Why are you people so obsessed with having guns?

Why are you people so obsessed with having guns?

Guns are a sign of an unstable civilization. Why do you even think guns are necessary. I never understand Americans who think they still live in the wild west. If guns weren't so easily accessed you wouldn't have so many horrible school shootings, here in Sweden we had one school killing spree and it was by a dude who had to use a sword instead of a gun because we are strict on guns. If that man was in America it would be another columbine. If you want to shoot guns so much then stick to video games.

The only people who should be allowed to carry firearms should be: Law enforcers and military.

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To shoot faggot ass like you.

Autism and chutzpah, so repulsive yet so pitiful.

I remember a movie where only the police and military had guns. It was called SCHINDLER'S LIST.

Faggot here, I'm right here

Quite the contrary.

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Shut the fuck up, Spergmutt. You have let the Jews get to your brain, and now you act just like them in your effort to attention whore and tear down a good board, like the rootless mutt that you are.

You have terrible taste in anime and you're a faggot bootlicking leftist at that.

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They are the most versatile tool for survival there are, they serve to hunt, defend, attack, and making sure other things don't behave on a hostile manner, through weapons we wage battles, and by winning them we achieve peace, we are the masters of conflict instead of the other way around thanks to weapons. by taking the position of cowardice and shunning the means of protection you expose yourself to be debased as a creature no different from livestock: only there to satiate the unending hunger of predators willing to take advantage of your weakness.


You shut the fuck up about Idolm@ster, you fucking Turco-Serb mutt. The only reason I even bother to tolerate your existence is because of the fact that your kind killed the even worse Serbniggers, and thus save white men the favor of doing the work. May any and all gods who hear me curse you and your kin with painful deaths. Fuck you and fuck Spergmutt.

How in the fuck? Pray tell how a vietnamese man is rootless.


You are not Vietnamese, you fucking mutt. And if, by some strange twist of fate, you are, then I will visit the full fury of the French people upon you and your kind, and single-handedly redeem Dien Bien Phu by killing you and all your kin.
But since you are a rootless Amerimutt, who must be content with LARPing as a vietcong for Internet attention, I will simply be content with waiting, for you will surely contract diabetes or some other obesity-related disease. And I hope you die a slow, painful death like the Bosniak.

You like Mohamed's dick up you and your wife's ass, your opinion means less than nothing here.

How about having some faith in your fellow man in society? It's stressful to live in fear of having your brains blown out by random passersby. At least if I were to get killed I'd rather have a chance of fighting back. Guns promotes a society based on fear.

Please try, I have to say the French got soundly fucking beaten by Dien Bien Phu.

Dien Bien Phu was actually a conventional battle and Vietnamese cannons blasted the french to shit despite their stronghold.

Even as a South Vietnamese, the performance of the North Vietnam was worthy of celebration.

Idolm@ster is epic trash and also Serbia never dies you fucking French speaking African nigger.

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Tell that to a starving venezuelan and see who well it goes, OP.

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You have to base socialism on a successful society. Once the system is in place it works very well like in Sweden. Venezuela implemented socialism wrong. Stop using that as an example you drone.

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So that we can make up for our loss with a new one, when I whip your worthless gook ass!

Shut the fuck up, rape baby, son of a nigger. I am Breton, and pure Celtic.

Really? Another war in Vietnam? In the current period?

I think Vietnam is gonna lose because we haven't evolved our army since the 80s, but I think it's not worth it now. Vietnam has liberalized.

Sweden is not a socialist country. It has a market economy and private property.

It does have a generous welfare system funded by high taxes on individuals, and while I personally disagree with that approach, it's not socialism.

To keep things legitimately serious, in the name of Assburgers, my cousin has a Vietnamese waifu from Saigon. She's pretty.

Jesus fuck, stop stealing our women, fucking white devil.

Having faith on man is foolish, but trust is something that i am willing to give, the problem becomes evident once your realize that the "society" you belong to is made exclusively of backstabbers and opportunists, there is no unity on betrayal, the weak, unharmed man is more prone to turn traitor and manipulate, even without weapons, the weak man will find something that he fears.

Sweden is a socialistic country. Don't deny it.

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Having faith in a man and having a gun to stuck in his mouth and pull the trigger are not mutually exclusive.

One supplements the other.

You have a shitskin problem that is in the process of toppling your civilization. Guns are the only things that can fix that. Your police and military will not help you because they want you dead too.

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Mutt, mutt, mutt, mutt, mutt, mutt, cuck, cuck, cuck, cuck, cuck. You people are brainless. You've got a nice pair of dubs, though.

You know who took all the guns away? Commies and Nazis! Yup, Hitler had his boys take away all the guns and so did all them Commie rats. You know what happened after that? The good folk got killed, that's what! I ain't lettin' no Jewish fella get killed by them Commies or Nazis, no sir!

Don't blame the refugees. Racist.

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In my country the women aren’t allowed to defend themselves with the guns from being raped in their own homes. My country have strict gun control laws and yet it didn’t stop people from getting or creating the guns.

I dont know what the exact number of US school shootings there are, but Sweden is about 3% the population of the USA. So maybe if you times the number by 30 or so, that would as many school shootings Sweden would have if population was equal. Also American mutts have mixed incompatible mental capacities, therefore more mental illnesses.
sage for bad thread

For people who aren't the wild west type, the simple philosophical logic of having a gun, is not to hope to use it, but to deter people from taking advantage of you, in the hopes that you are defenseless.

To have a defense beyond the military, especially in the sense of "the general body of people in a country," means that nothing overly enslavey or oppressive can ever happen, as long as people are able to put together the fact that both police and military have guns.

Thus, guns are most certainly used both on a political level, and on a law-enforcement level. So to have a gun personally means that you cannot ever be completely and utterly abused and oppressed. Not to say it'll always work, but often, it's enough just to have guns to keep the government shackles a bit looser.

u wot m8. Last time I checked, they were handing out magical girl armbands to women who were afraid of getting raped. Some politician actually got paid to come up with this kind of shit.

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Based on data gun ownership lowers homicide rates. Obviously, other things effect this as well, such as ethnic homogeneity, wealth, laws, and lack of harmful ideologies. However gun ownership is a very good thing.

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You're a stupid nigger OP. You argue like a woman with your constant appeals to emotion. I pity your entire nation. Your country is being conquered by hordes of third worlders from within but you are too feeble and weak to even take the first step of recognizing your own enemies for what they are.

3/10 bait since you got me to respond again

Stop larping, but if you are Vietnamese, which I highly doubt, then that also serves as revenge for Dien Bien Phu. Your women are now ours, as payment for your actions against your superiors.

Says the nigger who sits on his ass all day and does nothing to fuck over the ZOG. Vive la Revolution!

You're right there with him, frog. Pots shouldn't call kettles niggers.

What do you think has been happening the last couple of months, ricenigger? What in God's good name do you think the gilets jaunes are? Are you this retarded? I hope so, because it would be perfect legal, moral, and ethical justification to exterminate you.

There is no way this isn't bait. The fact that a handful of posters showed up to start shitflinging at each other and bump the thread makes it obvious.

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Shut the fuck up you fucking retarded mutt. If the adults had asked for your opinion, they would have given you permission to speak. But we didn't, you spake, and now the world is worse off for it, polluted by the hot air flowing from your stinking, filthy gutter you call a mouth.

yeah, just report and hide the thread

Christ on a bike…

Lel. gr8 b8 m8, i r8 8/8.

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Doing that as an unarmed man requires that 100% of your countrymen are throwing straight dice and working to the same objective as you are. Even if I believed that was possible in a society of more than 100 people protip, it isn't telling me that I wouldn't need it in Utopia (while ignoring that a perfect society would have no reason not to be armed) means very little when we don't live in Utopia.

That's the thing about Venzuela, they were a successful society - one of the big oil producing economies. That's how they lasted so long with such a disastrous political and economic ideology running their government. Socialism destroyed that. The lesson to learn from Venezuela is not '#NOTREALSOCIALISM' but that socialism will take a successful society and kill it just as effectively as it will kill a shithole.

What happened to you Sweden? You used to be cool.

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Most of the cool swedes fucked off out of Sweden.


The OP is most likely an inner-city entity that is not fit to be called a human anyway.
An armed populace is a prerequisite for freedom.

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I guess that happens everywhere. Is there any hope for the future of Sweden?

I agree.

I love hunting? With a face like that, I'm not surprised.

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9/10 Al-Shabaab fighters agree, Sweden has a future as an Islamic state.

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By northern gooks :^)
Doesn't matter though. You are not a gook. You are a mutt too ashamed to express it's viewpoints as a mutt.

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Spermutt has been absolutely seething in the past few days.

Lads, see this

Why should anyone give a shit about some sperg? It's not like he's the only one here.

You shouldn't. Just getting the word out, tbh.

The mulattoes must be infected with a serious mental parasite. All this conflicts over one's own existence.

Guess what, you idiot, they already are!

In the name of life, liberty and property in men of reason, a gun is an enforcer of boundaries that no thug, rapist or beast may cross without violent retribution. In an ideal world, guns would not be necessary for defense as people would not seek to use others life liberty or property without consent. The reality is that bad men will always exist, and police will never get to you fast enough before you are dead.

For this reason, gun control enables rapists and murderers. An old woman that had her pistol taken off her by lawful force and then was brutally beaten by an intruder has her blood on the hands on not only the thug, but also every single man and woman that supported the law's passing. When we do something, we are responsible for it, no matter how many supported it. Ergo, 10 men robbing a single man puts fault on all ten. The state and it's supporters are exactly the same.

To defang yourself in the face of human predators existing is to put yourself in the position of a rabbit in front of a wolf and claim yourself superior by dying.

Couldn't you say the same thing for owning a firearm?

What right does the state have in taking away my right as a law abiding citizen from defending myself against those who infringe my safety and my property? Should uneducated and irrational fear of firearms held by much of the general public sway the courts, and if so how is that different from ochlocracy, or rule of the mob? Perhaps you live a metre from a police station, and you don't see my point, which may make it hard for my argument to stand in your case.
Then what right does the state have in limiting my preferred method of harvesting food and keeping vermin away from my property, in a trained and responsible manner? Although firearms may have the potential to harm, in the way of tools, does not the axe or scythe share this potential? How about the automobile?

At the end of the day, a firearm is both a weapon and tool, and one that is manipulated and controlled by the user. You say that guns are a sign of an unstable civilization, but then if a civilisation is so fragile that the mere existence of weapons can cause it to crumble, then the idea of a "stable" civilisation is laudable.

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>At the end of the day, a firearm is both a weapon and tool, and one that is manipulated and controlled by the user. You say that guns are a sign of an unstable civilization, but then if a civilisation is so fragile that the mere existence of weapons can cause it to crumble, then the idea of a "stable" civilisation is laudable.
I did an oopsie, inser this in above

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Ebin thread πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ

There is no socialism in Sweden. Socialism means no private property and capitalists. Sweden is welfare capitalism.

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Read Capital Marx and Economics (starter pack of modern economic theory) m8. Before you speak about socialism. Welfare system is not orthogonal to Capitalism. Modern marginal theory of capitalism explains why society may need welfare. But only Marx explains why you MUST kill all capitalists - private property owners.

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Right that comes from the barrel of the gun. They simply outgun you. And this is true red-pill of law and legality. Violence is ultimate and only source of it.

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He he he he. At least Arabs and niggers like guns eh?

Snowniggers are too stupid to be live. I wash my hands of them.

I like it when we get some guy pretending I hope to be retarded.

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See this, m88


Why are you people so obsessed with having shitty furniture?
Shitty furniture a sign of an unstable civilization. Why do you even think shitty furniture is necessary. I never understand Swedes who think they still live in shitty housed. If shitty furniture wasnt so easily accessed you wouldn't have so many horrible school desks breaking, here in America we had one school desk break spree and it was by a dude who had to use a hammer instead of an Allen wrench because we are strict on furniture. If that man was in Sweden it would be another IKEA. If you want to build furniture so much then stick to video games.
The only people who should be allowed to build furniture should be: people with access to captialism and welders

Good to see this within the first 10 replies.

You fucking can't make this shit up

Well this thread was made by spergook as that shit for brains got rekt in a earlier thread by some swede.

Not on their own turf they don't. We all hate ZOG and shit but let's be realistic so we can actually fight back.

I like some gooks. They fucked up ZOGbots. Please correctly identify spergook as spermutt.


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It is hilarious how little you know about the doctrine you claim to follow.

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There's nothing wrong with faith in your fellow man. That doesn't make you a monster for being prepared for that faith to be misplaced. Just because you have guns doesn't mean you shoot anyone who looks at you funny, it just gives you a better chance of successfully defending yourself should you have to. As to why you should have to, because police response times are slow, certainly slow enough for you to be killed or maimed before the police arrive. Anyway, sage because I'm clearly responding to bait.

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