god is a tigger, and tiggers get the rope
God is a tigger, and tiggers get the rope
/\/ I G G E R
ffs kike faggots mods and your communist wordfilters
im bumping this thread now
Taylor swift is a lesbian liberal dyke who eats black pussy in the industry. She will never be one of you neet unattractive autists and never will be.
Im glad its filtered because I'm tired of racebaiting autists. I'm sure 90 percent of the worst racebaiting faggots are coming from an American ISP. Horrible people.
christcucks once enslaved /\/iggers for hundreds of years, now they are so cucked that they censor the word "/\/igger" on the darkest reaches of the internet, smh
everybody should be a pagan or an atheist, no (((abrahamic))) religions allowed
she's hot though
disobedience to tyrants is obedience to god
gb2 reddit /\/iggerlover
if god = jesus, and jesus = jew, then you literally worship a jew
jesus was a Galilean
I call out blacks for being racebaiters too so nah. I just really despise you shitty brained Americans in general.
I see you're an Antichristian faggot. No wonder your godless filthy kind is dying and being replaced by another filthy, but not as godless, kind. No wonder why you're so mad.
We know she's good looking, it makes me cringe inside that retarded deranged monkeys like you are trying to project your image onto an attractive, successful woman because you want to play pretend fantasy world.
nonsense meme word. I hope a muslim brains you
whatever helps you sleep at night
why would a monotheistic god reveal himself to a bunch of inbred kikes in palestine when he could have did the exact same thing but in Rome? pardon me but I don't trust kikes for a source of spirituality
it's not that they're "racebaiters" that's the issue, is that they're /\/iggers, their DNA is the problem and the solution is to exterminate them all including the babies
assuming you are white, you are the same kind as me, and we are dying together (unless you're a slavshit or smth)
religion is irrelevant, race is all that matters
islam is unironically more respectable than christianity
if I were born an arab I would be a hardcore oahu snackbar tbh
This statement says a lot more about you than it does about American christanons.
Why would a man who doesn't even understand humanity think he can get in the mind of God?
if you were arab you'd probably be more masculine let's not kid ourselves. i hate arabs but holy shit white men are the most affeminate pieces of shit on the planet. they think shitposting online is awesome.
he's pretty socially retarded but thats expected of someone dead inside enough to troll a christian board and be completely detached from reality
oan it looks like nature is exterminating your kind just saying. the only caucasoids on the planet are about to be north african maghrebi and west asian assorted "arabs"
The wisdom and power of Odins runes enable me to call fucking niggers the fucking niggers they are.
learn to spell, cuck
says the monotheist
not nature, the jews, and it's telling that you say that with that tone. this is why I hate you people, you don't care about your race (the only thing that matters), you only care about this dumb inbred kike desert sorcery bullshit
nighty night faggots; Heil Odin, Ra, Jupiter, etc.
I like this brand of shitposting
thank you
Pretty sure Zig Forums has the most active word filters of any board on the site at this point.
wordfilters are pretty homosexual no matter where they are, except on my board for skeletons then they are fine
Yep, and the irony is that your mindset makes it obvious that if you weren't in an ethnically homogeneous environment, you'd be the most virulent of racists.
Haha I missed this, but that's funny that I received instant confirmation that I was right. I'll pray for you bro.
based mods making me laugh before going to sleep
tigga i live in the most multiracial city of the u.s. i hate everyone. i see the flaw in every person. what do you not understand about this?
lol buttblasted polroach detected
the roach actually has a pretty recognizable posting style especially when shitposting, I dont think this is kampfy
haha Turkish
I haven't seen a more stupid false flag in months.