CIA Tries to Coup Venezuela

How are the CIANiggers going to do this time?

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Just to make sure I have my understanding of the timeline correct
That's the best of my understanding of how things have been going, what of my account is correct/incorrect?

South American Joint Task Force. Two of the three neighbors of Venezuela are backing Guaido. Nearly every South American country are supporting Guaido, nearly every Central American country are supporting Guaido, the two greatest powers in the hemisphere are backing Guaido. We not only have the legitimacy to overthrow Maduro we have a moral duty to overthrow the socialist regime. Mexico can't do shit, Turkey a shit, and Russia isn't going to risk a war over some failing government.

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From memory
confiscates nationalizes all oil infrastructure, no compensation
oil infrastructure is is such disrepair that they can only make profit with high oil price even though they have such easy to access oil reserves that they could still make a profit at a price that would bankrupt the Saudis

Should add, at no point did they stop printing money, nor did they change the official exchange rate. So at one point this time last year you had people paying tens od thousands of bolivars for a loaf of bread while the official exchange rate (the one you would have to pay if you wanted to exchange currency at the airport or do business internationally) remained at something like 10 bolivars to 1 USD. The official exchange rate has been adjusted up several times but its still a fraction of the black market exchange rate which people use when buying goods from smugglers from neighboring countries.

From april 2018
Its even worse today

I usually hate CIAnig backed coups, but it just seems like the CIAnigs are cooperating with other South American CIAnig equivalents to accelerate a coup to stabilise the region.

I don't have a dog in the race, so I don't really care either way, though it is sad to hear about non-farm animals having to be killed for food. I wonder what a war in the region would look like though, given the region has had some pretty bloody wars; iirc the Paraguayan war saw 70% of the Paraguayan population killed. Zig Forums marine survey mercenary group when?

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B E C A U S E T H A T W O R K E D S O W E L L T H E F I R S T 2 0 T I M E S T H E Y T R I E D

Syria 2.0: Electric Bungalow here we come

Glowniggers don't even need to do anything. Maduro is a small guy crashing his country with no survivors.

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I feel you jap bro, I also want it to end.
WW3 is around the corner kommandos.

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Maduro dooesn't have the support of the general population unlike Assad.


I fucking wish, Russia and China aren't going to get into a 3 way fight to the death over a shithole like Venezuella.

Not unless it's in (((their))) interests, same thing with China and India I would assume

He has enough support in some places and i doubt the elite of the party would give up easily, though chances are nothing happens and we get a situation like with the republic of china or korea, cuba.

The Venezuelan user hasn't been around for a good while. I'm guessing that he lost access to power/internet? Hope he isn't dead.

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It's more likely to kick off in Venezuella than India. Having only one nuclear power involved in a conflict is a much safer bet than squaring up to someone who can vaporise your armies/cities when they start losing. That was kind of the point of the whole MAD thing after all

Pretty dumb move for Trump to come out and say this.

Now even if the fat jew Maduro got couped, they are gonna blame him.

Oh wait, they are gonna blame him regardless.

Though, Venezuala being invaded is not the problem, the problem is the (((refugee))) crisis that comes afterward, that will be the end of the US.

Venezuela is eating itself (lmao starving people, get it?) bit by bit 24/7. The country will collapse into civil war before something like a international backed coup has any chance of happening.

I don't think China or Russia will do anything other than maybe supply guns to the current goverment, too risky to put your hands on a regime that is burning itself to the ground. On other news, shit is going down, protesters are using homemade "popotovs" against the goverment forces.

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More happenings

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Fuck Venezuela.

Goddamit, yet another prosperous country ruined by the Satan called USA!

capitalist* Satan

All of you are misunderstanding the situation. There is a very clear point to be made for
Invade Venezuela for maximum bloodshed.'

I think nip user needs to purchase that boat. I think its time to give a good gift to the Zig Forumsami.

How many more times must we see communism destroy entire countries until people get the fucking memo? It's been over one hundred fucking years.

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Until all the mutts the mongol hordes called russians included come out and say WW2 was a mistake and we regret communism.

So basically just USA.

If Trump actually does what he says (lmao) it will probably be another stalled conflict, with the bonus of millions of Venezuelan refugees in the US. Yay. At least in the cold war the CIA wasn't made up of trannies and retards.

No, its worse than that. The Venezuelan economy had significant diversification for internal consumption, but the policies of Chavez and his method of implementing them, instead of vouchers and such, just outright banditry and state sanctioned theft, annihilated the Venezuelan economy.

Like, before Chavez, Venezuela did in fact have a manufacturing sector. It wasn't enormous or anything, but it existed.

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I need my coffee

I'll say it WILL be lke Syria, except this time completely reversed. Syria was an ally of the Eurasian bloc and had close friends in Persia and elsewhere nearby, the west's involvement was questionable from a power balance point of view. In the end Assad and his allies won.

This time the Americas are more within the United State's sphere of influence (even if they are poor masters of that sphere some cases) at the least their Monroe Doctrine and tradition has lead to them being more in the US hands and not so much anyone else's. This time the neighbors seem all stacked against the regime which has caused failure and seen mass floods of people running to their countries, they have not liked that. The general dynamics and balance of power means that the Eurasian bloc will abandon them, same way the NATO bloc left the rebels. Its not there sphere, its not their longstanding ally of an ally in the bloc, the local powers are with the west on this one.

Maduro is on his own. The Euarsian's eyed it for expansion, but won't fight for it. Its only up to wither or not the US chickens out again.

This time, and basically only this time, it isn't the CIA's fault. They hurt themselves and now everyone is just tired of bothering by the bullshit. Like, it fits the profile, but really, the CIA had nothing to do with Chavez and Maduro being fucktards.

Venezuela isn't as volatile as the Middle East. Only a small fraction of the population backs Maduro and most of them only do it because they live off the state and would give up after he's toppled. This leaves a tiny core of ideological Bolivarians surrounded by masses who hate them with a burning passion. There's no way they could pull off an Afghanistan-level insurgency.
However, America would still have to spend billions in reconstruction.

Fuck you, burger. Better every single venezuelan starves to death under the retarded commie bus driver than for Unites States of Zog getting another vassal (one sitting on oil deposits to boot)

Why haven't you gone outside to kill some amerimutts?
Go outside and kill. Do it now! Kill kill kill!
If you don't do it now, you're a turbocuck. Kill a mutt right now!

How could anyone be this stupid? These are the people who say Venezuela is state capitalist.

Look at this. /tv/ learn how to turn off flags. Got board of raiding /v/?

Just remember, when the commies and Euraisan bloc subvert and commit imperialism across the globe, that's not interventionism and imperialism. When the west intervenes to stop the imperialism of the Eurasian bloc, that is always wrong and imperialism. At least, according to commie bloc shills and pinko commie faggots.

How is Venezuela any less of a shithole than
The Chinese will literally fight and die over any shitty excuse to exert influence over any hell hole they have the chance to,

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Russia doesn't want NATO tanks being parked right on its border
Typical Chinese attitude of anything that was at one point in history China or is partly Chinese, being rightful Chinese property. They do the same thing with investing in companies, if they have enough shares in a company to be on the board they act the same way as if they owned the entire company
China doesn't want US tanks being parked right on its border
Two nuclear armed nations who have been engaged in a dickwaving contest ever since they gained independence from the UK chimping out over 'muh clay', its not a case of how valuable the land is but more a case of pride


I am pretty sure that regardless of who was your president he would still be siding with the US on this. As long as Venezuella remains a shithole people will continue to flee into neighboring countries and cause issues there, so its in the best interests of those countries for the political/economic crisis to end.

What is Poland, Belarus is practically Russia
It never belonged to the PRC and they have no legitimate claim to it.
If the DPRK didn't exist the US wouldn't even be in Korea. This makes no sense.
I'm talking about Aksai Chin brother

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Venezuala is a much more shithole than Ukraine and Taiwan, the fuck are you talking about?

The thing is, whenever burgerkikes invade a country for (((humanitarian purposes))) that shit tends to spill to neighboring territories and the human rights abuses become even worse than before. Case in point the entire middle east. We have learned from that all too well and by no means WE the True Colombians will allow for this bullshit excuse to take a hold inside our national territory.

Then the true colombians better build a wall and isolate Venezuela because it is now spilling out human trash.

The middle east shitshow was not due to the US, it's due to the US, France, England, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Russia, China and their own government. Or just simply Israel.

nice VPN nigger
The point is, china and russia will prop up venezuela for influence purposes

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how do you think they got there in first place you mong

The question is how?

The only reason Russia manages to get shit in Syria is because they used to have extensive middle east connection and an air base there.
China involvement in Syria is mostly logistics and dick waving.

Now sending troops to South America, that's another matter altogether.

That and even the other nations bordering it are explicitly against the current regime. Middle Eastern relationships max out at "co-belligerent" and nobody else cares about Syria if it isn't at war or easily conquered.

But its not Russia, Putin doesn't give a shit if Belarus gets burned to ashes by NATO rolling through it so long as it provides enough time for him to ready his own forces before they push into Russia.

That's irrelevant, to them any piece of land which had majority Chinese people living there at some point in history is rightful Chinese clay.

If white people adopted the same attitude then

Ah, my bad, same deal though, its a matter of dickwaving between the Chinese government and the Indian government so they can use it as propaganda against their subjects

If Korea reunified then US would have troops there to protect gallant little Korea from 'da evil communist aggression'.

The middle east isn't exactly the same as South America dude.

You also have the fact that the "countries" in the middle east aren't countries in the typical sense but rather just a region of ruled by a government. There are various tribes and religious sects which hate each other and as soon as the strongman ruler who was keeping everything in check was removed all those tribes and sects started warring against each other for territory and any sort of democratic election is a mistake since whoever has the largest share of the vote uses the government to fuck over everyone who isn't them.

Its like the breakup of Yugoslavia on steroids.

Yep, big difference between the US fighting a war literally on the other side of the world and Russia fighting a war an hours flight from its border.

They do not deserve saving after they let their hero in the dust. I would prefer NO regime change so that I may hopefully see a new map for once. Although the ZOG might use it as an excuse to flood white North America with "refugees", so perhaps not.

Is that liquid feces?

Russia's wakeup call.
Not gonna stop the Chinks.
You and I both know that's a load of crap and the US will use any excuse to park itself on every territory they can to be within shooting distance of potential rivals.

>inb4 it's the same United Federation from Sonic
Ebin :-DD

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Reminder to most people that Chavez vanished the economy way back in 2001, as he had the currency go to a 2000% inflation in 3 years. He started cutting zeros in 2008, the whole myth that the country was doing good is a shameful lie that americans still eat.
Everything was going bust by 2004 with the referendum and Tascon list, hence the massive migration by that date, the so-called "Bolivarian Diaspora" started as a problem by 2005, and it began around 2000 with italian and spaniard residents running away due to the gov expropriating "foreign" companies which were merely owned by dual citizens.
From a country of once 21 million, 8 million have ran away since that last date, but aren't accounted properly due to the massive amount of citizens who had a second-nationality (italians, spaniards, egyptians, palestinians, lebanese, colombians, ecuadorians, peruvians, and so on)

This problem goes back by 2 decades now.

Shit, wrong image, oh well.

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They will continue to send support for as long as it's viable because Venezuela gives them an "in" near the USA sphere of influence. The moment it even appears as if Venezuela isn't going to be in the Russian or Chinese sphere of influence, both will stop all support because it would be too costly for either of them to wage an international war like that. They aren't the US who basically worships the military- their militaries get outrageous spending but they still have budgets.

This was so hilarious back in retrospect.

They did, twice. Those tens of thousands of bolivars are actually old-timey millions.
They somewhat did a reset on that in 2014, and maybe before, hence the sudden crisis of goods that stormed the news at some points. Going by the "street level value" then you can somewhat say an official exchange rate has not been set, but then again it depends on states.

IIRC a Mickey D's burger a year ago was around 400,000 bucks, and in 2008 Chavez cut down 3 zeros, so you have 400,000,000 buckaroos for a Quarter Pounder. Back in my day it costed 5000 (3 or 4 dollars) which was damn high due to the back-then high inflation that was left from the 90's government that lost hard to Chavez due to the same reason, little did we know…
When i was a kid the dollar was having a horrible crisis never seen before, it was 500 bolivars for 1 buck, nowadays according to DollarToday, which is the most visited site other than Google in that hellhole, the dollar is at 2415. If we check the recuts, 2008's 3 zeroes and 2017's 3 zeros which was then recalculated to 5 zeros, the dollar today is at 241,500,000,000. I might be confusing the last recalculation, so let's say it's only six zeros cut, i think most people will see that's still bullshit.

By the point the U.S. was making sanctions and interfering, the country had already spiraled down and lost millions of citizens, with most of them being the most educated strata being snatched by neighbor countries.

Real talk here, there is no fictional faction more Zig Forums than G.U.N.
The more I think of it, the more I want someone to make an autistic patch of it because they are the shit.
sage for severe crippling autism

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You're right but my point was if we wanted to have tanks on their border we could already have them there. Norwegian border for example.
My point was that China has as much claim to Taiwan as it does Korea. Basically none but you don't hear china talking about aggressive expansion into either japan or korea. Only defensive.
Yup that's my point
It would make sense in modern day but not in the 40s, considering the korean war was arguably the final straw of events that led to the cold war. but who knows? Maybe I'm wrong. Also commie scum is a real threat ;^)

ur goddamn right brother
crush the bugs
I would hardly call 1940s communist china a threat or rival if it wasnt for the korean war

If it was to happen this is basically how I would picture it. Everyone knows SA has always been sacred American soil since the 30s. The CIA basically fucking runs the entire continent.
pic related

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Can't come up with a counter to that, though I can add
Only downside is that it's essentially UN/NATO.

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>seal very well

A Jenkem Molotov? Good lord.

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The difference is that the Norwegian border with Russia is 2000+km from Moscow with lots of shitty roads whereas the Belarus border is 400km from Moscow with nice paved highways.

Except Taiwan is inhabited today by Chinese who fled during the end of the civil war which is why they feel its acceptable for them to aggressively push for conquest reunification with Taiwan.

The Cold War was an inevitability, Stalin was flat out insane to the point where he ordered nukes to be launched while on his deathbed and the only reason why the entire surface of the earth wasn't turned into radioactive ash was because his subordinates decided not to disobey him and deny him medical care so he died faster.

Not quite, they chopped zeroes off the currency, which isn't the same as adjusting the exchange rate which is far worse. But yes, the inflation rate is fucking insane, from what I understand its been higher than peak Occupied Rhodesia inflation for a while now.

Wtf I love nu-Sonic now!

Enjoy the hyper egg smell.

You can drink it too, it is just a self mixed saline solution, but then change the ingredient sizes to only one tea spoon, also don't drink the 1 month one, or your farts will smell like death himself.

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Are you by any chance a boomer? Why should we spend our blood for a bunch of latin trash in some backwater shit hole?

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Dude, it wasnt even Socialism or Communism. It wasnt even Welfarism. It was just banditry.

Yep. They had no ability to hold on to things against the ignorant brown horde.

The US is always going to be the bad guys, let's just fucking act like it for once instead of this "moral" bullshit.
Go down to Venezuela, kill everyone, and loot everything. Then take their oil fields and drugs for ourselves.

Based boomermutt.

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US have the moral duty to stop being zogbots, take their hands off of Europe and isr*el, clean their country from non-Whites (Nips are ok though) and build some kickass spaceships to colonize space. But thats just an opinion of a "mongol" so whatever…

I'm more interested in seeing Cuba's reaction. Venezuela is more or less their vassal what with owning 50% of all ports and installing Cuban officials in the higher echelons of Caracas' government.

Whether they'll stick around to keep their puppet in power or ditch the place once they've leached all they can is a 50/50 split

I'd just leave them to it and turn any refugees, that reach the boarder, away. I can dream.

You make Pajeet proud, son.

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In this case yes. It would give us a trading base in Central/South America for trade with Brazil and the surrounding regions, and would stabilize the region preventing the influx of migrants to America while also providing a wealthy oil nation for the migrants of other nations to flee to INSTEAD of the USA, all while securing international waters in that region/establishing a stronger base of naval operations. Normally I'd say pointless involvement in war is pointless, but securing Venezuela for US interests would in fact secure our national defense and make everyone in the Americas (except Canada) a lot richer. Doubly so if we established Venezuela as an imperial colony.

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I don't know how anyone can defend a regime that your people resort to RuneScape farming for money.

Cry more yuropoors, we've been doing this since 1823. We have no moral duty to help anything other than the Americas, but when a country in the Americas is a shithole they usually come to US so it's in our interest to stop that. Not to mention Venezuela has a lot of oil, so much so that we could cut off our dependence to the Saudi niggers for our extra oil. By the way I'm not saying the US leads the charge on this one, Brazil and Colombia should as they're closer and probably would have more justification than the great Satan known as the US. Hence why I said South American Joint Task Force not an US invasion with some huehues and Colombians helping.

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Why not just do a full on invasion, take whatever you want, and kill anyone who says otherwise?

Because unfortunately we have the UN now. While the UN can't do shit except cry, it does look bad on the international level. However this would probably be the best option, to make Venezuela a puppet state to get more oil from but those days are long gone. Best thing we can do is overthrow and put a Pinochet style military junta in charge on the government, free the markets and put private companies back in control of the oil refineries and pumps, and have Brazil, Colombia, and the US set up a joint base somewhere in Caracas.

Tell the UN and (((international community))) to go choke on dicks while we bully plebs then.

You are right. Who am I to complain. More dead mutts is always good.

Why are you mutts so incredibly naive, uneducated and idiotic? Do you even realize the entire reason behind the migrant influx is your fucking around?

Have to agree with the muttspammer in this case.

What needs to done in Venezuela is isolating it and walling it off.

This war is just an excuse to flood the US with more human trash.

But it's also dishonest to say the migrant influx is USA's fault.

It's the kike's fault.

US has fucked up Germany, Rhodesia, South Africa, how many white refugees did you see even make it to the US?

It's always human trash from the middle east, the migrant influx is by design, not by accident. The US is supposed to take in human trash as some kind of punishment for the war, and it's bullshit.

I wasn't talking about the arabs. The arabs can go fuck themselves for all I care. I'm just saying that maybe the US could have avoided the entire Latin American migration flux if it had not decided to be """"""""'anti-communist"""""""""""" (American actions led directly to the rise of communism as a viable ideology) and annihilate all form of progress and societal structure that may have existed once.

The Latin American influx will happen regardless if US does the destabilization or not, because the US INTENTIONALLY does not protect its border in any way, and the spics want gibs, jobs so they can give back to their family in spic country.

In fact, Latin America needs more fucking Pinochet in order to raise up the border and keep them there.

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The mutt meme just seems to refer to americans now.

You see fucking Brazilian and Argentinian calling american mutt, which is fucking ridiculous.

If we just genocided people instead of spreading (((democracy))), things would be easier.
Fuck helping people. We're the bad guys, so we should act like it. That means more killing and looting.

Yes, and why are the spics going to the US? It's because the US removed all hope of countries ever bettering themselves. Did you know the entirety of Central America, for example, was on the way of becoming civilized and industrialized when the US hit? It's no coincidence that Nicaragua, up until the recent clusterfuck was one of the countries with the lowest criminality and poverty. Same goes for Cuba.

You already did that, and it didn't work.

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Well we obviously didn't do it hard enough. Half-assed genocides don't work. Go big or go home.
Meaning, kill, loot, then nuke everything for good measure. Refugees try to arrive, shoot 'em. UN, libs, and cuck nations cry? Fuck 'em. Kill them too.

Yep, just like how arab countries are going to be fucking paraside until the US hits.

It's all bullshit smoke & mirror.

It is well known communists are heavily infested in Latin America, the only problem is that the US is controlled by jews and thus cannot never do anything against them.

I didn't see any genocide against latin americans, the population keeps increasing despite how poor the countries are.

Gook, the only institutions we have that even remotely sort of work were the ones instituted by the "socialist" government (actually capitalist opposed to monopoly of the country, but don't let the US know you know that). It absolutely amazes me that someone from a country that has benefited enormously from "socialism" is so opposed to everything that lets him live like that.

Are you fucking shitting me? Do you have no recollection of US history at all? An "imperial colony" good fucking joke! Here's what will happen:
Don't believe me? Why don't you look at some of the other countries you fucked in the ass? Please, tell me how raping an oil-rich country like Iraq made the US citizen richer, or how the average american has cheaper goods thanks to Afghanistan.

Oh so you are a fucking communist then. "Socialist" institutions work in your shitholes because the kikes don't want anything else to work, so you will vote for more socialist kikes.
Dumbass, socialism existed here in form of state mandated market in the 70s and NOBODY FUCKING LIKE IT, NOT ONE. Where we had to wait 5 hours at night to buy 1kg of meat.

Vietnam opened market since the 80s and there's no problem ever since.