Who are the real Jewish people, I'm not sure how to view this verse.
Who are the Jews then? It seems that this verse is more of a ethnic thing than religious thing. As in the modern day sense a Jew is someone of a certain lineage.
Who are the real Jewish people, I'm not sure how to view this verse.
Who are the Jews then? It seems that this verse is more of a ethnic thing than religious thing. As in the modern day sense a Jew is someone of a certain lineage.
I was talking about this today with my friend and she said the ethnic Judahites who practiced Judaism became elites in Khazaria and they were eventually killed off, so any Judahites who came from the original Pharisees are dead. I'm not sure where the Judahites who followed Christ went.
Everyone knows the black hewbrew Israelites are the real jews from the bible
Okay, I'm sold. Blacks are the real jews.
I love this video so much. "HEIL HITLER! THE HOLOCAUST IS A JOKE!" This guy is so woke
"You was oppressin' the Germans! You was oppressin' them! And God let them burn you the hell up" This is the best thing I've seen for ages
I'm calling jews khazar babys from now on.
To the bo
Told you I'd convert your chris cucks before all was said and done
Most know jüden are rotten evil
The first step has been taken.
More to be revealed soon
Enjoy the chaos
All Jews are the spawn of Satan. Stop worshipping their Satanic creator.
Daily reminder chris was a jew
Don't be a seditious jew and y'all won't get yourselves crucie fried
Modern jews are not semitic, Jesus didn't believe in the Talmud and go back to paying an immigrant to cut your grass you boomer frick.
He was semite through and through that's for sure
I'll pass on the chris sacrament every single time cause spirit cooking and sheeeiiiittt
I'm young , early thirties , own my home and planting grass that I'l mow myself next weekend
Thanks pal
As a white man I don't hire spics or tiggers
Horrible word filter
Yes , you're correct
Sand n.iggers are semitic too
House of (( (saud))) and sheeeiiitt
To the ovens with all of them tbh
How the hell have you people discovered this place without watching that video at least once?
The jews are whoever abide by the jewish laws and this law seems to be riddled with obstacles when it deals with who really can be considered a jew.
Semantic bs stops working past a certain IQ level. Stop assuming we're as dumb as your army of underage redditors.
Once I found out about this Christian board I abandoned all other boards, I am isolated here, since all other boards are more sinful than this one
I'm not wrong , I'm just an asshole
We've been over this
Crypto kikes
I was just searching for active non faggy christian sites and ended up here.
Jews, like Mormons, wear special underwear. This image shows one such example:
Daily reminder, Chris died for your sins.
Thanks chris
it's about hypocrites. if you take literal meanings out of the metaphors in which john speaks then you missed some winnie the poohed up shit
Why did you post this, what were you thinking?
Mods must be sleeping still