Operation Desert Storm
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Just wait for froganon to explain why basing your doctrine on this "war" is extremely retarded.
Shit thread. Delete it and make a better one.
Coalition had supperior numbers and overwhelmed Iraqi forces, also coalition had much much better intel so its no wonder that Iraqis lost
But some of the USA fuckups, friendly fires and equipment failures in this war been pretty funny
Chocolate chip peak camo aesthetic
just a roflstomp. Nothing impressive or interesting to talk about. A much more interesting discussion would be about balkan wars. Wars with genocide are the only wars that matter.
What happened to infantry divisions 2 through 23?
Lets make this actually interesting
If you were Saddam Hussein, starting from 4 August 1990 so exacly when Invasion of Kuwait ended.
What would you do to avoid getting fucked by international coalition and how would you secure your place in power making sure that you wont be disposed off by america in the future?
Who saw it coming? Such a shit thread belongs on >>>/4chan/
A one-slided slaughter is not a war, it's a slaughter.
I'd try my best to hire (ex-)USSR mercenaries to crew my AA and tanks, and just tell my army of inbred conscripts to only defend their cities.
Sell my oil in Rubles.
Use my oil money to buy better tanks, guns, planes and maybe hire some volunteers. Later make a very heavily defended border and maybe arm some locals (pro-baathist kuwaitis).
Cave in to US demands
Probably not a whole lot of those
Coalition had almost 1 million troops, how many mercenaries would you be able to buy? 1000? 10.000 at best? I dont really see it working, stuffing infantry into towns and forcing USA to siege them all thus negating their superior firepower advantages could work. But i guess you would have to distribute your troops acording to tribal lines to boost their morale and prevent them from fleeing, and USA could just ignore cities and just destroy all the military bases and strategic stockpilles.
Congratulations you just brought an end o yourself 10 years earlier than scheduled.
(Failing) USSR could be able to sell some hardware but i still dont see it working, Iraqi equipment wasnt that much outdated anyway.
No just draw russia into a nuclear stand off with america over it.
That actually might work, i dont know if USSR would be willing to back up Iraq, i guess some Russian or somebody with knowledge about that should say if its plausible or not
It's the only way if you don't have nukes.
With every Greekpost my disgust at Italy grows further.
Offer the Russians a free 50 year airbase lease.
every time some faggot expresses his dislike towards our posts, we shitpost even harder
What? Whats the connection?
Because Italy failed to invade and it caused Mussolini's downfall long term I think, don't quote me.
Strelok, I…
Your nation or nations kept allying with them.
Greek army was on the brink of collapse, Italians were just prearranging for big offensive and breakthrough but germans barged in and stole the spotlight
also, surprisingly, fighting an offensive war against an entrenched opponent in a mountainous and hilly terrain is no easy feat
what I'm more saddened by is italy not deploying any naval infantry or paratroopers since they had some of those
Jesus Christ how pathetic
Didn't the USSR collapse in 1989?
A failing USSR wouldn't go nuclear over Iraq
The USSR dissolved in 1991
Saying that they should have had employed navy is easy but at that time naval invasions were extermly hard to pull off even with months of planning and preparation.
Also Italians lacked total naval supremacy that is needed for such operation because of British navy, i dont even have to say how hard logistical situation would be with Royal Navy constantly raiding along shores
It was still in its infancy in 1940-1941, sure italians had one of the most "modern" paratrooper forces at that time in europe but i still doubt it would be enough
I wouldn't trust the eternal fucking anglo and instead seek allies elsewhere. In the region, I'd either suck up to Sauds or, if they proved too fickle, try to fix the shit relations with Iran to be allowed into the Shia gang. Internationally, I'd seek to get as big ties with China as possible (Russia was US bitch during Yeltsin, and it wasn't ready to stir shit up until at least 2008 even with Putin at the helm). The moment US started talking shit about WMDs, I'd invite international investigation to come check my shit, while asking China to lead the mission. Mission wouldn't find shit, US would have to respect the result or piss off China, and I'd request my sandnigger regional allies to send some militias and shit in case US does carry through with the attack.
I'll start taking UN seriously when they actually force kikes to return Golan to Syria. Until then, nothing they say matters.
Some things never change.
Great Saddam Hussein, the hero of his country
Iraqi pride, banner of Arabs
Being surrounded by the Zionist conspiracy
He spat with contempt at Tel-Aviv's cones
Heros and hero, the sword of justice
A symbol of rebirth, a sign of a better tomorrow
Entering Kuwait, he punished the vile traitors
Hidden agencies of the great imperialists
With his sword he punished all Jewish mercenaries
Those who profaned the lands of his fathers
World capital began to attack
To defend their money and defend oil fields
And to save the population of Kuwaiti parasites
This fake was a cover for dirty business
Purchase nukes. Some fucking how through Pakistan.
Stuff the launch facility under Baghdad University and host American hippies at the time to learn about diversity.
How many foreign bases did Russia let go off after the collapse?
First true act of imperialism.
t. Spengler/Yockey
who cares it still looks good.
It was a mockery of a country, a nest of foreign spies and jewish agents
Still a country
Don't shit-talk Poland '39 like that.
Still butthurt that Poland slapped germany so hard in ww2 that it split into two?
Happened on minuscule scale, soviet army had large amount of polish units 1945 so why would they rape civilians of their allies
Pre-war pseudo aristocracy, military junta officers and bourgeoisie that bought the unfortunate event of ww2 onto poland dont qualify as "civilians"
oh sweetie
When you got so butthurt internally you forgot how to bantz without looking retarded.
Nigger what the fuck?
This is not a pole, it's a commie turk.
He's somewhat right tho, soviet mass rapes were a thing among German civilians due to all the hatred and specifically increased vodka distribution.
Nope, that post is legit about how Soviet army had poles, thus Soviet cannot rape polish civies.
This is wrong on every levels. Poland got fucked the 2nd hardest after Germany after WW2.
You're forgetting that a third of the poles were commies… probably even more during the war.
We always pretend that the poles were on the side of the London government but the fact is the Moscow government had entire armies of Poles under it's command and de facto ended up in charge because of it.
Funnily enough Moscow never really tried to hide what had happened once Stalin was dead and it was clearly an open secret (with soviet scholars being the ones publishing proofs and findings in the 80's which led to the later Gorbatchev official recognition).
Meanwhile it was Warsaw that was actively censoring and beating up everyone even remotely speaking about it right up 1989… and London and Washington were happily censoring western academia on the subject.
True but most of the soviet soldiers and most brutal members were ethnic Ukrainian.
Bullshit, they were jews.
A good chunk of the rapey ones were Ukranians and other churkas. Commissars and the political apparatus on the other hand.
One of the most decorated and respected soviet marshals, so influential that even Stalin had trust in his military plans and expertise was Polish
Look at all that stars on that traitor face.
"Чурка" is a slang name for the ex-ussr asians like Tajiks, Yakuts etc. That pretty much sums up the quality of your posting.
(Usual polite sage for offtopic)
When a fellow who fought on the eastern front explicitly stated that the worst of the Hiwis were Ukrainians and Steppe people. Lazy, constantly stole and would fuck anything the moment watchful eyes lulled away for a minute. Russians, Belorussians and Tatars tended to behave far better than the aforementioned. Given how the Red Army was I wouldn't put it past them sending said groups to liberate.
They're just random groups of the trash Poland and Russia threw to the pale in the day. There is a reason why the Cossacks went after them when they fell for yid lies.
That's an interesting story, but I want a source.
Funnily enough, if we're talking real rapes Hungarians were almost equally as hated by soviet forces as Germans so that greatly affected rape stats.
Back to topic, Desert Storm is basically modern Blitkrieg done against an aging tank fleet/force, with modern logistics support.
Same difference.
Khazarians split into two branch: Ashkenazim Jews and "Ukrainians".
They both behave exactly the same.
Bull fucking shit, ukrainian are east germanic and aryan (Goth are from ukraine). Do not mix them with central asian turkoid.
Did the soldiers actually left the force during the desert war because they didn’t get the benefits? I heard this was a big headache for the US defence.
Is this a putin-bot with a polish proxy? Sounds like the only type who would glorify the rape and enslavement of his people by jew-controlled russians for half a century.
Probably a Russian migrant.
why are phone posters so gay.
I would have preferred HW Bush stay out, let Saddam Hussein roll over Saudi Arabia, capture the holy sites then he could every year squeeze muslims for a tax to visit Mecca.
The idea of sending 500,000 troops to reinstall the kindgom of Kuwait makes no sense to rational americans.
still pathetic tbh
Can anyone confirm this post?
you're fucking retarded, remove yourself immediately
Yet the Italian failure dragged in the Germans, and THAT delayed invasion of USSR, and THAT cost Germany the whole war, which will is now ruining the entire human race.
So that is something.
When Italy invaded through Albania, the Greeks actually GAINED ground and at least initially curbstomped the pastafriends. Metaxas's August the 4th Government was actually pretty legit.
Can you explain this and the motivation for the british wanting greece to lose?
Wasn't Iraq the 4th largest army in the world or something at that point? Makes sense that burgers lost went overkill. They had a lot of money and nice toys, but didn't know how to use them due to piss poor training, and the capabilities of their tech was massively overhyped. Just like Saudis today, and I wonder if US is headed in the same direction actually. US was probably concerned about these unknowns so they decided to play it safe with overwhelming strength, and use it as a testing ground for a possible war with Russia probably. Turned out they were paper tigers but at least coalition was remarkably well organized and ran a very capable invasion. Compare to Iraqi Freedom (even the name is so much shittier): Despite a much weaker Iraq, the invasion took forever, barely accomplished anything, casualties and expenses were ridiculous, and got sucked into it for years. Clinton presidency was the turning point when US went from a capable country to a shit show.
Convert to Judaism and pledge your allegiance to Israel
Based and Harrispilled
Sage for doublepost
Saddam had the chance to integrate with Pakistan on nuclear in the '70s-'80s, the same way the Saudis and Gaddafi did. Instead they just mildly cooperated whilst pursuing their own enrichment program, which the Israelis flattened in '81.
What's weird though is Gaddafi also bankrolled Pakistan's nuclear program significantly, but never got the reciprocation of nukes or assistance he was promised.
I didn’t know that Gaddafi got scammed by Pakistan. Why didn’t he fund the nuclear power plant in Libya instead? He would have sell the electricity to the neighbor nations.
Scuttle Kuwait's slanted drills then race back home, then threaten to do it again if you have to
Gaddafi correctly predicted (as we saw in Iraq and in Syria in 2007) that if he tried building a reactor in Libya, the Israelis would just sneak in with some commandos or with their cutting-edge American aircraft (or with both - taking no chances) and flatten it just before its completion.
Pakistan's eastern mountain ranges were simply too far away and secure for the Israelis to have a go at, unless they wanted to use (and reveal the existence of their) nuclear missiles and basically prove that the Muslim world was right for wanting a nuclear deterrent of their own (as well as putting the US in a tough position between sucking Israeli cock - as they love to do, and enforcing non-proliferation).
That being said Gaddafi still got fucked over, and basically burnt his money.
What kind of stupid faggot would unironically pick Shitdam Insane as their edgy 20th century dictator of choice?
Genocidal Ba'ath dictators are unironically the best available option most sunni muslims cunttrees have.
Arabs need dictators to beat the common sense in to them or else the countries will come apart.
And they are the closest thing to National Socialism we have today, so they are always there to bully their semitic jewish kin.
It’s a shame that Australia chooses not to improve the primitive nuclear technology. Thorium is abundant in Australia so it had potential for a long time to become a superpower if they wish to. It is literally right in front of the rotten politicians and yet they aren’t interested in space colonization. It really makes me think.
Saddam was the reason the mid east was such a shit show. When the entire Arab world, including Ba'athist in Syria, all team up with western powers that are led by a US coalition WITH support form the USSR, then maybe you seriously fucked up
All the more reason not to see Saddam in a rather positive light. I mean, when the entire jewed world teams up against you, you can't be that bad…
But thats something a retarded person would think
Care to elaborate?
liking a shitty dictator out of contrarianism is something a mentally retarded person would do. I like you saying you will eat a piece of dog shit on the ground simply because everyone else thinks its gross.