Just watched footage of the protest in Pittsburgh. Feels good man. Also black dude with a nugget that has about a 100% chance of being a Zig Forumsommando.
Mannnn, shit just feels good.
Just watched footage of the protest in Pittsburgh. Feels good man. Also black dude with a nugget that has about a 100% chance of being a Zig Forumsommando.
Mannnn, shit just feels good.
Guess I missed it. What is the new proposed law?
Banning Semi's, banning types of ammo, more red flag laws. It it's in response to the synagogue shooting.
Found the Zig Forumsommando.
Does Pennsylvania not have state pre-emption, or is this another case of cities just trying to do whatever the fuck they want? Honestly I'm to the point where I wish the US had a city-state system whereby we could separate the metropolitan areas off from the rest of the state politically.
Zig Forumsommando's out in force.
Jesus Christ, America, sort your shit out.
The smaller the constituency the better the representation. On the one hand that city state system would mean that rural areas remained relatively uncucked on a state level, but it would also remove a lot of the moderating influence on the representatives you send to the federal government. You'd see a large number of politicians go hell for leather into heavy duty cuckening in a desperate grab for votes in those new urban states - and you can bet that the new boundaries would favour the cities over the rest of the country at the federal level.
That's what happens when your entire society eats (((beef))), (((corn))) and (((wheat))) with ultra-extreme hormone injections.
In the event that they begin doing door-to-door confiscations, I think that'd have a decent chance of kickstarting some sort of armed violence. Let's just hope pittsburgh niggas know about the electrical grid.
So basically jews are walking on the wheat fields and inject every single plant with some hormone that makes people gain fat from air?
That will probably actually happen in due time, whether they wish it to or not.
Niggers are not welcome here and never will be.
no, genetically modified and mutated frankencrops are fed to american human cattle.
actual cattle eats even worse garbage.
That's rude, bruh. If a man wants to own a firearm let him have it.
Then shoot him if he tries to do anything stupid with it. That's the way of the strelok.
So i guess you should be shot immediately, gun grabber?
I dunno, fellate some baste negroids in maga hats.
I want to live in a world where every man is judged by his actions, and not in a world where some group of people decides who gets to own guns and who doesn't.
Sure will do, rabbi.
Daily reminder that the only effective measure against gun control is to make it physically impossible to implement.
Baste, if you arm your enemies you win!
Poor innocent jews were denied right to create ammo, guns and explosives for no reason other than hitler's hatred of minorities.
What the fuck do you even want guns for then?
Surely worked great for US.
What the fuck do you even want guns for then?
I dunno, defend myself instead of wasting my time on LARP and virtue-signalizing.
Keep strawmanning, rabbi. You'll surely make us believe gun control is the way to ensure our lives are safe.
You have to go, too. >>>/jewess/
That's the fault of a cultureless decadent society with no sense of duty with "free healthcare life, liberty and pursuit of dopamine rush happines" as a substitute.
Switzerland is doing better even has actual democracy.
Nobody said anything about arming enemies.
I don't want anyone to have the authority to determine if someone should have a gun or not based on factors they couldn't influence, unless we are talking about mentally disabled people.
Nobody except you is talking about jews or Hitler. Nice strawmaning.
And Switzerland hands anyone a select fire rifle who joins their army. No matter if he is a Frenchman, a German, an Italian, or an immigrant of any kind. As long as they are mentally capable and not a criminal, they will hand you a free gun, a magazine worth of ammo, and training, and also pay you.
Sure thing, pooland. You'll know what fault it is.
That problem solves itself in short time after niggers get guns, either by shooting themselves or getting shot by others if you don't breed and import them. Though i understand why would a fucking pole want to control his population, all your nation haven't gone much further than niggers and you're scared of taking responsibility yourself. You just want to take niggers' place as a menace that is fed for the sake of being free cannon fodder.
Good thing in your mind there exists only your country and your ideology and no other entity that'd want to subvert, undermine or destroy it exists.
ironic coming from a ruscuck.
If you don't eat cows or deer you're a malnourished cuckold.
I never said that they don't expect anything in return, but in Switzerland every capable, male citizen must serve his term in the army.
Of course there are obligations. Nice stawmaning, pole. How about you actually fight my arguments instead of calling me names and deepening the pit.
Even just your belief that niggers are human enough to cause serious problems without literally creating all conditions for it shows a pureblood polnigger. You could complain about cows in india kicking people as well, because they are similarly weak and problematic only because of the problems that humans(well, indians) imagined. There's no reason to implement gun control except to control the population and, in case of this rabid poolo, replace niggers at their position of welfare animals.
Wow, where did that come from? I can't see this as anything but a projection. Fits for poleshits wanting to feed off of all other world, though.
You're in no position to speak, poleshitter. Go back to praying Russia won't choose to invade you next. I'm sure even NATO won't try to defend you, it cares more about nigger than p*les.
Wasn't it you who praised Switzerland few posts before?
And who gets to decide that? Totalitarian gungrabbers like you?
Feels good man.
Well, you're right, even though this thread was so cancerous it didn't have topic to derail.
Obviously an impartial™, infallible® committee that cannot be bribed, manipulated, blackmailed or controlled in any way, but can be shot and replaced with a new members if they step out of the line, like American Psychological Association perhaps?
It's always been "rights for me but not for thee" since the beginning of human history. You just have to make sure you're on the me side and not the other side.
Remember to exterminate your political opponents too so that they don't get in the me side.
Whoever has the greatest force in the end is the winner.
No, but a doctor.
I am not saying that this system is perfect, but if you feel like you are mentally capable you could always go to a different doctor and get a potentially different diagnosis.
I agree. Let's get back on topic: What makes you feel good, Zig Forums?
I personally can't say no to AT weapons.
I'd agree.
Horee sheet.
Personally I'd say any autogats, but specifically old slav gats.
cattle get growth hormones and american food is full of high fructose corn syrup as a substitute for sugar. not sure what the (((wheat))) is about besides being genetically modified to resist pesticides though.
>trusting (((doctors)))
Get the fuck off Zig Forums, Zig Forums, and the internet, and never return
…which is why libertarianism is destined to fail. I abandoned it when I realized that my enemies were using our liberties and democracy to extinguish the very same… and we were letting them do it because it's the (((fair outcome)))! Therefore, authoritarianism is where we need to go first, then potentially we can revisit democracy with a very limited franchise.
They have already managed to turn we "me's" into "thee's" and they do indeed plan our extermination. I have little hope that a peaceful solution can correct the problem.
>my enemies were using our liberties and democracy to extinguish the very same… and we were letting them do it because it's the (((fair outcome)))!
The sooner people realise this, the better.
Like in clockwork
Well, they practiced a lot.
That's how you spot a LARPing neetsoc trying to add more weight to his sperging. No libertarian equates democracy with liberties, it's the very opposite and considered by many more harmful than monarchy.
Do lolberturdians all have autism? And there is nothing suggesting that the user might have ever been infatuated with national socialism. Might just be a basic bitch yankee or Dixie.
Are you always this asshurt?
No need to sperg out about what does or does not constitute democracy while (intentionally?) overlooking the underlying point. The constitution needs to be suspended and we need an authoritarian state to fix this predicament. Voting has led to our current state of affairs, and the anti-liberty forces are on the cusp of locking in a permanent electoral majority. Are you desiring to "bravely" accept having liberty extinguished, simply because our enemies did it within the confines of what they say is (((constitutional))) and they have more voters than we do?
Ideally we would eventually regain the liberties we were founded with *and* allow a limited franchise.
It already has been, you kike. The entire reason we're in our current situation is that people violate it. Removing the laws that they already don't follow won't change anything, except for empowering the government even more than they already are. If you aren't a shill, you're one dumb motherfucker. Accelerationism is the equivalent of shooting yourself in the head in the hopes they'll believe another guy did it.
Again, degenerate.
Yes, more daydreaming about a leaderless revolution! This is totally what has kept libertarians together and not what caused this fundemental fallout in the first place!!
>Another post he said you need to visit a (((doctor))) first to buy a gun
Happy Hannukah!
Nö-nö-nö, the correct name for freedumbz hating nutters is sper-insert nationality here.
You are spermuttkikegook.
As always, the lolbergs offer no constructive solutions. By all means tell us how you will leverage the NAP to unfuck our current predicament while working within the context of our political system and respecting (((election))) outcomes.
This is why your country is full of Muslims
Once again, the spamming spergkike ruins yet another thread.
They dont even consider democracy legit yet they chatise people looking to crash this shit show. With no survivor, of course.
Accelerationism is not crashing anything, it's handing the enemy your gun.
See, this is why I hate flags on Zig Forums. They bring about unfun /int/ posting.
Helmet cam footage makes me feel good.
sperg harder, muttsperg.
You mean people who do nothing but talk about doomsday scenarios? The same people who aren't willing to start the revolution they've constantly been fantasizing about for decades? They're a joke, they achieve nothing whatsoever and are a laughing stock. Maybe if they were actually doing anything productive, they wouldn't be dismissed, but it's just LARP for alienated resentful faggots. Even Antifa, the hilariously moronic and incompetent henchmen of oligarchs, are a more considerable political force than the people you're talking about.
Stay mad, muttspergook.
M8, I obviously talked about the fact that they hate any collective trying to take control because of them being a group/collective and the fact that no group that has political sway is lolberg no surprise
They're still a bunch of faggots who haven't learned that people are mostly shit and need someone in charge.
The key is to make sure the guy in charge won't fuck you over or he'll end up without a head.
Dictators and Kings > lolbergs and (((democracy)))
You mean how every civilization functioned?
What a radical idea!
Even having kings isn't enough.
Society fell apart when you got rid of hierarchy.
Most people are just idiots who want their bread and circus and don't care for rights. Put them in a serf class. Don't allow them any weapons since they don't want them anyway.
For people who happen to know better, put them in a free man class. They get access to some weapons unless they pledge loyalty to the king/party at which point they can have any weapons they like. Similar to Germany in the 1930s.
Aristocracy is optional, but should be based on military rank and beneficial contribution to the king/party.
Of course there's the king or party leader at the top. Would be preferable to have a self-thinking AI.
Oh, and you need to have a slave class for commies, libs, kikes, niggers, etc. That is if you haven't executed them all.
That is not really adding anything to what I said tbh.
Burning books and records is stupid.
And you only needed to be German to own all infantry weapons available in 1938. And 99% called themselves gnatzee anyway :^)
Except .22 lr and folding stocks.
You are the only person who falls for your pilpul, tbqhwyf.
Much better than what the mutts ever had after 1934.
You can screech all you want though, the truth is the truth.
Shut up spergook. You want another permaban, you retarded yellow jungle monkey?
Is there any surprise?
So which one of you faggots was the one spamming about how you can't wait to murder unarmed whites that don't want to get raped by negros?
wtf i love republuikikes now
The sooner everything comes crashig down and is on fire, the better.
We need maximum accelerationism. Until everything is in ruins and billions are dead, it's not good enough.
Hello Uncle Ted
Then why don't you set your own house on fire?