What is WRONG with books today?!

>Best Sellers: “Think like a (((joos)))”; “Think (((joos))), behave Nip”; “The (((Chosen))) People (basically book about bootlicking (((them))) (((Soros)))) included”

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Nothing new or special about these days. Just fellow humans expressing our pure evil natures in their own special ways.

Id need some evidence on the best-seller part(have no doubts on get rich self-help books being popular)

If by chance I have to visit that mall with my relatives again, I will try to take a picture of them if I can indeed photgraph with without trouble with the bookstore. Those books are not in English though, it is in the local language (which I can read), and the crimson book with upside-down pentagram is pretty blatant in and of itself.

I'll need two threads for this topic.

You forget the psychology section full of new age and esoteric/lamaist books.

We're fast approaching the end days. It's only going to get worse. All we can do is stick together and live as Christ commands us.

biblegateway.com/passage/?version=NIV&search=John 18:36

Wich country?

Remember when a group of supposedly evil dudes were burning books in large bonfires? Well those books were probably jewish books full of marxism and various evils. Its happening again.

Sounds like China, or some other east asian(possibly south east asian) country.

They were also burning up pornography

Ebin :DDD
Never mind the millions of death it caused tho :3
Communism, Nazism, etc…ideologies do not mix well with true Christianity and its core values.

That's right goy, capitalism in your friend. State sponsored usury is totally the Christian way

Ahh, the old "everything that deviates from classical liberalism is dangerous ideology".
A classic.

Christians don't have a history of being milquetoast

Monarchy is the only way

This board is but a battleground for leftists and “far right” supporters…a shame, a damn shame.

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Ah ah, me a centrist! God help this board!

You're wrong, Christianity doesn't completely fit into either political ideology, yet leftism is much much more incompatible than conservationism.

I can agree with you on this.

I can agree with you on this.
I came to God indeed through some of the writings of people who were traditionalists and even some fascist writers; but then I realised those ideologies were twisting God unto a fetish for other idols.
Fascism and Nazism are maybe not as bad as Communism on certain topics. But it’s easy even for them to end up at war with God.

TLDR is 1 corinthians 3:4-7

I see your point but i don't see how that is related to what i posted? There is plenty of division in the bible, even if the groups are under Christ. I agree that every flavor of christian/person should be united under Christ, however certain ideologies cannot function within Christianity.

I am skeptical of all ideologies because they come directly from man, and unlike the faith we (supposedly) share in God (which comes from Him), they are full of our own darkest desires deep down, and will lead us astray from God one way or another.
Many of them have good intentions, but when you consider which road is paved with them…

one of the bookshops at my local mall has an entire section with ouija boards, tarot cards and books on witchcraft it's an entirely additional section apart from the new age / spiritualist shelf which is included with the religious texts. (same shelf as the Bibles)

left/right paradigm is a false dichotomy. You're living the lie of the french revolution (((enlightenment)))

I tell everyone this exact same thing and they always look at me like I slapped them. It's amazing how much of their political worldview is shaped by mass media. Even those on the right who claim not to trust it still allow it to monopolize their attention and shape their thinking and discourse.