maybe i'm retarded i just think even with all the poz it still feels like a rite of passage to be a man to do, maybe if i tried really hard i could get in the paras/marines which i don't think are as pozzed, tired of being treated like a child i want to prove myself and working a shitty job isn't satisfying in any way to me i have zero self actualisation
yeah lad I still get those feelings and I am getting too old to even join anything but the army as an officer b/c of degree qualifications
Ryan Adams
yeah there are so many examples of this and it just becomes more common as technology advances
that vietnam vet vid some lad posted the other week was great, when they were sat on a ridge gunning down viet cong and he stops firing because he's actually an honourable man and ruthlessly firing at people who are completely outnumbered and outgunned disturbs him, then he starts rooting for the enemy to escape but after being shot and getting back up a few times the lad eventually dies and they move on
also the bit where he steps on a tripwire and a rock swings down then hits an explosive and but it doesn't go off
Easton Cruz
I've always wanted a family but I babysit for my family for money and i'm starting to not like children at all tbh
Good debate on climate here lads, go straight to the wogs for the best arguments
Aaron Lee
this the military tries to make you fantasize you are going to be at rorkes drift or walking in a column with the lads but you'll just be getting yelled at by some burnt out dead in the eyes normie retard about hauling 300 pds of ammo up a hill in the middle of nowherethefuckistan so you can give candy bars to bronze age tribesmen for 20 years so they let the CIA grow heroin
Isaiah Taylor
that is retarded smh. they'll be yours, lad
Christopher Morris
yeah that stuff seems rare though, its not going to be like the 19th century where the american defenders at new orleans took their hats off, stopped firing and applauded and cried when the highlanders charge failed.
William Richardson
damn poor lad he fell for the galantry memi
Angel Garcia
what is your life worth that you would die in the middle of nowhere for oil trade routes and free uni?
Jacob Powell
how can you be an ethnic nationalists when niggers and muslims are in our military and go to the desert to shoot at arabs?
Aaron Sanders
Maybe if I had my own I could plan days out and stuff for them, babysitting you have to sit at home with them and they get restless and want their real parents and that's the worst but either way lad you have to help them go to the bathroom and they poop and pee on themselves and snot everywhere its not very enjoyable
top kek I had a nightmare about being in a humvee in afghanistan a few weeks back going through village full of taliban it was horrific
doesnt really feel like my life matters when there are 70 million people in the uk, also i don't think we even get free uni in the uk lol, i despise uni anyway
Hudson Powell
there is this weird romanticism about being a broken PTSD veteran tbh
or the confederate sgt who climbed over the stonewall at frederickburg and gave water to all the dying union soldiers and everyone stopped shooting at each other and wept until the officers started yelling
if a black man wants to fight in our falangist army of africa and get sterilised so that his genetics die out but he gets to live in elysium on the white mans money and satiate himself with air jordans until he expires gracefully i wont stop him
kind of autistic but it would be nice being a veteran just to use one of the last culturally respected symbols of social status to creep out normies CALL ME SIR SALUTE ME CIVILIAN THANK ME FOR MY SERVICE THATS MASTER SERGEANT TO YOU SON top kek
don't like sam since those alleged weird things he did but i love these vids maybe if more people took the piss out of the military from a right wing point of view we wouldn't be in all these dumb wars
like when they talked about the bravery of the shangani patrol, good lads tbh
John Murphy
Pair of rats jailed for trying to spoil Christmas by blowing shit up
At the time of his arrest in December 2016, Mohammed had two of the three components for TATP explosives as well as manuals on how to make bombs and ricin poison
I kind of hate faggots who try to force me to lick their boot when they signed up to kill people in their own country for the jews and then have the gall to compare themselves to men drafted
Juan Gray
Fucking hell they've been put through the oblivion character creator.
Josiah Edwards
you fool
Kayden Cox
Toppest kek
Jose Jenkins
Cameron Morris
Samuel Rodriguez
yeah i hate those people too with a passion but it would be fun to do ironically to left wing hipster normies who want us to invade syria and topple assad but have never seen a gun in their lives
Don't know if this has already been posted but there's a BumBumKing thread on /cow/ now. They're also bullying 22st in it.
Joseph Powell
i hate how degree based everything is now, you have some 24 year old with a degree jumping ahead of people with actual experience on how a company runs and then they are out the door because they can't hack it, seems like an inefficient division of labour
>we're not terrorists or nuffin man, Islam is about peace, ya get me? Is it the quaran that prevents them from seeing the obvious doublethink or are they just retarded?
Isaiah Johnson
My diet is mostly magnesium and lithium and I can see through concrete
Daniel Rodriguez
it tastes the same, it tastes the same it tastes great once they fixed me
As in anything right of centre, they can either be rather tame with anti-migrant/foreigner sentiment, or full-blown kill them all.
Oliver Sanchez
Ayden Rogers
The problems is that they aren't anti-migrant, they are exclusively anti-Islam. They think everyone else is fine and they think that if the pakis stop cutting peoples heads of then everything would be fine with them being here.