AR-15 General

I didn't see any kind of AR General thread so I figured I'd make one. Also wasn't aware of a copypasta info either.

I'm making this thread to discuss configuration, accessories, paint, ballistics, brands and whatever else relates to the assembly, use, and culture of Stoner's magnificent rifle.

AR-10 discussion also welcome.

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Other urls found in this thread:,_Changes_to_Gun_Ownership_and_Purchase_Requirements_Measure_(2018)

So, Brownells has a deal going for Aero Precision M4E1 uppers and lowers. So I grabbed a set because I loved them on my first rifle build. Convinced 2 other friends to grab em too. Lots of useful features.

Anyways. Since I found myself doing another build and don't want to wait for SBR, I'm gonna build a pistol.

It seems like if I go with a 7.5" barrel, I'll get about 2000-2100fps and around 1-4moa at 100yds assuming I got a decent barrel.

They say 1:9 twist rate is best for 55gr bullets, but would a shorter barrel affect this? Would I be better getting a 1:7 since it won't be travelling the full distance? I have a 1:7 18" KAK barrel on my rifle and I get sub MOA with it using 55gr in 5.56 and .223.

Additionally, going to a 7.5" barrel, do I need to worry about gas Port diameter or would I be fine with just grabbing a decent adjustable block and tune as usual?

Also, pic is not from a YouTube video. Post was getting all fucked

Is it just popular because media makes it out to be evil? Don't see the point of this gun over others.

Rifle is fine.

Veterans enjoyed the M16 and M4, so they get to have one minus the fun switch when they get out.
But yeah a lot of people unironically got into ARs because the media shits on them all the time, no joke. Take a noguns shooting and hand them all sorts of gimmicky goofy shit, yet they enjoy the AR most of all.

A lot of this. But when it comes down to it, it's legitimately reliable as hell, super modular and most of the parts on the market at for AR platform. Many modern guns are designed around the platform from Sig to HK.

It's the Glock of rifles. Except I'd say most modern AR's post 2010 are more reliable than Glocks. That's 100% in my experience from dozens of AR's are 6 ones I built myself ranging from 450-2100$ before optics. The only time I've had a jam or failure to feed on an AR was with one of those magwell grips. Wasn't my rifle. It was my first time seeing an AR in person. I'm pretty sure he had a polymer lower because once we took the grip off the magwell there were zero issues.

On the other hand, I have experience with G17, 19, 22, 27 42 36 and 43. Every single one of them failed at least once every time we went to the range. From failures to feed to stove piping and in the case of the 27, multiple bad strikes.
Except the G17. It's never jammed or failed to fire, but I expect it will soon. It has no power to eject casings from standard federal loads. They either eject directly into your face or straight up and pretty much landing on your hand while firing.

After all these experiences using other people's guns I'm pretty convinced I'll never buy a Glock unless I get it dirt cheap.

On the other hand, through winter, mud and dirt as long as you're not being completely retarded, AR's to me seem reliable as hell. My person experience on my very first custom build from scratch was a one time cleaning and lubrication before I fired the gun and I didn't clean or lube it for the first 750 rounds. Nickel boron bolt. Not a single jam or failure. I was skeptical at first to get into AR's because of all of the memeing. But I'm genuinely glad I did. It's the best bang for buck especially if you like building(assembling) shit yourself.

Didn't Washington state just ban "semi-automatic assault rifles", hence banning every single semi-automatic rifle including shitty .22 plinkers?

You must be 21 years old to purchase a pistol or semi automatic rifle in Washington as of January 1st.

Starting July 1st more measures go into affect regarding gun storage, sale and mandatory waiting periods.,_Changes_to_Gun_Ownership_and_Purchase_Requirements_Measure_(2018)

Ridiculous. You're old enough to be executed by the government, put in jail or die in the army at 18 but you can't drink or own guns before 21 in some American states.

I will never understand the retarded concept of each state having different laws.

The nature of having a federal government instead of a unitary one. It's a better system for very large countries like America, Brazil or Russia. For small European nations it's pointless and divisive.

Because North Carolina and California are different countries.

What's the point of painting? Is it something that csgo players do when they get their guns? Or is it actual camo? If it is, I'd say it's not very smart unless you're actually in the jungle in full camo yourself. If not, the eye has more difficulty to perceive darker and neutral colors because of the light absorption or some shit like that. On urban environments or even in a forest having a darker weapon (which is the pattern I found to be the most common in modern rifles) would be more advantageous, don't you think?

Same reason you don't want some faggot in Brussels telling you what to do.

Because each state is basically a different country.

A solid black rifle's outline is a lot easier to spot than a rattlecanned rifle's outline. No matter what environment you're in.

It's かわいい

The media demonizes it BECAUSE it's the most popular firearm in the US. If they can ban it, they're a big step toward banning all guns.

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Shorter than 10" for 5.56 is shit. So much unburned powder. If your goal is to shoot big fireballs though, by all means.

Barrel length has no discernable effect on bullet stabilization.

Yeah, unburned powder and low velocity yeah yeah I addressed this, though. I understand I'll be at about the same velocity or a little lower than 762x39 sitting in the area of 2100fps. But my accuracy seems to be fine up to 150 yards which is far more than I'll ever use it for. Like I said it will be a home defense rifle and target shooting 100 yards an under, and if I can get into this club, USPSA shooting.

Do you have more information on your claim? If I have 1 twist every 9 inches then my bullet won't even undergo a full revolution by the time it leaves the barrel versus 1 twist every 7 inches. To me this seems like it would have an effect on stabilization consider your average barrel will have 2 full revolution before it leaves the barrel.

I agree with this concept highly. Nobody else i too agrees with me that prior to many of these large superstates, you had city states and nation states that are all relatively small in size.

It's literally in our countries name. The United STATES of (north) America. The USA is a conglomeration of countries. Hence why the federal government was only intended to serve as a defensive structure and leave laws entirely to each state.

If you're insistent on a shorty barrel just go for .300 memeout, don't bother with 5.56 in anything less than an 18" barrel.

Confirmed for retard.

Just no.
I bet you carry a 5.7 handgun, nerd.

The number of rotations the bullet makes as it travels the barrel is irrelevant, it is rotating at a constant rate: the twist rate. It continues at the same rate as it exits the barrel. Its why handgun barrels stabilize their bullets just fine, too.

strongly disagree.
I hated the A2 I had when I was in. jam-o-matic.
resisted the AR for years. finally broke down and did a super low budget build.
love it. eats everything I feed it, accurate (depending on what I feed it) and fun to shoot.
planning on building more.

When's the last time you checked ammo prices There's AKMs in 7.62 if you're still kvetching that much about price, but this is the AR thread, not the AK thread.

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But I'm not gonna just take your word for it when stabilization and barrel length very clearly affect accuracy at range. I'll be happy to take any evidence you'd like to point out directly refuting my reasoning. But pistols aren't accurate either. They spread out like a motherfucker after 30 yards. And long boy revolvers with fixed barrels seem to do good up to 100 yards maybe a bit more but these are some mufucking smg size barrels talking about a 6" fixed neck.

I check them yesterday when trying to decide what caliber I wanted the gun to be in. No store in my area sells affordable memeout. I usually go to Walmart for my ammo because they're by far the cheapest. And they don't have it at all.

762 has been raising in prices and I keep hearing that the supplies are draining since it's not a mainstream bullet anymore. So I don't really want to go through the hassle of building an AR47 and figuring out all of the gas and feeding issues it's probably gonna have just to see rising prices past what I expect.

I'm building it short specifically for home defense and 3 gun style shooting. Quick fire, light, short and maneuverable. If fragmentation is your main concern, the chances that this will be used past 15 yards on a human are incredibly slim. And 7.5" doesn't seem to have any tumbling issues or real negative affects besides velocity at long range so it will be more than fun to bring to a range where I'll be shooting 25-50 and occasionally 100 yards.

I have an 18" 1:7 AR that I built already. Pic related. I also built a friend a 16 inch. Not small enough for what I want it's essentially the same size. I'm looking for extreme tiny-ness.

5.56 out of a 7.5" barrel is indefinitely better than a 45 acp. And it costs the same or less to shoot. Besides I already bought the lower and upper on sale so whatever I chamber it in has to be plausible with those. And those little adapters suck dick for pistol cartridges

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Anybody have any experience with the .223 Wylde modified chamber? It's supposed to run 5.56 and 2.23 equally well but all I've got to go on is hearsay.

The difference is the lead angle on .223 Wylde. There's a slight pressure difference between 223 and 5.56. The chamber on a 5.56 has a different lead angle because the throat is longer.

.223 Wylde was created supposedly to have the accuracy of the .223 chamber and not compromise the function or reliability of the popular AR-15 platform according to wiki. But my .223 rifles are just as accurate as my 5.56 Chambers. The big difference I see is when you go to bolt guns/single action. Which when we're talking about average 0.15-3" tighter average groups it's really not a huge advantage over volume of fire.

I've never looked at Wylde prices but if they're significantly more expensive than 5.56 then don't bother.

bait or cringe

Cringe all you want, FAGGOT. I could most likely outshoot you and whoop your ass in a fight.

You'd be begging Batman to save your lardass after getting sniped kiddo.

I know we're on Zig Forums but what a pussy. As if you even knew the lay of my land enough to snipe me let alone camouflage yourself effectively. The only way to snipe me would be an over 300 yard shot through one of my windows because of an elevated house.

You're probably noguns and norange either. I'll fucking eat your soul tomorrow morning for breakfast

Dont do 7.5. I almost do but I got a chance to shoot one beforehand, I went with 10.5 because it was much cheaper than the 11.5, but if you can that would be my recommendation.
It is not so much accuracy, its just the general usability of the gun. If you use a 7.5 for home defense your ears will be fucked. I know it sounds rad to have a super short barrel, but in reality it sucks. So far I love my 10.5. Would reccomend you go for a linear comp. When I move I am going to grab an 8.5 300 aac barrel and a can.
Sorry if this is hard to read, a few drinks in atm.
Just don't go lower than 10.5. also the SBA3 is fantastic.

The only thing you'll be eating is doritos and mountain dew, lardass.

I was planning on buying a can in late Feb so that by the time my birthday comes around my stamp would be in. There's no need to have a 23" AR so I'm not putting a can on my 18" rifle. But I figured I could have a 7.5" tinyrifle for now and later on it would end up being roughly 12" after I put a can on it. Plus super cool aesthetics and increased velocity. I also autistically keep my range bag open in my closet which is next to my bed which my firearms are all located here as well. Depending on the spook in the night I can appropriately grab a gun and ear pro and be on the move.

I just feel like 10.5 won't be small enough as a base for what I'm trying to get. I'm going for as legitimately small as I can get it, light as I can get it, while having nearly full control of it's functionality IE I can choose my triggers buffer weights gas system grip angles rails optics etc… Without buying some shitty gun in a caliber that's too expensive or ineffective.

You just outted yourself buddy. I'm 6'3" 220lbs lean.

Bruh, pls don't, 6" 556 equals 6" 9mm+p in energy, just don't. Get yourself the memest pistol caliber carbine and use it instead if you want compact so much. It'll save you money, weight and ears. Or at least pick 300 memeout or 7.62x39.

So I am getting the noguns vibe from saying you are gunna get a can for a 7.5 .223, but whatever dude. People are recommending against it for a reason, if you want to go shorter than 10.5 get 300 aac.
At least shoot it first. Or don't and be bummed. I was 100% sure on that same setup, glad a buddy talked me out of it.

if you want super short get an ar9, still a meme gun but theoretically useful.
This sounds more 4chan than Zig Forums, if you want an "le aesthetic reddit upboat gun" go for it. I assume this is your first gun, and if so plan on being bummed later and wishing you would of not wasted your money. It will be useful for being internet tacticool, or pissing off fudds at a range, that's about it.

Learn from the mistakes of others, don't jump in a hole trying to prove you can climb out.

Not true at all your numbers have no backing. 9mm muzzle energy is sub 320 once it hits it's target in a decent range.

I have multiple rifles and handguns. This is -not- my first gun. This is a project I want to do since I got a lower/upper set real cheap.

I don't want a let aesthetic upboat gun. I specifically want a hypershort rifle that is bookbagable and maneuverable in a standard American home unlikely the 18" monster I have now.

I wanted a suppressor originally but decided I didn't want a suppressor on my already long rifle. But now that I'm interested in a short rifle I'm reinterested in getting a suppressor.

If I put a big ole can on a 10.5 inch barrel, it's gonna end up being nearly 16 inches long which is too long for me to maneuver in my house.

However, at 7.5 inches I could add as big of a can as I want without worrying about going past 11-13 inches so we'd be in a comfy zone of length. In additional to ballistically proven of increase in velocity this would give me extra oomph. Just more carbon buildup as shit isn't ejected.

It would be useful for 3 gun and home defense over a handgun, and would be much more unique than everybody else's over the counter rifle.

Are you insinuating I'm not a man of my word? As if I would just say I was gonna do something and then not do it? I'm perfectly capable of making loud bangs for 6 months or so until the suppressor comes in. I'd have tons of fun, and increased velocities and major buckets of cums from fags at the range.

You'd tell me to suppress a 7.5" aac so why not 223

Point me to where I can reliably buy .300 blackout for less than 75c a round. Because as it stands spending 80$ on 100 rounds is ridiculously when 100 rounds of federal 55gr .223 is 29.80 and 200 rounds 55gr Remington 5.56 is 58$.

We're talking well over double the price of what I currently shoot. And I shoot minimum once a week. Cost a big factor here when I put down range 600-1500 rounds a month.

Lel, and i wasn't even talking about 9mm but 9mm+p(insert 40sw/45 in here)

Try to think about it

Yeah yeah typing to fast fkoff

I've seen numerous cases where a muzzle break and suppressor combo for sub 10" rifles are operating just fine and cycling just fine.

Weren't you talking about home defense and how you couldn't handle a firearm in your corridors? Or have they become 50 meters long now?

This is the gayest thread I've seen in a few months. Next time Google it, or use reddit/4chan.
Just buy it op, I'm sure it's everything you think it will be, and is in no way a stupid idea. Everyone here is just jealous of your expendable cash and range time, clearly you oper8 on the reg.

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I was referencing the use of the word muzzle.

Implying you can realistically use a nearly 19" barrel and fully extended stock to clear your average American home. Nigger I have to walk up stairs just to get to my ground floor and then clear a small hallway before reaching my main entrance which says lines of sight with my rear entrance. This isn't veitnam fighting in a gook jungle. Extremely tight spaces and fast maneuvers is my entire goal with this project.
Sorry I'm not manlet but it's hard enough swinging my monkey arms around let alone a rifle.

Implying I'm not doing other things. I'm replying to the same shit I've been replying to for days as well as doing """work""" at work.

This is a general thread where you can talk about whatever you want. I DID Google it. And I found decent answers that I liked, and some I didn't. I made a general AR thread and posted a separate comment for my own discussion inside of a general that wasn't here.

I don't think anybody here is jealous of anything pal. I also wasn't asking about which caliber I should use, I asked about twist rate and barrel length in relation to stability as well as gas Port sizing.

Additionally, I asked somebody to find me a cheap supplier of .300 blackout. Which would highly sway me in another direction. But spending almost a dollar a bullet you can fuck right off.

Stabilization != accuracy. It is only about rotating a bullet and the proper rate to prevent a round tumbling through the air, or keyholing on target. Will a shorter barrel affect accuracy? Yes, as far as velocity is concerned but that wasn't the original question. As long as the barrel has an appropriate twist rate for a given bullet, it will stabilize it properly. There are infinite articles, forum posts, and jewtube videos on the subject if you want further information. Just don't conflate stability and accuracy together, they are not the same thing.

wew, your pistol is more accurate than you are, unless you have a proper bench rest rig for one.

get gud

Like the other user said, the advantage of 223 Wylde is to give you a slight boost in accuracy when firing 5.56. But there are so many other factors that influence accuracy to a much greater degree than the chamber (not least of which is the shooter, ie you) that you're not going to see a noticeable change from switching chambers.

Capeshit is trash and Agents of Shield is pretty bad even compared to other capeshit. Don't try to defend yourself, just accept that you have poor taste and leave it be, you'll get bullied less for it.

I dunno about +P 9mm but 10mm surpasses 5.56 in muzzle energy out of 10" barrels, and the divide only gets sharper the shorter you go.

You type like you do.

You seriously don't see the difference between memeout out of a short barrel and 5.56 out of a short barrel? Especially subsonic? If you really aren't noguns you would kill yourself right now.

Just check ammoseek you doublenigger, it's 40 cents a round new and 30 cents a round reloaded. If you can afford faggy gaming chairs and a cerakote paint job you can afford to shoot memeout.

I don't know what capeshit is. Superheros? No YOU have shit taste. The movies are good but I put on to watch in the background. I couldn't even give you a synopsis on most things I watch.

It's le krylon and rustoleom bitch. I repaint it once or twice a year once the paint or design becomes unrecognizable. Which is usually after about 4 months of hard use.

I CAN see the difference. That was never argued. There's clearly a difference in performance between the rounds. I'm far more concerned about ammo availability for memeout.

I checked ammoseek. I'll see if these companies are it Jews but the only one that seems worth it is selling armscor which I've had bad luck with their handgun ammunition. Either way shipping costs immediately put me at nearly 65c a round or more. I went to Walmart this morning and they said they don't stock 300blk but if I wanted they could order it for me. Federal 150gr for 12.80+ tax per 20 rounds which comes to a little over 65 cents a round. Which is still more expensive than I was hoping but at least they can get quick free shipping regularly.

I'll have to see what they can do to order them regularly. I'm friends with the store manager there but I'm not sure if he has pull like that or not. Like I said earlier I shoot in large volumes. 200 rifle a week and 200 handgun a week usually. Sometimes more sometimes less. I'm looking at DOUBLING my rifle costs for at least 2 months just to properly affiliate myself with the round.

Single chair. That I got half paid for as a gift 4 years ago. All of my shit is good quality because I spend time and carefully choose shit. Those monitors are 2 and 8 years old respectively. Blah blah whatever I don't really care what you think I do with my money or how much I have to spend. But this shit is twice as expensive to shoot is my main concern here.

Two trips in a row. Call me the getter

What a shock. You girls unironically need to go back to cuckchan.

For the second time: you're only digging yourself deeper into this hole, just stop before you embarass yourself further. You have shit taste in some things, it's okay, everyone has a guilty pleasure. Just calm down your micropenis and accept that with the bit of grace you have remaining to you.

Then just be honest about that instead of trying to convince yourself that 5.56 is better out of short barrels than it really is. And if your concern is just ammo cost then go for 7.62x39, there's a fair few AR-style guns out there that take AK magazines. Or hell, just get a PSA AKM.

I'll call you a nigger

I AM and ADHD nigger that needs constant stimulation. Very bad ADHD, Yee.
No fuck YOU still. Taste is subjective and fantasy shit is entertaining. I've seen every episodes of American Dad Futurama Cleveland show that 70's show dozens and dozens of times each when I was a teenager just because of background noise.
Motherfuckers can't stand silence and I fill that silence CONSTANTLY. Even when I'm shooting I listen to audio books or music because it helps me focus.

I said this to begin with fuckstick. You're all acting like shooting 5.56 out of a short barrels is the equivalent to spitballs when it still has beyond enough killing power and accuracy.

Firstly, the goal is to use the lower and upper I got cheap for a new build. I did consider this chamber but decided that because the price keeps going up and the increasing rumors that the ammo is becoming less available I'm going to decide not to. It's not a major round for anybody anymore and it's cheap because of surplus. If that surplus runs out it's gonna be just as expensive and shittier than memeout. I'm willing to make modifications to the feeds ramps and shit to make it feed reliably in a standard receiver set send magazines, but I'm more worried about long term ammo availability. Which I'm not worried about at all for blackout.

Like I said, I'm gonna get in touch with my buddy and see if I can convince his store to stock blackout or at least try to set up a consistent stash for myself through him since this route can give me the best availability. IE no shipping times and no shipping costs.

Yeah I know I should be reloading but I'm brainretarded. Shit takes time though. I have 2-3 hours of actual -do nothing- time a week on average. Between work, overtime,lifting, training, studying, and extra"curricular" things I do like (((German))) and (((programming))), I'm left with very little time that I can spend sitting in s chair doing nothing but watching TV or playing video games. Oh and the monthly shit like shopping and banking etc…

I'd rather not dedicate the last bit of time to reloading.

You'll call me the brainretarded getter and you'll fucking like it, scum.

This should be a pasta

Taste is subjective. Quality isn't. So long as you recognize that distinction.

No it just sucks to shoot, the blast is huge, it's unstably loud. 5.56 is just not designed for short barrels. people build them as range toys for that reason. For home defense you will be blind and deaf for a good bit after your first shot. That is the major problem here imo. you feel the need to mention how often you go to the range over and over, so finding one to shoot should not be a problem.
The answer is obvious, you say you want to get a can in the future, get a 10.5 223. When you get your can, buy it for 300 aac, and throw that barrel and can under the 10.5 in handguard you would already have.
you wont find anyone here agreeing with what you think the reality of your meme gun will be.

Kill yourself you scum.

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What a colossal faggot you are.

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Shut up, leaf. The 4 videos a year of cops doing genuinely bad things don't speak for all of us.

Wow what a sad life. Don't get me wrong Jews are bad n shiet but literally everything is Jews. Gotta give and take.

The only range I currently have access to is a state range where many fudds go to with their hunting rifles and the occasional cop to get some handgun practice in. I'm not a property owner so the only time I get experience with guns I don't have is when I take others to the range. But then it's just your Glocks and handguns and the occasional rifle.

My buddy still hasn't replied to me, must be working second today. Still waiting on that answer for stocking.

I never wanted anybody to agree with me. I wanted information on twist rate, barrel length and gas Port sizing.

Kill. Yourself. Scum. Only a faggot would trust some powerhungry manlet, with his life, now shoo, shoo, go take away more guns because your pay check told you to. Go protect niggers and illegal spics because you just do what you are told. You’ll be the first to oppose a proper nationalist group and the first to die for the (((status quo))). Hey

Anyways am the leaf you replied to. Pardon.

Don't know if you're stupid or just some bootlicker
They're the pawns of (((the state))) and thusly should not be trusted
They WILL shoot you for being a gun owner
They WILL take away your guns

Untrue at all. I'm a proud nationalist through and through and I took my job to protect the people. I disapprove of mass immigration and want an ethnostate of at least 75%.

I actively encourage people to buy and hide firearms when they get banned. And I would refuse any order of confiscation if it was unconstitutional.

The power of the state is the people, fam. I don't get paid enough to have no morals. And a lot of my coworkers (((seemingly))) agree.

Like I said, we're not all bad because of a few videos dude. We're just assholes because we deal with literally the worst of people. Nobody calls us when things are going good. We get called for the shit of humanity.

I try and switch it up when I go shooting and use other popular rifles all the time. Even if they perform as well, I always go back to my bone stock bushmaster. I don't even get it completely. AR's are just excellent rifles and cheap as hell.

Incorrect, even when purchasing factory ammo.
Incorrect, not that I buy single boxes of ammo at local retailers rather than buying in bulk online.
Even if it were 80 cents a round, that would really be an impediment to your fun? Sad.
I use it in a suppressed SBR for home defense, and, yes, for fun at the range.

Anything below 90 is too low. What's your ethnicity?

I have many plain jane 556/223 chambered rifles shooting sub moa. 223 wylde may not be useless, but it is not necessary by any means.

Don't get me wrong I'd love to see 90%. But that is an unreachable goal. You won't find anybody to rally to achieve this unless you annex another country. I'm mostly polish and Russian, with a small bit of spaghetti. I had very blonde hair until I was 14 until it started turning light brown. Blue eyes that occasionally have some green in there.

I know you didn't (((yet))), but
There are no nonmutts on Earth anymore. The glory days are over and whites are a limited species if we keep our current path of complacency.

I think the adage applies that the time you would start burying guns is the time you should be digging them up.
Why did you qualify that? Who do you think decides what is (((constitutional)))? The constitution was pilpul'd beyond recognition in the 20th century. Is the ex post facto Lautenberg amendment constitutional? The courts have said it is, and it remains the law. Would you refuse an order of confiscation based on it?

Honestly, I hope more civilians refuse confiscation. Ideally this would happen nonviolently. The Bundy confrontation ended without violence, with the feds backing down, so there is hope.

As much as I'd like to tell you I'd fire on some dude demanding me to hand over my guns, I wouldn't and most people wouldn't.

The best course of action is to hide your shit for the inevitable "rebellion". You will not win the first wave. Millions would die over pride and ego and we would lose a lot of brave people with a stupid tactic. The best course would be to hide it all, report it stolen, and wait for connections and anti government groups to rise up and join those in secret and subvert the state after the fact. You just won't win and there will be too many losses if you go for the first chance.

Basically to sum up my views if I was a cop in commifornia I would have quit my job a long time ago and moved elsewhere because I wouldn't put up with their laws. That's fucking illegal.

I would take guns away from domestic abusers and mentally adjudicated because freedom comes with responsibilities. But there's a fine line between restriction of rights and loss of rights.

I hope people don't die during a confiscation though they inevitably will. I just hope the smart and brave ones are really thinking about how to go about their shit the right way so that a rebellion has a chance at least, even if it won't last. Well either go down in history or be snuffed. Either way, dying a warrior for what you believe in is the most important thing in my opinion.

It has just been proven in court you're legally not supposed to, as per (((shool shooting))) where you zogbots ran away from gunman

You're literally the first piece of shit in line to take my funz. Kill yourself spic.

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Those (((absolute faggot cowards))) ran. I've had close friends even before being a cop who have died from guns. I would gladly get fatally injured stopping or attempting to stop some fuck from shooting children or anybody for that matter.

Nice try

The only fun I'd take away from you is pulling you over for driving your piece of shit Honda too fast because you think 2 years of driving with hondata makes you a professional driver immune to mistakes.

Which court, and what was the case? This sentence doesn't make any justifiable sense. Receiving orders as a patrolman not to enter an active shooter scene isn't a court order to not protect people.

Patrolmen ARENT special response units. As somebody who does patrolling and special response and narcotics as well as been into shooting most of his teenage and adult life, I can tell you without a doubt that your average officer is a fucking loon with a gun. They qualify in academy and a few times a year and that's it. Few of them regularly shoot or train for anything other than a quick draw sub 7 yards. The gun on your hip as an officer is strictly for self defense in an emergency situation. Because firing pistols under stress at any distance larger than 7 yards is extremely difficult for anybody to do. This is why rifles exist and why special response units exist. Because we and they train for high stress offensive tactics.

Patrolmen do not. At all. They're best features are close quarters hand to hand where a lot of them come from wrestling and BJJ backgrounds or none at all. But department roughhousing happens regularly and no-weapon altercations are like 85+% of all encounters.

You fucks are really bottom of the barrel in IQ aren't you? I gotta spoon feed you current events related to your job?

Your badge that says "to serve and protect" is literally fake news. You have no constitutional duty to do either. You ensure (((law))) is enforced. That's it.

I'm not gonna read your long-winded explanation as to why you or your fellow zogbots are not pieces of shit. Again, you're first in line to take guns from citizens and you're trying to rationalize it on Zig Forums. Know your audience and just lurk, filthy mudskin.

I went the extra step and finished the build.

Attached: dualwield.png (1769x787, 988.34K)

It says to protect and serve you fucking imbecile nice meme though.

Brainlet. Not having a duty to go in is NOT the same thing as being told to not go in.

I ensure PEOPLE are safe by ensuring the law is followed.

You're just spouting off irrational cophate that everybody else spouts off with no justification whatsoever you mudmonkey.

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OOPS. Go live in the middle East if you want no laws. Or Brazil or some other shit hole where laws aren't existent or enforced. You want a modern civilized society you NEED rules and you NEED order. And occasionally people need to be made an example out of. This is how you keep people safe. I'm not a politician. I'm a Frontliner who just wants people to stop assaulting their wives and robbing randos and stores and shiet. I did 4 years in security and then 2 in mental health before I even joined the force.

You literally know NOTHING about what goes on outside of your basement. Just high profile shit you see while scrolling jewbook that happens a handful of times a year.

Calm down dude. It's okay, there are so many edgy retards on imageboard.

I didn't tolerate people throwing shit at me in s mental Ward and I won't tolerate it on an imageboard. Turdflingers deserve nothing but eternal prison. And I don't mean by the state

Really? Mental ward?

Peace dude.

>being this buttblasted about people seeing your (((profession))) as scum.
Just lurk you faggot. You're embarrassing yourself.

lolol what are you gonna do about it fuckface?

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Peec bruv.

I'm not
I'm killing time while I'm on light duty
Your taxpayers dollar pays me to shitpost for a quarter of my shift btw

I'm gonna find your location using the ISP I just captured while watching for traffic on the site and use it to fucking gangrape you, you little twat.

lmfao getting this butthurt because your faggot lego rifle was called out

This is what you do when you lose whatever made up argument you had in your head. My points were made yesterday dude and everything anybody has called me out on was settled and was never argued once to begin with. It was a bunch of people spewing opinions irrelevant to the question I asked.

Kys faggot.

I'm a leaf. My taxpayer dollars don't feed your Dwayne Johnson looking mudskin family. Of course you'd realize that if you had white IQ.

OF COURSE you're on light doody. You're a faggot gamer with gay gun mods who's a (((marvel))) fan. Job got too stressful huh?


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i didn't insult you i insulted your faggot rifle

Thank you for your service. Thank you for your service. Sacrifice. Wounded warrior. Thank you. Sacrifice. Wounded warrior. Service.

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Wew lad. I bet you think night vision super stealth ops happen often in America.

You've been insulting me this entire time, nigger. And now you're beating around the bush because I called you out on it.

You can dislike my rifle all you want, it gets used more in a week than yours likely sees in a year. And you can dislike my opinions on short barrel 5.56 but the ballistics show that it can do it's job. It was never questioned whether it was worse or better than another caliber. The question was regarding twist rates and gas Port size. Quit being a stupid fucking nigger for upvotes on a a caribbean film forum.

It's literally one giant fight in between coworkers all the time. It's literally how you consistently deal with being treated like shit. But treating others and being treated like shit regularly. If you think this is me losing my head I genuinely feel bad for you.

Peace please.

you're exremely r*cist about the black people you swear to protect tbh

Niggers aren't black people. Empirically.

oh is it night time? See, in Canada, it's daytime and summer season. How stupid can you pigs be?

Who you trying to kid piggie

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Can you doubleniggers fuck off?
Why are you here if all you manage to accomplish in every thread is to look like an absolute faggot to everyone here.

We really don't care what you think. We get berated and yelled at constantly while getting coffee or even at stoplights. I knew a guy a couple cities over that was shot in the head while sitting in his patrol car.

You know what he gets? Laughed at and ridiculous. His family gets to see hundreds of thousands of people say he deserved it just for being a cop and nothing to do with his actions.

That's disgusting. And you sit behind your computers acting hard and aggressive but in reality you're a meek, feeble spineless coward who truly wouldn't even confront a cashier over skipping you out on 2$.

I made one comment about it and wasn't challenged and now you're attaching one statement to another made 24 hours apart

I don't give a fuck what you do offline, just don't bring this shit here. You two fuck wads are reddit incarnate, and deserve all the shit you've been getting, and will continue to get because you insisted on not lurking long enough. You are getting shit because you post like faggots