Aesthetic Uniforms thread

Hello Zig Forums in your opinion what uniform is the most aestheticly pleasing? In my opinion I say that the uniform of the katanga gendarmerie and the uniforms that the u.s wore during the vietnam war.
So post cool looking uniforms and explain why they look cool.

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Other urls found in this thread:

If you have to explain why something looks cool, then it doesn't look cool.

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BDUs and TA50 will always have a special place in my heart. Unpretentious and rugged.

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You might not like it, but this is how peak eastern european uniform aesthetic looks like

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Can't beat the benishelm.

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I present to you the peak of A E S T H E T I C S.
It is the Bärenfotze.
Have you ever been stuck out innwoods and it was fucking cold. Not just chilly-nipples cold, or shivering a little cold, or I would kill for some time in my sleeping bag cold. I mean I am beginning to feel really sleepy for some reason cold. Genuine hypothermia stage two cold. The Bärenfotze is here to help you. It will take you into it's warm arms, embrace you, whisper sweet nothings in your ears and protect your head from the harshness of reality.
Basically it's a normal fucking field-cap, but with fluffy material on the inside, and long flaps that you can use to cover your ears and protect them from wind. Those flaps also come with very soft velcro patch on the flaps so you can attach the flaps together over your head when you don't want the flaps to get in the way of your ears.
It's official name is "Wintermütze, Tarndruck", but the term "Bärenfotze" is widely used anyways because it kinda looks like you would imagine a bear's pussy to look like. Warm, wooly, and brown.
On top of that, it looks great. Fuck anyone who says otherwise.

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When you are betrayed by your own government so you just go rogue with the boys and establish your own country.

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What's better? This or the Austrian equivalent?

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Where is this place? Is this how slavshit heaven looks like?

Never used the Austrian variant, but it doesn't have Flecktarn, so it loses by default. Those holes in the flaps look like they will ruin the entire purpose of them.
Also: it's surprisingly hard to find pictures of people wearing a Bärenfotze. I guess it's because you never wear it outside of the circumstances I described above.

black face for sneaking at night or in the bush

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SADF nutria uniforms quite aesthetic.

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Too much asshurt from subhumans.

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You're all ugly fags.

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Reminder that Rhodesia wasn't a white ethnostate but it should have been

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It was also proof that you can effectively use niggers when the leadership is white

Huh cool, I've had one of these for a while and didn't know the actual name of it

I'm still not clear on whether Rhodie's blacks voted for Mugabe willingly or by coersion with voter fraud. Either way doesn't change the fact that social trust is highest in homogenous communities.

No. Just that segregation works and that it strengthens interracial trust and cooperation.

Promises of free gibs and communism, false accusations of apartheid and white supremacy in law and government (which never even existed: search for Ian Smith's words on those topics), the ZANU importing huge numbers of foreigners to astroturf their movement (remember that Rhodesia had qualified democratic voting, and Mugabe could only win via direct democracy; i.e, they were forced to let any random faggot vote including Bantuniggers from miles outside the country), and ZANLA essentially made people vote and prevented Rhodesians (both white and black, but mostly white) from voting at gunpoint.

What people also tend to forget is that ZANU had the full backing of China and some other major world powers, who were all aimed at preventing Rhodesia from becoming the economic capitol of Africa with its access to resources, food production, and a soon-to-be independent currency.

Rhodies did nothing wrong.


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For shame.

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Also pickelhauben are aesthetic and DDR uniforms. Also soft for the Princess Patrica’s regiment.

This one looks better imo. There’s a M43 Feldmütze variant with the ear flaps like that, which I have been looking for but I may just buy the Austrian one then. What is the name of it?

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I got me one of those, its great. You forgot to mention the visor goes up too.

You're probably thinking of one of these.

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Is it me that I think the cow is cute? It make me want to own a cow for milk.

Do these count? They are technically part of the military forces…

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I honestly feel like they should be 2 times fatter and ride heavyweight horses just for the sake of hilarity. Imagine a wall of armored guys you cannot even hope to move. We dark souls elite forces now.

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Kill yourself, subhuman

Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise, cows are adorable.

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Why do Gulf/Iraq War field uniforms look so damn heavy compared to what they wore in Vietnam? I know there's more protection, but is it worth the loss of mobility?

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Because modern militaries are retarded and they put all your fucking pouches on your chest

The white mercenaries in africa had cool style.

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AvtoVAZ (Lada) Technical Museum, in Togliatti.

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Vests are the real problem, they should bring back belts with straps.

fuck that isn't even the right picture

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ok. how about these?

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webm too large for 8gag servers

No, that’s a ushanka, it in no way even resembles a M43.

All our cattle are beef cow, the only time we milk them is when they’re being a cunt and won’t let their calf suck. Calves are very cute, but once they grow up I think they lose it. Though we do have some chill cows and one of our Bulls is a huge tsundere.
Sage for double post

I found one Ebay listing that seems to match your description, but can't find further info on it.

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Sorry for multiposting, but found some more photos from this shop;

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Capes for dress uniforms and wearing zelts are peak aesthetic.

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Burgmützen. Far from a m43.


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Found some pictures, it’s a Luftwaffe M43.

Burgmützen are just lined M43s with stiffer brims. They didn’t have any extra on the flip down ears, it was just wool like the the feldmütze.

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I like the third picture.

French uniforms under King Louis XIV are quite aesthetic.

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Its all fun and games until you realize that most of those guys died from minor infections/poor logistic/plagues before even reaching combat

No idea what it's called, people just refer to it as the "Austrian winter cap".

Yugoslav War uniforms had a certain aesthetic to them. Various Yugoslav and international camo patterns mixed with "homemade" assault vests.

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why live

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Pick up knitting, It's easy, relaxing and you can make your own socks.

I am drowning in regret about it every passing day of my worthless life.

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Become a martyr, bomb a roach embassy or shoot up an area in Constantinople after releasing a manifesto. If you go to prison in Greece you’ll be let out as a hero when nationalists take over, if you die your monument will stand for a hundred years for every Turk you end up killing. Do it faggot

feels bad man

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I am not a dirty commie, but I like the uniforms the Soviets used in Afghanistan. I also really like the uniforms of the DAK.

Pic 1 related

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Chechen war as well.

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cows are really cute and some are affectionate but have no awareness of their size.

Russia seems to have all these insane museums.

I remember seeing pictures of DDR troops in angola with that helmet and thinking it looked cool.

first dude looks like elvis.
Franco era spain was pretty good with uniforms.

I dont even live in an area with a large balkan population but I can pretty much tell a bosniak from a croat/serb. I'm convinced they understate the kebab/albanian/arab admixture they have.

I agree with all of your choices. Late Soviet into early Russian Federation uniforms are aesthetic as fuck. DAK uniform, too, but not those shorts.

Shorts are aesthetic, but maybe not practical in a tactical sense.

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say what you want about their shitty political system, DDR had super effay camo

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what about 1980s navy SPECWAR?

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Didn't it originate with the Poles though? And Czechoslovakia used it as well.

the US Coast Guard used to issue shorts

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The poles at one point copied Splittertarn as did the Bulgarian, Stritchtarn is a solely DDR invention that was used with a good chunk of the Warsaw Pact.

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Am I correct?
Left from right:
Polan, Soviet, Check, Dacian, Hungry, Prussia

1 or 3 is Polish, #6 is Czech

3rd and 6th are definitely Czech and DDR, respectively. No idea about 1 and 4 though.
t. Strichtarn pro


Didn't know you used vz.58's.

Big think

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I'm sad they didn't do a modern remake of the Syrianka for Syrian operations with the big flap for the dust.

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The 60s and 70s were a very comfy time for Uniforms.

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Are those M14 bandoleers or the weird canvas things 5.56 stripper clips come in?

From what I can see I think they are those weird canvas thing.

Taiwan soldiers with ballistic face-masks

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That is so stupid, you fucking Magyar barbarian.

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looks like fag cosplay

it's the masks.

Is that a cow polisher?

Aye, what is the point of those things anyways? All they do is obscure your vision, and if that shit get's hit with a bullet your face is fucking broken and your out of the fight. Reminds me of that ronin helmet or whatever, just some shit made to look "cool" to retards and politicians.

Well, cows can't really scratch their faces or necks, or anything for that matter.

That's not true, I've seen my cows scratch behind their ears with their back hoofs before.

Prove it

Danish Special Forces uniform.

Ronin helmet?

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