Mitch McConnell chased from restaurant by protesters

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell was followed to his car Saturday by protesters who hurled both personal insults and political rhetoric at him while he left a Kentucky restaurant.

The encounter, which took place in a parking lot outside of a Louisville restaurant, was captured on camera by one of the protesters. In the video, you can hear the group of protesters chanting "vote you out!" and "abolish ICE!" to the Republican senator from Kentucky. One man can be heard calling the senator "turtle head" and repeatedly saying "we know where you live" as the senator and two dining companions climb into their parked vehicle.

McConnell did not respond to the protesters' comments. The Washington Post was first to report the video Sunday.

The encounter was the second one to occur to McConnell in the last two weeks. In late June, the senator and his wife, Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, were confronted by protesters in Washington, DC, while leaving an event at Georgetown University.

According to the Post, hundreds of people were protesting Saturday outside Louisville's Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office, just a few miles from the restaurant. Among the protesters were members of the local chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America. When someone noticed McConnell at the restaurant, they called on the protesters to confront the senator.

"If the Leader comments on being called a fascist and a supporter of ICE by a small handful of extremist protesters then I will let you know," McConnell's spokesman, David Popp, told the Post after the incident

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Looks like Trump team gonna have to eat at home

How long until the lynchings start?

Sounds like an orchestrated attack if you ask me

And by orchestrated I mean the goberment did this

And funny how all these left wing politicians calling for republicans to be attacked

So the left can kill off all their opposition so only the left can be in charge?

What if a grip of right wing protestors started confronting these left wing politicians?

I bet the media would refer to it as a Nazi riot huh

watching white black Latino trump supporters being assaulted and harassed, as well as officials,…

looks like the blue wave has turned red
this is triggering a mass Exodus from the Democratic party

this is what happens when the Democratic party embraces emboldens and supports their militant arm of crazies

That's a funny way to spell liberal fam

its really pathetic how recucklicans run like cowards and don't use their allegedly owned guns

Where was his ==FUCKING BASED== Asian gf to defend him like last time?

um are you retarded, you cant just shoot people or just draw gun on them either , fucking libtards

unless they brandished weapons then it would be game on…

take your meds, reddit

Come on user. You know that all the #walkaway twitter accounts are Russian bots.

Like honestly, who could leave the liberal party in 2018 when a terrorist is in the oval office?

I'm going to drive to San Francisco and stop mentally ill queer faggots from enjoying their meals.

It's only fair.

How do I do it legally, lads?

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Why is lil' Pepe so angry? Where did all the rage come from?

My people are being systematically wiped out from America.

I'm talking about Christianity.
Try to live life as a Christian and see how much hatred you receive from the faggot and leftist communities.

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nice persecution complex

Come and say that to my face you nigger.

can't tell if Poe's Law or not

easily lot of people cause the liberal party is fucking stupid and didn't learn from their mistakes. but I don't think running into the arms of nazis is wise idea for amerimutts. whole country will implode if they start doing dna tests. trump will have to suicide for not being a purebred american





fuck off christ cuck. you persecute non christcucks way more then they persecute you.
for example I cooked a nice steak dinner with corn and potatoes for a couple the other day. My thanks? They call me the living dead; a collective term for ANYONE who does not believe in a abrahamic religion. You folks literally think you are superior to every non believers; secularist humanists are not sheep and Christians are not shepherds so both you and your entire flock can screw off.

Christfags are literally sheep, and proudly so.



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I disagree with you

Remember what it was like before trump when the majority of people would have their eyes glaze over at a political conversation? Remember telling people they need to see what really going on and get involved?

they still do that

I'd be angry but it's mostly just disappointing.

I hope it all falls apart and we get a holdomor. I want to stalk people and eat them