President Donald Trump took the podium at the NRA convention on May 4 amid massive applause, thanked NRA leadership and the “American patriots of the NRA,” then launched into a speech reaffirming that our natural rights originate in God.

Trump said, “The people of his hall have never taken our freedom for granted, ever, and you’ve never stopped fighting for our constitution.” He talked of NRA members’ commitment to fight for “our sacred rights, given to us by God.” He said, “Your second amendment rights … will never, ever be under siege as long as I am president. … We believe that our liberty is a gift from our Creator, that no government can ever take it away.” Trump stressed his love for country, saying, “We have pride in history, and respect for our heritage. We put our hand on hearts for the Pledge of Allegiance and we all proudly stand for the National Anthem.” The crowd broke into chants of “USA!, USA!, USA!” Trump’s words echoed the sentiment of our third President of the United States, Thomas Jefferson. It was Jefferson who penned the Declaration of Independence, writing, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights.”

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He aint wrong!

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It's self-evident as he said, you don't even need to appeal to the specifics of the Bible, you can be a deist as many of the founders were and still arrive at the conclusion that all men are endowed with the right to bear arms. Of course the Bible certainly doesn't contradict that and is in agreement with it.

The entire concept of natural rights laid out in the constitution is predicated on the existence of a divine creator. Now, as we've seen, this isn't a sufficient defense against atheism but that's a separate issue.

I'm not anti-Trump by any means but the man is obviously not a devout Christian. Pandering of this nature makes it all the more obvious. He's doing amazing work on fighting abortion though so I'm not gonna complain.


The AI?

Who cares, he says one thing and doed thr complete opposite

hes right but is everyone ignoring he directed the DOJ to try and ban bumpp stocks and his musings about raising purchasing age to 21 likely screwed over 18-20 year olds in florida?


This. People will use things like this to say "see he's not cucking! blackpillers btfo!!!", but then he'll go and sign anti-gun laws or give planned parenthood $50 million. The worst part is people keep falling for it.

Yes I'm well aware. I'm not under any illusions that a document penned by freemasons is divinely inspired. I'm just explaining the legalistic assumption behind it and, subsequently, the US's body of law.

Trump used to party with folks in the entertainment industry back in the 80s and 90s, wtf do people expect of him? Hysterical masses have made an image of him being a horrible anti-liburrrl racist who hates lgbtbbqwtf and autists on imageboard see that and project traits on him that wasn't there kek. Autists on imageboards and around these circles are doing it with Taylor Swift to an extent, too. Get a winnie the pooh grip you morons. No one knows who you are. You suck. The only people you have kinship with are retarded, hideous morons who will never amount to nothing.

This is a bit disingenuous - he hasn't defunded planned parenthood but he's done a lot for pro-life movement. Do you honestly think Jeb! or el rato would have been any better?

Reminder that only progressives will have a problem with this.

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It's time we Christians arm ourselves to the teeth.

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Also we should do well to flee into the mountains and remote places like oklahoma


It's like your whole post was meant just to rustle my jimmies.

Thank heavens there's a red circle, otherwise, I wouldn't have seen this lady! /s

quality post

exoteric letter-of-the-law legalist pleb spotted

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This is heresy on so many levels

It is you. Faith versus reason is crap that Voltaire and other idiots from eighteenth century made up to root out Church from Europe.
No. Englithmeent is synonym for "faith versus reason" and "reason without faith" and "reason above all". Read a book.
If you want to find synonym for reason use one that Paul used: law of mind (Rom. 7:23)
You do know that those statements are not contradictory, right?
And that this statement do speak about eternal law (from which natural law flows) and "law of sin" that is concupiscence? To continue:
The law, as to its essence, resides in him that rules and measures; but, by way of participation, in that which is ruled and measured; so that every inclination or ordination which may be found in things subject to the law, is called a law by participation.
Now those who are subject to a law may receive a twofold inclination from the lawgiver.
First, in so far as he directly inclines his subjects to something; sometimes indeed different subjects to different acts; in this way we may say that there is a military law and a mercantile law.
Secondly, indirectly; thus by the very fact that a lawgiver deprives a subject of some dignity, the latter passes into another order, so as to be under another law, as it were: thus if a soldier be turned out of the army, he becomes a subject of rural or of mercantile legislation.

Accordingly under the Divine Lawgiver various creatures have various natural inclinations, so that what is, as it were, a law for one, is against the law for another: thus I might say that fierceness is, in a way, the law of a dog, but against the law of a sheep or another meek animal. And so the law of man, which, by the Divine ordinance, is allotted to him, according to his proper natural condition, is that he should act in accordance with reason: and this law was so effective in the primitive state, that nothing either beside or against reason could take man unawares.
But when man turned his back on God, he fell under the influence of his sensual impulses: in fact this happens to each one individually, the more he deviates from the path of reason, so that, after a fashion, he is likened to the beasts that are led by the impulse of sensuality, according to Psalm 48:21: "Man, when he was in honor, did not understand: he hath been compared to senseless beasts, and made like to them."

So, then, this very inclination of sensuality which is called the "fomes," in other animals has simply the nature of a law (yet only in so far as a law may be said to be in such things), by reason of a direct inclination.
But in man, it has not the nature of law in this way, rather is it a deviation from the law of reason.
But since, by the just sentence of God, man is destitute of original justice, and his reason bereft of its vigor, this impulse of sensuality, whereby he is led, in so far as it is a penalty following from the Divine law depriving man of his proper dignity, has the nature of a law.

Did you read what you wrote? Or did you read what I wrote in the first place? Let us see:

Also, I love new word filters.

At least according to America, rights are derived from God, not some earthly power.

In the sense of Natural Rights of which all men are endowed with, yes, God did "give" us the right to bear arms. The words he said have a different meaning to them than what you are thinking if you are the type trying to say that this is heresy or a lie.

Hey, that's where I live

Maybe he thinks they come from his god.

until they pull the 'ol switcheroo

Which has been happening for a long time.
A person at church the other day said about how they read the bible in school as a part of normal morning routine.

Silly statist, no rights come from Government, all rights (or really just one, since there's only one) comes from God.