Well, not all weapons are physical, but all literally in your head. Post whatever you got for the most dangerous of all battlefields: The Mind.
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If I remembered this correctly didnt we try something to fuck with the VC by making ghost noises due to them being superstitious
My rabbi will never recover.
pls try to post pdfs or infograpics, though text/greentext is appreciated
yeah, we did
i think we just did britney spears with the bosnians
Operation Wandering Soul, another one was where they hooked a bunch of firecrackers to a chemical fuse then dropped them in VC areas leading to hilarious results of charlie on charlie fire.
Didn't they also drop sabotaged AKs and ammunition over VC territory to try to persuade them that the Soviets and Chinese were fucking with them?
Naw, MACSOG guys would raid charlie and his stash, steal spamcans upon spamcans then autistically stick a real no-no of a round into it then return it to charlie at a later point in time, they also did it with the 12.7x108 and 81mm mortars. It did enough damage relation wise that when the Sino-Soviet split happened the viets sided with Ivan than Chang.
Well, i dont know if this exactly pertains to the question, but if you shout nigger at the top of your lungs in a silicon valley office, heads are bound to explode.
I shouted it at Target the other day when the nigger pharmacy was closed at 5 even though their nigger website said they closed at 8. It definitely audibly triggered a bunch of people but they never saw me.
I vaguely remember a post about user spraying glow-in-the-dark dicks onto military equipment and structures to fight against an occupation force. Anyone remember it better?
It's called memetic warfare:
Dafuq is this unreadable shit
Read more.
Wanna know how to *completely and utterly* destabilize a nation, wreck the social landscape and break the spirit of its government? It's a deceptively simple trick. There's a lot of risk involved, but then again any proper action against a tyrannical foe is a high risk affair. Just read on.
Before you start, you must already have a compiled list of targets you would like to see dead. This is because this method will involve murder, and quite a lot of it. Better be people you wouldn't mind dying, no? Open borders activists, socialist pundits, journalists, politicians, they are all fair game. Don't pick too hard to reach targets though, you don't wanna get caught and especially not early on.
Alright, you have your target now. What you're gona do now is use all your learned skills to quietly break in, sneak into the target's bedroom and murder him in his sleep with minimal fuss. This is important, you want to make as little noise as possible to buy enough time to prepare the staging grounds. What does that involve? Simple, rig all entrances to the house with lethal booby traps, preferably bombs for their unmatched destructive potential and consequent psychological impact. You're also going to prepare a lure to make the cops come and investigate. I personally suggest a time-delayed audio recorder with mini-speakers to broadcast blood-curdling sctreams, but whatever floats your boat. Once it's all set, get the fuck out and put as much distance between the booby-trapped house and you as possible. When cops kick the door in, they'll be greeted with a huge explosion that will send them to kingdom come.
Next morning, when you're watching the aftermath on the news, you will prepare your next target. Come next week or next month or whatever, you do it all over again. Don't let too much time pass, you want to keep up the pressure. Pick a new target, kill them quietly in their sleep, set up lures, rig up bombs, leave. The same thing will happen. Repeat the steps a few more times. Sure, come the second or third time this happens they're gonna send the SWAT and/or the bomb squad, but those are high-maintainace and even though the government has virtually unlimited resources even they have a limit as to how much they can piss away at once. Simply put, they can't send the SWAT or the bomb squad or the National Guard to investigate every break-in. Sure, they'll also impose draconian measures such as curfews, patrols, random checkpoints, state of emergency, and so on. But again, *they can't be everywhere*. The power of a government is mostly psychological in nature. This is what your real target is. If you undermine the state's image of an all-seeing, all-powerful entity, you're left with an ordinary bunch mostly composed of badly trained half-wit thugs protecting feckless bureaucrats. This is the one loss the government *can not* shrug off. It's crucial that you understand this.
Don't even get me started on the psychological damage you're going to wreak on the goons themselves. As another poster here put it, you need police to enforce a police state, and while government thugs are brave and cocky against an unarmed populace they'll be quaking in their boots at the mere thought that they could be blown up the next time they kick in someone's door. Do this enough times, the cops will be too scared to investigate *any* crime and simply piss off. Eventually, they'll be content to just protect the elites because it'll be "safer". Big mistake. This will only speed up the process. A population that is left defenseless is a population that grows restless. Sure, it will take a while for the message to sink in (I would cite the UK, but there's cultural factors that skew things a bit). When crime is at an all-time high and the government isn't even *pretending* to protect its constitutents, it's inevitable that the people will become angry and decide to take things in their own hands. A person with a strong mind and charismatic outlook will have an easy time seizing the people's anger and focusing it on the elites that have abandoned them.
That's the easy part down. Whatever happens next, is up to you. Good luck.
Delightfully devilish, user
So you got yourself caught. What's the next step of your masterplan?
If you vary your targets and make sure to knock alarm systems out beforehand there should be much less risk of getting caught.
And that's why you don't just wander into random people's houses, and instead actually check to see what you need to do. Also:
Also, vary up your targets.
Let's talk about that too while we're at it.
How do you even argue against that? This is some next level bugmanism, this irrationality can not be stopped just by pointing that cops do that or that it'll be responsible for relatives' lives as well. You can only ridicule this hysterical madness in hopes of others not accepting it.
This is a manual for Psychological Warfare in Gorilla Operations.
Kommandos posted in the pdf dump, just highlighting it for u goys here.
I feel like I've been psyopped so hard that I can't look at any post on this site without extreme suspicion no matter how mundane it is.
How do I counteract the stress this brings me?
Learn to be suspicious yet also entertain the ideas for its own merits.
By pointing out that unwillingness to take the attackers life either means they value their life and the lives of their loved ones to be worth nothing or they are proudly showing off that they suffer from the most extreme cowardliness in existence.
This is not bugmanism, because it's even worse. Ants will risk their lives for other members of the hive who are in danger. This fag values the life of himself and his entire family less than one ant values another.
Yes but that just doesn't feel enough to stop someone who mande cowardly servitude and submission the point of its whole existence.
No, they are literally like that - unable to do anything that steps outside of their masters' and overseers' control. They are the crabs in the bucket of a fisherman.
They aren't to be respected. Are you seriously implying that the ones who mean it seriously have any kind of chance at power, to become a threat for you? Just use them, they deserve it. You can manipulate people very easily, especially people like the one in picture. They are weak and can be isolated without resistance, or without them noticing.