Jewtube plans to decide for its viewers what "reputable news" are

YouTube will invest $25 million in funding “quality journalism” on its platform. The initiative will aim to provide context and to promote ‘reputable’ sources; but there are doubts as to what, exactly, that might mean.

YouTube announced the initiative on Monday, and says it aims to make “it easier to find quality news” and improve “the news experience on YouTube.” The initiative forms part of a wider, $300 million Google program aimed at “helping journalism thrive in the digital age.”

In the coming weeks, videos posted about breaking news events will be accompanied with a link to carefully vetted news article about the events, as well as a reminder that breaking news can rapidly change. YouTube will also highlight breaking news videos from reputable news organizations on its homepage, and recommend that viewers watch similar videos following the ones they were watching.

With the left-right divide in America widening, the challenge for YouTube is deciding what sources count as reputable. Among those vetted by YouTube are CNN and Fox News. CNN has been slated and derided as ‘fake news’ by President Trump and others on the right, while CNN President Jeff Zucker called Fox a “propaganda machine” earlier this year.

When Facebook announced plans to rank news sources by “trustworthiness” and “dial up the intensity” of news suppression this May, it enlisted the help of a host of news organizations to define what “trustworthy” means. However, all but two of the over 20 organizations enlisted leaned to the political left.

The only US outlet mentioned in YouTube’s announcement is Vox Media, a left-wing “explainer” website. YouTube has also revealed that one of its “trusted flaggers” of objectionable content is the Southern Poverty Law Center, a group that focuses solely on “right-wing extremism.” The SPLC has been forced to retract several articles over the past few months, and pay a $3.75 million compensation to a think-tank it mischaracterized as anti-Muslim.

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Code for propaganda and gaslighting.

I liked your story OP , don't listen to those big meanies.

youtube shills are very active here it seems, must explain why there's so many embedded videos. But this is still very ironic news coming from RT.

>YouTube has also revealed that one of its “trusted flaggers” of objectionable content is the (((Southern Poverty Law Center)))

every fucking time.

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No, you definitely need to listen to the Big Meanies… You're ILLITERATE, and the Big Meanies aren't.

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>YouTube has also revealed that one of its “trusted flaggers” of objectionable content is the (((Decide What Reputable News Are)))

every fucking time.

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Decide What Reputable News Are

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Because defunding and throttling news videos wasn't enough.

heres an idea: be shown the same topic skewed left, right, and centrist. As you click on news sources tne machine learns more about your preferences.

More clicks = more revenue, but its your fault for them serving up sensationalist content that drives traffic.

here's an idea: Decide What Reputable News Are

Because defunding and throttling news videos wasn't Decide What Reputable News Are

Poor Johnny Neptune has no life.
Doesn't like labels, but is literally an unapologetic grammar nazi.

right thats what I was getting at then I realized its basically (their) fault for paying shit news sites that just generate clickbait and cat pictures.

How is Google being communist exactly?
By catering to its advertisers who make them money?

You autist, it's not literal.

Johnny Neptune be like, "oh lordy (oy gevalt) protect the jews! I will make a mural to the 6 gorillion!"

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At this point if people still fall for obvious propaganda, despite being shown time after time that pretty much every news outlet lies to their faces, then I just can't help but hope shit gets even worse just to watch everyone suffer.

Shalom, I'm Aisha. Thanks for subbing. Today I'm here to tell you about free bleeding into a burka.