Close situation

You're the guy here, what do you do?
The male cop certainly has a slow reaction time. You have a full 3 seconds for the cop to react. The only reason he didn't get shots off because he's either an idiot or that's a fake gun.

Attached: male cop.mp4 (480x360, 4.67M)

Second view

Attached: object cop.mp4 (480x360, 3.83M)

Let me rephrase, you have a full 3 seconds before the cop gets his shots off.

I would go to jail for theft and probably weapons charges. I like to read, I'd be ok. better than being shot by a woman.

let him shoot shrieking cunt b4 slotting him

It was a fake gun. This is old as fuck video.

He didn't do anything wrong. If he had shot earlier his muzzle would still be sweeping his fat cunt partner and he could have shot her.

Also this

Isn't "be able to draw from concealment and get shots on target in three seconds or less" the rule of thumb for CC anyway?

This has got to be close on one of the dumbest ways to die/suicide by cop.

Attached: 1453792372765-3.png (1500x1400, 803.22K)

would set up some sort of C4 on the outside of the bathroom door disguise it as a painting or something and try to kill both of them with it

Is she the same fucking cop as in webm related? It sure sounds like it.

Attached: 1657518a424b1eec8f84286afb8ecdbcefbc77a9976c8bd8405563e595cf7565.mp4 (1280x720, 7.39M)

i put benis in the womyn :DDD

Attached: ab54fb8545e356964c78e5fe057dae464b6066d7519f425fb1ebd86d27f5ec5e.png (695x594, 47.66K)

I cannot express my hatred for woman cops in a way that doesn't sound incredibly edgy. I can relate to male cops, I can understand where they come from, and in almost every case if you're nice with them they'll be nice and lenient to you, regardless of any future funs confiscation that might happen or not. But every time there's a woman cop, every single fucking time, she's snarky, bitchy, needlessly hostile or a complete pushover. Neither can perform their duties, both react when in danger by shrilly screaming, shaking their hands, and trying to run away/backing away with no other action. I watch at least two hours of Live PD, Cops, or just liveleak bodycam videos every day and I mean absolutely every single no exceptions woman cop is shit.

Attached: BIG wew.jpg (598x714, 302.7K)


That cop's holster was jiggling hard than a stripper's booty on a Friday night. You got cinch that motherfucker down to prevent that shit. Good shot placement though. That bitch got too complacent, and they knew this dude was wanted for murder so I don't know why the fuck they didn't do a felony traffic stop. At the same time I'm glad they didn't, easier to put a bullet in their brain than to p

Also they're different womyn, that video is from Illinois, the BB gun SBC was in Texas.

Obviously, methhead here had to shoot through his car door into the cop to kill the first one. Even if the wound wasn't immediatelly fatal due to body armor, methhead would have the drop on her and be able to fully finish her with follow ups.
With a little bit of training and some common sense this guy could have taken both of them out.

Attached: A solution.jpg (856x528, 189.11K)

Burger diversity hire cops yes. When other countries female cops are no match for men they can pull trigger fine. Praise guns the great equalizer.


That's so good it almost looks staged. Reminds me of that VICE documentary about female bodyguards in China, guess it wasn't entirely bullshit.

It is staged, do you hear the amount of cameras?

So you have 1 example of staged video and 1 example of a CC defense as proof that woman cops aren't shit? Wow I guess we should let women flood our military too because lmao they can pull a trigger. Are you fucking retarded?
Embed extremely related the police activity video got taken fucking down, they're trying to scrub this

That's not what they said, literally all they did was post videos and the other dude implied diversity hires are bad. If a woman can do the job of a man, let her, if she cant she fits with the soyboi's who cant make the cut.
