Since semi-automatic firearms will probably be banned in the U.S within the next 10-20 years tops, What are some good ban-proof guns to consider?
Ban-Proof Firearms
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There's no such think, the powers that be will just regulate the market into the ground.
When the 10 year Assault Weapons Ban went into effect in the U.S from 1994 - 2004 we didn't do shit. People will always talk about their "Civil War" or "Militias", but they will never follow through on those promises. I suspect that the same would happen when we get a total semi-auto ban within the next 10-20 years.
Different generation, faggot. You are part of the problem.
Lever-guns, or revolver rifles, or just huge revolvers.
What overachievers should do is make gyrojet rifles, because they aren’t technically guns. It’s not much but it is something.
Technically we should start a movement to move free people to like New Hampshire or Alaska, and solidify some states.
Everything can be banned, the G11 is banned in canada and even if they cant ban something then they'll just ban it for some vague reason like
Next time some politician wants to ban anything just kill them or end up like us
The reason guns got so heavily regulated that they are virtually banned is because no one cared untill they where the ones affected by it. you guys should have shot up the place as soon as the 1986 Autmatic weapon ban was announced
That was nearly 25 years ago, the generations are completely different, the culture is different, the technology is different. Not to mention during the AWB they didn't confiscate guns, they grandfathered the already owned "assault weapons" in.
How exactly am I part of the problem?
I understand that this is a different generation. But how will this stop another Assault Weapons Ban, or something even worse, from happening here again?
Whatever firearms you own that they don't know about is ban proof. Get them while they are easily available, and hide guns, ammo and spare parts for the future.
This honestly sounds like the best option.
Get your ghost glocks lads.
It's the only reason most Aussies are still armed.
Well, OP, anything can be banned, but assuming the second amendment holds still, they need to allow SOME guns. After a lot of contemplation, I reached the conclusion that there is one kind of gun that will never be banned due to this. Buy a BB gun.
Tell that to New Jersey.
You got the posters wrong. The difference is when they do try to put another AWB, and it somehow passes, they're going to try to take them away this time. The most likely outcome is that SCOTUS or some right wing district issues an injunction and calls it unconstitutional when it rules on the law, The unlikely outcome is cops try to break down doors and get shot. And before you come out with some weird example like a state, we're talking federally here not state wise, people are just going to have to fight it up the courts in a shit state.
New Hampshire's already been invaded by Libertarians via The Free State Project (embed related).
Example situations like this are brought up all the time, but never happen. Look at California, Massachusetts, and New York state. When incredibly strict gun laws got passed there, the gun owners of those states don't do jack shit. With the exception of widespread non-compliance, do not ever expect there to be "Revolutions/uprisings" as many gun owners will simply let the government walk over them.
Exactly, libertarians tend to agree with us on the whole gun ownership thing.
What did I say?
I misread you post. My apologies. In all seriousness, do you believe that another Assault Weapons Ban is likely? Do you say "somehow passes" as if implying that you think it's very unlikely.
How they went about taking over the state could be used as a template for others. Maine would be my pick for the next invasion. It's NH's next door neighbor and it's the least populated state in the region. In theory, you could get it done with as little as 60,000 people.
revolution only happens when people are really desperate. that's why totalitarianism is more stable when it's introduced slowly. by the time people realize how shitty things have become, it's already been a long time since they had any recourse
It stops because Generation Z is prepared to actually kill for what we believe in. You're a waste of carbon, do me a favor and kill yourself you apathetic piece of shit.
You're nothing. Less than nothing. I want you and every other fudd boomer faggot buried in a mass grave. Fuck you.
Post your guns, faggot.
If you think there is a gun that they can't ban if they want to you are underestimating them. I say any gun that is buried and unregistered is a good gun, but I guess you can keep some hunting rifles around for immediate armament.
I think the only way normalfags will act out in the face of some sort of gun ban is if beforehand you establish some public group that says "if X law or judgement is passed, we go to war", then proceed to collect members. With a public group you have an established reference point, a solid line in the sand that normalfags can understand. There are of course, difficulties to do this (fear of being targeted for harassment, being called a fed, etc.).
Kinda wish our BO would make this blackpill bullshit a bannable offense.
Go away CIA nigger
dont you have cuckchannel to shit up?
Glower gtfo
Wyoming is the state with the least people in it. 500,000
Theoretically the state could be taken over by 2 families that just have a lot of kids and vote. Theoretically if 4chan and Zig Forums’s Zig Forums‘s moved there we could flip the voting in the state.
The fire rises, but what can states do? can they make their own laws or chose not to follow previous laws? i doubt slavboos, wehraboos and lolbeterians can live next to each other
There's no ban-proof firearm, you retard. Vietnam ban fucking toy guns. Toy guns.
And they can always ban ammo, which means you all fuckers are fucked.
The troglodyte gets it.
Because everybody has to follow laws
Yeah, fuckers, try to illegally smuggle guns and ammo and enjoy jail.
From the smug tone, I assume you already have various MG42 stored in the basement?
"If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear".
Joseph Goebbels.
Well he is right.
Then why don't you show me your home address, if you have nothing to hide?
Crystal-Lake-Straße 33
71088 Holzgerlingen
OK, saved.
You don't know how to make your own ammo? Come on dude. People have press kits all over the US already with plenty of that powder needed to do that. Not to mention the massive amounts of ammo preppers typically stock up on.
I drive the white audi btw
Hi yid, I tried to make my own ammo, but the only that can be feasibly be done without going to the shop is shotgun shells. Every other ammo require primers, and primers are a bitch to self make.
I feel like I'm in a ruse.
If you cannot into match head primers all is lost for you.
Aim at this, don't damage the other houses
I actually didn't know that method, thank you for that.
I will try making it.
Seems like a normal ass apartment. Who are you trying to make me kill, germ?
You are one dumb nigger.
They didn't do anything about it because it was set to expire in 10 years and they didn't confiscate any guns. The people (((elected))) a leader that wouldn't renew it in 2004 and the ban died. This is how the (((system))) works. People (((voted))) and got the ban to die out. And after the ban had no impact at all on any crime including mass shootings, it made it an impossible hill to die on in the federal level. They (((killed))) an entire classroom full of (((children))) to try to get their ban back under a Democratic president and it failed. Call of dooty and other vidya has done IRREPARABLE damage to the anti-gun lobby as it has gotten the younger generation into firearms EVEN IN EUROPE. The left was trying so hard to indoctrinate them against guns a little more every generation and yet firearms have been the number 1 black Friday item since king nigger tried to pass AWB2. There are more people owning guns and interested in guns than ever before and this is why confiscation will never occur. The bumpstock thing will lose in court and while I highly doubt we will ever get any of our rights back as recent history has shown even though there are enough votes to de-regulate suppressors and national reciprocity, (((they))) will just have one of their pet psychos shoot a ton of people the day before the vote happens which cancels it out because terrorism works. Even then, we will keep trying until the jury box fails. There is still time before the ammo box is brought into question.
How you like that Lidl? They just opened up one by me in the states.
Krautbro has most likely given you the address of an albanian. Albanian niggers love audis
Why yes they can, just look to california and other states that have "sanctuary" laws. There was some commotion going on in Illinois about 2nd amendment sanctuaries but I haven't heard much. The issue is that libtards act out on impulse while most others think too much about the worst outcomes. If gun rights people were as irrational as the grabbers claim, then we wouldn't be having this issue.
Very unlikely considering the senate and president. Talk shit about "Drumpf" all you want, he wouldn't sign off on AWB 2.0 Electric Boogaloo, that'd be election suicide. After Trump's second term, who knows, you'd have to see the demographics and ask me again.
Too much of a well maintained bush-fence and too few garbage in the backyard to be a turk or albo.
Shotshells are overall easier to make due to the lack of need of casing.
The shell is a plastic case, you idiot, and the mouth has to be crimped shut in a particular fashion or they don't work right, leading to misfires or ruptures. They also can't be reused as many times as brass cases without failure, and there's no way to fix damaged shell hulls. Once the plastic cracks, it's bad, and you have to either throw them away or melt them down to pour out new sheets to cut, roll, attach to the rim, and crimp, which is a way more complicated process than drawing and forming brass which only requires swaging dies. Not to mention you need wadding. What are you on about? Since fucking when can you make a shotshell with no primer and no case? Have you ever looked at a shotgun in your life?
Retard, you can make shell out of PAPER, GLUE & WAX.
Not as reliable, but it's still gonna shoot fine.
I stand my case and shotshell are by the far the easiest to make because the primer and power remain the only hard part.
Modern shotguns are not designed to feed or fire paper cartridges, and paper cartridges were not designed to be loaded with smokeless powder. That was why paper shotshells remained black powder for decades after everything else moved on to brass, to smokeless, to rimless… why shotshell loads even thirty years ago were commonly measured in dram, which was a standard black powder unit of weight. You do know plastic shells haven't even been on the market for very long, right? .357 Magnum is over thirty years older than them. Your case is coming from a lack of education, so stop being indignant and realise that everything is not as easy as you've convinced yourself it is. When SHTF, the first thing you need is stockpiling, and the second thing you need is a way to produce or procure ammo that you know is going to work, not just some jury-rigged last ditch effort that you for some reason decided was your best option.
It doesn't one thing when the government decides to ban it. We are not talking about SHTF, we are talking about government banning guns.
The option is to either smuggle illegally firearm, or you make your firearm AND ammo, which you then use to kill soldier and get real firearm.
Paper shells still work btw, no matter how you scream.
I fucking hate post like this.
People complain about leddit spacing, but good lord green text makes it a bitch to read.
In any case, I made my point.
Stop for a minute and consider the folly of coming to a place where you are not only an obvious outsider but actively unwanted, and then acting confrontational, refusing to assimilate, bitching about the local cultural norms, and demanding everyone else change to accommodate your sensibilities.
Lurk two years before posting, or else go back where you came from. It's better for everyone.
My only point is that in case of government banning guns and actually be successful about it (like they are doing now), it's always a worthwhile to learn how to make your own guns and ammo.
And shotshells being the easiest to make.
For manlets maybe.
(((lol))) (((pol)))
Spouting unsubstantiated garbage and having it refuted and proven wrong is not making a point, it's being proven pointless. You can't cop out of poor post quality by plugging your ears and pretending you 'won' when there was never any competition to be had. Don't get so emotionally invested in anonymous imageboards, you sperg.
Where is the "unsubstainted garbage" and where is it "refuted and proven wrong".
I fucking hate it when fags like you just step in and just call out people with no proof.
Where did I cop out?
Same to you, sperg.
Is that you?
How the fuck do you misspell a word that is in the post you're quoting? How do you have no recollection of the people who've already replied to you? Why are you incapable of voicing your thoughts in a fluid and concise format? There is no way you're an educated adult. I had my doubts before, but nah, this is your last (You), you prissy illiterate McNugget.
So again, where is the "unsubstainted garbage" and where is it "refuted and proven wrong"?
Fucking get to the point instead of bitching about grammer, sperg.
Retarded subhuman.
Kill the people who want to ban guns, kill the politicans that have and try to ban guns, kill the people who enforce gun bans AND THEIR FAMILIES.
Until you are not doing that you will always be at the mercy of these people and they will enact arbitrary gun laws whenever they feel like it.
What I would do is have a "build an ar-15" shop where no-guns could build their guns, and get a custom cherakote job done.
If I was the president of the US I would get some people from a Jap Royal family to do something like that, and have experts teach them how to shoot very well.
Then take them hog hunting from a helicopter. They would love it and it would probably warm things up in Japan when the general population sees how fun it can be.
this. if people haven't done anything yet, then they never will. it's all wishful thinking, everything will just keep getting worse
I am not german btw
non-whites are already majority in USA and soon the voting demographic will be. as long as you have a democratic system, nothing will ever change for the better, it will only change for the worse
Demographics and culture have changed very dramatically. It is very clear that the agenda is to wipe out whites.
Why would I use my own pics on a Tyrolean scrimshaw appreciation forum?
1. I already admit that shotgun shells still need primers.
2. See vid.
inb4 it doesn't count because it's commercial paper shell
I want you to die. Kill yourself.
why would it?
Two words: bump stocks.
You do know that until american occupation most people in japan owned firearms?
that's what justified firebombings and nukes :^)
Nearly none of what you said regarding paper shotshells is true. They can handle smokeless just fine. In fact black powder shells have to be brass or plastic because it eats away at the paper.
Fucking scum. Your attitude is why they win. You're not willing to do anything, you've become too comfortable. Crawl in a grave now, save yourself the trouble.
mfw have run BP papershells through a 590
mfw no problem
>Ban-proof guns
and when the government is weak.
When the government is strong desperate just go into gulags
Yeah, and the imperial marksman training for school children too.
And pic related.
Feel totally liberated by stalinist huwhite bruda and ameribros! god I hate mutts and commies
Revolutions only happen when the state is either dead already, or the second tier powerful believe they can profit from it.
Did the nazi germs allow the poles to have guns?
Did the japs allow the chinks and gooks to have guns?
Did the Americans?
No, the mutts took the guns.