition that everybody has to bottle their rightful urge to kill K*rds.

Objectively true, a mass shooter can be stopped if everybody charges at him.
Which again, has nothing to do with why millions of germans simply do not charge US airbase and run them out.

Bull fucking shit, Volksdeutsche rennounced their american nationality and reintegrated back into Germany proper.
There was only 2 recorded cases of amerimutts fighting against ZOG under the wings of Germany.
But frankly, I don't feel like discussing anything with you.

You do not want to discuss it because it's the truth.
Yeah, because nationality is what makes them american.

I guess Karl Marx was a german too because he had german citizenship?