Is Satan racist or anti-racist?

Is Satan racist or anti-racist?

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He is racist.


I mean if you count hating the whole human race as racist.
I'm not going to dignify further response to this question because lets be honest here this is political clickbait.

He's racist, yet he knows he has to promote multiculturalism and mass migration through his (((synagogue)))…

racist and better at it than Zig Forumstards

He's whatever he needs you to be to draw your attention away from God.

It depends what you describe it as. Is it racist if you acknowledge its differences but still push it for your benefit?
Satan is all about oneness.
One sex (baphomet is often painted as a figure with a penis and breasts), one language, one nation, one government…
So you tell me.

he hates the human race.

His followers hate white people.

Stan did nothin wrong
Praise Kek


Anti-racism is just racism towards whites



god made different races for a reason,clearly real
racial diversity is a good positive thing and theres nothing
wrong with people selective breeding.

i would think satan is against all forms of culture,tradition and racial preservation

Gee, I wonder considering he's the embodiment of all that is evil


*whatever he needs to be

he likes both racism, and the uncharitable form of racial intermingling which may the the only for of it.


It doesn’t matter. Satan wants all the races. They all have souls.

I know his (((chosen))) hate white people. I also know demons in general hate light features and order African witches to kill albinos. Idk why they hate light features so much though. The motive has always been a mystery to me.


He hates everyone equally