Brazil's Bolsonaro signs decree loosening gun ownership rules

Zig Forums chad Hue > Zig Forums virgin orange kike

Brazilian color revolution inbound.

Glad to hear things are getting better for you Hues. Can we have a lend of him when you're done?

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t. zognald worshipping Zig Forumsfag

But wait…

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Does the very existence of Zig Forums trigger some cucks or something?
You do know Zig Forums is more than 10 times more active and is the most trafficked board here, right?

Based Monkeys. If I had to suffer a kike lover, he better compensated with guns.

Disappointing, but at least you get your guns back.
Look at muttmerica for a real nightmare scenario.

I have no idea what the sperging is about. It's baiting a demographic that has no prevalence on Zig Forums (Trump worshippers).

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So, how is life under Bolsonaro? Is he actually making things better or is he just another ZOG bot?

dup will never recover

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How's switzerland doing?
or is it merely a proxy?


Here's some google translated details on the new laws, nothing but clickb8 articles in english:

"Under the new rules, the following criteria are established for the citizen to prove "effective necessity" to possess a weapon at home:
To be a public agent (active or inactive) of categories such as: security agents, official of the Brazilian Intelligence Agency (Abin), penitentiary agents, socio-educational system employees and administrative police workers;
Being military (active or inactive)
Live in a rural area ;
Residing in urban areas of states with annual indexes of more than ten homicides per one hundred thousand inhabitants, according to data from 2016 presented in the Atlas of Violence 2018 (all states and the Federal District fit this criterion).
To be owner or legal guardian of commercial or industrial establishments ;
Be a collector, sniper and hunter, duly registered in the Army Command.

In addition, people who want to have a gun at home will need to obey the following requirement:
Check that there is a safe or safe place for storage in homes where children, adolescents or people with mental disabilities live;

The new decree maintains unchanged requirements already in force on possession of weapons, such as:
Mandatory courses to handle the weapon;
Be at least 25 years old ;
Have legal occupation ;
Not responding to police investigation or criminal prosecution ;
Do not have criminal records in the Federal, State (including courts), Military and Electoral Justices;"

He also upped the gun limit up from 2 to 4, and doubled the amount of time before you need to re-test. You can't get a gun unless the federal police authorizes you, but from the sound of the article and Bolsonaro's policies, you shouldn't have too much trouble getting one unless you're considered a criminal. No changes to caliber laws, so hues are still stuck with shitty .38 Tauruses.

A good start, but needs to be a beginning and not the end.

Ah, thank you, so reddit, faceberg and shitter really are the best websites on earth with the most correct opinions

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Hey, crime is sky high & we only have so many cops because we're poor. What can we do?

"Make everyone a cop!"

Of note, Matteo Salvini (interior minister of Italy) has moved ARs and other salt weapons to the sporting category, gotten rid of the upper limit of guns allowed to a permitted individual, and has made self defense a lawful purpose for a gun permit.
He says there is more to come. He only has so much power as interior minister.

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What are those laws exactly? Is .357 Magnum outside of the realm of possibilities?

I read that Bolsonaro gave the green light to logging companies and Amazon forest deforestation, though

It's only been about two weeks of government. Our stock market seems to be reacting well, and his recent decree to allow citizens to own up to 4 pistols/revolvers in their property seems like a good first step.
Before this decree, our feds had the "right" to subjectively decide if a person who was requisitioning a firearm could own one or not, and deny them a permit if they didn't like the person's face, basically. Even if said person met all criteria, the feds could just say "nah" and that was it. They can't do that anymore.
He knows everyone wants a decree to allow CC, and most people weren't that impressed with this, but what most don't know is that our Estatuto do Desarmamento (anti-gun laws, made effective in spite of the population rejecting it) is an actual law approved by the congress, and cannot be vetoed by presidential decree alone, so he has his hands tied for now.

Anything beyond 9mm/.38 is restricted for civvies.

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How is it measured what is restricted and what's not? Caliber? Energy? Velocity? Just naming what's allowed/forbidden(Canadian style)?

That's the difference with shall-issue and may-issue licenses.

Hey fuck you I clicked on that board and read something that gave me a booboo on my feels.
Now I want the board shut down.

Our leftist politicians know jack shit about guns so they specified in a very weird way. Here's what's allowed right now:
Beyond this, they drew the line at "if our military uses it, you can't"

I'm not sure, but I suppose we don't have this level of complexity in here. It's just 9mm, .38, .45, 7.62, 5.56, 12 gauge and that's about it. I've never heard anyone even talking about bullet grain or mm in here, and I work with policemen sometimes. There's no variety in the market and no one gives a fuck, apparently.
They just say: you can use this and that and you can't use anything else.
Also, we have ambiguous laws for some things, like knives. The law says that you're prohibited to carry a weapon unless you have a license, but there's no knife license out there. Even then, if they catch you with it they can fuck your ass regardless of legislation.

True, but the bureaucracy that's already in place is already enough bullshit to deal with. On average, you have to wait months for your request to be processed. And then you get a "no", because they didn't feel like you really needed a gun despite the 70k murders every year.
By the way, this decree didn't touch upon the subject of gunning down home invaders. People can still get detained for that.

Is the calibre specified, or only the bore? Because in theory you could have a revolver chambered for 7.62x39mm if it's only the bore.

9x17mm tops.

But .38 Speshul is 9×29.5mmR. Or even that is illegal?

Probably illegal,

Dude, where are you getting your information from?

.38 special is most certanily legal for civilian use and 9mm standard is for Law Enforcemente/Military only. If a caliber is unlisted, the criteria is kinetic energy

The decree is borderline useless as the biggest issues stopping Brazilians from owning guns are the taxes and the federal control of the process of obtaining the gun ownership papers, none of which are addressed.
Whats worse is that the law project that will "end disarmament" will only lax the very same disarmament laws (not end them), instead of rolling back to pre-fascism (Getulio Vargas regime) era laws (as in, no gun laws). Right-wingers are once again cucked by their unending boot licking love for the armed branches of the state, the very same institutions that erode and destroy their freedoms.

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Prepare to get spammed down into oblivion, bro. They're very active these days.

An improvement is still an improvement. Unless you want a taste of that clinton, obama and trump shit, stop complaining and form a lobby.

Since you mentioned gun lobby, let me tell about Brazilian "gun lobby".
After disarmament laws passed back in 2003, the entire gun industry in Brazil started falling apart very quickly. The armed branches of the state started to feel that themselves, so in order to save their share, generals colluded with Taurus and lobbied to block gun manufacturers from setting up in Brazil (namely Glock and Caracal, there were others but I don't remember the names), guaranteeing that Taurus and the state owned Imbel would be the only ones making small arms in Brazil.
On top of all of that, Taurus was caught literally funding the political campaign of one of the biggest left-wing socialist cunts in the entire country. They were unapologetic about it too.

Reminder that HK actually tried to fight AWB in muttmerica and lost so hard the meme of "because you suck and we hate you" came to be.
Work with what you have, my man.

Why would a zognald worshipper be upset?

HK has some of the worst customer service and relation to customers. They've been like that long before the AWB. Having to deal with them is like using sandpaper to wipe your ass.

Funny how a bunch of kraut assholes were the one of the groups actually standing up for your right, eh? And not the people pretending to do you a big favor by replacing one of your mass produced parts.

Sure you can stand for something but when you go out of your way to make any dealing an outright hassle its like you don't want business. They've got the problem of wanting LEO/Military contracts and telling the civilian market to go fuck themselves like Colt for example. I can tell you right now you don't get repeat business when you tell someone a thread protector is a LEO only thing.

Not if you speak Swabian.

So does HK still stand against it?

Hues get the rope just like mutts mutts mutts mutts mutts mutts mutts mutts mutts mutts mutts mutts mutts mutts