My Congressman's district director is calling in a few hours to finalize a meeting with my new Congressman on NFA repeal. Are the any pro-2A organizations that explicitly support repeal of the National Firearms Act beyond Gun Owners of America, Second Amendment Foundation, Florida Carry and NFA Freedom Alliance? Anything you should I should bring up?
My Congressman's district director is calling in a few hours to finalize a meeting with my new Congressman on NFA...
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Tell him he's a niggerlover, and to khs
Much luck op let's all donate to congressman stienbergs patreon and get him a star on the Hollywood walk of fame
What are the chances of it succeeding, can the bumpstock ban bullshit get repealed as well?
You are pretty good.
OK, he called. Since the angle I was pushing was restoring veteran bring back (which seems to have been a good angle since the the district director stated there were many he wanted to bring back but couldn't), he wanted me to check for further details about what laws and regulations beyond just machine guns being illegal that applied to bringback.
Anyone here have any knowledge on that subject? I know some Iraqi pistols have come to the US so it can't be totally prohibited.
So a politician wanted to know which policies to lie about to get votes, that's a good start I guess.
I spoke to the District Director. He's a retired Brigadier General. Not sure on the Congressman himself yet.
The 1968 GCA's "sporting purposes" importation requirement.
Obviously select-fire weapons will fail the test and be banned from import(e.g. bringback).
Also there may be some anti-looting regulations in military law, I don't know for sure, but you may want to avoid bringing that part up if you do find any.
I suspected GCA
Nice angle to push. Just opening the registry would be a good start even if there is no repeal, or allowing a C&R type exemption to the registry being closed.
If I've learned anything about passing bills, it's that they must have a catchy name, and ideally that name be an acronym. I needed something related and Veterans Against Loss Of Relics (look at all the rare guns sent to Captain Crunch) was the first idea I had that worked.
Very good. Catchy, patriotic, and in my experience no-funz moderates tend to buy the "historical" angle rather readily when it comes to explaining firearms ownership.
>stocked pistols are short barreled rifles unless the ATF exempts them, then only that stock with that gun
Does anyone have any good examples of insane classifications under the NFA beyond these?
Factory Winchester carbines with a barrel under 16". They're considered by the ATF to be standard rifles thus exempt from NFA. Looking through the C&R book is mind boggling.
Molotovs are classified as destructive devices, with the whole 10 year prison sentence and the rest of it attached, but flamethrowers aren't restricted at all on the federal level. I've also heard that napalm is unrestricted, you may want to look into that.
This is interesting, probably won't help much:
I need more specifics to look that up.
That's a good one. I'm planning to print these examples on cards with a picture on one end and explanation of what it is on the other. So far I've got
>Taurus Judge: Even though it fires shotgun shells, it is rifled and thus is merely a revolver.
Shockwave: Since it wasn't designed to be fired from the shoulder, it is not a shotgun. Since it is too long to be concealable it is not an Any Other Weapon. Since it is not rifled, it can not be a pistol. Therefore, it is just a "Firearm"
>Armsel Striker: This was originally approved by the ATF and sold as a shotgun. After many were sold an executive order by Bill Clinton ordered the ATF to determine it had no sporting purpose and to reclassify it as a Destructive Device.
>Inglis High-Power: Would be a short barreled rifle, but since this has a specific exemption from the ATF, this is a pistol. If a different stock of identical design were placed on it it would be a short barreled rifle.
>M2 Flamethrower: This is not a destructive device. Indeed, it is not even a firearm and can be mailed to your door. Flamethrowers are completely unrestricted under federal law.
>Gatling Gun: Reproductions are normal "firearm"s. It becomes an illegal machine gun if a motor is used to turn the crank. This is true even for historical relics not regulated as firearms due to their age.
>Serbu Super Shorty: Since it was not designed to be fired from the shoulder, and is short enough to be concealable, it is an Any Other Weapon, not a short barreled shotgun. As an AoW it transfers for 5 dollars instead of 200.
>Cane gun: Since it is a disguised firearm, it is an Any Other Weapon. As an AoW it transfers for 5 dolars instead of 200. Less controlled than an otherwise normal rifle with a 14.5 inch barrel.
>Life Card: Since using it requires it be unfolded to (vaguely) handgun shape, it is a pistol, not an Any Other Weapon.
And speaking of ten years, one of my arguments is listing crimes that carry a lesser sentence. In Florida law I already found child abuse, assault on a LEO, and felon in possession of a firearm are all lesser sentences. Anyone know of anything else I could include from Federal or Florida law?
Anyway, before the NFA was a thing Winchester as well as Marlin would go out of their way and build their guns to your specification. Quite a few of their guns they built with barrels ranging from 10" to 15" as handy rancher guns. The ATF put in an exception to those rifles in their C&R book like C96 Mausers with their stocks.
Just browse through the C&R list the ATF has on their site.
Who gives a fuck about shitstocks if actual no shit machine guns become legal?
Archaic rules that's why. AFGs weren't a thing in the 30s and no gangsters used bipods on pistols. Just repeal the NFA, it's an archaic law that's no longer constitutional under the US v Miller SCOTUS case, since the US military does indeed use select fire firearms, suppressors, and SBRs very regularly. Not sure if the US military uses SBSs, not that I can think of at least.
You should print both of them on the same side, like how it's done in various card games. Just don't overdesign it, otherwise it will be rather childish.
The problem with NFA is traitors.
People who purchased machine guns prior to NFA, meant that after the NFA passed and their guns had grandfathered, the price of them went up a hundred times over (not an exaggeration). Suddenly a gun worth $100 on purchase, was worth $10,000 after NFA.
And every time the cops destroyed some grandfathered full fun, the ones still in existence kept increasing in price too, so the next moron who paid for it was even MORE invested in the NFA existing, so he could sell it down the line to the next sucker for more money.
This is a method of turning someone who loves a thing, into a supporter of banning the thing.
They tried to do the same thing to Salt Weapons. Grandfathering the ones in existence so the current owners would be invested in protecting the AWB, to increase their own profit when they resold it. This is why it's IMPERATIVE to purchase as many Salt Weapons as possible whenever there's a hint of a ban - it drives down the price after the ban is enacted - which drives down the incentive for gun owners to support the ban!
That's why I hate all these fucking youtube personalities flaunting full autos while the rest of their country suffers.
As far as I'm concerned anyone who owns a full automatic at present day is a traitor and should be shot with his own gun.
Do you fucks need a reminder that it should have never been made illegal in the first place?
Look fags, bumpstocks are at best a meme but the important part is 'what part of Shall Not Be Infriged' in the legal sense do you keep forgetting that a leafghanistani has to remind you. Pick any other bans, targeted to be banned, NFA items classifications, and it's all the same thing, there is absolutely no good reason why it should be banned or prohibited or made illegal, all the reasons that is parroted in the media is straight out of hollywood bullshit. Yet lawmakers and gungrabbing lobby groups use that bullshit to slice away your rights.
Unfortunately that side effect as well.
Yeah, everyone with legal machine guns should go out and destroy them right now! That'll show the anti-gunners!
It's not like anyone would ever own a machine gun for its own sake.
Top lel. This is why amerimutts keep losing their "rights" day by day.
The argument makes no sense.
If they own an MG, then they've already paid whatever price they paid. What happens to the price after that doesn't matter to them at all, unless they are planning on selling it.
Anyone who wants to KEEP their machine guns has no incentive to oppose NFA repeal. And you're a fucking idiot if you seriously think there is nobody with the money to buy a machine gun who wants to own a machine gun.
Owning an MG = supports the NFA is a false equivalence.
Thats the point, dumdum. Merimutts have too much spic and kike blood inside of them. Not being able to sell that rusty m16 for $30k is for them unthinkable.
The only way they can have guns again is if every mutt gun owner starts pooling money to buy ALL the registered full auto in circulation, basically compensating all the fat neo cohen fucks who are the only demographic that can own these things and push for complete deregulation at the same time.
That is how fucked muttmerica is.
Yup. Arbitrary kosher regulation created a market that shouldn't exist in the first place. And far too many have made a living upon it.
You mutts need Hitler.
Was more of a flip it to see the solution.
Shit I thought that was just a meme gun. Fair enough, then the NFA is null and void.
The entire world needs Hitler, my Swiss friend.
Every individual MG owner I've met wants deregulation. Most of them have plenty of cash and rather than worry about protecting their investment they'd rather buy truckloads of $300 sten guns. The only people I've seen who are against legalization are those who buy and sell for a living.
So channel your anger in the right direction. If one gun owner wants to sell his Reising because he wants to play with a Mac-10, and another guy wants to play with a Reising and has $10k, so be it. Not a big difference compared to any other private sale other than the paperwork. Most firearms are in limited supply. It just happens that MGs had that supply limited by the government.
So, if the same laws of limited supply apply to MGs, why are they so outrageously priced? There are a lot of old guns where the number in existence might be a few dozen, yet they don't get nearly as high up in price.
The answer is professional MG dealers. They're the ones buying and selling at a mark up which in turn drives up the market price and makes that aforementioned person to person sale more expensive as now the individual buyer has to outcompete the professional buyer in terms of price. With the low number of transferables available it is very easy for one dealer to change the market prices. Hell, the St. Louis PD selling off a few dozen Thompsons lowered the market price nationally by a few grand for a couple of months. If the only people that bought MGs were people that wanted that particular gun for shooting purposes the true demand would be lower as would prices. Instead we have dealers hording NFA items to artificially inflate prices to take advantage of the government fucking with supply.
So why doesn't this happen with other uncommon guns? Because nobody specializes in them. There are MG guys that buy and sell only Thompsons. If you took some other gun and created an entire livelihood out of just horse trading the few in existence it too would increase in value. The only other field of firearms where we see kikery manipulating the market to this extent is in pre-64 and rare Winchesters. Again, limited supply, a bunch of moderately wealthy people have been convinced they want them, and a few guys with a lot more cash are sitting on piles of them to manipulate the market.
If everyone just bought and sold what they needed/wanted and there wasn't a bunch of fucking speculators prices would be lower and more stable. Same bullshit that fucks with land values.
Sorry, dear friend of ambigous ancestry. I can't find anything in your post I don't already know.
Maybe it is time for you to start finding deal for those professional hoarders that I also mentioned as neocohen boomer fudd scum so they finally let go of this kosher bullshit?
potato cannons being (un)controlled (not-)firearms but with (in)voluntary classification available.
by which you mean the straight-rifling thing or something else? straight-rifling definitely deserves mentioning even if it's not yet fully tested with a commercial product.
I suppose I misinterpreted you to be on the "kill all machinegun owners" train of thought like the gook on the Canadian VPN upthread. If I did misunderstand and we're on the same page, namely kill all kike-worshipping fudds, then good. I'm having a bit of trouble understanding what you mean by "finding deal those professionals" though.
Firearm shotguns are the Mossberg Shockwave and its ilk. Since a shotgun must have been designed with a shoulder stock, they can't be shotguns. Since it's not rifled it's not a pistol and since it's too long to be an AOW it's just a firearm.
Meeting with district director set for tomorrow. The shutdown stuff has kept the congressman out of district so meeting with him will take a while.
Tell him about US v Kettler and somehow get some pressure on SCOTUS to grant a writ of cert
I don't think that's possible for a congressman to do and I'd rather it wait till after ginsberg is dead.
Well regardless, you should bring US v Kettler to his attention.
Back. Said he loved shooting machine guns (and hates vertical foregrips) and while, he couldn't promise anything since there was more than one person involved, he'd try to get it introduced.
Also seems they've upped security somewhat (serious security door, need to be buzzed in) in the past few years, and only in the congressional office (it's in the local city hall). The current staff didn't realize it's new so (predictably) it was done after the baseball shooting.
Thanks for the updates, keep em coming. Any effort against the NFA is good
Yeah the security thing doesn't surprise me. Did you mention US v Kettler? Did he do the typical "I'll look into it" politician thing?
Didn't have time or reason.
Speaking of effort against the NFA, SOMEONE here or a pro-2A board has to live in Tennessee’s 7th district. Now Rep. Green got a bunch of libtards in a wad when they found out he said “the citizenry should be allowed to maintain whatever weapon the federal government has”. Someone has to try getting him to introduce it.
Trying to get a meeting with the Congressman himself for next recess.
I'll second that post. Bidders at auctions tend to go full retard for Winchesters even for guns that are in ok/poor condition. It's fucking hilarious watching some boomer dealers try to outbid each other just to have some joe blow boomer try to outbid them just to have it hit "retail" price. I've seen one of a kind guns that may never be seen again go at auction for 10s of dollars.