This thread is for Christians (and those who are searching) who are suffering from depression, anxiety and other mental illnesses to discuss their life and offer support & prayers
Depression, anxiety and other mental illnesses general
Other urls found in this thread:
My prayers are for each and every one of you. I've gone through an episode of my life where I've felt total despair and depression. I know what that sinking pit feels like, that emptiness deep in your heart that doesn't easily go away. Hang in there.
A time to weep, and a time to laugh. A time to mourn, and a time to dance. (Ecclesiastes 3:4)
Any other good verses for this?
I made a post about this in the prayer requests thread a while back, and in the interest of time, I'll just link it here instead of making it all over again, or reiterating it.
My dad is a drunkard, I've never seen him sober for a year. I rarely talk to him and I hate staring at his eyes, they make me angry. I'm financially alright but I hard a hard time overcoming the hate I had for this world, I hated everyone cause of him.
He would probably die in some months if he drinks at this rate, man I hate living here and I hate myself.
Not depressed but sad.
Ah winnie the pooh, i would've just posted in here but i made a thread about being an alcoholic. I can't help it. I feel like i'm mentall ill.
Please dont push him out of your life because of his faults. we all have faults. love is the answer, i think… but do not be like my brother and disown him. He has his reasons i'm sure. God Bless you.
winnie the pooh. lol I love you mods. thanks, this has made my day, the word filters. It's a great idea for this board. thanks guys.
OK I'm 20 at the moment. 21 this year.
I got baptized when I was 13-14 then I went into agnostic phase as my social life got worse and worse, thinking that God doesn't really care if he exists. I stopped going to church at one point and I even got angry when my mum or other people said about praying for me or tell me to pray. Still I think I continued to keep some of the Catholic worldview as well, and I never really agreed on abortion and quite neutral on the subjects regarding LGBT, defended Catholicism on the Internet and I still thought people like /r/atheism are ridiculous.
In college my depression actually got really worse, and I failed several units and I even went to psych ward for depression and not eating. I couldn't read neither draw which once gave me joy. I started to develop some nihilistic worldview as well, partially from learning history. I took a break from uni for a year and went back, but still didn't feel different. I still failed to submit several assignments and still can't get up properly. I often lie down in my bed for the whole day and it's like constantly being stuck in a marsh.
Then recently I wanted to go back to church for some weird reason. I checked an Instagram account of altar girl whom I thought as particularly attractive long time ago. (Didn't have a crush on her, but kinda my type). I felt empty again knowing that I wouldn't get something like this and wondered if I have a chance if I go back to church.
Then other things came into my mind as well. While I'm not right-winged, I was starting to feel that there are at least some truths in the church and rampant nihilism and relativism is sort of responsible for the decay of Western civilization and there needs to be some kind of meaning. Although I still can't really say I agree 100% regarding some of the teachings.
Yeah, so I'm considering to go back to church and maybe, try to put some faith in me. However I'm wondering if this is just a gamble and I still have doubts that this will help me completely, and I'm really afraid that I'll be disappointed again. Is this some sort of ordeal God giving me, if he exists?
Would you give me some advice? Anyone with similar phase?
You sound like Raskolnikov from Crime and Punishment.
I can't help much but all I can say is read the KJV and some Dostoevsky, Crime and Punishment is a good read tbh.
I was sexually abused by my babysitter when I was 10 but it started at 7 and grew with problems.
I don't like saying that I'm a Christian, even though I defend my religion disguise as a secular history buff, because of my paranoid behaviour and I fear that normies might think of me as an example of a traumatised crazy Christian fundie.
Just stop that user. Normies are scum. Us as Christians shouldn't care about them we should only care about what God thinks of us. So feel no shame in your faith user.
I stopped being an alchoholic a year ago. I’ve been trying to maintain some financial stability since my roommate stopped working but it’s hard. I started getting night terrors of me shooting myself with a bolt action rifle. And it’s difficult because I get mood swings too that make me think my life isn’t worth living. I don’t know why because I have my own apartment and a car. Why do I get these insane thoughts all the time. I’m trying to become a catholic soon. Sorry for that insane rant but I needed to vent.
Just try it and move on if it fails.
Christ, some pople are so afraid of failure it dazzles me.
And they seem to be increasing in number.
I was always afraid of failure
Not feeling great lads.
I have one of the worst, bipolar disorder. I'm pretty sure undiagnosed something else lads. At least i have beauty and the passion and talent for art and creativity on my side. Because I'm going to fail at a conventional job lol
How do music industry go
I’m so depressed and I can’t stop cutting myself and I’m always on the brick of suicide and I see no happiness in this world and I see no point of doing anything the only thing that prevents me from ending my existence is the fact that I’ll go to hell
I feels it. Hopefully it will get much better for you. Praying for ya.
You're not wrong, also, saved
I'm a schizo with autism. Pretty cool tbh.
But retarded.
The first step is to become angry.
So angry at your situation that you'll change it.
Angry at having no energy, so you move.
Angry at having no future, so you act.
Get those balls activated and lift yourselves out of the pit by your own scruff of the neck.
I swear to Christ.
I will upload a GPG key where you will all send me your banking information and full power over withdrawing your money which I will donate to Scientology if you don't winnie the poohing do something about your misery you eunuchs.
Final warning before you really have to give me authority over your money.
The problem lies in your inaction and clinging to comfort.
As unbelievable as it sounds.
Laying in bed and listening to linkin park is still more comfortable than the discs of your spines popping while you're hauling an iron beam.
This is an allegory, don't actually haul iron beams we have machines for that.
But you get what I'm saying.
Do something wild but not degenerate. Risk your comfort and see how far you can go.
You will feel alive like never before.
Your damn forebears had to live in hell and they somehow managed to pull their shit together so you, at some point, could have been born.
Some winnie the poohing sasquatch primitive knuckledragger had to walk barefoot over thistle spines and sharp rocks to do some sexy time so you could be here today and go boohoooooo plz god help plz god.
Meanwhile some asshole from back then died after eating some fucking poison berries but nobody knew at that time but you gotta eat so he died so others may live, including you.
Boo hooooo I jerk off oh no, it's such a slog, oh woe oh woe Jesus help me ohhhh boooooo hooooooooooooooo BOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
How can you not get pissed at yourself.
I'm going to take your advice seriously and start by getting angry at YOU for being an unrepentant heathen. You, like, me, are doomed without Christ. Shut your mouth if you're going to dishonor God.
I agree to a certain extend. That is to say, you're wrong when you say putting your hope in God is retarded. It's the very foundation of everything we do (or should be doing in a healthy society). BUT you're right in that God won't just come over, magically fix people's brains and physiques and then they're the pinnacle of humanity.
First of all people need to get angry at themselves, in that you're right. But the consequence must be to not only move yourself, but ask God unceasingly to help you in prayer and contemplation. With Christ, everything is possible, but without Him nothing it possible. That's the gist of it all. And receive the holy Eucharist regularly if you're Catholic or ortho.
Pray for help while offering your struggles as sacrifice, and in your anger at your self-neglecting self, get moving, get uncomfortable and become the man (or woman in case you're no male but we all know there're no women on the internet so jokes on me :^) God wants you to be so you can do His will.
Oh and one thing: Don't swear or take the Lord's name in vain.
Did you know that English isn't my native language?
Here I am, using it, though.
Guess who taught me that.
If God didn't want me to swear then he wouldn't have allowed this thread to be created.
I- I'm in tears
He's the motivational schizo from /kc/
All those mind altering substances. Good lord.
I'm that pesky pagan, unbannable pagan with the, what some call "low standards", when in reality it's the other way around.
You know.
Calling everything christian no matter how unchristian it may be.
For example.
Christians prove that wrong time and time again, and then also have the audacity to even think I should ever, ever , ever pray for them.
Granted, I am being asked or told that by people not knowing that I don't pray to their god, but the point stands.
Yeah, sure, I'll pray to Yahweh that'll surely get y'all asses out of the chair to do something.
Oh, wait, no, it doesn't until YOU on YOUR OWN do something about it.
I'm pretty sure there's something about despair being a naughty thing your god doesn't like somewhere in the bible, so stick this up your ass too.
It's your damn responsibility to do something, nothing else can change it fundamentally.
Hell, even if your god appeared before you and said something thtat contradicts your views then you would very likely dismiss it as some sort of fever dream etc.
I don't have that problem since I don't believe in a mary sue monogod, but in gods that have to actually take care and think because they are not perfect individually.
Perfection in one single entity spells the end of its actions since once perfection is attained, there is no need for even one single further thought.
Because a thought is created for a specific goal, may it be the most minute and insignificant goal, but without an interest in the result of the thought, no thought will be thunk.
But once you are truly, and I mean truly and not some sort of wishy washy woo woo pilpul definition of perfect you guys and your penchant for degenerating language like to use.
But actually perfect.
Then you're done.
You have reached the full end.
You are fully whole and perfect.
Solved 100%.
Nothing else to follow because if there were something to follow then you can't be fucking very well be perfect, now, can you.
Y'all can cry and stomp your feet all day.
You are the ones responsible for change.
If ALL you do is put your hope in your god then hahaha enjoy DEATH.
But y'all are just in a rut, like that guy.
I’m so depressed and I can’t stop cutting myself and I’m always on the brick of suicide and I see no happiness in this world and I see no point of doing anything the only thing that prevents me from ending my existence is the fact that I’ll go to hell
Again, you want me to give you a GPG key so you can securely give me authority over your finances?
I wanna see you post meme chinks when you feel the sting of famine because your money is now in the hands of Scientology.
I wanna see you boohoo and slump down where there's suddenly actual doom breathing down your neck.
When there's risk that people come over to check on you even if its just to demand their dues.
Which brings me to another bullshit thing you people foolishly have to believe in in one way or the other.
When was the last time your neighbor knocked the winnie the pooh out of your door to check up on you because you've been quiet and silent for so damn long?
Probably never.
Your neighbor doesn't give a shit about you.
I do, though.
That's why I say all this.
I am the neighbor you need to have.
I'm the neighbor that takes a sledge hammer and knocks down your door while you sob inside whimpering to yahweh to let a bunch of people inside your home to point their finger and laugh at you, so you cannot cocoon yourself in your misery.
I'm your neighbor that makes your glumness worse than hell.
Carrying a cross over a field of burning coal will be more comfortable than even daring to fall back into depression with me around because then you will experience TRUE dread.
That's the kind of support you need.
Not guhhhhh goddd plzzzzzzzzzzzzz plzzzzz boooo hooo.
You need a spotlight shone directly onto your pitiful wretched form curled up in the fetal position so you can't get away with it without everyone knowing.
You need a scurryfunge, look it up, of your damn souls.
Again, according to your belief your existence itself is thanks to the guy and you're pissing it away like that.
Something about beams and eyes, etc.
It was that easy… I pray you lads can find the thing thats causing you to feel like that
Knowing the history of the left movement up there, you don't have a problem user.
*tips fedora*
Not even your mods can pull that off.
Have you tried…praying?
El, oh, el.
Have you tried going back to reddit?
I hear they miss you alot.
Stop derailing the thread by acknowledging the fedora troll
Don't cast your perils before swine, it's just some guy fishing for (Yous).
No worries, mate.
I'll stay here even without the upboats you'd give me there.
Probably your gods thoughts right now.
Hey guys, have my infinite love and stuff.
I just suffered a massive manic episode earlier and now the left side of my body is feeling tingly. There's nothing demonic about this, right?
Gonna need more details about the nature of your manic episodes before we can really try to help.
Off the cuff: this seems like an issue more for a medical professional to attempt to handle than another fellow anonymous image board poster.
I know what its like dealing with anxiety, just know that God loves you, and so do we user. Read some Psalms over a glass of milk tonight, and try to spend some time in the sun tomorrow.
Try to write down some of the thoughts that trigger your attacks. You don't have to post them(unless you want to) just write them out for yourself, and try to work through how each of those thoughts relates to your status as a child of God. Memorize some scriptures to remind yourself of this blessedness, and rehearse them when you feel an attack is coming. It won't be easy, but if you saturate yourself in God's Love for you daily then you'll begin to recover.
I'm adhd sometimes I randomly get a stiffy during mass and I can't say a prayer coherently at all. I hate communal prayer because I can't really get into it, I'm restless. It's all a mess in my head. Is this normal?
Dumping some books on Nouthetic Counseling.
Sounds like a stroke
I'm depressed and adhd. The restlessness is insane. I thank God for suffering because it thickens my skin and makes the good times better by comparison.
I certainly am not in the danger of killing myself like a faggot, unlike some of the enlightened people in here.
Oh, were you now?
Name the three local low German dialects of my region, then.
What? Don't know them?
Why not? Do you think my "cult" is some world wide global bullshit any old loser can just larp about?
Heathenism is localized, hence no missionaries being needed or helpful.
Furthermore, what is this month known for regarding some members of the animal kingdom.
Should be easy for you to answer since you were part of the club here.
You're not just trying to do some false witness bullshit again like most heaven idolaters, are you?
Ah, I remember you now. You're the guy parroting the "Wimp-Lo" argument from way back.
Lol, you're almost right. Paganism does have it's regional differences, and I imagine the North American kindred I was a part of differed in many ways to your German equivalent. Yet, when you compare pagan tribes on a global scale, it's ultimately a narcissism of small differences when you consider how much they had in common: Sacrificing to glorified vending machine "gods" (including children, whether it be the Baal and Molech worshipping Caananites of the Middle East, or the Vikings of the north:
Yet, you're also all a paradox at the same time. All the pagan subsets have so much in common… including, ironically, a moral relativity on par with modernism/post-modernism. Sure, Tacitus noted that some tribes drowned homosexuals in bogs, but there were also Northern pagans more than happy to practice "prison rules" style homosexuality:
And don't even get me started on the rampant homosexuality and pedophilia in Mediterranean paganism.
I remember one indigenous pagan tribe being asked what they thought of a neighboring tribe's origin mythology being so different, with their answer essentially being "both are equally valid."
And that's the sad truth of it all. You pagans truly are LARPers. You're essentially nihilists LARPing as theists.
In your sacrifices to your gods (both in terms of said sacrifices and what you ask for), and your materialism and pursuit of worldly happiness through fame and fortune, you belie an underlying belief that the physical world is all that really matters, with your so-called afterlifes being nothing more than glorified footnotes.
Married to this, is your moral relativism, that in contrast to theism, belies a lack of belief in an absolute moral universal truth that can only come from a one true God. Your "morals" extending only as far as the borders of your tribes. Sure, the Vikings that you pagans tend to idolize somewhat tried to adhere to somewhat of a morality amongst themselves. But they had no problems with attacking, pillaging and raping those outside of themselves, including selling other Europeans to Muslims for cash. Your gods, throughout the pagan spectrum, in terms of morality tend to run the gamut from having a utilitarian, at best, relationship with mankind, to being outright sociopathic at worst.
Correction: not just utilitarian or sociopathic, but at times even outright apathetic. The high"gods" in Northern paganism only cared about kings and heroes on a personal level (same with the Greeks.). Everyone else either relied on "land spirits" or whatever scraps and leftovers they could get during tribal sacrifices. That's one of the real reasons why you promoted a "motivate and take care of yourself/drill sergeant" approach to "treating depression." Because, unless you are a king, hero or other likewise man of renown, your "gods" literally do not care about you. They will never truly give you the Love you crave on a deep down soul level.
You have "gods" and yet your worldview and the way you live and approach life indicate they might as well not even exist. Heck, you pagans can't even agree on the very nature of your "gods." I remember an adage I heard quite often during my time as one of you: "Ask five pagans the nature of their gods, and you'll get five different answers." Some will say they are literal spiritual beings. Some say they are Jungian archetypes. Some say they are metaphors for processes of life and nature. Some say they are deified ancestors. Some say they are glorified mascots of their respective cultures for the purpose of cultural instruction and preservation through storytelling. Some say they are tulpas/egregores that people prayed to and believed in hard enough to essentially "create" into existence.
"But this is liberty!" you say. "One rule for the Ox and the Raven is tyranny!" No. This is confusion and a lack of real universal faith. Just a bunch of people believing whatever makes them feel comfortable enough. And none of the aforementioned interpretations of these so called "gods" indicates a real, true, absolute, unoriginate Lord of the Universe.
Moral Relativity.
"gods" that are whatever you feel like they can or should be at the moment and might as well be non-existent in terms of the way you approach your lives, making you atheists with spiritual-esque window dressing.
You're just a bunch of people making up crap to give you some semblance of meaning while remaining flexible enough to do whatever the heck you want.
In other words, nihilists.
This is why I pray for you, and hope you come to your sense and come to the true love of the One, True, God.
My father died a few months ago from alcoholism. I made a post about it in the prayer request thread but it has obviously slid off by now (sincere thanks to everyone who prayed by the way). Needles to say his decline was very painful to witness.
I now live with my mother, who is also an alcoholic. Just today I had to come help her when she was vomiting, and whenever I try to talk to her about the issue she becomes antagonistic and requests to be left alone at best, and becomes violently enraged at worst.
This might sound trite but I sincerely believe that if you keep faithful and are utterly relentless in life things can turn out your way even if you have to crawl through what seems like hell every day.
If you want to someone talk to in private I setup a dummy email at: [email protected]
You contact me there at any time
I know it is difficult, so hang in there, God bless
Oh and I'll pray for you today, forgot to mention that
Have you considered treating your mother like one who is not in full possession of her mental faculties? A child, basically, because that's what she is.
Pax fratres. Firstly if you are not Catholic, become or you cannot attain happiness.
Secondly your depression and anxiety is most likely the result of hypothyroidism which can easily be cured by supplementing your diet with 1 litre of skim milk and 1 - 2 litres of on and 4 cups of coffee a day. Avoid all poly unsaturated fat, try to avoid starch and consume as much protein, sugar and saturated fat as you can from animal and fruit juice sources. Get as much sunlight as you can. Learn more about the work of Dr Ray Peat.
Say goodbye to depression
Also you will never stop suffering from depression unless you completely renounce porn and masturbation
But stopping just leads to physical pain. I don't even enjoy the porn too much anymore. I just use it to avoid blueballs.
Wouldn't nocturnal emissions just get rid of the excess semen in your balls anyway?
try gluten free and casein free
many people notice a difference in their mental symptoms
Stop being effeminate and deceiving yourself. Do you want to inherit the kingdom of heaven or do you want to rub your penis? Choose one. Blue balls goes away. If you have pain then deal with it. But blue is always caused by stimulation, so stop and avoid stimulation.
I meant to say oj not on. Orange juce. Organic Freshly squeezed is best.
I could waste my time repeating everything wrong you are saying but.
Of six gorillion denominations.
If I am so wrong, then why did every action against me come from actions you all did?
From your many, many feeble attempts at banning me.
To typing all those replies of bullshit and whining.
Would they have been created if all you did was pray?
Yuo even HAD to tell me that you're "praying for me" because you damn well know that I wouldn't have known otherwise because only, as I 1488% accurately and truly stated, actions matter.
Put your hope in god is retarded.
Act if you want things changed is truth.
But as a little P.S. for your obsession with faggoty pagans:
A short prayer to Yahweh is called an ejactulation. This is also 100% true, whereas your drivel is more blatant sinning on your part.
Not that I personally mind. Or you.
I am in a den of hypocrites after all.
Every time I post here I am.
Well, ejaculation.
Typos are not an intent at lying.
If the concept of not intending to lie means anything to you.
It doesn't.
You lie all the damn time.
Just found this on Zig Forums
Gonna compile some proper truth about it.
In the hope that you people take it as gospel so I can BTFO you later.
It's the only reason I come here, anyway.
have a little preview
Oh man, this is gonna be fun.
I originally planned on going out today and enjoy the splendid weather but now I am giddy with excitement.
Ohhh it's gonna be so great, guys.
This is a thread intended for helping mentally ill Christians, not for debating mentally ill pagans. Go start another thread.
read the Stoics brothers. changed me from being in a permanent state of dread and depression to almost mental invincibility. stop being at the mercy of your thoughts, realize your must arbiter over them and allow only those that are useful.
Which has been the thing I have been doing from post 1.
Your mod once stated in one of the ban messages that I am here to spam Zig Forums.
I am not here to spam. I am here to destroy Christian hypocrisy while having fun.
A reason why I haven't said much about
Who is one of the few true idiots I have come across here.
Writing so much shit when it's all a bait and switch.
Which is silly.
Just like calling me a nihilist.
Nihilism is the opposite of what I believe in.
All men die, but what never dies is honor (aka reputation) the deeds of the dead, etc.
A reason why even Christians who should just be happy that the passed ones are in heaven keep graveyards that honor the dead and their names "in memoream", to remember them.
Because those that are not remembered might as well have never existed.
And regarding the larp:
Missionary faith is literally and truly "makebelief" because their function is to make someone believe in something else.
This is their 100% accurate function and ultimate goal.
I cannot be this because demanding you to worship something that does not apply to you makes no sense.
It would be like some Hawaiian asking someone with no volcanoes around to believe in volcano sacrifice.
It makes no sense.
Also, regarding nihilism and faith.
I literally believe in something that has been tried to be stamped out for over 2000 years and has "no unifying gospel and whatnot" and not just that, I am actually subject to my gods and not any afterlife like heaven.
I do not expect valhalla, it would be nice but I'm also not a damn viking.
I still enjoy norse paganism though, I enjoy a whole lot of different pagan faiths around the world, but again it's too localized to apply everywhere.
And again, I actually came here to care, I am the neighbor who asks if everything is alright and then tells you to just DO something.
I don't pray for you.
I actually literally come over here and tell you that you need to do something if you want change.
Despite getting banned.
Despite getting ridiculed.
I come back, sure, I laugh at you all, but I still care.
I mean, some guy even said that "I shouldn't be so hard on people who might be deep into chemical depression" well chemistry is worldly so how the hell would praying help.
It wouldn't.
Only one thing helps.
Going out.
Extending hands.
Pushing, prodding.
I wanna see any "chemically mopey" depressed person be mopey if I started a literal fire under their ass.
I wanna see those chemicals fight against the sting of fire.
They would lose.
This is because I am right and I am only being proven right, over and over again.
You put your validity on the edge of banning people.
But I cannot be banned.
Reality cannot be banned.
Truth cannot be banned.
Action requires action.
The only way out of depression is action in some way or form.
Can you remember that particularly honorable Aztec warrior that raised 2 great sons, of which one became king later on, before he died in a war against another influential tribe - his death secured the victory in that war as he was able to fatally wound the king of the other tribe ? Yeah me neither. Pure delusion.
You see, you're just being an idiot here. Fine, you got a point regarding depressive people needing to get their asses up and act. But all the rest, your faggy reddit spacing, the way you're talking about God and Christ on a Christian board, the way you are cussing and swearing nonstop - it makes you huge faggot. Consider leaving this board, you're just derailing threads again and again with your delusions and you utter inability to act like a compassionate person.
Look buddy, if you want to post your insane and poorly formatted ramblings, do it in your own thread. I have zero interest in engaging with your nonsense here.
Someone probably wrote that down, and I'm not an Aztec.
It matters to Aztecs and those interested in Aztecs.
How well do you think Christianity would fare if nobody wrote down the story of Jesus?
That would be really awful for a missionary faith.
Unlike the constantly lying and raging hypocrites here?
Trends say that that would end poorly for you, anyway.
You're sitting on a dunghill throwing feces. There's literally no point in arguing with you. You have no real beliefs with which to attack. You have no standards that I can critique.
No, you have nothing to respond with, except childish insults:
because you know it is the truth. I'm sorry that the truth hurts you this much. The Edda derived "Kinsman die, cattle die, reputation and fame is everything" quote is evidence of exactly what I said.
Even though you just used said viking quote. Either you are a viking LARPer or you used it because you are unwittingly acknowledging the universality of paganism by using that quote, since it can be applied to just about any other form of paganism on the face of the earth. Which is why you used it in the first place.
You believe in whatever your particular microtribe made up according to their fallen human nature (hence the universality among pagans) along with whatever particularisms came about in your region.
You believe in something that is clearly a completely human made attempt to create meaning in life. Nihilism.
Being reduced to fringe cults started by college professors and academicians with too much time on their hands cobbling together something that barely resembles the original worldviews from Christian recorded mythology and some archaeological scraps that consist of groups of 10 people or less tops and are constantly infighting and splitting up; Marvel comics and movies; dead leftover superstitions; and a few small holdover cults in Europe that don't even matter, is pretty thoroughly stomped out.
And that's just the so-called "real"/"conservative" pagans.
99% of modern pagans are hippies LARPing for debauchery and LGBT rights. (Google up images of "Stonehenge Celebrations.")
But please, keep spitting out your obscure trivia from "Jeopardy: pagan edition" to prove me wrong, since that's literally the only semblance of an argument you have shown thus far.
That there are people who have particular brain chemistry induced depression that can't be just "jogged away" is common sense. Praying for God's help in finding the right doctor and medicine, while on the search for said doctor and medicine, is also common sense in this case.
The Christian life is man's freewill working in concert with God's will, not just prayer alone.
Like most pagans who are angry at God, you have an ignorant distorted view of Christian Theology. The Theodist, Garman Lord (whose particular subset of Anglo-Saxon pagan revivalism has faded into complete obscurity like most do) tried to conflate Christianity with the world-rejection and passivity of Buddhism and Far-East religions in his work "The Way of the Heathen: A Handbook of Greater Theodism." Traditional Christianity preaches engagement with the world to complete one's mission from God, along with the fact that physical reality is not illusion or vanity, but is something that God said was good when he created it in Genesis, and only became corrupted by man's sin, and will be made whole again by God in the end.
I pray to God you come to common sense as well.
>massively underrated post
Reread your own post, the pot is calling the kettle black.
It was certainly helpful and definitely changed some viewpoints but didn't really change me to "mental invincibility"
IDK if it would help you guys, but try "adopting" an older Christian woman who would not mind a "spiritual brother", as that helped to manage my depression and fix my sleep disorder.
I did this in 2015, as I didn't have any sisters and I'm estranged from my mother and so I wanted to see what having one felt like. I told this Christian lady in her 40's (i'm 30) that I would occasionally talk with that I would like her to become my "sister", she was hesitant at first but after my dog died she wanted to console me and agreed. We've had a very strong brother/sister friendship since then, which made me happy enough that I was able to fix my sleep disorder and manage my depression.
But doing this is especially helpful if you have neither a fulfilling sister or mother (just don't at any point try to turn it sexual), though I do say don't try to project a mother as that places too much pressure on a person. Nonetheless it's nice to feel like (or pretend) that a person is family. I think that's just what a lot of people with depression are lacking, someone that feels like family.
Now I'm accomplishing goals and have discipline for the first time in my life, my sleep disorder has gone away, and now I can finally sleep regularly on a set schedule. It's kind of like the opening scene of fight club really. I'd say nowadays there are probably a lot of lonely Christian women in their 40's that would love a brother/sister type relationship with someone, so if that had helped to fix me it can probably help others… just don't try to get "something more" because that changes the relationship type.
I think I have schizophrenia. I was diagnosed with psychosis after I suddenly became religious and started seeing shadows of people out the corners of my eyes. At times I would hear the church choir unintelligibly singing, very quietly at least. My phone's GPS voice would babble at me at random times, too.
The hallucinations are gone now that I'm on medication. I can't remember the last strange thing I've seen or heard. And yet, the spirituality persists. There's one question that always keeps me coming back to Christianity: What happened 2,000 years in Israel? There's no reasonable explanation except something that's utterly and completely impossible to the atheist worldview I've held for years. I still don't know for sure how much my illness is influencing my religious beliefs.
The more I pray for the truth, and for the people around me, the more I find myself following a Christian path in life. I can only hope that one day I find that truth.
I like you. I had visions as a child, and now that I've grown up I've been seeing spirits who led me to scripture and research proving to me all the outlandish information in my visions is true and everything I was taught is a lie or a falsehood taught by someone naive. But I can't talk about it with anyone because even if I show research they get outraged due to them having to acknowledge the zeitgeist is incorrect. It's driving me insane having no one to talk to about it. I wish I had a community where I could talk about topics more taboo than Tobit 4:12
get a fun hobby, read more optimistic and hopeful books, don't take life so seriously it's just a test
How can anyone say they're depressed here? I mean, who has time to feel bored and disaffected while they're in the midst of spiritual warfare? Every moment would be dread or joy for you, if you really appreciated what is at stake.
Who has a "pagan past" these days?
Pray for me everybody.
That's some terrible advice. ITs not "just a test" because a failing grade is unthinkable.
the test giver is a good guy, he won't let anything bad happen to you in the end, he's not a monster
I suffered dp/dr (depersonalization/derealization) over many years, with extreme existential anxiety and panic attacks.
I had so thoroughly rejected God that only this extreme suffering could bring me back to Him. So in retrospect I consider that hell I endured to have been a profound gift.
You're right, there is no reasonable explanation. And even if there were ultra HD documentary footage of the events, it would absolutely not convince most atheists. Take an atheist back 2000 years and have them witness the events with their own eyes and they would sooner accept a schizophrenia diagnosis (or suggest that Jesus was an extraterrestrial with technology indistinguishable from magic) than accept that Jesus was who he said he was.
And so it it written luke 16:27-31
Also mental illnesses are a fake kike made up series of social designations to shame people who go against being soyboy faggots or that speak the truth. Stop accepting what men say over what the Bible says. Mental illness is not biblical, only demon possession is.
yeah, let's just ignore all the people actually involved with exorcism who say that mental illness exists.
this is a great argument too
"The KJV has an accurate rendering of Matthew 4:24, in which we learn that Jesus’ “fame went throughout all Syria: and they brought unto him all sick people that were taken with divers diseases and torments, and those which were possessed with devils, and those which were lunatick, and those that had the palsy; and he healed them.” That’s a neat threefold distinction between those whose diseases and torments are spiritual (daimonizomai, those tormented by demons) mental (selēniazomai, lunatics / the mentally ill) or physical (paralytikos, paralytics). In other words, Jesus is healing the soul, the mind, and the body.
This is a good reminder that the ancient world did get the difference between demonic possession, mental illness, and physical afflictions, even if they didn’t understand exactly what caused the latter two. Not every case that looks demonic is. It might be mental illness. But just as two different illnesses might have similar symptoms, the same is true here. Some physical cases look like mental, some mental cases look spiritual, etc. So just because some people who seem to be possessed are just mentally ill, it doesn’t follow that therefore all people who seem to be possessed are just mentally ill. The ancients actually got this better than many of their modern critics."
scripture seems to acknowledge mental illness, why don't you?
seems like you just interjected your own personal interpretation of what mental illness is.
according to this source, they associated it with seizures:
"After his transfiguration experience Jesus encounters a father who is pleading with his disciples to release his son from demonic influence. They have had no success. When the man sees Jesus, he pleads for a merciful response because his son “has seizures (selēniazetai) and is suffering greatly. He often falls into the fire or into the water” (17:15). Matthew does not expand the story at this point. Mark, however, describes the demonic attack in these terms (9:18): “it throws him to the ground, he foams at the mouth, he gnashes his teeth and he becomes rigid.” When Jesus acts to exorcise the demon in Mark 9:20, these symptoms become manifest as the boy convulses on the ground, foaming at the mouth."
IE, a symptom of demonic possession was a mental illness/affliction
Are we even reading the same Scripture here? The demons attacked the Jews because they invoked the name of Christ and Paul without faith. How is this a condemnation of exorcism?
Yes, the former is defined as a spiritual affliction brought upon by sentient rogue angels, the latter is defined by A MENTAL ILLNESS.
Ergo, scripture acknowledges illnesses of the mind - completely separate as a condition of demonic possession.
selēniazomai refers to mental illness…
Now you're just putting words and your own straw arguments in my mouth.
except the excerpt I quoted used the KJV…
and the KJV quite clearly creates a distinction between soul, mind, and body here.
they weren't exorcists, they were Jews. Real Jews. Denying Christ sort of Jews.
I dropped out of college two months from graduation when I was 19 because I wasn't able to pay for any of the exams except one which I failed. (I'm 21) Ever since then I've been filled with regret. I'm moving out next month, but my parents don't want me to, they want me to be put back on the school waiting list for two years, go back, and waste away in my bedroom until I'm 26 but I don't want to. It terrifies me. I know that would be the most pragmatic choice, tuition would be free in this case and I could get a job making excellent money, but they're so disappointed in me anons. I've made terrible mistakes in the past and they can't even look at me anymore for. Living under the same roof as them, knowing what they think about me, how disappointed in me as their only son, it destroys me inside.
Ever since I was young, my family has been stuck in this death triangle of anger, infighting, bitterness and turmoil, the worst part about it is that we all love each other, but the emotional barriers between us are too high. Everything goes back too far, any semblance of normality that was once possible is no longer salvagable. The reality that I've never been able to truly let my parents know I love them or to show it in any way, that the most normal, loving family moment of closure will only be shared when either of them is on their death bed fills me with constant sadness and regret. Even as it stands I'm estranged from my parents, and even though I love them, they'll never know because I will never be able to undo the deception of what they wanted to see their son be, as opposed to who I've become. The fact that it's so irreparable and that when I'll leave the nest I will have had nothing to give them as a son to show for their parenting, it makes me feel like a failure.
Feel bad man
I'm moving out next month to live with my only friend since I can no longer handle the emotional stress of constantly trying to keep the peace and the prospect of staying any longer terrifies me. But if I do, against their wishes, it'll only estrange me even more from them. Even then I'll be stuck at a dead in job like I am right now until I finish my certifications on my own one day, seemingly condemned to a life of wage slavery like my father is, never with enough room to grow, let alone breath. All I can do is cling to my God, but that's what I've been doing for years is hanging on, far past the point that others would have let go. When does he reward struggle? In addition to all of this, I'm constantly at war with myself spiritually, momentarily reaching a place of relief and homeostasis until I fall into sin and impulse again, making him feel so far away when I need him so much. I have a constant fear of hell, I always feel like I won't make it., like I'm never doing enough, a constant state of emotional and spiritual anxiety, as a result I'm plagued with nightmares where my fears become manifest and I don't know how to make them stop except get to a place of assuredness in life.
I'm utterly overwhelmed and full of confusion and inner turmoil, the struggles of others makes my struggle feel petty in comparison, but it's my struggle and it eats me alive emotionally
Seems like someone here has a mental illness lol
T. Démon possessed