hopefully none of you niggers need to be told not to use facebook, but i saw this and thought it might be relevant.
Hopefully none of you niggers need to be told not to use facebook, but i saw this and thought it might be relevant
it's a dogwhistle dipshit she's one of our guys
If you say so, Megan
OPSEC Level 100
Does she mean IN as in in group or IN as in this op is targeting Indiana?
I wish I had a wasr declared to me. I hear that they're not all that bad rifles.
Can anyone explain what sort of lunacy is involved here? I've tried talking to antifunners here and they do seem to show consistent symptoms - is this actually a diagnosable mental problem, or am I reading too much into this?
It's their smug sense of self satisfaction. Liberals love to rub it into the other side that they're doing something to thwart the evil gun owners. They're like anime villains. They like to explain their motives and exactly what their moves are going to be. Another way I look at it, is that they're behaving like children. Retarded children.
They honestly believe they're on the "right side of history" and are fighting against evil. So they virtue signal about their efforts. They literally think bragging about fighting funs is on par with bragging about volunteering at a retirement house
Why not just temporarily convert to Islam so you can beat and rape the stupid out of this dumb bitch?
For as much as the mudslimes are trash, they do have some good points on how to run society.
I wonder who's behind this post.
Bad idea, kaffir. Mudslimes are capable of tolerating unbelievers and leave their killing to snackbars, but apostasy is punished by death. It's on par with drawing muhammad caricatures, as in they'll happily stalk you across the globe to get you.
I don't know user, we at least in here are exactly that
This is bad, how? This way you don't have to come to kebab to remove, kebab comes to YOU.
Besides, we could always go back to the old barbarian ways with the bloodlust we have now and just rape dumb bitches anyway.
I am only here for for the airplane discussion but I'd be a liar if I said I would not napalm Exarchia if I could.
This is the state of modern women. And a good deal of soy-based lifeforms formerly known as men.
This is because modern women don't get dickings. If the bitch is stupid, rape the stupid out of her.
Alternativly, just toss modern women in the trash and replace them with waifubots or something.
I too would like to have Warsaw declared to me.
delete this
Dont do this, a few people here got jailed for showing off their Rifle/pistol or they just left it in an accessible place, people just love running to the goverment.
Nah there is something wrong with them, they go apeshit over guns and talk about how "the public dont need them" and "only the goverment should have guns" whilst talking shit about the goverment. bongs really hate self defence, they're programmed that way in school and by the BBC
It can't just be social programming though. You and I both grew up in the same country as them, going to the same schools as them, watching the same TV/movies/news/discussion, etc. That would suggest that there has to be some kind of biological predisposition to these attitudes. There's been some very interesting research over the last few years that correlates certain trends in brain structure to political positions - we wouldn't be too far out of line to speculate on a similar cause for antigunners.
actually we didnt, i grew up in segregation and live on another island from you, never watched the BBC, schools where segregated, so was the news, music, TV (if you could afford one) movies and somepeople even learnt our language instead of english. i grew up in a far different enviroment than you in poverty and conflict, and i live in the only place where every cop carries a gun, they dont even come into areas unless they have to investigate some crime, you seem to forget that the UK is made up of 4 different places and no one really cares about isle of man. most people who used to own guns for some reason dont like them anymore and even have the nerve to complain about having a gun for self defence when most of them carried pistols
I've always been curious about this place, how would you describe it?