Maga Neggress who beat 91 yr old beaner with a brick is Arrested

A week after a 91-year-old Mexican man says he was beaten with a concrete block in Southern California, a woman has been arrested in connection with the assault, authorities said.
Laquisha Jones, 30, was arrested Tuesday night in Los Angeles on suspicion of beating Rodolfo Rodriguez last week, the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department said.
She was being held on a charge of assault with a deadly weapon, with bail set at $200,000

Rodriguez, who is recovering at his relatives' Willowbrook home south of Los Angeles, said he was walking to a park on July 4 when he passed a woman and a girl.
Without warning, the woman hit him with a concrete block, he said, and enlisted a group of men to kick him.
"I didn't even bump into her kid," Rodriguez said. "I just passed her, and she pushed me and she hit me until she was done."
A witness, Misbel Borjas, said she saw a woman hitting Rodriguez in the head with the block.
"I heard her saying, 'Go back to your country; go back to Mexico,' " she told CNN by phone.
Authorities said Jones is black and a Los Angeles resident.

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brutal savage beast

Attached: maga.mp4 (1280x720, 7.24M)

He has to go back.

Nice try Zig Forums, but she's nothing but a savage.

More bullshit posts from bullshit leftists.

Voted for Obama twice and didn't vote for Trump. But this next election I will and the only people to thank is the left.


Motherfucking pottery.

Well oy-fucking-vey.

A lot of shills on here lately. Since when did Zig Forums allow anonymous to start threads? For like the last year I only remember seeing namefags posting "news" and had the idea they needed approval from mods first

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He's telling a beaner to go back, and not saying shit about the nigger.

You replied to the wrong post, user.

you forgot your sage.

Zig Forums is the /b/ version of Zig Forums. A lot more chaos, but a lot more interesting shit.

Someone tweet this to all them nigger lovers that love to lump all whites as evil when someone white does something "bad".



Funny, none of the papers mentioned the assailant was a person of color.

Need to arrest the pack of niggers too. Niggers also need to go backā€¦to Africa.

Watch the video

Attached: 123.webm (320x240, 6.15M)

Her hair isn't dyed pink in this screen capture

Note the piece of concrete and the little ape who got a few practice licks in

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clearer pix

Attached: 3XBlfAN.jpg (634x644, 28.46K)

That is the most niggerific name imaginable.

She's not wearing a MAGA hat?

Did you shop that hat on her Andy?

For a joke, do an image google search of Laquisha Jones

Hundreds of mug shots come up.

A lot of bad Laquisha Joneses out there

Attached: jones.JPG (1311x530, 175.52K)

That was a tough old guy.

Getting beaten by a 300lb she ape and her shrewdness

Attached: Capture.JPG (454x37, 13.38K)

Niggers and spics must go back. ALL OF THEM. No exceptions.

sheboon and 7 niggers needed to assault a 92 year old. And they wonder why everyone around the world sees them as worthless since antiquity.

Since it was made

Look at me, everyone! I'm a fucking newfag!: the post

So where do we send commissary>>643877
money to?

As long as it's black on kike, black on beaner, and black on homo, I'm down to watch. Black on kike I'll pay their fucking bail.

Implying a kike slave would into false flag attacking one of their based taco niggers even to draw up sympathy.

Act like you've done shit. She beat up a beaner, you fap about shit like that quietly, when no one is home, and you whisper obscenities, with your fucking skullcap on so g-d won't see you.

A Nigger with Maga hat is still a nigger.

This is fuel for leftists. If this old man was legal, and if thats true, this means Rightwingers eating themselves as well, just like Leftists.

Clowns, both sides are fucking clowns.

It's just a nigger being a nigger. Only thing she cared about was the perceived threat to her niglet.