What's your thoughts on Styxhexenhammer and people like him? I really enjoy his work, like his politics, some of his occult historical videos, not too big on his views of Christ.
What's your thoughts on Styxhexenhammer and people like him? I really enjoy his work, like his politics...
Jay Dyer would run circles around him 1v1.
Who cares. Jesus is Lord.
This, but also Op listen to his vids on god in general. He literally says, i hate god with all my heart because he do bad in the old testament. Literally, im not making this up, it's the lowest of tier issues, and arguments against god. I think he can articulate points very well, but it is still a pretty poor issue to be mad at god over.
But styx is a crossdressing degenerate who never says anything of substance in his videos.
Utter visceral disgust.
He is a Satanist
It is such a waste of time to watch his videos that it would be sinful. I'm honestly not sure whether this would be mortally sinful or venial, but there is honestly NO good reason to watch his videos aside from the incredibly slim possibility that you are going to convert him which would have to prove a decent chance at achieving said conversion which I would be highly suspect of if it were ever claimed.
tl;dr - stay away; have no company with defamers of Christ.
Yeah pretty much, his videos on Christianity are his weaker points for me. I still like to listen to him.
He left Satanism, he just considers himself to be an Occultist/pagan now.
Not all of his work is about anti-christian stuff.
I do wonder if he hates Catholics because he dated a Mexican and she dumped him kek
This isn't exactly a tough one fellas
He's a fag that lives only for himself, that's what leads to these schools of thought.
He seems like a likeable guy now compared to his old videos. Hes a bit of a dumbass though when it comes to Christianity and the occult.
lolbertarian cuck
Would rather listen to anyone else tbh
He seems like a chill guy in his political videos. The only thing I've seen of his on the topic of religion is the stream he did with Jay Dyer. His understanding of Christianity, spirituality, history and philosophy seems to be on a middle school level(there's a point where he confuses the concept of logic with the concept of Hume-esque rationalism.) It's like he developed his libertarian beliefs first then constructed his spiritual beliefs around that. I'm surprised Jay didn't tear into him harder, or at all really.
So many questions and not a single answer aside from the questions obviously being unfit to be answered.
People cannot read your mind.
And if you struggle with even low tier "brainlet" stuff like that then that's a problem not of the brainlet but the topic.
The amount of apologetism is not proportional to validity of anything.
Take heavy metal and suck all the testosterone and charisma out of it, add two heaping scoops of pretentious pseudo-intellectualism, and a dash of right-wing edge, and serve with a garnish of bad breath. That's him.
You should be a comedian lol
Isn't this guy that white-haired trap?
I don't even have the energy to attach a reddit picture so I'm just going to say reddit.jpg
Utmost disgust
Pseudo intellectual for the YouTube generation. Go open a winnie the pooh book and stop the winnie the pooh e-celeb cult of opinion makers
His politics is laughable cuckbertarian stuff. There's nothing of substance in his channel, one of the few youtubers I despise.
So he never left Satanism.
Sticks obviously do made deals with demons or planning to. He is on his way to worship lucifer and become an actual Satanist not the teenage version of satanism.
He basically substituted theistic satanism for (((levayian satanism))). All (((occult))) stems from (((Kabbalism))). It's just pure arrogance to think someone can wield the same knowledge and power that God the Father has.
He's a typical YouTube "intellectual". His knowledge is very superficial and lacks nuance. I watched him regularly for a month or so, but he keeps repeating the same nonsense. I can't watch his vids while I am eating because his bare chest disgusts me.
I can see him already doing deals with demons, but his old satanism (lavey) is just what it is: gimmicky athiesm with an edge.
Dude what? So all esoteric/occult/pagan practices from Asia, Europe, and Native Americans is apparently middle eastern and Jewish. Occult is a broad term you realize.
Jay is boring as hell
Just look at all these people who know so much about this guy
Trust me, if he said exactly the same things that he says now, but minus the satanism/paganism and adding christianity/traditionalism in its stead, he would have already been purged in the youtube purge. This mislead individual is left to spread his message precisely because he spreads the disinfo of anti-Christianity. The Christian thing to do is to have nothing to do with him.
Aside from the occult stuff a total waste of time.
I don't watch Youtubers. I read not listen to faggots who have even less formed educated opinions than mine.
And being a Christian, presumably that goes for the occult stuff as well right?
Not Christian
Doesn't belong on Zig Forums