Rochester, N.Y. (WHAM) - A person of interest is in police custody after Rochester Police were called about a reported firearm in a home Monday morning.
The initial call came in shortly before 7 a.m. about a neighbor who claimed to have seen a shotgun in a home on Farmington Road.
Police shut down several roads in the area, but all roads have been re-opened.
Officers are searching but have not found any firearms yet. A crisis negotiation team and SWAT team were brought to the scene as a precaution.
There are no charges for the homeowner at this point; police said he was cooperative with them. No one was injured.
NY police shut down entire street because someone thought they saw a shotgun inside someone's home
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Land of the "free"
New York isn't part of the United States any more than California is
So, if I'm reading this correctly, absolutely no crime was committed, they don't suspect a crime has been committed, yet the home owner was still taken into custody?
True Scotsman.
Even New York I'm pretty sure that's 100% legal
Whoever called the police on the poor neighbour must have mistake the broom stick for gun. I hope the police arrest the caller for wasting the resources unnecessarily.
I thought owning firearms was legal for you yanks?
not in the socialist jew controlled oblast of Jewtropolis(formerly known as New York).
Land of the "free" and soon to be the rest of the jewnited states.
Man this country is shit.
Reminder that americucks hate things like "freedom" which doesn't exist anyway and would be glad to become slaves and make others into fellow slaves.
Such is life in the jewnited states.
Even here shotguns are legal, I'm pretty sure they're legal in NY as well.
Should ban all guns. Means nobody will ever get guns right?
Americucks hate guns and want to become slaves as soon as possible. How funny.
Are you proxyfagging or something?
Has this happened before? AFAIK guns are basically all but contraband in NYC, but this is next level, as if they're trying to set a precedent in what they can do to gun owners.
Thousands of anons have said it, and I'll say it again, if you live in a city, expect nothing but trouble and don't act surprised when this happens to you.
I hate urbanites so much.
Officers said 56-year-old David Eisenberg was charged with second-degree menacing, a class A misdemeanor. The charge is filed when a person "intentionally places or attempts to place another person in reasonable fear of physical injury, serious physical injury or death by displaying a deadly weapon."
Reminder to my fellow NYfags that this state is ENEMY TERRITORY and to practice good opsec. Keep your funz away from windows and the general public eye. Especially (and I can't stress this enough) if you're in the metropolitan area of a city like this guy is.
Polite sage for double post, forgot the source.
There's obviously something more to this user. Let's read a little deeper and see what we can find on this guy before just chalking it up to "NY hates funz," because that narrative has been established for decades and is not news in the slightest.
It's too hopeful of me to think that they grabbed the retard who made the call, right?
Nevermind I read
So he’s an actual kike and this is just some low level Shylock that has nothing to do with zog. Besides it’s not like the police run every case through the grand rabbi, probably just an actual coincidence that it was a kike that got charged. Unless there’s more to the story.
Bin laden did nothing wrong
Sorry about that, I'm a lazy faggot.
I agree, I wonder what his arrest record is prior to this and if he got off on anything and this is their excuse to hammer him with something a la OJ. Just thinking through all possibilities, it could be that the (((person on the street))) saw him holding a shotgun. I'm not saying that gives them the right to call the police on a man in his own home though. We don't even know if there is anyone in the home at all; I know I've walked around my house (((menacing))) with my funz.
IMO this is a vindictive and petty neighbor/personal acquaintance getting their payback on him.
hey rabbi, whatcha doin over there
But since he's a kike, all charges will be dropped
That's actually true because Bin Laden had nothing to do with 9/11
According to court paperwork, Eisenberg pointed a shotgun out the window of his home in the direction of a neighbor's house.
The neighbors said they feared for their safety.
"I turned all of my lights out and closed all of the curtains," one of the neighbors wrote in a supporting deposition. "Myself and my daughter went into the basement until the whole thing was over. I was horrified when he was pointing the gun at my home because my family was inside and I don't know what he is capable of."
It's red flag laws without red flag laws. "AH SEEN'M DEW IT"
So how does that work? Did Eisenberg just sstand there, pointing the gun all day until the neighbour happened to look the window? Did the neighbour monitor the house 24/7 to catch Eisenberg picking up the gun? This story is complete bullshit – the neighbour probably got into an argument with Eisenberg, walked home all pissed, then turned around to see Eisenberg wave his gun at him and decided to outkike the kike at court
He probably would've been better off actually shooting the cunt and booby trapping his door.
I'd say more than likely he did nothing of the sort and they just wanted to "win" their argument.
Isn't it odd how she called the police before the crime had even been committed? She called the cops over nothing at all, and yet by (((pure coincidence))), since he had no way of knowing the police had been called, Eisenberg decided to pick exactly that moment, out of all times and all days, to point it at their house?
It's almost like it went something like this:
By the way, let this be a lesson to you all about appearances. Both libtards clearly recognized it as a shotgun. There's no mention of it being an "assault shotgun" or something to suggest it's a scary black one, and the article would certainly specify if it had been a semiauto one. Odds are this was just mundane wood-and-steel any Fudd would happily own. And it still led to this.
So he is a discount jew
They have permits for even basic ownership though, I'm sure police can cross reference state permits with addresses. NY is seriously targeting gun owners though and its been that way for at least a generation.
NY does not require permits for long guns (barring SAFE act cuckery but that's an entirely different conversation). Background checks are mandatory for all private sales, but almost never done in owner-to-owner sales. From my 20 years of living here, 99% of gun owners being targeted are in the cities (Buffalo, Cuse, Rochester, Albany, and of course NYC), who would have fucking thought.
So he was probably sitting in his armchair 'mirin his piece and it happened to be pointed in the direction of a window which dipshit neighbor saw and flipped his shit. Fuck, I sit on my backporch and 'mire my pieces all the time.
I live on a farm so I just carry them if I feel like it. Sometimes I shoot in my field right beside the highway, no, one’s complained about that yet.
why though?
Is NY racing us for the Cuck Crown?
Any Britcuck who spams "mutt" memes really should be ashamed of themselves and their countries.
Mutt memes are mostly posted by South Americans using VPNs. You can tell because they don't spell things the way we do.
Americans don’t spell things the way we (commonwealth) do. But it’s obvious from their grammar and poor sentence structure that most aren’t native or even studied English speakers. How do you know they’re spics, though?
Most other Europeans spell things in our way, I doubt Americans would shit on their own country and you can count the amount of Asians on Zig Forums with one hand. By process of elimination, that leaves el piel heces.
You would not believe how smug my fucking face is right now. Everyone hates America. Especially Americans. They shit on this trash heap of a country whenever possible.
I always figured it was spergook, he always uses VPNs.
I always figured half of Americans were brown or libs and hated the country and the other half were the ‘murika, muh constahtooshun’ types. Albeit, I haven’t really spoken politically to anyone when I’ve gone down south.
Only college students, soyboys and communists (redundant I know) hate America for being racist, hateful, backwards and not being Sweden.
Right, but according to many, or at least a significant amoumt of Americans hate America. I figured the vast majority of Americans that hate America are libcucks or niggers/shitskins, and that hate isn’t just from are the average mutt.
You'll find many Americans draw a big distinction between America the land and people and America the government. They're diverging to the point where the government is beginning to feel like an occupying force of a separate nation. That is how far our ideals have strayed from the path our politicians are taking us down.
Similar here, but that’s because being Canadian doesn’t mean anything beyond being alive and living here. Canadian land is great but any subhuman who enters the country is “Canadian”.
That is the case and has been for decades, you don’t give pissrael 10 million a day out of the kindness of your citizens’ collective hearts.
Deafening silence from the (((NRA))), of course.
When are you coming back, Jesus?
That's standard US police procedure. Cops suspect the guy of a crime but don't have any actual evidence, so they bring the guy in for questioning and try to trick him into incriminating himself. It usually works too, since most Americans are too dumb to shut up and lawyer up until after they've been charged with a felony.
A couple anons asked why I keep my guns secret, and this is why; shit like this. I suggest everyone else keep their shit safe. IF your gun is not wooden, it is automatically an "assault rifle."
lol, the fact that you're incredulous and surprised is just…. lol!
They're putting americans in prison for insulting muslims and someone who sold state secrets and state assets to foreigners for cash money is running free. I bet you still think America is #1 and the frees't country in the world, fucking moron.
You're living in a police state and doing nothing about it.
Pick any western country you dare, it is more totalitarian than any developing state. The only country I've been in which is close to Western-levels of police-state is Singapore, and even there it's only close in terms of the punishment not in terms of the surveillance or apprehension.
I've traveled a bit, the level of freedom in East Europe and China is ridiculous. I haven't seen a police officer except at the borders, and no one tells you what you can or can't do, or can or can't say. Going back to Canada felt like someone was strangling me, the pressure here is unbearable.
You make me wonder.
But muh toilet paper says I'm free therefore I am!
Amerimutts killed him, ca M1 945.
They were small and he didn't notice.
everyone he interacted with was a Chinese secret police officer or a snitch,
Most other Europeans? What I see the most are mistakes made by Europeans which arent French, English or German. Even when it's a German you can spot mistakes, and sometimes they'll use capitalization with nouns, which is strange for the English language. Anyways, stop sucking your own dick and being blinded from the balls in your face.
Dear Huezillian, we’re not talking of grammar, or even of sentence structure, as both the subjects of the Queen, namely me and the Brit, have clearly stated in our posts: we’re talking about British vs. American spellings. Just as I’d assume Portugal’s Portuguese and your mongrelized Portuguese vary in spellings for the same words, so too does American spelling differ in some cases from British English. Such words as colour and color, licence and license, grey and gray, with many more examples present in the language.
Haha, amerimutts are fucked.
This is how it's like everywhere in this shitty country.
Every day I wish for nukes to fall and every day I'm disappointed. I don't care if I die so long as everyone else dies too. I'd be laughing as people burn up.
Oh there is one
Should just wish for dead mutts instead.
Yeah, sure feels good to be an americuck. Kill yourself. This country is shit and has been rotting since the civil war killed it.
I sincerely hope any cityfags that have even given this story a glance are already packing up or planning to move to the country or a small town ASAP. Cities are bad for your health, too, so you should be moving regardless.
Stay cucked. I will be here stroking my actual GI issued full auto gun that I bought :3
Actually the slats have not been approved yet.
Oh man, isn't that just icing on the shitcake that's America. There was even a big fuss over a shutdown just to put up those slats. What a miserable fucking joke this country is.
If I was running things, I'd skip the wall altogether and just put automated turrets along the border. Hell, I'd even include uploads of the kills to the internet. Imagine the looks on some spic faces when they get filled with lead. Fucking priceless.
Even better. Surround Los Angeles, San Fagcisco, and Jew York City with these turrets, cut all electricity and supplies to these cities and watch the citycucks eat each other alive. Fucking comedy gold there.
*claps loudly*
daily reminder to practice good opsec especially in a (((metropolitan area))) by:
Spic/burger border: 3,145 km
An M2 can easily cover 1.5km against unarmored personels. But for the sake of lethality let just say we put up an m2 nest every one click.
3500 M2 nests AT BEST. Plus all the thermal and NVGs to support them and the personnels. All of these inintial hiring and building costs would not even come close to 1 billion shekels. Hell, you can probably even buy 100 low attitude drones to support all those nests and you still would not come close to 1 billion. And you can even drop another hundred million for the rednec/k/ militias who have been itching to shoot spics for centuries to act as patrols and QR forces.
Of course, this is a real solution to the wetback problem. And no mutt elite actually wants to solve that problem.
While your idea is pretty fun, there's the issue of personnel. Most people are retards, incompetent, or cucks. You won't have enough people ready and willing to kill on sight.
With machines, you won't have to worry about someone cucking out of killing or someone who's just tired. You can then have fewer people who simply need to maintenance and supply the turrets.
I'd love for the military to be completely replaced with robotics, machinery, and an AI who'd love a good genocide or two.
Problem is that turret IFF tech is still pretty shit at the moment. So if you do have the need to send out a force for XYZ mission, you will have to turn the turret off. And I do not believe you can't come up with 40000 amerimucunts who aren't itching to shoot spics. I also proposed drone support which also transmits live feed back to HQ, so no cucks can let these spics get away.
Seeing how fucked things are, I really doubt you can get 40000.
Also, I though of something pretty funny. Aside from M2s, include some AGLs. What more fitting end for a spic that turning them into chunky salsa.
Manned M2's in high traffic areas, minefields in those areas where natural terrain already make crossing more difficult.
This is a fucking God-awful idea because you lose the conscience element when inevitably boots meet doors. When it's nothing but mindless, unquestioning robots obeying the (((commanders))), you lose any potential of troops asking "but sir, what about the Constitution?", "but sir, they're unarmed and fleeing", "but sir, they're women and children in a nursery".
No shit. In fact, all of this strong border shit is stupid, as the amerimutt armed forces are still the most mobile and powerful in the world.
You only have to enforce current domestic laws against wetbacks and they will all hop back. If not, unleash the hilariously militarized police and Feds on them. Make their illegal life impossible.
But of course, real solutions to the spic problems will never be addressed. Too many powerful burgermutts live like a little lord with spics mowning their lawns. They won't give this up unless forced to.
I assume that Ami was being sarcastic, seeing as the image he posted was editeded to have kike stars and the merchant on America’s back. The original image didn’t have either of those.
Someone please show this user to the door, he doesn’t deserve the of ‘strelok’.
Pardon the double post
I've been sawing for years but it's not as easy as the cartoons make it look.
It's hard to tell what's irony or not anymore. Better to assume everyone is always being serious all the time.
We used to call that Aspergers.
Actually, Brazilian portuguese is extremely refined and advanced, and it's perfect for literary writing, just as German is perfect for scientific writing. Don't be biased, I repeat.
Also, I was answering to your post's contents, not to the overall discussion. You only confirmed my view that you're blinded by your balls due to self cock-sucking.
Please change Brazil.
Oh, please. You want to talk about nationality? Really? Don't even get me started, budget America.
you've gotta be fucking with me, are you actually defending the use of unthinking machines that will blindly obey orders without a single second thought? all of which are under the control of the (((higher command echelon)))? you do realize that in the case of SHTF, no-holds-barred martial law, a good portion of the military won't be firing on its own citizens?
It was the bong who said euros use British spelling, my statement was that there are different spelling for different dialects.
No, I’d much rather talk race.
No I’m defending killing unarmed and fleeing, as well as female and child opponents, if the army were made of robots us humans would miss out on that fun.
Not the scenario I pictured from your first post, but history would say otherwise.
lmao, this cuck actually believes that
lel, what a cuck
Race you to the bottom of civilization! I know you've got a headstart, but I'm confident we can catch up.
Who knows attacking and bullying the nation of God's artists have such dire consequences :^)
Which god, the jew one or Godan?
But Germany is even more cucked and flooded with more immigrants than the UK, Goymany is facing the consequences if anything.
Why do you think he hides his flag?
And who's fault is that, bong? If that faggot PM Churchill and his jewish employers didn't have their way, we wouldn't be in this (current) mess.
Roosevelt was a complete cunt as well, but that doesn't change that your hands are dirty too.
Who cares?
It's a common insult that Americans don't see history pre-1776, and it's pretty much right. I don't think he realizes WWII has it's roots in a 1500 year long series of disputes between (what are now) France, Germany, and the UK. I bet he still thinks Soviet crimes against Polish and Ukrainian people has anything to do with communism too.
Hey, if the bongs, frogs, and krauts want to duke it out amongst themselves, then fine. Just don't do it for the benefit of the jews.