Critics say it could weaken NATO, or lead to Russian troops in Belarus
Poland wants a fort with Donald Trump’s name on it
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Poland tries for the reverse Stalingrad gambit.
Why a fort? Russia won't play around.
Why is Poland so dedicated to sucking off neocons?
didn't mean to quote
Poland's Americanization is painful to watch. They shouldn't be this naive; they'll look like Germany in a decade at this pace.
They need to stop cowering from Russia and pursue good, if not terribly close relations. I get being mad about Katyn and occupation, but begging to become an American protectorate isn't healthy.
A strong central European bloc would be ideal, and there are existing structures to build off of. Between the V4, the Three Seas Initiative, and the CEDC, the states of the region really just need to build up their economies to lessen dependence on the EU and America.
Polish and American military cooperation goes all the way back, so there's a historical aspect to it, but I suspect it mostly comes down to Duda and his clique wanting guaranteed defense against Russia while also not having faith in it's EU allies, and not wanting their harmful agitation for migrant invasion and general faggotry. They know that the neoconservative faction in American politics is often all too happy to send arms and men wherever the supposed enemy might be. Though the Russian boogeyman wasn't the center of attention for some time, recent developments in internal American bullshit, and the relative deescalation in the Levant, the attention is returning.
Poland, you are independent nation now. You need to choose.
Honestly kind of retarded.
Im so sorry you had to see this
Polish upper echelons of power are stuffed to the brim with american spies and puppets, they would sell their own souls for the pat on the back from americans.
Both countries have been run by zionist jews since forever.
Poland is like the saddest thing on Earth.
When they cant barely survive day by day with the EU gibs me dats from their polish kike whore they sent to Germany, what make you think they are capable of industry?
Poland should get strong by themselves.
US cannot protect anyone let alone themselves.
Pls someone tell those "experts" Belarussian dictator is a literal stalinist commie who voted against own country's independence in 1991 and the troops are already there.
The russians consider Belarus their backyard.
No fucking body complains of course.
Katyn 2: forget what’s legal… might makes right! Coming to an American satrap near you!
It's in polish nature to suck dicks.
They sucked Catholic dicks until the catholics sold them out to Russia, so they started polishing Russian dicks.
Then when they got their country back by pure happenstance they quickly got on their knees to suck British dicks, until the British sold them out to Russia so they got to polish Russian dicks.
Then when they got their country back by pure happenstance so now they're sucking US dicks, until the US sell them out to Russia so will be polishing Russian dicks.
There is no better country to illustrate the "slave mentality" than Poland.
Of course a lot of Pole are aware that their elite have this disease and regularly try, and sometimes succeeded in History, to have an actual national policy that isn't sucking up to which people the average pole politician think is stronger and foster their inner strength and their actual national interest instead.
That's the only thing I wish for Poland.
You people are aware that Russia and Belarus are in what would historically called a "Dynastic union".
I mean with treaties and everything.
As in Russia doesn't need to "send" their soldiers there because it's the same State, they live there already? As in they have a united command structure, united air defense and radar net, united formation and training, etc…
It's what would happen if the European part of NATO and the EU were merged. You can still have disagreement between members but de facto it's disagreements between provinces of the same "country".
So why have them be two countries? Why not just annex Belarus? Is it because of NATO kvetching?
Weren't they doing exactly that a few years ago with their grumpy defense minister and stealth tanks?
Easier for diplomatic purpose and money laundering.
Belarus is a vassal of Russia
If the poles have started to get their shit togerher after WW1, a lot of unnecessary war would have been avoided.
They certainly have the men and industry to become a regional power.
Can spermutt/gooklarper stop being retarded for once?
But they do have it, you goddamn fake kraut.
Because Russia isn't a comics villain?
As long as what their perceived to be their strategic interests and stability requirements are satisfied they don't give a fuck of how provinces are internally ruled. It's a fucking headache to rules a land that big and that diverse already, there is no point adding to it.
Because communist stooges either fled to Israel or stayed and work with whoever pays them the best, on the condition they can undermine the interests of Poland.
Careful about accusing countries of independence and expecting their leaders to make smart decisions.
We were, unfortunately Ukraine showed their gratitude to only country that didn't laugh and call them retarded subhumans when ukrainians wanted independence by starting a war in which they got BTFO while soviets watched and laughed at both their targets losing resources fighting each other, then Soviet Union invaded and anglokikes were nice enough to give us loans so we could buy weapons from abroad because for 123 years partitioning powers ensured there isn't a single arms factory in Poland (Russians went the extra mile to keep the territories they annexed in XVIII century)
To make things worse nobody except Hungary provided any support to Poland when fighting bolsheviks, and now, in the year 2019 you end up with braindead retards who are not only unironic democrats, but say that Poland should've continued war with Bolsheviks despite not having means of wagining it and having to take more loans from anglokikes so that whites (entente's friends who wanted new, free democratized Russia) win, and Poland is only allowed to exist within ethnic borders which were muddied on purpose throughout partitions.
Belarus has a stalinist puppet that can rule itself well and Russia can clearly move troops thorough the countryside, there's no need for official annexation.
Because kike gov installed in Warszaviv is under direct control of United States of Jewry
You're a nice polandman
you mean a zionist puppet and cardboard mockups?
Try harder.
Also fun fact, in Poland the President isn't Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces, Minister of Defense can override his decisions.
I don't know, user. Our first post-commie president was a dissident, yet he was a massive zionist. It feels as though a lot of the supposedly anti-commie activists were actually controlled opposition
Wałęsa was the controlled op
Macierewicz is not only pinko himself, but a jew as well. Little kike on leash.
>he's a jew communist therefore communist jewish media for poles (gazeta wyborcza owned by (((Adam Szechter))) and Amerikike owned TVN) have him as #1 public enemy
The difference being that the anglokikes sold them out to the sovietkikes, whereas the muttkikes will force them to self-pozz with "diversity" migrants and "muh human rights to be degenerate" with the goal of extinguishing their genetic heritage within a generation or two.
One was slavery, the other will be annihilation.
Commies did diversity as well, only on a smaller scale.
Excellent. I never understood how could a civilian with no military experience or expertise be in charge of a countrys military…
If being one of top members in communist government is not enaugh - one picture is worth thousand of words
I'm going to ironically name my ammo fort after him since I won't be burning through it with my memestock.
Russia isn't annexing Belarussia because then they'd have to feed millions of annoying incompetents.
There's a myth in the west that USSR collapsed because "strong independent" microstates decided to break their relationship with Russia…. when it's the other way around.
Russia INITIATED the falling apart of USSR, because Russians were sick of paying welfare to countries like Poland, Estonia, Ukraine etc. Soviets even gave Ukraine Crimea for no fucking reason, imagine if American government just gave a few states to niggers, that's how fucking stupid the welfare level was.
The "stealth tank" was a CV-90-120 with applique foam blocks to insulate it from IR sensors. But it cost almost as much as a Leopard.
Entire thing was a joke.
Nigga, Belarus still produces a lot of stuff for your military.
Not the people, the belarussian government.
Most of the welfare Russia paid out to minor SSRs was for the local governments, or to cover up mismanagement caused by local government. Anything ever sent to the people would be pocketed by the local government, and the people would hate Russians for not helping them, which is exactly what local governments wanted.
Crimea was state-welfare. Given to Ukraine to help them survive Holodomor, which was caused by dumb Ukrainian government ordering the execution of 40% of the farmers Occupied Rhodesia-style.
Although the people do get some of the blame for not murdering the government immediately, and for falling for the local governments bullshit and blaming russia for all their troubles.
And that's how I know you are a shill.
What good is a fort without any walls.
Nigger what?
Yeah they put a gun to your head, and threatened to kill you if you didn't let them build housing for you. There was a stupid fucking movement where more "nature" can be saved by shifting urban sprawl vertically, it's an architectural movement starting around the 50s. And to be honest it was necessary due to rapid urbanization, this shit happened everywhere even in the West.
A) Everybodys culture was eradicated, this was work of the bolshevik jews who wanted to make sure no culture was solid enough to find jews objectionable. Blaming Russians is retarded considering their culture has been reduced to adidas and sunflower seeds.
B) Only a butthurt belter could make "elites" and "intellectuals" sound like good people. A plane full of elites and intellectuals crashed into a swamp and currently Poland is entering a golden age of sovereignty unseen since before WWII.
Ukrainian government WAS kikes at the time, so was Soviet general government.
by the way in the west, the jews specifically started the "counterculture" to destroy western culture. it's not a polish phenomenon.
Maybe the defense against Russia is the public facade.
An EU army would be more of a threat to Poland's sovereignty and culture over Russian influence and military power. There is no reason for such a EU military coalition when its covered by NATO and UNSC, unless the reason is to force members, non-members, or a civilian resistance to the EU.
But hey, I know nothing of Polish politics and I am assuming Polish leadership know what they are doing without being malicious.
I wish America sent only the niggest, rapiest zogbots who'd rape local women so fucktarded poles would stop having 70% approval of Zogged states of America, because nobody in this country ever learns until at least 5 disasters occur.
I smell Olgino propaganda.
Congrats you let some public college marketing graduate working at RFR control your frigging sense of smell. I heard of people getting told what to think but I never heard of people getting told what to smell.
wtf does that even mean
I adore Zig Forums history lessons. Such a masterpiece on so many levels.
Tell me about ancient alien ukrainians helping the egyptians build pyramids, History-San.
From what I have observed, Katyn and occupation aren't really major reasons but rather they are simply talking points. People simply really fucking hate the Russian government. You know, shooting down the plane containing half of the entire Polish government and all.
Actually it's about Russian negligence in investigation, because the plane crash was orchestrated by the cabinet of then prime minister Tusk, unless Russians had or control over the Polish Secret Service and enough spies to crash the most important plane with no survivors.
Well since I have made myself look like a retard already, I may as well continue. Any Ukranian user know anything about the patriarch(?) I keep hearing about that was supposedly being slipped a drink after he essentially denounced the Russian church as illegitimate?
This much deflecting.
The reason polish plane crash is fucking known. The retardation of Lech Kaczyński (which was known for multiple counts of both retardation and authoritarianism) that personally insisted the plane land against the opinion of the Russian control tower and it's own crew as was reveled by the black boxes as both the presidential secretary was heard ordering the pilots to land (and with the air force chief seated behind them).
The problem is this came out AFTER the poles had declared him a martyr and buried him alongside the old kings of Poland in the most lavish ceremony ever.
So they couldn't suddenly go back and issue him a Darwin award for single-handedly killing the polish elite out of sheer retardation and make the entirety of what was left of the Polish elite look like a sad joke.
Hence Poland has tried (unsuccessfully) to blame everyone else but the person that overridden the recommendations of the various Russian and Polish professionals that thought that trying to land on a foreign airport relying only on instruments (but the Russian military airport not being equipped with the niceties of ICAO rated airports allowing them to run almost 24/7) while having near 0 training to do so, with the pilot having to do two jobs (as he was the only one speaking Russian and to land that's what the Russian military control speaks) was a terrible idea.
And lo and behold, it was.
The Polish report is only different from the MAK report in the fact that they lay the blame ENTIRELY on the pilots and dismiss completely that having the chief of the airforce in the cockpit and direct orders from the president might have led to the pilots having a bit anxiety for their jobs…
I wouldn't mind if they packed 2nd half of the gov into another plane and shoot it down too
Russia isn't a friend to practically anyone they neighbour either. There's a reason why their only allies are fucking Belarus and Kazakhstan and there's a reason why they try so hard to rile up the Russian minority in former Soviet states and demonize those countries.
Russia isn't a comics villain, their government is.
I want off clownworld.
This man is correct. Your government is either the sniveling sidekick to a comic villain, or they are the comic villain. Today, historians look back on the early 20th century and shake their heads at how incompetent leaders were. Just imagine what they'll be doing a century from now about our countries.
That's for faggots get for voting nationalist reactionaries.
Zig Forumsyps will say otherwise
I agree, somewhat. A lot of Eastern European politics a pretty inherent issue that a lot of the right wing parties are just making vague populist promises when they aren't actually fit to lead. A good example of this would our EKRE in Estonia. I saw one of their ads on Youtube once, and it really shows how they are a party for idiots who are easily swayed and don't want to think rationally. The ad was literally just:
Just wait till a different group will warm up to USA and you'll have LGBTQ+ weeks in pre-schools funded by state department.
how about the video games though?
Yup, there was about 2 articles on it from what I googled. It's a stretch to say that some private event hosted by some degenerates is propaganda, however.
I've seen the video. It got made because of corruption by the piece of shit former mayor of Tallinn who is now in a wheelchair where he deserves to be. 250k euros. We even had a fucking Second Life embassy ran by the government from 2007 to 2011.
I feel you, estonbro, and I assure you it's no better over here. Literally every party that matters is leftist (even if they claim to be right-wing), save for one, and that one is just empty promises and populism and takes every opportunity to discredit itself. The best we've managed is a (((centrist))) party that does the same thing as leftists, but slower.
Estonian Ambassador to Second Life.
Thank you, American. Please tell me about all the issues you are oh so knowledgeable about even if you live in another fucking continent when you probably weren't even aware where Estonia was located on the map before you googled it. Do you take all your political opinions from other Americans on Zig Forums who are absolutely convinced that all of Europe is 99% Muslim?
I think you are mouthing off about shit you don't even know about. You aren't Estonian. I am. Therefore, my opinion is better than yours on the topic of Estonia.
I'm a vietnamese actually.
I don't tell you I know much about estonia, but there's no shortage of gay and refugee propaganda everywhere in the world, that it is better to always teach your new generation to be against them, rather than let your shit fester.
Gay and refugees are a worldwide problem, not just any country problem, like AIDS.
Oh great, it's fucking Spergook on a VPN telling me about my country. Even better.
So don't talk about Estonia if you have no fucking clue about it. There is very little of what you could consider "gay or refugee propaganda" here and a large majority of the population is outright hostile to both.
"Refugees" don't want to be here because they can't get big gibs, most of the ones that have been transported here have just left to Sweden or Germany.
The population's wish does not matter, if the state forces the population to accept gays and refugees, they force them in, while the population whines on Facebook. Look at the US or Germany, in the Cold War, they were 90% white, in just 10 years, now one is 60%, one is 80%. Declining birthrate, propaganda and government shipping in refugees change things very fast.
Any leftist government can step in and declare gibs for refugee.
I change my mind, you are too overconfident over your situation. You think because you are a little country in bumpfuck nowhere, that means you are safe, the truth is far, far from it. When the communists are still breathing, when the leftists are still breathing, when the (((internationals))) are still breathing, you are never safe.
That means the parties in charge get a negative public outlook and that means the parties in charge won't be in power for too long. And again, refugees do not want to stay here. They simply leave due to gibs.
Like fuck they will. Read above, what they currently get is no better than what any other Estonian on disability gets not a whole lot. They know they can get basically twice as much in Sweden or Germany, so they leave to go there instead. We're going to be fine for at least 30 more years and the only imminent threat is Russia due to how unpredictable they are. and i'll probably neck myself before that so whatever next won't matter to me
Man, look at the world, nobody fucking trust their government, yet somehow, some ways they are still in charge.
You better be careful about what you are saying. Leftists have no problem evicting people out of their houses to make room for immigrants.
And yes, Russia is a problem, but so does leftists. Both are the same actually, the ethnic ruskies in Estonia are a ticking bomb that Putin can evoke at any moment to attack you.
Yeah, I know. It's fucked. And it's all due to the (((representative democracy.)))
Perhaps that's was a bit overconfident of me to say, however politicians at this time do fear the public.
Hardcore Germany style leftists will not see power here until everyone that lived behind the USSR is dead, and that's a long way to go. At least 2 more generations or circa 20-50 years until we are at a point where we'll be as liberal as say Finland, I'd place it at the higher end. And I predict that war will happen before that which will reset the clock again.
I'm glad that you aren't as blinded by slavabooism as a lot of Zig Forums is, thinking that the Russian government is a friendly country to trust 100% of the time and is super based. Many Russians in Estonia are indeed a fifth column that are there for the Russian propaganda machine to say that they are being oppressed so they can swoop in with hybrid warfare strategies to """liberate""" them.
Anyway, I simply think that the great gay/rapefugee invasion is less likely than a Russian invasion. Estonia will stay 98/99% European as it is now for a good while.
It depends on how it goes, but in this climate, you cannot trust anybody because dependence requires you to be weak.
If you side with the current West, you are gonna get refugees.
If you side with the current East, you are STILL gonna get refugees or immigrant (in this case ruskies and muslim in their backyard as time bombs and hostages).
The correct course, as always is self-reliance, increase birthrate, increase military, get nukes.
Laws do not matter, weapons matter, population matter.
Nice VPN you have there, Antoni
That is not really true though. If that were true then they would be giving more than the usual amount of breadcrumbs to appease people.
No, it is. Estonia is small, these politicians will walk the streets at one point, and they will get beaten there if the public hates them enough.
Good to know you're reading kiked sources, frog-fag. Kaczyński was only non-retarded president in independent Poland.
Tusk was a fucking rat to give the wreck and all the evidence to the ruskies, when all of it happened on their territory.
Which didn't fucking happen, that's a lie.
Ratifying lisbon treaty disqualifies him from that and besides that title goes to Gabriel Narutowicz.
The joke is that the guy got killed shortly after him taking office
And here is a famous writer Mikołaj Rej
It's from your own country report slavtard.
Page 126.
Jesus Christ I swear all of you, Russian Ukrainians, Poles are as bad as as the next.
go choke on a dick you french faggot, that's what you do best
PiSS is exactly the same shit as the rest of the flock, they have been dismantling real right wing parties as long as they have been existing (LPR, Samoobrona) and make sure that no right wing alternative ever arises. Kaczyński even denounced "nationalism" as one of the greatest evils in one of his older speeches
Is PO better for not even bothering to pretend they don't hate Poland?