Mujahadeen kicks lesbians out of Uber for kissing

First, you backward inbred FOB, if girls were kissing in my car I would encourage it. Second, fuck off back to Afghanistan you simple minded inbred

"Two women say an Uber driver kicked them out of his car after he saw them kiss in the back seat. The driver's taxi license, required to drive for Uber in New York City, has been suspended as the New York City Taxi and Limousine Commission investigates what happened.

Alex Iovine, 26, and Emma Pichl, 24, live together in Manhattan and have been dating for nearly two years. The couple was heading back to Manhattan on Saturday after celebrating a friend's birthday at a Brooklyn bar. Iovine says she and her girlfriend were sitting on opposite sides of the back seat when they kissed."

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If you don't like hot lesbians you are a fag

WRONG GIRLS. when you see the actual two 'girls', it's easy to understand. The diver didn't want his car to smell like his vomit.

…..oh, and it's spelled 'Mujahideen'…

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Based islam,restoring order in the west.

Where were you when niggers niggered nigger nig ?

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Attractive lesbians !!
Lol, OP, you been watching porn again

It's not surprising that you(space after comma)would be offended by anything that includes 'women' and 'kissing' in the same sentence.

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Is it possible for you to be ANY MORE GAY?

By the way, that was a trick question, because I already knew the answer was 'NO'.

He did the right thing. They can go lez out in private. Stop encouraging degenerate behavior faggots.

Lefties cant say shit about this after running all those people out of restaurants. And I for one support Ahmed`s freedom of association and his desire not to see two ugly dykes eat each other's faces.

Hot lesbians dont exist m8, dont kid yourself.

this, irl they're 99.999999% likely fat and ugly

this is the future they chose

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The fuck outta here, OP.


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< Anyone who insists that taxi service isn't a bordello is a Mujahadeen
Uh huh.
Yes, yes. Voyerism with focus on lesbians. The first step. The next three being autogynophilia, Literally Woot, and an hero.
Godspeed, I guess.
This explains.
No, really, godspeed.

nice false equivalence fgt

Who is OP?
I'll take cock-suckers for 500.

should have raped them to death. fuck all faggots regardless of gender

ow the edge


Good job, the first few times one of these shitskins did something right.

Even if it was a heterosexual couple making out, they should have no quarter. First off, it's rude and awkward to do it especially Infront of someone who's alone driving them back home from their night of debauchery.

Second off its his cab, (I wouldve preferred if he simply asked them to stop if he was uncomfortable). He should be able to drive it without pussy juice dripping in the back seat.

I'm not against PDA but you have to learn etiquette when your're exchanging saliva in or on property that's not yours, lesbian or otherwise.

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Very true, the sight of women offends muslims because they're all boyfucking, goat-raping terrorists.

If you want to watch someone engage in sexual activities with someone else whom is not you, then you are by definition a cuck.

Why can't normalfag meatbags like these whores control themselves for at least five minutes and not fistfuck their vaginas for the whole world to see?

OP is a degenerate.
OP is not a Christian.


I would legally kill OP in a civil war.

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Orbiters like OP giving them power by worshiping vageen

checks out


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yet you never fuck any girls

and you're not in a wheelchair

you're not in a coma

you're an able bodied adult male

who never fucks females

Lets be civil, fren.

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you sure as hell won't fuck any girls faggot

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Last time I checked, anime-watching videogame-playing imageboard-surfing introverted sexless adult males aren't sexually attracted to women, which by definition means that they're CLOSET HOMOSEXUALS



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Hahahaha !!

Any woman will tell you that the first step towards homosexuality is picking up a video game controller

Been a while since a line on Zig Forums made me crack a grin.

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LOL, thanks Osama!


You collect gifs of little cartoon girls? Cool

Lots of MUJAHADEEN on this site it appears

Fuck islam and its goat fuckers. You are losing in case you didnt notice
