Why does god show favor to those who simply believe in him rather than the deeds of a man? If a man grows up with modern """""Christians"""" and rejects the religion because he feels disgust for the modern cucked """"religion"""", but he lives a good life as an honest man, why must he be punished?
Why does god show favor to those who simply believe in him rather than the deeds of a man...
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Because they have rejected the Lord, and therefore hate God, and their punishment will be just.
Beceause he doesn't believe. It doesn't matter what you think, what matters is what the Bible says.
What is the point of free will if you are not rewarded for good deeds? Why is a man who commit mass rape let into heaven while an honest good man shall be erased from existence at best, or burn forever in torture at worst? How is that fair or just?
Why does nuchristians going against God prevent someone from believing in God? You're not making any sense.
How is it fair or just to deny the God who made your world, your being, gave you a soul, and give you a will? How is it fair or just to deny His sacrifice for you, and to deny Him as your source of morality? How is it fair or just to abuse the things of God for your own feels and gain? How is this just to Him? Where is the court for men who abuse and hurt the Lord? Where is their punishment? Don't put yourself or humans at the center, put God at the center. Do your duties by Him, He has already done more than you'd ever know of for you.
How ignorant can you be in one post?
God hates ALL Religion. Every last stinking one of them is wrong
God Creator is sitting back laughing his ass off at all the cuckery
Because they are imputed the righteousness of Christ
The deeds of a man are filthy and wicked
Prove it. Christians have the arguments for theism (even you seem to acknowledge theism), the qualities of God, the historical argument for the resurrection, and many have miracles to prove the faith. So show me how God hates us, and I will abandon this faith. Until then, go away.
God knows your heart, good deeds are effects of a pure heart. He "shows favor" to those who believe because those who believe are striving for purification, are striving for humility and are constantly repenting and seeking Him.
We know people indirectly, by their external behavior, God knows us directly by our internal state of being. So he looks at that primarily.
God made us beings of the physical senses, yet gave no way to sense him. How would a man know he has wronged God if he cannot even determine that god is there or not? We can barely realize when we am wronging the microscopic creatures of the sea yet god will hold anger to those who "wrong" him, yet gives a man no way of sensing his presence?
If everyone who wears a specific piece of clothing was gay, would you not turn away from that piece of clothing?
You didn't read what I wrote
God hates all RELIGION
God loves and hates different people for different reasons. Either that or he doesn't give aF at all and laughs at the petty here and now
I just got angry and called them winnie the pooh heretics. Pussing out and letting fags claim what is righteously yours without a plan is the most weak thing you can do.
Way to not be such a cuck
I'm trying to have a serious discussion, you would not wear a pentagram on your shirt because to do so would mean you think or are with satan worshipers. Even though the original meaning of the pentagram had nothing to do with satanism.
The point is that if you were not religious, Christianity would fill you with disgust because you think that Nu-Christianity is what it.
If it's that bad (it's not) we can always just practice it under a different name. That's where the Jesus fish came from.
Yea sure its not bad…
dont forget LGBT churches en.wikipedia.org
Or the """"christians"""" who protect and serve the synagogues of satan (jews)
You should still call them heretics instead of cucking out, but if it reaches the point where the fags do steal Christianity we could always just practice the same religion but with different labels. Maybe we could even infiltrate meme Satanism and become crypto-Christians, but I don't think it will get that bad. Even if you don't advertise it don't discard your faith in Jesus in your mind.
Why are you being purposefully retarded. Do you have the inability to have abstract conversations? I am not trying to create a plan or create a situation to uncuck Nu-Christians, if I was I would have named my thread with that exact thought. I am simply stating the reason a non christian man would wish to stay away from Christianity.
OP, how about you read the Bible instead of spouting out nonsense like that. I pray that God will give you wisdom and understanding because it seems the devil is playing mind games with you, like he did with me when I was unsaved. Don't put God in a box.
Also, those who reject God don't simply disappear. They are destined for the Lake of Fire where they will be tormented for eternity. And eternity is a very, very long time.
I know.
Thats a LOT of implying you are doing there.
Is it not said in the bible that all one has to do to enter heaven is believe in Jesus and ask for forgiveness? see Romans 10:9
I forgot to actually explain what I mean. A men who have mass raped and asked for forgiveness will be allowed into heaven. However a good honest man who is not christian will not be allowed even though He had lead a much more godly life.
He threw the baby out with the bath water.
Care to explain how someone who can't even keep the First Commandment is anything approaching "godly?" Or why you presume that a mass rapist will be forgiven?
Romans 10:9 is part of a larger chapter explaining that accepting Jesus as your Lord is a necessary element of salvation. It does not say that it is sufficient on its own, nor that it's a "get-into-heaven-free card."
Yeah, but you have to actually mean it and repent twords God. The grave mortal sins like mass murder really will affect you internally. Imo, that person wouldn't, but im also not God and can see in the mass murderers heart. tbh, it would be a miracle if a mass murderer found God in prison and not something more convenient for the deranged psychopath, like Islam
As for the atheists that does "good works":
Sure he did a couple good things but he still rejected God, which would make him a reprobate. If you rejected your dad, after everything he did for you, don't act suprised when he rejects you back.
God created us and everything we do, he can do himself better. The only thing we do that is of any value to him, is freely give him our love in faith.
Of course you must also practice gods words to be saved, but surely a Man who never committed a MASS atrocity should be rewarded comepared to someone who has.
Is it rejecting your dad to simply not think of him? Or should I say not think of him in a very specific way that your dad wishes you to? A non believer may realize there is a creator and wish to please him but may not just think it is the god of the bible or Jesus. Of course you may say this would be Satan but the man is in his heart still trying to live a good life and please god, he is simply misguided. Why must he be punished for attempting to do good, why must he suffer the same as a man who lives his life as evil as can be?
One day you're going to die, you are not a god, then you will face the Truth. I know you. I was just like that when I was young and thought I knew better and could win with my pitiful little brain that I have. The fear of the LORD is the beginning of Wisdom. Repent.
Then the high priest stood up and said to Jesus, “Are you not going to answer? What is this testimony that these men are bringing against you?” But Jesus remained silent. (Matthew 26:62-63a)
"For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you."
◄ Matthew 7:21 ►
Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter.
Are you going to rebuke God now by telling him what he likes and dislikes?
No, the Final Judgment isn't a class rank or a stock car race. You aren't competing with others and you don't earn points by not being as much of a reprobate as someone else. Neither of us will be judged more favorably just because we're better than Ted Bundy.
"The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good."
And he's not punished for attempting to do good regardlesss. He is punished for violating Divine Law and denying God.
And still you continue your total hatchet job with the Scripture. I suppose the irony of citing a verse about being held to your own standards in an attempt to self-aggrandize is lost on you.
Its not thanking him, its squandering his gifts, its disobeying him, and yes, its not thinking of him.
If I was your dad and you did these things to me, you could be the kindest most charitable person in the world, but you bet your ass you aint getting your inheritence I had planned for you.
In fact, id give it to your brother that did all of those things in a heartbeat.
Not only will he be punished but those modern Christians will be as well. Professing Christians don't have magic armor that protects them from hellfire (sorry Baptists).
Either I dont understand what your trying to imply or you are using that incorrectly because there is no power, reputation, or wealth to be gained on an anonymous image board my friend. Ignoring that, I just don't appreciate a man who does nothing but immediately jump to ""I know you, your a sinner, REPENT" and when he knows almost nothing of me. He is heavily judging me rather than god, which the bible REPEATEDLY states not to do.
But it is not outright rejection, it is not cursing his name. Why would you give no inheritence to your son simply because he doesn't think of you the way you wish? Would you not either give it based off merit or simply distribute equally among children?
In all fairness it can certainly be said that organized religion cannot do the will of the father. There are even Christians who espouse this belief and they take their faith very seriously.
Correction, I would give give it to your brother that didn't do all those things. If your brother did obey me, did thank me, did think of me etc.
I used to follow Justice's YouTube channel, and while he says some great things, he's gotten many of his prophecies wrong (i.e. he's a false prophet) and more egregiously he encourages people NOT to read the Bible, and to in fact throw the Bible away.
That said, God's Word does not come back void so God is going to use some misled person, then so be it. But I just want all the budding Christians out there to be aware and to Read. Your. Bible!
Why do you even have literal gore saved on your computer my man? Are you just here to troll?
Yes it is
Why should I give anything to anyone that doesn't love me back?
Because you have no idea how to manage a family friend. Equal distribution is a communist meme. Merit is the only way, but again, why should I or anyone for that matter give my estate to someone that doesn't love me? How will I know you wouldn't immediately squander it like all the other gifts I gave you? How will I know you wont pervert or destroy everything I built up? I wouldn't know you.
Your brother (on the other hand) loves me and I love him. He knows me and I know him. I would die happy knowing that the inheritence would be in good hands.
The same would go for the rest of your siblings that loved me back.
I know. I even suggested as much.
No it explicitly states that we were given knowledge of both good and evil and that we are to act accordingly. You are deliberately misinterpreting caveats about how we are to go about this to support your own atheistic screed.
How was I suppose to know what you implied when you misused what you were accusing me of. At least correct yourself so I know what is it you saying.
Like randomly judging someone, telling them they will go to hell, and then posting gore/meme documentaries that are made to sell peoples books? Where is that bible line?
You can try to deny it all you want but the bible states it is god who judges others, not us.
I am not advocating accepting everything Jan Boshoff has to say because he is only a man but he is a holy man who is serious about following Jesus. Speaking personally, coming from an atheistic background scriptural incongruities were one thing barring me from most sects of Christianity. I now consider myself to be aligned with Orthodoxy (which is to say I am not yet confirmed) and believe the truth of the Bible is not merely literal (much less analytical) therefore small neurotic issues do not interfere with my faith. On the other hand, I feel like if a Calvinist's cognitive perceptions of God's nature were challenged, his faith -if it could even be called faith- would be rocked to its very foundation. So there is certainly something to be said about a sectarian attitude that could be called religion without spirituality and this is very dangerous indeed.
Because unironically talking like a heretic on Zig Forums is a sin.
Many make the mistake of trying to partake in God's judgement and justice.
It's all good brother. I have to admit Justice was part of my journey to where I am now and I praise God for that and I should pray for him. God's Word does not come back void. God bless!
Wew lad.
…because he's an evil asshole?
Yes and there are various criteria by which we are to be judged. There is nothing "random" about Commandments that we are to keep. That you fail at the very first one, compound this by attempting to persuade others into the same dereliction, and then clutch your pearls when we take issue with this blasphemy is absolutely worthy of a negative response. To suggest that there can be "good" in the absence of God is to deny the Gospel in its entirety. At best, the deeds of an atheist are meaningless noise and, at worst, idolatry of their own ego.
I don't suppose so. Being deluded into rejecting the idea of God does not mean God has entirely withdrawn from them. If that were the case then they would already be in hell and beyond redemption.
all you people talk the same; can't you see the spirit of the devil is among you?
yes but its not because all those things are actually right.
you've twisted helping the poor and the weak into a theological issue about muslims, would the Apostles' of Christ's day preach and heal among the gentiles?
don't even know what he's talking about, apparently he doesn't believe homosexuals can repent anyway
…and then some other nonsense. not a speck of Christ in any of his ramblings, why should we care?
Not before Final Judgement and God is present even there. And atheism isn't necessarily a persistent state. After all, nobody just wakes up one day with an unshakable faith in God, it's not a binary on/off state. Its something that everyone has to work towards. But good can only be achieved in service to God.
I'm just saying there is no dichotomy here. Islam is wrong, sexual expression is sinful but we can't presume to judge others either.
Islam is wrong; so we preach the truth. Not scorn the Church for practicing the mission Christ gave her.
Who could the Church succor, if She could not care for the gentile? Who could she convert and save?
How about Poland, Romania, Italy, Bulgaria, Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Austria, Finland? Are they also politically correct and willing to give up on their nation?
No dude. You take memes as facts.
Remind me what is the precent of atheists that are members of antifa, percent of atheists in that are against racism. Not only that but how many atheists are ok with same sex marrianges?
Atheism is Christianity's cheap whore. Deal with it.
If we aren't allowed to identify someone's behavior as good or evil, then why were we given the Gospel at all? And if we can't do so, then by what criteria could we possible be expected to fulfill our duties laid out therein to ourselves, let alone to our house or our neighbors? It is perfectly healthy to react to sexual perverts with disgust, or the blasphemer with anger. To allow them to persist unchallenged in evil is by no means doing our duty. The Gospel does not say that we aren't allowed to judge others, but that we will be judged in the same accordingly, and that we're to set our own affairs in order before seeing to the affairs of others. We will know the wicked by their deeds and not tolerate them.
We would save many more without an apostatical atheist sapper squatting in the Holy See. I'm not even Roman Catholic and I still have to deal with explaining the Pope's behavior to prospective proselytes. Particularly now that he's in the news. I have absolutely nothing against the Chruch faithful themselves, but Pope Francis works nothing but evil under a false veneer of good.
>As it is written:
Romans 3:10-12
Mark 10:18
One does not "simply believe" in God, you either have true faith which guides your life and changes you for good, or you're a lukewarm "christian" and God does not favour those.
You say that someone who lives a "good life" should be rewarded, but by what standard do you define what is good?
The only true good is God, He is goodnes itself and the source of all that is good, so one cannot actively reject Him and claim to be good. He created everything out of himself, we are created out of Him but we cannot create anything out of ourselves alone. We receive good from God, and out of love for Him and our brothers we give out of it to others. That's what it is to be good. If someone is rejecting God, but doing good deeds that means that God still works through Him, becaue even if we abandon Him, He does not abandon us. One who truly does good with an honest heart will be led to God.
That entire verse is literally just a longer explanation of not to judge people. Have you even read Matthew 7?
Matthew 7:5
Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.
It is not forbidden. God doesn't tell us to completely abstain from all judgement. There is a condition to judging others. It is the expectation that God will judge us with the same standard and that we shouldn't be hypocrites when doing so.
I could give more if you want, there are literally near limitless google pages FULL of """""Christians""""" calling for more Muslim migrants to rape them and new LGBT churches showing up. If you think modern """""Christianity""""" is real Christianity then you are the cuck.
The whole point of the verse is that you should focus on YOURSELF, that to call out another's evil is hypocritical when you yourself commit evil everyday. You cannot remove all evil from yourself in order to judge others, only God or Jesus have no "beam" in their eye.
It really is a simple verse and you are twisting it in order to to fit your narrative, so you can sit above others and judge them for their sins. You are not sinless and will never be sinless on this earth. Leave the judging for God and Jesus, and focus on improving yourself.
The bible explains how to raise children in many other parts of it, Matthew 7 is not one of them.
You are missing the greater point. It not about raising kids, it about the lack of love the father has. The same lack of love one has for a friend that enables their sins (wether it be sodomy, heresy, blasphemy, etc). If you truly loved your neighbor, you wouldn't enable the bad behavior that will damn them to hell. You'd correct them and show them the truth.
You cant really correct them if you don't judge them now can you?
God is not present in hell, that's the very nature of the place.
Sarcasm and rudeness are not chastisement. You don't get to be bitter and scornful in the name of love. That's incredibly perverse.
Psalm 139:7-8:
"Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence? If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there."
God is everywhere. Those in hell are there because they have deadened themselves to His presence, not the other way around.
Well that was my point t any rate. Those in hell do not perceive God. He's not looking over it with a malicious grin or something as satisfactionists would have it.
Practice what ya preach bud. Im sorry you dont like to critically think. Ill pray for ya.
who are you talking to?
Are you still talking about sweden, germany and england? Because if so there is more to europe than that.
Agreed. I would further argue, with regards to atheists, that there is a vast gulf of difference between those that have been duped into it and those who have willingly joined the Deceiver in rebellion. But as stated in the Gospel, we will know the difference by their deeds. This pernicious idea that we aren't allowed to judge others is what I object to, because it contradicts the purpose of the Gospel by reducing it to the status of a mere personal credo or self-help manual. It is blasphemy.
We can chastise and rebuke the behavior of others without judging them.
He does give us a way to sense his presence. It's called the Holy Spirit, and if you read your Bible and believe on Him, you will sense it. Furthermore, try to live by his commandments, then try to live by your own desires, and tell me you don't feel the lack of his presence when you do.
Yes, just this time without the sarcasm and invective.
To understand that, we have to understand what Heaven and Hell actually are.
Heaven is the home and throne of our holy and almighty creator. No human by himself/herself is worthy of spending eternity there with Him. However, He had mercy on us and provided a way for people to be able to enter the kingdom of Heaven.
If we choose to live our lives for ourselves, whether we live a "good life" or not, it means that we do not want God in our lives. God will respect that decision and give us an eternal life without him. This is what we call Hell. I don't view Hell as being a punishment for the life we choose, but rather Hell itself is the life that people choose.
I don't judge others in the sense that I'm not the judge giving the sentence for the crime. That's God. But I am perceiving what others do and reacting according to that, and if that means I have to rebuke someone then I must. The error is in thinking what the wicked people are call "judging" is the same as Biblical judgement.
Consider what happened back in Genesis 19. The sodomites then accused Lot of being a judge when he was just following orders from God's messengers. That's how I feel sometimes when I am required to answer for the faith by those who hate the Lord, our Lord who judges in absolute righteousness. They hate his judgements. That's why the only cure for them is to constantly bring it up.
But we are sure that the judgment of God is according to truth against them which commit such things. Romans 2:2
Now you're just arguing semantics. How do you know who to chastise or rebuke without first identifying which of their behaviors warrant it? I doubt that you do it at random. The obvious answer is that you gauge their behavior by the expectations laid out in the Gospel.
This is actually the rationale behind judges in the judicial system here in the US. The primary failing in their endeavor is that their ultimate governing logos can be changed by 2/3 majority in the legislature, so they're at the mercy of a decadent secular society and a puppet congress who's strings are pulled by infidels.
The primary failing in their endeavor is that it's a bunch of Jews and Catholics trying to change the law of this land, and they are in all the law schools scratching each others backs and giving each other awards and "honor," and that is how they completely control the supreme court today taking up every slot despite being a small minority. That's their primary failing. It's also why we've got abortion and all kinds of other horrors.