I'll start off by saying that I'm not someone who despises cults or think that they should be removed. I follow shinto, and practice zen when possible. However, I don't see Soka Gakkai as a group that will fight for the interests of the Japanese nation in the long run.
Sokka Gakkai (SG) was a sort of umbrella organisation of the Nichiren Shoshu buddhist sect started by two Nichiren educators, who saw that the best way to live life is creating meaning for yourself , but broke away from the sect after the 3rd President, Ikeda Daisaku came to lead SG. I'll save the specifics, but the main points of contention was/were
Anyways, from 1977 and at least up until 1991, the two groups operated independently, but with SG more or less following the customs of the Nichiren sect. Although during this time, there were criticisms including (e.g. Claims Nichiren was ripping their followers off by selling stupas) of the Nichiren by SG, nothing major transpired until 1990~'91, when the SG started coordinating targeted criticisms of the Nichiren sect, belittling monkship and so on in speeches and in their newspaper "Seikyo-Shinbun". In 1992, SG sent several hundred of its followers to visit the Nichiren headquarters near Fuji and didn't follow standard Nichiren procedures of pilgrimage, and this act angered the Nichiren Shoshu enough to excommunicate Ikeda and the SG followers. I did base this part mostly from a timeline provided on the Nichiren side so I'm not sure if it's impartial
The following is about the Soka Gakkai in connection to Kalergi. Under Ikeda, the expansion of SG in Japan, and abroad intensified, and Ikeda so happened to be a very ardent follower of borderless Buddhism, believing that saving the souls of billions is best done through integration and cultural understanding, which more or less aligned with the ideas of Kalergi, and his utopian ideals of integrating Europe with Africa, and Japan with the rest of Asia. Ikeda was hailed as "very energetic, life-loving, honorable, friendly and intelligent." by Kalergi.
SG enough people to marginally influence politics, their political party, Komei-Party being in coalition with the LDP. Their policies include giving foreigners the right to vote, and given SG's track record of "Helping refugees with the UN", and "Combating Anti-Semitism with the Simon Wiesenthal Centre", it does add to suspicions that they're not too innocent. Plus, there's some indication regarding Ikeda being the son of a Zainichi Korean, based on his birth place and registry, but its unsubstantiated.
As for the Hatoyama clan who has delivered three Japanese PMs , I'll list some related paragraphs from wikikepedia
Hatoyama Ichiro (PM 1954~1956)
Hatoyama Yukio (PM
As with everything, please take everything I say with a grain of salt, I'm merely a paranoid undergrad who browses a Javanese Mystical Text appreciation forum. I'm not nearly qualified to be a expert, especially on Buddhist ideas and history.
I tend to disagree user. It's the closest to the anime about Nachrichtenhelferinnen anime that a Magyaranon talked about in another thread. By your standard, it could be argued that shoujo shumatsu ryokou isn't Zig Forums related, but it totally should be
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