Post your planefu.
Mine pic related
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I know almost nothing about aircraft but pic related always looked breedable to me
Why even live?
To shoot all shitskins in England by 2030, elect a right-wing 1488-tier government, become a highly-paid mercenary and genocide niggers in Africa, have 6+ beautiful white children, teach the boys how to hunt, skin their game, cook, survive in the woods, the basics of combat and how to be strong men, teach the girls the importance of motherhood and loyalty, grow old and die peacefully in your mansion surrounded by your lovely family that will continue your legacy and set the foundations for England's next massive empire.
If not you, then who?
There's something lovely about forward-swept wings and canards.
Delete this, it is too early to show them
Sucks that none of these actually exist.
? But you're wrong.
I get it that LARPing is all the rage with kids these days. But it would actually be nice if shit like antigravity or antimomentum or basic warp drive existed and we could go to distant stars.
>>>Zig Forums
I have spergook/muttspammer derangement syndrome now. Thanks.
I am still sore there's no carrierborne version even though the concept prototype was a modified Su-33 trainer (Su-27IB).
How come no one bans these fuckers?
They are spamming.
Who is spamming?
The ones I quote.
I'm not spamming.
I don't even know why I like it.
OK, I check, you are not, the others definitely do though.
I'm under VPN for being stupidly permabanned.
No joke but NASA is researching warp drive (White warp field interferometer), and China has reactionless trusters (EMdrive). EU wants to make antimatter, and god knows what Russia is doing.
And I read about the US arming their cruisers with laser weapons, is that true? Seems bullshit but still…
Lasers are pretty well understood, and the biggest problem with weaponising them (power requirements, size, tricky engineering/maintenance) are pretty much a non issue on most major warships (that are big enough for a nuclear reactor) they're the most likely place to see RL laser weapons actually happening. No lasguns, but for warships (and maybe, possibly, eventually) larger aircraft it'll probably happen over the next few decades.
I want to FUCK Swedish planes.
Russians already had laser tanks in the '90
Step up your game wect
The Russians have claimed that they have new laser systems to 'jam tank command systems' but as the only source there is Russian politicians talking to Russian journalists I'd take that with a grain of salt. It's also a lot more of a long range electronic warfare system than a weapon.
I think they stopped research actually. They did the warp field experiment which was inconclusive, EM drive have been experimentally shown to be a misunderstanding that came from poor conditions of the initial experiment.
They probably mean microwave laser. Radio jamming systems have an entire branch of military in Russia, I would know I served in there. Most of these are just conventional high power radio jammers, pretty much all of them double as radiolocators and spoofers too.
Seems breedy good, if V4 forms the United Army of Trashboys of Israel sry but had to we should get some of these for our Navy…
Sounds like you'd know more about it than I do then. From what I can read online it would seem that the US were working on a AMS style laser in 2014 (vid in my previous post) but don't seem to have done much with the concept after that; and Russia has claimed an undisclosed number of (as yet unseen) EW style laser systems and that they are working on ground based anti-missile/drone lasers (and a rumoured anti-satellite laser fired from a high altitude aircraft). Even if everything claimed about them is true it's probably going to be at least a decade or so (best case scenario) before they move from interesting research projects/propaganda pieces and are properly deployed though.
>Major scandal when soldiers of various nations are videoed using it to shoot birds soldiers statements that "they fall out of the sky already cooked!" turns out to be a weaker defence than the servicemen thought it would be
Cooking dinner with a multi-million dollar military laser sounds like the most fun use for it.
I wish we spent millions of dollars on doing dumb yet fun shit instead of just plain dumb shit.
Laser are extremely dubious as weapons, doubly so on ships.
The main problem is the humidity rate in the air, the tiny particles of water diffract light which leads to a terrible energy efficiency.
So while you can justify lasers for guidance or to blind sensors (lots of soviet/russian tech, DIRCM, etc…) because you don't need much to saturate extremely sensitive CCDs making it fairly certain it will works in all weather, the idea to use them as direct energy weapons is quite questionable.
It's not new it's one from the same program as
It's something that scan the terrain for optical glass and applies a pulse to everything it finds, it's an infantry system and it should work on everything, from ATGM launching units to tanks, possibly individual optics.
I've seen it demonstrated and it was offered to export in the late 90's early 2000's but I can't for the life of me remember what it's called.
No clue how prevalent it is or if they had even ordered some prior to recently, but it's not bullshit AFAIK (at least not completely).
Frankly tech-wise it's nothing more complicated than a IR scanner and a handful of high power laser pointers on a rotary mount plugged into a computer, but things don't have to be complicated to work.
Also the Missile Troops are getting the "Persevet" thing which no one really knows what it does (probably blinds KH satellites).
Could you put some glass on the nose of a missile with some kind of a tracker behind it, so that it follows back that laser? Or program the turret of a vehicle to face directly the origin of that laser, so that it will target the source?
Auto anti-laser guidance systems do exist, the problem is all of those relies on a CCD. No CCD nothing to feed the computer data so it would be a question of timed response.
lasers are gay
Damn, so classified that the only search results I got for the thing were about a Russian naval steam barge from the mid 1800's. Are you sure that's the right name?
Give enough engineers enough time and money (and good enough management to make sure it doesn't all go on something crazy/fun) and pretty much anything is possible. I can't see anyone putting much thought into that though - at the moment and probably for the foreseeable future all the contracts are going to projects for policing the hadjis.
Meh, slightly temperamental, overly affected by environmental factors, but otherwise very useful with a lot of potential. I wouldn't say they were gay, but they've got a lot of growing up to do first.
It's named after Alexander Peresvet a man from a more civilized era.
An Orthodox monk, he was a pious scholar of the Borisoglebsky Monastery latter a follower of St. Sergius of Radonezh (Patron Saint of All-Russia)…
Who fought in single combat for the Russian principalities as their champion against the Tatar champion, Temir-murza for the Golden Horde, at the opening of the Battle of Kulikovo (8 September 1380).
The duel ended in a draw with both dead, which lead to a battle, which the Russians won, securing independence from the Mongol Empire.
Since the mid cold war, it's called a Shtora. Or maybe you mean DIRCM? They're been using those on aircraft since Afghan war.
Jesus Christ Greece, that's not even OT, bring her down a notch.
Just a little correction, a "microwave laser" is simply called a "maser" as its a microwave and not visible light. Changes the acronym and stuff.
Have an A37 as some kind of attempt to bring the thread back to discussing ace combat 7.
Good taste.
Lasers and radiowaves in general have this amazing quantum property of ALWAYS being defocused, they diverge by very significant amount even in vacuum of space without any of the atmospheric scattering. You gonna need an absolute shitload of power to do any damage at ranges exceeding 5 km, so consider laser based weapons to be a meme waste of money for all eternity. You can however destroy sensitive equipment with modest amounts of power.
It appears to be a commonly used technology. Radio jammer stations getting BTFO by homing missiles is a common problem. This is why typical mode of operation of such station involves scrambling and leaving the area in less than 10 seconds. Most vehicle-based systems can take off with their 20 meter tower still fully extended, and pack it up on the go. Those that don't have this capability are situated deep within friendly territory.
So they have at least some potential for shipboard anti-missile use (no need to snipe some tank 100km away there). A point defence system that doesn't need to adjust its aim to lead the target would be an advantage, it would also be at the upper end of effective range compared to modern gun based CIWS systems, probably a lot cheaper than using anti-missile-missiles (on a '£s per kill' basis) over the life of the system as well.
I wouldn't count on that. Just like conventional guns, lasers require repairs. They can degrade and fail and then you need to basically replace the entire thing, sans the housing.
Also, leading the target is completely trivial and is a non-issue whatsoever. I'm pretty sure it is also much cheaper and more reliable to use a minigun as anti-missile weapon than a laser.
Also lasers have this entire problem of "coat it with chrome to get 99.5% resistance" which you cannot do anything about.
Well, at least equipment would look pretty cool. I wouldn't mind a space-age shiny tank.
Don't forget that the best modern laser weapons are around 15% efficient.
That means for every 1000J poured in, 150J is turned to destructive laser energy, and 850J is turned into waste heat. In space this basically means you cook yourself before the enemy even feels it.
It only sort of works when you have infinity coolant (ocean) nearby, or you're a BIG vehicle shooting a relatively TINY vehicle.
Wanna go down the rabit hole user?
it already exist
Damnit Russia, were you one step ahead of us again in developing antilaser armour? :^)
I mean, they though the Space Shuttle was supposed to carry lasers into space before diving into the atmosphere to nuke Moscow.
Jokes' aside how effective against lazors would metallic shine be?
Seems nice. Was it used in combat?
It took me a while to realize that this is a scale model.
Not at all.
The albedo of polished aluminium is 0.6 to 0.75, which means that only 40 to 25% of all visible light hitting the surface gets absorbed.
For comparison: a wall painted white reflects 80% and absorbs 20%.
Why are physics so anti-semitic?
Anti-laser armor has been widespread since the 1950s, and was used on both sides. It's called anti-flash white. The exact same reason it protects against a nuclear flash will also make it effective against lasers.
Of course, these days we paint aircraft to absorb as much as possible, because of the stealth meme.
Su-34 has the cutest nose
Somewhere, in a better timeline, Space Shuttle Door Gunners are a real and respected MOS.
Not particularly, at least in RL. As there's no such thing as a perfect reflector any surface will take some damage from the laser hit, and that damage makes the surface less reflective, which means the same energy will damage the surface more, which …..
At reflective, ablative, layer of armour could be useful to give you a little bit longer before you start taking damage to bits you care about. That's probably more useful for missiles than vehicles though. Smoke that's opaque at the lasers wavelength would do a much better job, if it became relevant.
Spergook, kill yourself. Also: reported.
Meh I wouldn't exactly complain…
I love them all. I'd probably give it up to the IL-10 or Ki 61 since those are the planes I have flown the most in Il-2.
That's really questionable.
One of Russia big advance in missile tech is the polymer fiber printing (weaving more like) the body for pantsir, kornet, etc…
I'm sure it was a pain to develop, but the result is they're very light (so very fast) and stupidly inexpensive to make since pyrotechnics aren't pricey to begin with.
And it works in the rain without having to hook it up to a nuclear reactor…
Metals don't tarnish under intense heat. Most of them will have their reflectivity increased after a certain point.
We are apparently selling what little amount of Mig-29s we still had. Rip.
I'm sure you will be able to buy a F-35 right wing for them.
Let's hope you at least get a bunch of F-16V.
Are those useful? Or are they just outdated stuff shipped to second world shitholes?
In comparison to something none can afford to fly and use, certainly.
Hungary can't afford to throw money away on sky knights. Just get a bunch of biplanes and throw barrel bombs out of them, the fuck is the point of having like two MiGs.
Don't be stupid, Greekanon. The Bundeswehr inherited a lot of war material from the NVA in 1990.
Among tanks, APCs, IFVs, UAZs, AKs SPAAGs, SPAGs and an entire airforce.
We had so much stuff that we didn't know what to do with it, so at first we tried to find ways to use it. But you could only blow up so many tanks for training purposes.
Then we began selling them. But how should you sell and entire navy? Who could afford a navy all at once?
So then we just gave shit away for free. Most of the US test stock of MiGs, Hinds and so on came from the DDR's collapse.
And we still have stuff leftover. Truckloads of AKs and SKS' in storage. I got to look at entire rooms of old AKs, entombed in cosmoline for all eternity. Feels good to know that we could arm our army about three times over with old ammo to spare if shit ever really hits the fan hard.
And that's not even all of it. After 1990 we never properly took stock of anything.
The only thing that happened was that each type of object was classified into three categories:
I: we can use it and we will keep it
II: we can use it for some time, but eventually it will be III
III: we can not use it. Sell it or throw it away.
Everything was so rushed that we just rolled over to their garrisons, talked to the commanders for a while, and then told them to leave the keys on the desk. We took down their flags with some music, and that was about it.
I know it's fucked that I say "we" and "they", but it honestly feels like it.
We also accepted about 5 percent of the competent soldiers, the rest was laid off and received a very small pension. Those who got accepted were mostly maintenance crews.
Anything that was not nailed down was stolen. All the east German shit you have on the US market, all the SKS', pouches and helmets? Stolen or sold from storage. Remember that these guys had months to plan, hide and move equipment they wanted to keep for themselves.
The NVA had six active divisions and 7 reserve divisions with equipment 100% in storage, the modern Bundeswehr has trouble maintaining two regular divisions.
The NVA had two entire regiments dedicated to maintaining and constructing roads, and one regiment to maintaining and constructing bridges, plus their normal pioneering battalions. All with full equipment and fuel.
The NVA had 131 warships and >40 support vessels, and more than 100.000 wheeled vehicles plus 300.000 tonns of ammunition.
And that doesn't even mention the heavily militarized police force too, or their boarder guards. The entire affair was a mess. We threw around equipment left right and center, and we still have shit left over.
A single MiG is nothing to us. We sold 22 to Poland for next to nothing because they were rusting away.
We should had repair and upgrade those Migs anyway. They could had come handy in the coming eradication of gipsies. They could also be used in bullying migrant shitskins. But alas, this is what happens when you let your country ruled over by a bunch of oligarchs…
Wouldn't something like this be far more effective AND economical in that role?
You are absolutely correct, we'd be better off with AA.
Even that is a waste. If we wanted to eradicate them, we'd have plenty of volunteers for the death squads. Damn, we wouldn't even have to pay them, and they'd organize their own transportation. All they'd need is some surplus arms and ammunition.
Nice dubs, in that case couldn't the Hungarian government just issue a general hunting licence for 'insert group here'? No bag limit, add on a state subsidy for sporting arms/ammo to make things easier for the hunters, as much as you'd probably get a large number of foreign nationals interested in a deal like that make them pay a (reasonable) fee for their permit to help offset the subsidy for citizen arms. No need for surplus, and it should bring in some good business for the Hungarian firearms production/retail sectors.
I'd give them whatever they wanted.
We already have that, although not too much.
Yeah but never get rid of "okay"-ish weapons if you already have them.
Frankly, we should make several militias of border patrols, give them some basic training, some guns and equipment and settle them along the line of our southern borders. Any shitskin trying to cross the border would be shot down. Our army and police could then handle the gipsies…
I always liked swing-wing jets.
You are either going to throw up or cum buckets. Maybe both.
I personally think it's quite sexy and could have very minimal applications for landing approach with strong crosswinds, or gliding bombs.
But plane good!
This thread in one picture.
Ok then.