Hey Zig Forums, this isn't too guns related, but it is related to this whole site...

Hey Zig Forums, this isn't too guns related, but it is related to this whole site. Jim is having legal issues with Japan and if things fall through, gookmoot might get claim of Zig Forums.
Maybe we should look into having a bunker or alternate place to go if things go to shit. So far only place I know is endchan.

Other urls found in this thread:


This is the wild west wait till the dust settles before you call a winner in the duel

Get Under Chopper Alpha, strelok

Then we are fucked.



Naw fuck that, I'd set up something like /a/ has.

Disappointing if true. Where would we all go? Can we get the source code for this site? Can we send up a cluster of RPis into space and just keep shitposting that way?

IPFS-based imageboard when?

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So what is gookmoot going to do to fuck us all anyways?

Could go there and make it less shitty by posting quality content

Are you guys merely pretending to be retarded and I've fallen to a ruse, or are you genuine?
>>>Zig Forums1019370

Endchan, operatorchan are the only bunkers I know of.

A little bit of both.

Everything you post is so fucking cute, I don't know why. What the fuck is happening.

Best news I've heard in a while.

I believe we could, hypothetically, launch one in an amateur satellite and communicate with it through ham radio. It would be expensive and a hassle to shitpost, though.

Nips will have shit coming out of the bamboo-work making sure nothing happens. Everyone likes to see centralization, allows for better resource allocation.
although chaos has its benefits

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I hate both of them; they ruined perfectly good boards disregard 4chan, that's 論外 at this point over some shitty sense of ownership and jewry.
It was mentioned above that /a/ had their own bunker based on 8ch software, which in turn is based off of vichan. github.com/ctrlcctrlv/infinity
Couldn't we someone make a fork just for Zig Forums, as /a/ did? Does 8ch.pl still exist?

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Stay the fuck away from our bunker or I will put a san into your ow-knee.

All it takes is someone to cough up the money to get a serb.
Nobody will cough up the money to get a serb. It's a huge risk and costs money.

Absolutely this, and I can't say anything because I wouldn't either; perhaps Ham Radio Shitposting is the next promised land.

I mean, in the grand scheme of things a Terminal Node Controller is pretty darn cheap now a days. A TNC-X runs for about $100. Cheaper if you build it yourself from a kit. A Baofeng will cost you maybe $30, an antenna you could just build yourself but lets just say a quality one will cost maybe $80, and a linear amplifier to up the tiny 5 watt baofeng to maybe 100 watts for better range to hit a repeater, $200 for that maybe. About $410 to shitpost at a fairly local distance. Of course, if your antenna is pointed to a satellite, then it becomes international. Sunspots are a bitch too…

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How many rpis would be needed in order to host a 50 thread Zig Forums board? How would we radiation shield it?

I dunno friend, invading a friendly bunker don't seem so right.

I'd either configure one of mine or just rent one.

No idea how many pis we would need. However many, we'd likely have to spend much more money on placing it into orbit than the pis. If we could fit it into a 10cm cube space, we could launch a CubeSat, which are some of the cheapest satellites to launch. Some 1U CubeSats are launching for less than $100,000. If we need a 10cm x 10cm x 30cm, then that'll likely cost between $300k and $500k. If we get them in the right orbit, they can stay there for ~25 years. Space agencies are trying to cut down on CubeSats that stay in space for a long time, so that could be a problem. TubeSats are extremely cheap (IIRC, they're around $8k), but they de-orbit very soon (IIRC, a few weeks). We would also run into the problem of waiting for the satellite to pass, which could be negated by multiple satellites.

We may also run into problems if we branded it as a way to circumvent national laws, especially since so many agencies (at least in the US) deal with different (and sometimes overlapping) aspects of satellites. The 1967 Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies makes the state responsible for their space activities, even by non-governmental organizations. They also have jurisdiction over their space bodies. I bet Congress would throw a fit over our SS/k/-01 transmitting Mein Kampf, Rhodesians Never Die, and discussing race wars. Even if we were to have it come from a 3rd world country, I bet the international community would pressure them into banning it.

8ch turns into a literal pen and paper mailing list.

.pl is a honeypot.

Could we use digital packet radio and have each user host a "server" of sorts? Combine with some sort of computer software. Receive data transmission on x frequency, interpret data into text and images, display on computer, repeat signal, and save the information locally? Not sure how to make a "call" system whereby that archived information could be requested by another user and re-distributed, but I would like to have such a feature to allow a "catalog". Maybe have each repeater broadcast a copy of its "catalog" once a day to update nearby systems, and clicking the "link" to a thread in said catalog on the computer system would send out a message requesting that data be sent? Distribute the network much the same way Usenet works? Of course we would end up with some streloks seeing different posts than other just due to latency and network gaps, but hey it's communication, right?

I know this idea is retarded; I'm not a radios man. Or we could just all go fuck off to usenet since there's zero normalfaggots on it.

So what are our options?
.pl(sketchy and glows)

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You joke, but it's a semi-regular occurrence for Canadian shitposters unlicensed operators to transmit SSTV dank memes across the border.

Every CY+4 government can suck my hairy mongol pistol…

Old kc /int/ used to send around a load christmas-cards every year? I don't see why we couldn't send memes and pics of our waifus, raifus and dicks via mail. If I recall correctly, letteranon paid something like three buckaroos for a single letter from Germany to 日本. A letter from the US to Europe or the other way around shouldn't cost any more than that, and if you use a small font-size and write on front and back you can probably send a thread at a time.

If every user knew exactly two addresses, then every user could send two letters a month and everyone adds their own bogus memes to it. After 100 posts you either keep the paper, or the addresses are organized in such a way that they loop around every hundredth user.
Using Hexadecimal numbers for post IDs would reduce the amount of space they take away from your writing area.
Let's say you used ISO A4 paper, that's 210x297mm² for each sheet of paper. Substract three centimeters from the edge to make filing easier and you get 204x291mm². If every user got a box of 20x30mm to write their shit in, you could get 100 "posts" on a single side of paper, and 200 posts if you used both sides.
If you really wanted to you could make everyone write text on one side and do pictures on the other, so it would still be 100 "posts" per page, but everyone gets to send a picture and write text.

The problem with hamming are licenses though. In most countries you need a license for anything but a a handheld radio, and frequencies are strictly monitored. The punishments for misusing a frequency can go into the millions, because they really don't want anyone to even try.
Getting a license isn't that hard, but it requires time, effort and money. Time to sit down and study, effort to actually pass the test, and money to obtain the license and join a club which will provide you with studying material and practical experience. Join a local hamming club anyways. It's a fun way to get to get into some emergency networks.
Using a digital setup is pretty easy, and you wouldn't even need to send pictures or anything. You can send normal text via digital, which you could standardize into a format that is readable by a script that turns it into HTML for your browser after decryption.
Using 40 or 20 meter bands means that your antenna doesn't have to be that long and you can get halfway around the globe on a good day. If the messages are standardized, you could possibly create a chatroom using a system.
If every user broadcast the last 100 replies they have received to all other users in range every time they themselves make a post, then every user should get a somewhat complete picture of the conversation as it is going on.
So if someone in Europe made a post, and someone in New York received it and replies, they would also be sending the original post to someone in Brazil, who could then reply to both the original and the reply. Only the guy in New York would get the reply from that Brazilian though and would only update the guy in Europe if he decides to reply or manually update everyone in range.
It wouldn't be much effort at all. Some time in C programming a simple application for transforming messages into HTML and vice versa and some commercially available 20 meter ready-built used sets for maybe 150 Burgercoins.

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RIP Casey, you will be missed.

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Shame we're afraid of giving out addresses anymore. Okay, next step. We need to produce a mailforwarding service. The recipient registers his address with us and is assigned an alphanumeric identifier. When an user wants to send him a letter, the letter is sent to the forwarding service with the identifier somewhere on the envelope. It is then re-addressed to the address connected with the identifier and sent out. While the Feds could put it together quite easily by monitoring both incoming and outgoing mail and matching up the letter contents, the main advantage is individual anons don't have to be concerned about being doxxed by giving out their address. The service could deposit outgoing mail in several different USPS offices to provide some level of difficulty in intercepting outgoing mail, but I'd imagine if the service took off anything incoming would be intercepted.

Of course, as the sender and receiver both have digital contact in order to exchange identifier, the message could be sent with some sort of encoding or even on an encrypted drive with the key sent through other means.

Then we all get arrested when it's used to send CP. Such is life.

Current year kc still does it friend-o, did you missed 2018 christmas cards?

Some countries require you to give full name and postal adress if you want to receive mail. And i wouldnt want to do that

Don't be sad that it's over, be happy that it happened

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a) those who do the forwarding will have a load of addresses of protentially "dangerous" individuals. This makes them a prime target for law enforcement.
b) those who do the forwarding will have to carry a lot of costs.
If every user only ever had two addresses, then it would only threaten two other anons if one gets v&.

You can rent a post office box, which is essentially a locked mailbox in your local post office. You can give the sender the address of that post office box and go there once in a while to check for new mail.
This depends entirely on the country, and some places may not be able to participate at all. Sorry, Polandbro.

It will never be the same, but that doesn't mean that the new will not be good.

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Ffs why does everything have to go shit shortly after I find it?

source of this site is available, i would launch a hobby themed board but i don't have a machine that i can spare as a dedicated server to host it on.

We could designate a radio frequence for our use and setup a sequence of repeaters(wich are easy to make) to allow us to transmit over long distances. Ie. Everyone could tune in on 123.5 Mhz at 2000Zulu and communicate via a net of repeaters placed by other anons. Could work for SHTF too, when we set up the repeaters with solar panels.

Buying freqs in the hobbyist range is not possible. You either get a license and dabble around among all others or they will treat you like a pirate station and do everything they can to take you down. Triangulating the rough area a signal is coming from literally takes less than 30 seconds, and phoning the local police department and asking them to look for someone who has recently erected a large antenna in their backyard takes five minutes in a worst case scenario.

You can buy freqs as a buissness or for industrial purposes (own radio freqs for a large factory complex, own freqs for a security company, own freqs for taxi drivers etc.), but it's expensive and impossible to do as a private person. You would also require some fag to get in touch with the FCC and the 26 EU equivalents, get their name and address written down, and in the purpose tab write "private international firearms communication network".
Your idea is retarded and shows that you have no idea about radio communications. Ger learned, fag. There are a lot of good books available.

My knowlage on this topic is limited.
I wasnt talking about buying a freq. My Idea was more of something we could do in a worst case scenario. hiding small repeaters consisting of two baofengs in he woods rigged up with solar panels. a rather cheap way to communicate over longer distances when the internet is nomore or as a backup to it.

Share your knowlage if you know more. No reason to be a fag about it.

Solar panels may be an option, but depending on what kind of band you are using you will need 5 or 2,5 meter antennas minimum (1/4th or 1/8th of 20meter band), and those will not provide you with much range at all. Hiding a 5 meter antenna innawoods (with a solar panel large enough to make a relatively high power repeater work even on a cloudy day) will be difficult, and hiding them innawoods will make them next to useless because trees block signals. 20m can get you through to Moscow regularly from where I live, and transatlantic is done too. You don't fucking need repeaters with solar panels anywhere, and you don't need to reserve a frequency for it either.
All you need is a digital signal that contains a text document, which can be decrypted by a tiny computer program an put into a browser. It doesn't matter what frequency you broadcast on, and being able to switch frequencies freely makes tracking and jamming a lot more difficult anyways.

I seriously recommend you to get in touch with any local radio club. Get your license to go on air with hot streloks in your area.
Check our DARC if your flag isn't lying. Their ethics guide contain as a note about requiring all members to be partiots and shit. It's a really comfy club and they will do everything to help a new member.
They even have an online course, which contains everything you need to get a license in Germany for free. Get your E license, and then get your A license. A is more difficult to get, but parts of the E license two thirds of the test will be counted as already passed if you already have an E license.

Thank you for clearing up some things for me. Im studying for my BZF2 right now, but that doesnt require any technical knowlage. I will try to learn more about radio communication afterwards, thank you for providing me some steps to do so.