what were they thinking?
British Army targets 'snowflakes, binge gamers and me, me, me millennials' in new recruitment drive
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I mean, I guess it makes more sense than targeting Muslims. In the scale of things, a useless recruit is marginally better than a competent saboteur, right?
That it's either that or Pakis and they can fix millennial not 80 IQ inbreds.
Sage for shit topic.
Dude this is old news. Old news that you can't even be assed to archive/webm. We even have a thread on propaganda with webms of this shit in it
Are you from 4cuck or something? Please delete this thread instead of making some poor mod do it.
Are you implying muslims are competent?
>(((British Army)))
I think history proves that Muslims aren't to be underestimated, or trusted.
British army, circa 2030: the female head of the armed forces issues a new mandate that all orders be replaced with suggestions and each such suggestion include an affirmation of inclusivity and the value of individual and diverse perspectives, all meriting equal weight. Each field deployment of the army includes mobile forward safe space bases with therapy dogs and coloring books, and prior to any assault, the enemy controlled areas are "bombed" with leaflets apologizing for white privilege and cultural appropriation of the laser guided smart munitions we all now understand were originally developed by the kangz in subsaharan africa.
Reproducing like insects and throwing waves of meatshield incels on civilized people isn't exactly "competence", maybe only from a darwinian standpoint.
They are targeting muslims in the video though.
The video isn't what the article OP posted is about. They come from two different recruitment campaigns.
Greece, don't let your hatred of roaches blind you. Muslims are competent at murdering unsuspecting white people. Hell, before he decided to shoot a dozen people at Fort Hood, Nidal Hasan was feeding information to Anwar al-Awlaki, an Al Qaeda operative. He was a competent saboteur.
But Zig Forums said the Ottoman Empire was white. just like how the original Native American tribes and Indians were white and pagan Vikings. spangenhelm.com
Well, everyone knows that, but it's a little known fact that Eurasians are white. You see, the Greek colony of Bactria included territory from Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and Afghanistan. Basically, Afghans are Greek. They also had colonies in modern day Pakistan and even India! That's not to mention the Romans who migrated into China, and how the Greeks even went to war with the Han Dynasty.
According to Zig Forums the ancient Greeks and Roman were not white. And the pagans never had alcohol until Christians gave it tto them because Varg said so. Varg also said owning guns while prepping is stupid because guns because you won’t be able to fight a government.
Couple of obvious roaches don't constitute Zig Forums.
Ethnic Greeks are more closely related to Egyptians than to Europeans, that much is true. They both had light skin and were descendants of the same light skinned Mediterranean peoples. However, it depends on your definition of 'white'. Are ancient Iranians or northern Indians white? They were certainly Aryan and had light skin and hair. Ancient Spaniards were light skinned and light haired, but would you call them white? Are Basques white, being that they're a weird Iberian-Celtic conglomerate with greyish olive skin? Go back 200 years and a contemporary definition of 'white' meant 'only Nords, Germanics, and Celts'. There are some people who would claim Jews are white despite the fact that they're literally Arabian and descend from Akkadians. Then again, some people claim Latinos and Arabs are all white anyway.
So what does 'white' mean to you?
Have you been on Zig Forums recently? At least 8/pol/. (Haven’t been on Cuckchan for years.) The board beginning to morph from trump worshippers to white WE WUZ Kang. At this point. I wouldn’t be surprised if Zig Forums goes full Islam is white. Even Vegan shit posting became morph into whites were originally vegan. Seems like Larping done more damage too Zig Forums than the 2016 presidential election. Hell the same Zig Forums mods that were banning people for questioning trump let Varg fans post threads to donate money to their favorite e-celeb. 8ch.net
8/pol/ is 10x more populous than this board, and it's outnumbered by shills.
Never, ever, take anything you read on Zig Forums seriously. It's a honeypot website.
Zig Forums is a goddamn dumpster fire and their rapefugees have been ruining this board for a long time, what else is new? It's become impossible to even post there with any semblance of reason without getting spammed out by the autism crowd.
Whites refer to european, end of.
Anything else is jew D&C.
And no, turks are not europeans, turks are the prime example of why migration and invasion are shit.
Okay, you almost had me biting for a minute there, but then I laughed and the hook slipped right out.
Is this trying to prove something? What's especially weird is that this basically states that a nation being muslim doesn't have much to do with its statistics. There's muslim nations with high and low slavery, high and low opiate use, high and low mortality rates- all this has proven is that it's a statistical non entity.
Iran is not muslim alright? They are murtadeen and practice shirk alright?
Also, isn't Afghanistan responsible for fucking tons of opium pouring into the international market? Or is poisoning the (terrorist word for infidel) more important?
Talibans banned opium and fought the opium industry
Opium flourished only after USA invasion, what a funny coincidence now isnt it?
This fucking turk pole is getting on my nerve.
This is true. The Taliban are basically the good guys in Afghanistan after warlords took it over. The official government is a joke.
Can't believe this since taliban is founded by the fucking US.
You feeling alright, habibi?
Well they lost great deal of credibility after the scandal about pleading bayah to already dead leader. Also its partially nationalist nature is shirk af.
No they weren't, that was the Mujahideen that we funded. The Taliban are basically a militia formed in resistance to them.
Per Soviet narrative, Mujahideen and taliban were the same fucking shit.
That's because the Taliban largely consisted of former Mujahideen, although until the mid-1990's, the Taliban didn't properly exist. It was only in 1994 that Mullah Omar formed the Taliban as a militia, as a result of dissatisfaction with the Afghan government's direction. During the 1980's, Mullah Omar received training at the hands of the ISI, which was an operation largely funded by the US. It's no understatement to say that he wouldn't have been trained if it wasn't for the CIA. Furthermore, the organization he was fighting for, Hezb-e Islami Khalis, one of the Islamic Unity of Afghanistan Mujahideen parties, received US funding and support. This group's membership, much like with Hezbi Islami, largely splintered in the 1990's, but markedly in 2001, as many decided to join the Taliban.
But where's the proof? We know they crippled Afghan drug operations, just as they said would happen. All we have to suggest they made a profit off it are stabs in the dark made by (((US))) propagandists to tarnish their enemy.
It seems that you are the low IQ animal here.
US troops were specifically tasked to protect Afghan poppy fields to protect them from the hadji trying to burn them. Meanwhile, in a totally unrelated occurrence, Afghan Opiate output is estimated to have risen dramatically. At the same time the amount of heroin being smuggled into the US and other 1st world nations has risen by about the same amount. In yet another mindblowing (and completely unrelated) coincidence the CIA budget has been doing amazingly well for all of this period. Hey, come on, your rogue intelligence agencies need to fund themselves SOMEHOW, right? You can't expect them to get by on the billions of dollars extorted from the American public, can you?
Does US consume heroin today? Its fentanyl everywhere (which all can be produced by single CIA lab in US without hassle of working with 3rd world peasants and smuggling).
Millennials are in the 30's now, how bad is the time perception of the boomers who made this?
Probably becoming senile.
I have trouble believing this since the modern taliban also got money via opium trade.
You are trusting fucking taliban propaganda m8.
Id rather trust a Taliban than a a*erican
Go fucking live in Pakistan then, you are a fucking paki.
I've been watching British espionage movies and they portrait very interesting images. In James Bond, the modern MI6 is taken and corrupted by some evil visionaries. But in Johnny English, which is a comedy movie, they portrait a MI7 that is taken by pacifists that believe in dialogue and don't even allow guns on duty. I guess the future of the British army is very dark when it's taken by soyboys and feminists.
It seems that MIGApedes have completely infested Zig Forums too. Thanks, BO!
So anti-taliban is MIGA?
The fuck?
Is anti-ISIS MIGA as well?
The anglos can get fucked. They wrought suffering upon all of us. The monkey island can sink first.
And your leddit spacing is so painfully obvious, spermutt.
Reported for ban evasion again.
The soviet union was long dead when the taliban were created.
Yet having funding and supplies from Pakistan.
Hmm, so it's America's fault now? Not the Israel/Saudi, who refuse to open a single border?
Nobody accomplishes anything in those wars except Israel.
Again, why do you blame America for Israel's problems. Are you playing for the jews?
The Soviet narrative survives.
Am*rimutts should send back the statue of liberty and return to the ownership of the crown then.
Why the fuck should they be? They can tell muttmerica to soak up the shit muttmerica caused. Kikes are smarter than amerimutts, which is why they rule over them.
Muttmerica also drummed against Gaddafi who was the last gate holding back the brown flood.
The kikes can't really do anything except draft
if am*rimutts don't volunteer to die for them.
Another report, spermutt. You literally are destroying this board because of your ignorance, low IQ and autism.
Tell the taliban to give the country to Pakistan first.
Seems like they are smarter than you, considering you are ruled over by a cucked government.
Nope, illegal immigration has been a thing since the 80s. Trash love rich countries.
Except that's what americans do as well, draft.
The amount of americans dying in the dustbowl are in the thousands, these aren't high itensity conflicts. And NATO, Sweden included, participated as well.
I don't destroy jackshit but your stupid anti-americanism, you fucking yid.
And I will always be here to destroy you, remember that.
But Pakistan doesn't ask for it *shrug*
Reported again.
Seriously though, spermutt, you have to hop IP to make any post. If angry krautbro or the Greek suddenly utters the word "mutt", you will fly to it like flies to shit.
Don't even mention the Pole, kek.
Anyway, another report.
Reminder that even cuckchan raiders ran out of VPN.
I too hate muttmerica for being anti gun and anti white. I also hate trumpkike for not even being able to build the fences and being so flaccid even his internet brigades have to stop shilling for the "steel slats" because it is too embarrassing.
Am I a yid now? For loving guns and wanting people to fufill their promises?
Can anyone stop this gook larper at this point?
You are a yid because you are self-hating.
Trump is a gun-grabber, but that's no reason to hate the people of America.
Nobody asks for the statue of liberty or the crown either. English monarchy is cucked.
Which again is a government problem, not of population. Your government imports somalian nigger by the buckload, yet it's all okay to point fingers at America.
Because I'm permabanned for some reasons.
I don't have a muttsense, thank you. It's especially funny to see a kraut and a greek calling other people mutt.
No reason to hate the legal 44% shitskins and over 22 million wetbacks outside of that 44%?
No reason to hate half of the 56% who deeply hate guns?
You are one blind mutt.
These aren't even fucking americans.
That's hatred enough.
But if you hate people who hates guns, you pretty much hate the majority of this planet, including germans, japanese, swedes, whatever.
Every population have a percentage of gun haters.
Oh and half the "hwute" mutts who already hate guns are also best buddies with the spics who are already majority.
And inside the last hwite half that is supposed to be progun, also at least half are fudds and ATF cucks.
But go ahead and keep shilling, spermutt. I will be spending my effort where there is hope.
Not according to the US laws! Those 44% shitskins ARE legal citizens and the US will never deport them even in a total Nationalist victory. Look at Lincoln.
Were all warrior folks and in the case of Germany they had better gun rights in many areas before you decided to rescue communism and the kikes.
But this doesn't matter. Hating anti gun subhumans is the core of Zig Forums, not or spam. Begone, spermutt.
This is the consequence of letting freech subhumans running free.
Laws don't mean jack, somalians are recognized as swedish and turks are recognized as germans in Europe.
So were americans and now they have plenty of gun haters. Do you pretend only America have gun haters?
You? I'm a fucking vietnamese. Also, there are currently more than 10 millions of firearms in Germany.
The fuck is freech?
And no, I don't spend my times hating the majority of this planet, why would you?
Thank you, spermutt, for admitting you sympathize with anti gunners.
Explain the bold faced trump shilling tbh.
Wow, not spending times to hate them is sympathizing now.
Now I understand why yids are bad at argument, they can only strawman.
Spermutt, everyone.
Answer the question, are somalian swedes, are turks germans?
You can't argue worth shit.
You swedes are genetically predisposed to be cuckolds, remember that.
No they are not. But the laws which the majority of huwites still support and enforce say so.
But I already reported you for inciting illegal activities and attempting to entrap.
Thats just mean.
So the laws do not reflect reality, thus they are bullshit.
The what?
Can confirm, whenever USA mercs are around drug production increases exponentially and groups in charge on it get boosted despite their alleged intention on the area.
Why post black and white picture?
Someone post a picture of modern Sweden in full color.
No guns, just as diverse as America, rape capital of Europe.
But it's funny to point finger at someone else.
Reported for attempting to misled americans into thinking the laws don't matter.
We don't condone criminality here.
You can report me to fucking hell, I'm in Vietnam.
It's funny you argue like a goddamn yid, first complaining about anti-gun & anti-white, yet is totally okay with anti-gun and anti-white laws.
You can incite violence against the US Fed gov anytime now, spermutt.
I'm sure you are in gookland.
Like what?
Yeah, you are sure about that.
How exactly do you get those three groups together?
Why cant BO clean up the board like he did this thread?
This thread is definitely not cleaned up, good posts are deleted meanwhile:
Which have nothing to do with the thread.
jewpig spreading lies again
Come on, spermutt. Stop spreading lies. You know when they deleted your posts they knew what you were spamming, right?
Whats wrong with a weak br*tish military?
Yes, they did. It's what happens when you take a kind and compassionate people and exploit their civility. Laws come in to cuck them, to see how long they can endure it for until fighting escalates. Sweden knows this. You are no different here.
You do not want that. We used to have ooga-boogas next to us on an island. They were called Vikings. They inhabited the Isle of Mann, and when left alone they got uppity. Started raids and tried to take the mainland. It took over 100 years to unstick them from the mainland, and the island they came from was never truly eradicated. It took generations in order to civilise the ooga-boogas, and they are STILL there.
Likewise we do not want Sweden to fall. If it does then it's only a road trip away from Norway and before long the whole of Scandinavia is on fire. Given that they, we, and north Germany are all genetically similar it'd be a great shame.
You keep picking on America for being stupid, but they are one of our less disappointing former colonies. When something says "Made in USA" it automatically ranks above "Made in China", "Made in India" or "Made in Australia". Every country has had to overcome a lot, but the craftsmanship from a lot of these other colonies is extremely sloppy. Saab was good too until the Swedish management style (much like that of the British) crashed the company with no survivors.
I remind you again: If Sweden falls then Norway is next, and Norway is a beautiful country that does not deserve subjugating.
How exactly were I spamming?
Oh wait, filtered, it's the spergkike.
For fuck's sake. Even the fucking pajeets make better quality stuff than muttmerica now.
Then go buy pajeetshit, yid.
You joke about it but this legit happens to me. I want them all genocided, I know of every battle they were slaughtered in, but I forget that Turks/Ottomans are not niggers. The fuckers did conquer us and the fucking roaches are currently building a military that is, unironically, among the best in the world. (Most European and asian armies are absolute irredeemable garbage, and Turkey has a population of 80+ million and they are starting to build their own weapons, making them effectively superior to most countries).
I have a love-hate relationship with the roaches. I both despise them and adore them. A nation of angry mongoloid islamic monkeys, that are however very proud, they have conquered empires, and even managed to introduce parts of culture to other countries - including us. (Greek coffee, for example, is actually Turkish, and some other foods too).
But at the end of the day, I want them all impaled, every last woman, elder and child beaten, raped and murdered.
Nothing better than a strong, tough enemy right? It makes life a bit more interesting…
Name one thing wrong with this picture. AFAIK it just means it's an easy time to be a partisan, well, if you're able to dodge their >9000 CCTV cameras.
Fucking WEW, Mehmet!
So Islam prevents cancer. But the question is, can Islam cure it?
whats to stop them from taking obver the country? everyone is disarmed and the police dont have much guns
only through jihad
Wouldn't that cause too much of a fuss? Besides the british army is tits deep in ideological bullshit that decreases its effectiveness, so I doubt a coup would be feasible.
You can bet it can
Sure it can.
Not only can it solve cancer, but it can solve a lot of other problems as well!
US Army showing they can compete in cringe.
A) You literally edited most of those maps so they don't even make sense.
B) Some of those maps can't be correct and have to be blatant state-controlled propaganda. 90% of the population in UAE are slaves. Muslim countries practiced open air slave trade until 2007 when it was made illegal, even today it's practiced underground.
C) Some of those maps just show that Muslims aren't keeping proper statistics. AIDS measurements are by number of treated cases, not total. Obviously there's no way to sample the blood of everyone in a population for pathogens, it's just based on hospital records for who shows up to get treated. Good luck getting treated in a country that executes or imprisones fags.
D) A few of those paint Islam in a bad light, but you're too inbred and stupid to notice. The only way they had lower cancer mortality is if they died of something else before the cancer got them, cancer is basically a measurement of how old your population is. A high cancer mortality means you solved all of the other problems….
Wew, good job.
Sage for off topic shitposts in a 2 month old thread