Just a quick BO post...

Just a quick BO post, been keeping up with the sperg spam as well as the 8ch blackpill spammer trying again with new VPNs at the same time, dont worry im still here!

Keep up with the reports please, it seems both spammers have stopped, but i might have missed some new ID posts.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Can you please crack down on low quality OPs?

Nice assault weapon there BO, are those even legal in straya?

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tfw I will never own a hunting business and have a AR15 in Australia.

Ain't that a fucking shame.

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Yes. Import only though.

Stay strong user! get a goal and aim for it!

What the hell this is about? I keep hearing about faggots fearmongering about this whole "blackpill spammer" but i never seen him

The guy in every thread telling people to turn in their guns, stop voting, shilling against freedom, 'America is dead', etc.

Sounds pretty stupid
Whats wrong with this? If you vote you participate in the system and fuel it, you legitimize it
Freedom is a retarded concept anyway, "true" freedom doesnt exist
Its not (yet) but hopefully it will be soon

The blackpiller attacks again

Clockwork. BO, you still have some work to do.

God bless you.

We need more bans, these cuckchan OP's are getting out of hand.

Im just expressing my opinions, no need to brand me as some sort of boogyman

Get. Out.

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Newsflash from the pole, everyone, letting the voting booths be populated exclusively by the DNC's pet shitskins is ackshually "delegitimizing the system"

Kill yourself.

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Also, why does the BO get rid of blackpill posts? Blackpill is the most logical pill seeing how hopelessly fucked everything is. Deleting my posts won't change the fact that the jewnited states is screwed as is the rest of the western world. We all lost. The kikes won. Them's the breaks.
So why does the BO even bother trying?

You're not a jaded movie superhero like Batman. You're not a run down has been because you've never even been. You shouldn't even be called defeatist because you have to have at least fought at one point to accept defeat, you've never fought for anything. In reality, if this was a movie, you'd be a background character in a crowd of people that dies in the first scene.

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Have you heard of brownpill?
it's a tough pill to swallow! The brown pill was founded in 1999 by Sir Reginald Brownpill, who presents and narrates the attached video.


Forget red and blue pills, brown pills are the way of the future.

Video related. Please leave your questions, comments, and concerns below about this radical new paradigm of thinking!

Swallow the brown pill today! Red pills are for fedora fucking wearing faggots, blue pills are for the ignorant masses. Ignore the other le epin Zig Forums maymays, this one is the readl deal.

Good job

Based and brown pilled. I remember taking the brown pill at a young age. Oh, that was back when I was a young chap, perhaps 20, 21? It changed my life forever. I learned to find meaning. After a deep study of Sir Reginald Brownpill's manifesto of the brown pill, I saw a completely new paradigm of not only thinking, but living.

The brown pill is not simply another failed meme like all the others, but it has transcended the cyber world to touch millions of life on this Earth and other planets. The sheer magnificence and enigmatic inner workings of the brown pill is what earns it it's special title as the king of pills, the final rung on the ladder to enlightenment.

I sincerely hope you fellows take the brown pill today, and claim your ultimate destiny. Pic somewhat related, Reggie, one of Reginald's original students is theorized to have been the first enlightened brown pill spammer to evangelize 8ch.

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I'd personally jam my thumbs into your eye sockets if you actually had the balls to walk outside and see sunlight for once in your life. You're not even human. You're less than a dog. Rights are for men with souls.

Hello, why are you still banning me, BO?

I'm the "spergook" and I did not spam.

Imagine being this pathetic.

Maybe a hundred years ago, but not today. Any attempts at unfucking things would just get your redflagged and shut down before you even start.

Its not like I'm the defacto law in my woods or anything.

If you want to roll over and let them fuck you in the ass, be my guest, but dont act like thats the only possible solution. I aim to make it as difficult as possible for them to fuck me in the ass, so it becomes incredibly time consuming and expensive to do so. If everyone did this, youd be surprised at what happens.

Hey BO, can you unban me?

Hey, BO, what are some of your favorite guns?

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That's half the front fucking page, damn it. Make the PDF thread cyclical and keep an archive of it every two weeks in case of a spam attack that wipes it, do the same with the banners thread, and just leave up the "welcome to Zig Forums" sticky, holy shit. Why did this thread need to be stickied? Just use your BO hash in the title and it would grab everyone's attention just fine. Jesus.

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Use the catalog holy shit.


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Range ban all amerimutt IPs.
Zig Forums should be for the rest of the world only.

Delete this rude comment. I am American and you insult me >:(((((

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lel, what a pussy

Hey BO un ban mexico

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please don't ban sperggook. i'd like to call him a retarded nigger a few more times in his retarded ship thread

Well, it wasn't me spamming.