Describe to me your perfect range

Describe to me your perfect range.

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You're own backyard. No limits for anything.

theres a church in my backyard

so what? he didn't mind the synagogue

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There would be turkish, albanian, skopje and jewish POWs on the other end

This, but with gooks, kikes, niggers and snackbars.

My hatred for our neighbors is so high that sometimes I forget that I also hate gooks and niggers too. Thanks for reminding me lad

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This execpt with Gypsies, kurds, albanians, communists and fags.

This, but with evil Nazis, cishet bigots and white supremacists.

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this but with jannys mods and admins

Go suck some Sudanese dick faggot

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No specifics. Just needs to be big enough that I can play with artillery without casualties.

Greeks are my spirit animal.

Did an Australian really miss the joke this hard, or am I missing the joke wherein he pretends to miss the joke?

The latter.

You might need to take some vaccines to get on our level of autism.

I'm all for reducing our carbon footprint, and bringing niggers over here would do irreparable damage to our beautiful planet.

Therefore live Chinks and Koreans should suffice as targets.

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Sir, why not turn that Korea place into one giant environmental reserve. You get to watch nature take back the land and you get to learn the howtos of CQC on an industrial scale.

Christ, they're multiplying. Shoo, shoo, kangaroo!

Australians are the strongest race, at least our racial minorities declare open racial warfare against each other.

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They've done the same shit in soon to be spicland. Spics have driven out the blacks of their neighborhoods.

I don't know what I expected.

Anyway my range would be


The street which have the most gipsy inhabitant.

Probably two smaller ranges.
big range

Small range
I'd probably research the shit out of it before hand but I'd want a recreation of an old 1800s shooting gallery to plink 22s.

Aside from this does anyone know if galvanized bolts like the kind you find at hardware stores any good for hanging targets or did I just get a bad one? Had a friend fire a burst from is mp5 into my target causing it to fly off, the galvanized carriage bolt was completely missing but the strap I used was still on the stand but torn badly. Also should I bother with carabiners and quick links or should I just use s hooks and shepards hooks, seems like they're strong but when they get hit you need a wrench and pliers to really man handle them open.

My ideal would be the following.
>Have at least 20 miles of land, preferably up to 100 or so if not more

Fair enough. Besides, I think that both of us would agree that the more dead chinks, the better.

How about this then?

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From the thumbnail I thought it was pic related.

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Not enough woods.

Pretty much OP pic but with shitters and a nice cabin with a shooting bench.

I don’t know what I expected.

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That’s about it, wouldn’t be too unrealistic besides the electric targets. Could build the shack myself probably, just weld up some heavy brackets and weather strip the west wall. Put little mounts on the bottom for some wheels so the wall isn’t just hanging by the mounts. Put in some chairs by the stove, insulated space for the beer keg so it doesn’t freeze in winter. Some benches and various height objects to rest on. And maybe a two story small town area for CQB like the other strelok said. And some weatherproof speakers to play Erika when I have 20 nogs, gooks, chinks, shitskins, poos, and kikes(?) not sure if there are any in my area at all, oh and chugs, on the posts out to 1000 metres, so I can put on my SS uniform and see if I can get my K98K to hit at a kilometre with irons.

I'm a shitcuntlander, actually.I have no idea why I have a bong flag.

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No, really.

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I’ve never got those, wouldn’t the gas loss of a revolver negate the purpose of having an extended barrel? Or does it seal somehow?

it has to have some magic seal, or the grip is retarded/uncomfortable

The loss of velocity makes little to no difference in actual effectiveness, especially taking caliber into consideration.
Your get was wasted on thinking all of the gas is dumped through the cylinder gap.

He has to keep repeating that it's fine if you don't rub your arm against the cylinder or just wear sleeves when shooting normally because people because ~160 year old fuddlore.

0030 urban force on force is the best range. First world cities with urban decay and subway tunnels make for much fun.

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Your get was wasted on thinking all of the gas is dumped through the cylinder gap.
When did I say all the gas? Pressure should dump a non-negligible amount out the sides which is why I asked. I have never velocity tested revolvers of varying length nor measured the amount of lost gas through the gap.

Spergook or mobile faggot?

I didn't say you did, there have been tests done already.

Is this the new "no u" or some shit? I'm referencing people saying that the Colt Root rifle set people's sleeves on fire when there are no recorded incidents of such.

Which is why I asked: because I didn’t know. I suppose I could have searched it but seeing as the cunt had the gun himself I though I’d ask because online “discussions” about guns usually ends up in the same vain as 9mm vs .45 or AK vs AR shitflinging.
I was just asking as your wording was retarded, and spergook uses a burger VPN and doesn’t know English.

Three separate ranges circulating a club house with pro shop, classroom and bar/grill w/roof patio. 1st range square 1000yd, target pits at 100yd intervals that contain remote electric pop ups. Have a comfortable shaded awning at firing line. 2nd range 50-75yd with bunkers and dynamic shit to train off of, lots of target options facilitating use of cover, movement and multiple shooters, think 3-gun but unlimited format. Both 1st and 2nd burmed in with big burms but arranged so it could be seen from the patio. 3rd burmed up very high, like 50ft+ from base point. Containing a mock village with a main street, commercial sized buildings and residential, roughly mirrored one side to the other used for dynamic CQC training, building to building, stronghold assault and force on force training. A real pitempkin village to shoot up.

This is actually a project a buddy of mine and I have been planning in CO. He is a very talented firearms instructor and I am a H2H instructor, we want to build a world class training facility open to the public with capacity to host other instructors and open public days. What does Zig Forums think?

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If you can pull it off without brass grate faggotry and no lazy magnet testing and kicking out disruptive shits and four rules of safety flagrant violators you'll be good.

A man can wish

criminally underrated

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It will probably be need to be run a bit like a club. The more dynamic the training the more range safety people you need and you also need to ensure folks are capable of the courses on a skill level. The plan is to buy the land and build organically as we go, so that people who join early and contribute get more out of it as well. And yes, we are hard asses about range safety and general dickery.

The moon.

That's just depressing.

Let's say this isn't a terrible idea, how exactly do you plan to make gooks even breed?

As close as possible….

Mine was the family farm before I moved out of state to the east coast in a large city. I could shoot out to around 1000 yards. My brother in law is a cop so occasionally he'd bring department guns or demo guns to shoot. No idiot range officers or other shooters to worry about.

A friend to enjoy the day with

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Afrodisiacs in the water supply instead of birthcontrol to sterilize them like USA does right now

My perfect range would have target dummies and a selection of subhumans like negroes, turks, albanians, jews, communists, sodomites as targets (you can ask for paper versions too)
above the lanes of the indoors section there'd be a Girls Frontline themed cafe where you can watch subhumans being executed while enjoying a cake or coffee with a cute cosplayer with a gun.