What did I do to deserve this?
HMG Sturmgewehr
You trusted a Jew.
Reminder that Karl and Ian shilled this piece of a giant, steamy, greasy turd
You bought a shitty copy rather than the superior original
Sometimes I'm glad I am a poorfag. I was new to guns when this was shilled so I wasn't too despairing about it.
T-thanks for reminding me.
Land of the "free"
last pic is ok
I hope german hunters can at least do 2+1…
Better yet, when will we into nigger discipline?
Because the original StG was made to just barely work, not to last through a YouTube e-celeb magdumping shitty sponsor-fed ammo at a refrigerator for an entire week to make a 30 minute video.
Because you would have to go out of your way to add artificial strengthening ribs to a receiver that won't dent if you poke it.
I'll give you that one.
STANAG > $80 proprietary steel magazines
I see nothing wrong, chief.
Getting magazines to feed correctly is the hardest part of designing a gun apart from gas settings, user.
fair enough
You pre-ordered, user.
You purchased a promise instead of a product.
Why does it look like a chinese bootleg made by illiterate peasants who only had a blurry picture of the real thing?
Just like tanks are always 30 minutes away?
Their facebook announcement states they will have pre-orders sent out by the end of the 1st Quarter, they outsourced some of their milling and machining to other companies, and so they were able to increase their production after they fixed the gas problems and magazine problems with the gun
There's always the chance it's bullshit, but hopefully they are serious this time
Better get ready for mismatched parts and frankenguns.
Meanwhile, their shills would get the few good creations and talk about how great they are.
Cue a few more scammed people for "batch 2" and the company declaring bankruptcy, running away with all the money, taking a nice bacation, then coming back with a new name to fleece more goyim like the kikes they are.
Where do they get ammo from?
What a clusterfuck.
They dug everything up out of the ground. Once they run out, they ditch the gun.
Apparently they have enough ammunition to do half-ass AK conversions into "44 bore" which fires 7.92 kurz with some weird fireforming.
Soviet Union, khyber pass and reloads. Pakistan (iirc) outlawed 7.62x39 for some reason so they rebored them to 7.92 because it worked well enough.
Further reading .
For the Jihadists in Syria: The Syrian government had stockpiles of the guns and ammo from the post-WW2 French colonial days.
As to the quality of all that, well, we dont really see them in use anymore on the Syrian battlefields, so either the guns broke or the ammo ran out
30 round magazines for everybody, even people who don't own guns because the way german gun law works its not a part of a gun.
additionally the other two limits are only for those activities, meaning for hunting you can only have two rounds in the gun and for sport you are only allowed 10 round mags.
there are hunters in germany who use 30 round mags to kill dogs and cats that poach in their hunting ground and its legal, because killing stray pets that attack wild animals in your hunting ground is not hunting after german gun law
Everyone told you it was bullshit but you kept calling them russian shills.
You realize Zastava sells them, right? lol Serbs can buy it in .22lr and you have to essentially suffer the fate of STAR CITIZEN preorders.
You can buy almost any built for 22lr. It doesn't mean it's anything close though. It's usually just a shell, might as well get an airsoft at that point.
I know this is a bit of a troll stretch, and those new guns would not be WW2 replicas, but bear with me on this thought process. My proposed weapons would be absolutely workable killing machines with no clumsy re-engineering or backward engineering, We have betrayed historical purpose and sold the very reason down the river, but we end up with cool intermediate cartridge guns that work and are at least a sad "its in the spirit, it would have been the natural evolution of both weapons' excuse.
And now that I'm almost steering off subject, but the original FAL was chambered in 8mm Kurz during protypes, correct? Although remaking old Nazi arms is a great project with historical significance, its just too damn bad nobody will make a FAL in 280 British or an original bullpup made for it either.
I don't think anyone could afford the PTR in 8mm Kurz going by how much they want for their MP5 clones
I noticed that too, quite disappointed. I really want an MP5 without a tax stamp, none are worth the money. I'm hoping that one day, one day, they finally hit affordable and I'll snatch one up, but for now its just plain crazy. At least the PTR32 exists, and is at $1k, which is reasonable all in all. I've come so close to buying that one too, in many ways it is the truest successor to the StG45 currently available, intermediate cartridge in delayed roller. An 8mm would be truer, and pretty damn cool, but yes, probably overpriced and limited. Then buying the ammunition, or even getting brass for reloading with limited data.
It's a shame because I really like my PTR 91
Gee, it's almost like going from making steel targets to receiver flats to full-on rifles is a bit of a leap for a company with no prior experience otherwise.
On one hand, I feel kind of sorry for them. It's obvious they had no idea what they were getting into when they started this project and we've all been there. On the other hand, don't they have even one experienced production engineer or tool and die guy on staff?
No sympathy
steel stamping technology is not a joke and if you don't have a whole country or industry to mobilize to pay to set up factories from that shit you will not have access to it. HMG is just a small company that's probably going to go bankrupt soon.
At this point has HMG StG development taken longer than the development and production process of the original StG-44?
That implies they could easily get matching and in-tolerance samples of the guns and be able to properly measure all their specs in order to be able to reverse engineer them without creating time bombs, or alternatively, have access to spare tooling which they could make the reproductions on. Both of those things imply more connections or money than HMG, or practically any small-name company, would have available to them, not to mention that even if they did it would not be cost-effective whatsoever to do it that way. That shit is so rare and so highly valued that you're talking about hundreds of thousands in investments just to be able to make their first unit in production. That is not something a business can finance, and it would drive the unit cost so high on the first batches that nobody would be willing to buy them. Multiple companies have attempted exactly this route with rare historical guns, and driven themselves into bankruptcy as a result.
You're also forgetting the fact that Germany demolished all of the tooling and most of the guns, and shipped the rest to arm terrorists in the Middle East. How the fuck do you think those rifles wound up there?
Thousands of guys with a (failing) socialised economy supporting them, versus maybe a few dozen guys tops in a private business? Yeah, that is to be expected. Walther, Mauser, and Haenel were big swingers, HMG isn't. Big surprise.
The development didn't receive government sanction until 44 when Hitler finally reviewed the rifles, didn't they?
He flip flopped back and forth on it like four or five times. In 1941 and 1942 he wanted rifles for trial, then he said in late '42 the Wehrmacht needed submachine guns instead and shut the MKb 42 down. The manufacturers basically subverted his will, changed the project name to MP 43, and kept making the same thing. He asked to review that later on, somehow didn't remember he had already seen it before, and loved it. Fast forward to 1944 and he realised the "MP 44" was a rifle, not an SMG, so he changed his mind and rushed them to finishing and adopting it. The StG title was basically made up as a meme to make it sound tacticool, although MKb frankly already described what it was - an automatic carbine. Had to throw in the "Sturm" for intimidation or whatever, you know?
Keep in mind that Adolf was known to make decisions this way in most of his endeavours, guns, military strategy, some political moves, didn't matter much what it was. He was not a very happy or stable man. With Germany running low on resources and manpower post-1942, things like building more guns completely out of very complicated stamped steel are a huge issue, so you can see why he was initially paranoid about the rifle. Hence the VG prototypes and the absolutely garbage-tier Volkssturm (granny and shota national militia) weapons.
The Einstossflammenwerfer is cute, though.
I should have clarified, the MKb program was not specifically funded, but the companies had existing production contracts with the German government and were paid for developing new weapons in general. This was very important to them because they were almost entirely cut off from the civilian market during WWII - large companies were paid well because they were essentially nationalised for the war effort, while smaller ones who were determined to have too little factory capability for mass production were still allowed to produce civilian arms. Germany did similar things when they went and occupied other countries such as Czechia, in a way semi-officially making the major manufacturers part of the government as a way of securing logistics in a time when they weren't doing well. They did the same thing with vehicles and I believe some construction materials production, too. Oil and steel and good manufacturing were more of a bitch in 40s Germany than most people know or mention. There's a reason late-war Kar 98ks kind of suck.
All I'm hearing is EXCUSES for failure caused by the upmost INCOMPETENCE, and poor, rushed, and overambitious planning. I laugh at the fools who PREORDERED (lol) anything from a company that only made flat pieces of plinking steel. You're exactly like the fools who preorder things from Betheshita
There is no such thing as ironic shitposting. It's just shitposting.
Yugoslav surplus most of the time.
The gsg ones are built off of a 9mm blank firing gun.
Do you want to tell us that Sport-Systeme Dittrich is one of the greatest industrial conglomerates of this planet with near-infinite resources that they invest only into historic firearms? Because apart from an Stg that really is an Stg they have quite a few other firearms from that era: ssd-weapon.com
Now you are just trolling. wwiiafterwwii.wordpress.com
Fuck off Karl
They've been "shipping soon" for 2 years now, it's bullshit.
The PTR-32 is basically a modern Gerät 06H
didnt some other company fuck up their FG42s?
and some guys did make some STGs but covered them with red dots and rails which got them backlash?
seems pretty nice I wish we were occupied by germans instead of amerimutts:^(
fg42s from the same company look like they came straight out of an alt-future
What the fuck.
Blueprints don't exist, and most of the shit's in German if you can find it. Reverse engineering something made by autistic krauts is like stapling your balls to a tiger on cocaine.
Sorry for the gore, but it has to be posted.
That's the same company, they just haven't even released them yet.
No, it's much more than that. You see, you have to FIGURE OUT THE TOLERANCES! And that's completely impossible, especially in the case of the Stg, a rifle literally designed to barely survive the poor Soldat who was told to use it. And you have to consider that you don't even need your rifles to be compatible with original Stgs, only with the newly build ones that you are planning to make. And if this nightmare is not enough, we live in the age of CNC machines, so you can come up with arbitrary tolerances and easily mass produce parts that adhere to them. And that includes the stamped parts, because the modern alternative of stamping is to cut out the form with a laser and then blend it into shape. I just shudder if I think about it.
Do note how he didn't write anything about the historically accurate reproduction made by SSD.
I will say this when it comes to die cutting and stamping, it is not cheap by any means to set up let alone maintain, Dittrich's shop if I recall isn't a big place and given how small the accessible market for their products is probably why they're in business still and an insurace settlement due to the place being torched iirc.
This is why despite their gigantic civilian market, innovative guns still debut mostly not in muttmerica.
Re-inventing the wheel is not innovation.
You can shove all those Browning handguns and ar back into your ass, cleetus. You and vatniki are the reason the world is still stuck with shitty designs.
For example.
Is this just another gas operated pistol? Yes. But the mutts somehow 5 decades after the DE got released still haven't made a sensible low recoil handgun in a non retarded caliber.
I just want to see what new and better shit people can produce with modern technology, everyone saying "meh the AR/AKs we have are just fine" are faggots who stop progress forcing everyone else to stick with outdated designs. we should have more guys fucking around with designs than ever before but for somereason there are less people designing than there was 60 years ago. if an existing design can be made better, efficient or cheaper with similar quality then why shouldnt it?
This is why you literally have no innovation anymore.
Maybe when people were just looking for a way to handle smokless powder when metallurgy was shit tier.
And the AR and AK are still good, but it is time to move on. We shall see what comes out of LSAT.
Then the gun will be more expensive to cover the costs. It's still better than this something that doesn't even share its shape with the Stg. Or they could outscore the stamped parts to an other company until they collect enough shekels to do it in-house.
There have been a few innovative technologies, designs and engineering decisions, but they did often come from smaller companies and groups from many places, while big industry is the ones that are least concerned with innovation today, making their famed but dated designs at best and basic oversimplified cheapskate shit at worst.
The problem is worldwide with gun culture and, for US specifically, appreciation of craftsmanship. Even despite not that strict gun control(compared to other countries at least), gun culture that's left after shitflinging and populism has become a lot more populist itself, with authorities, big names and politics taking place that a proper appreciation of craftsmanship could have.
A solution looking for a problem more than actual improvement of the issue that could have easily never happened at all and had numerous ways and options to be fixed.
Whats the point of LSAT again? just to reduce weight?
I almost forgot about MUH TOLERANCES
This. This so goddamn much. It's because of society getting replaced with soypeople who hate craft, innovation, and guns as well as bloated companies sucking the dick of equally bloated military that we get fuck all.
Imagine if there was a country filled with mainly gun autists, craftsmen, and machine shops. Imagine what could be created.
To do what proper intermediate cartridges could do almost a hundred years ago, except it has to be "innovative" and so will make all the recent buzzwords they could recall come true.
Isn't that country Switzerland?
Switzerland is a great starting point, but I want some more autism.
Imagine Switzerland except with a lot more WW2 German engineering mixed with cold war balls to the wall crazy ideas all with a heaping helping of Zig Forums's brand of autism on top.
This gun was ruined by pointless feature creep
Eat shit and die faggot
Here's your (you)
There is a demand for semi-auto only clones of the Sturmgewehr so hopefully another company will step up.
Congratulations to the OP for showing that preorders are mostly scams.
Hi Karl
You fail to mention its retail is 3.2k EUR.
Why haven't you gone outside to kill some amerimutts?
Go outside and kill. Do it now! Kill kill kill!
If you don't do it now, you're a turbocuck. Kill a mutt right now! Lel
I've never understood how those telescoped ammo guns are supposed to eject the last casing without another case to push it out. Are you just supposed to dissasemble it and try to push it out the chamber? That just seems like a flaw that's already been adressed with contemporary designs.
Why would you though? It doesn't get in the way and when you reload it will be pushed out by your next round. What's the point of pushing the case out if it won't ever get stuck because it's plastic and not brass?
Why didn't these dumb niggers just develop a few prototypes that worked first? They took a fuck ton of "pre orders", and then began developing prototypes and shit like a bunch of fucking niggers. Disgusting.
Modern American gunsmithing at its finest.
it's called crowdfunding goy
The one in the OP doesn't look right. I think it's an older render?
This is the newest image from HMG. You can instantly see the Mkb 42(h) spring.
People routinely post the original 3D mockups to point out how weird it looks, yeah.
I wouldn't mind buying a full-auto version of this for $500, chambered in 6.5 grendel
Because sometimes you need to clear your weapon?
The finish often didn't match on the originals. Your other points are valid.
Except the mismatched originals is because all the parts were made by different companies and mishmashed together, there's no reason for it on the HMG.
HMG is outsourcing some components, coincidentally enough.
Just like there's no reason for strengthening ribs, right?
Am I autistic or does the barrel on this look just a tad too short?
It's shorter by about 3/8s of an inch.
Also there's a shoulder in the middle of the exposed barrel where the OD was milled down from the standard K98 barrel to accommodate the front sight block. I don't think the HMG ones have that feature. Might be throwing off your eye.
Why is he even complaining about the ribs? They were a feature on the trigger pack housing on the originals, just interrupted with the half dozen rivets used on them. I don't think the HMG version needs those rivets, as the pack is much simpler in design and basically self contained from what I understand.
compare ribs from to even disregarding the rivets