Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte has promised to resign immediately – if a Christian can show him any proof that God exists. It comes just weeks after he outraged religious groups for calling God “stupid.”
The outspoken leader made the vow on Friday during one of his signature freestyle speeches. Duterte said if anyone can say that they have either “been to heaven, talked to God [or] saw him personally,” he would resign as president “tonight.”
Based Duterte refuses to back down after calling christian believers 'stupid'
Watch the jews try to subvert the shit out of the Philippines very soon
What about Don Piper? Him and his 90 minutes in heaven?
why do you hate freedom, OP?
Duterte continues to be based as usual.
what a fucking madman
sucking his dick won't get you off the hook Jim
sage negated, kike
has this nigger never seen a bible before
Those bastards already tried sending Israeli Secret Intelligence Service there. Not that they got cleaned up rather quickly.
How do you feel about this?
Why should people trust man to decree the word of God? Many turn to god to escape man's wrath, but they go to man for God's word. It makes no sense.
*turn to God
christianity really is nothing but a kike mental manipulation, meant to poison the white mans mind with fear and focus on some ethereal nonsense rather than the grounded reality around them, over anything the jew loves obfuscation of reliable information and objective truth as it wants all "fact" to be malleable at a moments notice for its convenience, and nothing obfuscates better than the religions of yahweh.
The bible wasn't written by God, it was written by men, fallible men at least 40 years after Jesus died.
You're looking for reddit.
100% based
Spoken like a man who'e never been culturally raped by Shlomo Shekelstein.
Good goyim! Very good goyim on this board!
What, next week will he decide to bomb an orphanage?
But there was no argument.
The first proper ecumenically agreed upon bible came during Constantine's reign. Fifty bibles were ordered then. And as for the Torah, that was a few millenia prior to A.D. times.
Even the Renaissance artists who lived in the height of the Catholic church's power knew that Christianity is an astrological myth about the passage of the Sun through the seasons, and filled religious art and symbolism with memes referencing this.
Literal belief is God has always been for uneducated commoners, the educated always just paid it lip service. The unwashed masses were literally the equivalent of dumb newfags who don't get any of the subtle references.
It's a religion from the stinky middle east.
The astrological memes stretch back further than the Catholic church.
Bibles aren't even remotely close to being considered proof.
Nice argument, retard.
What's your point?
Then prove it wrong.
Instead of simply dismissing unpleasant skepticism, give us a good argument as to why a rational person could conclude the existence of God as outlined in the Bible.
That Christianity is a Piscean version of the sun myth that has been retold in different forms for thousands of years, and taking it literally is missing the point.
that would every christcucks argument ever when they inevitably get BTFO and resort to spamming pictures of hats
Hell, give me a reason to believe that it's any more true than the various tribal superstitions you see throughout the world.
The idea of demonstrating that this unknown something exists, could scarcely suggest itself to Reason. For if God does not exist it would of course be impossible to prove it, and if he does exist it would be folly to attempt it.
- Søren Kirkegaard
Why is the president of a majority Catholic country an espousing atheist?
Well then, let's consider which seems more likely:
1. There is an entity that operates in manners completely unknown to modern science that shaped the behaviors and societies of early man in conveniently unverifiable ways
2. It's just one of many tribal superstitions that in this case managed to gain considerable traction
When it follows the exact same format and everything in it is a zodiacal reference then it's pretty obvious that this is what it is, but I'm not naive enough to think that challenging someone's invested belief about the fundamental framework of reality will ever change it, so enjoy your filter on reality, I hope it brings you peace of mind.
Just as I have no illusion about theological arguments penetrating your pathological need to reject high authority.
Lies are many, Truth is one. The only reason why one would deny the authenticity of Christianity as the true religion is because they have not studied enough of the Bible and its fulfilled prophecy and subtler predictions as they are distracted by concerns that have drawn their attention in this world. You are not likely to accept that you largely have no control over your life in the context of God's greater plan for the universe and mankind if you adhere to defined objectives that clash with the teachings of Jesus Christ.
I could use exactly the same argument to declare the existence of any given religion, so why is Christianity automatically the one that is correct?
you're an uneducated fucking idiot
One might say that you simply have not studied enough of the Quran.
Still trying to use that faculty of raw logic and reasoning huh? It's "correct" there are other religions, it's "correct" that pseudo-intellectuals like you fellows are going to use this as a defense as to why you won't have faith or reach for it.
*yells into echo canyon*
'''"Hello there faggot!"'" faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot
You do understand that vague predictions with little substance and which are open to interpretation are easy to make, right?
Here, I'll make one right now:
One day, with no warning, metal will rain down to the earth, killing thousands upon thousands. There will be no defense, all within this metal rain will find only death.
I could easily be talking about a great many things, and this is a prediction your average prophet from the early 8000 B.C.s could have made. Depending on interpretation, this could be arrows with metal tips, chunks of rock from a catapult of some description, ballistae, cannonballs, bullets, missiles, grenades, meteoroids, satellites and satellite shrapnel, or a random assortment of shit that managed to fall out of a cargo plane.
In short, it's your average biblical prediction. It's vague, many interpretations are fairly likely, and it doesn't take any divine inspiration to make it.
Have you accepted Mohamed as your personal savior?
why the fuck would I do that ??
I'd sooner lick a restroom door handle
Faith = hope
and hope just ain't good enough
interesting thing to say while his government skirmishes with muslim forces
Faith is worse than hope.
Faith is unfounded belief in something.
Hope is just something you want to happen.
For instance, I can hope than one day politics will be free of corruption but believe it is likely impossible, but if I have faith that one day politics will be free of corruption I must therefore believe that not only is it possible, it is also an inevitability.
Either way, neither one is as valuable as a roll of toilet paper
Which Jesus didn't use
The story's shifted dozens of times since it was recorded, it was used as a tool of the mighty to manipulate the common, and it's been used to justify otherwise unconscionable atrocities throughout history. If it's good faith to blindly suck whatever dick you are told to suck, then may I never be cursed with it.
he's an elder politician
i don't really know what to think about any of his other decisions and i don't really know how that effects what i'm about to say
Is what he said good for the Philippines ?
Is it interesting ?
Might it draw people there ?
Does it get people talking about it ?
Duterte I am disappoint
The only reason you'd think Paulism is true is because you haven't studied enough Bible to understand what your religion says.
Nice Tumblr artstyle.
Remember to keep saging all Zig Forums threads.
Phew, based Woden
I thought he was a staunch traditionalist Catholic which is why he's praised by right leaning individuals.
What kind of gay reddit tier shit is this