You are ugly and dirty and you make me feel ugly and dirty. I have heard all my life that I am a sinner even though I love God and I like to think God loves me too.
I’m sorry Jack that I didn’t kiss you that day. I’m sorry Pastor Pete but please don’t be sad. Mostly I’m sorry Gramma because I know you tried really hard to love me when no one else would. I’m sorry I let you all down – I’m sorry but I’m just tired of all the hate.
I’m tired and want to sleep forever but maybe I will wake up in Heaven and there will be no hate there and only love. No one will call me bad names or hit me or remind me of my accidental place here.
Everyday I watch the news and see the hate against people like me and I realize I have no future. This country I don’t recognize anymore hates me and makes laws to punish me just because I’m gay.
They hate me because I love too much and love too wrong.I learned that my kind of love is bad. I heard it enough to believe it a long time ago.
Everyday someone comes along that tells me that I am worthless and my love, how I love, who I love is an affront to God as if anyone truly knows God’s mind.
I love beautiful things and I cry when they are gone. There is no more beauty left in the world. It has been replaced with this alien thing called hate. Bad people killed all the beautiful things. This is not a world I want to live in.
This is my choice the only choice I was ever given and it is mine alone. I love you but I won’t miss any of this and I don’t think in the end I will be missed much at all in a world that looks at me like I’m something dirty they found on the bottom of their shoe.
He probably had really bad parents to begin with but that doesn't excuse him from not forgiving them. It seems he took his hate and self-righteousness to the grave.
Camden Sullivan
Kid was brainwashed. The article doesn't say where he lived, but it really doesn't matter unless it was Saudi Arabia. No western country is doing this.
Tragic. It would have been better for whoever is warping these young minds into this to kill themselves. It's hard to be forgiving of certain people when they are intentionally sending millions to their doom on Earth, with little hope for salvation.
you should put more edge in it. Edge makes everything more attractive to young readers
Dominic Ross
I don't understand "gay marriage legalization." Marriage is a union sealed by God. It has nothing to do with the piece of paper that your government gives you afterwards. Gay marriage simply does not exist, not because I or or the ruling political party makes the rules, but because God does. Two men getting married does not marry them, and making the state force a priest to commit a false ritual like that and say God approves is a tragedy against religious freedom. Everyone likes to spout "separation of church and state" because they don't want the church governing their lives, but they forget it's not a 1-way street and that it also means the state can't force people to believe or enact a will on the church either.
Aaron Diaz
This. It's of course a tragedy that he committed suicide but I would guess that he had a lot of mental and emotional problems (including homosexual tendencies) that lead to his suicide. If he wasn't sexually abused at some point in his life I'll eat my hat.
Hunter Gray
Too much eros, not enough agape, you can't say you loved too much when you can't even wish life for yourself. Shame that the devil's won another soul though.
Noah Bailey
I hope that God didn't judge the boy for this act, because the boy didn't do this of his own volition but due to brainwashing from those that scandalized him.
Lets pray brothers for this boy's soul, we should also thank God for His perfect judgement however the boy is judged.
But I don't think that this boy was a gay man in the sense of how its usually used. From the letter, it appears as if the boy did try to avoid the sin of homosexuality (ie "didn't kiss you that day"). It appears that the boy was suffering from Same Sex Attraction and due to the horrific propaganda the left uses was made to feel as if we, by that I mean Christians, hated him and wanted him dead.
This boy was made to think that his disease was something we would punish him for (we should punish the sin, but not the disease itself that SSA is). We cannot know what he had been told but it was undoubtedly some ridiculous exaggeration.
This boy has died due to them. Those that scandalized him have blood on their hands.
I am angry at those who did this to the boy, those that made him delusional to the point where he believed all hated him, those that serve the prince of this world.
Make no mistake, the greater sin here was that of those who scandalised him. Those who convinced him to make unfortunate inclinations into his identity.
Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him, may he rest in peace. Amen.
Legal union has existed for a very long time in a lot of countries. It's demonic perversion, plain and simple. They specifically target Christian marriage in former Christian countries using secular politics as a prybar. You bet they aren't trying to pull this stuff off in Iran.
Right, but also to point out the fact that, the term, gay marriage is logically incoherent. On the one hand you'll see progressives spout out we want equal marriage for sodomites! But here's the, thing, my question to this idea or notion would be, why would you want to enter into marriage through the, traditional church, through a priest ect. You say that these are the people that have oppressed your freedoms and desires, that they have kept you down so to say. But then to completely wrap the laws, to then as you rightfully say violate the separation of church in state, by bringing the state for force laws on the church that go against it's very doctrine makes no sense. Gay marriage is completely preposterous, and the millennial's/new agers have completely taken this bait. Literally goes into a church to get married in the traditional sense, but these are the people that you just said 5 secs ago oppressed you, why even step foot into a church, you're just violating your own separation of church and state laws making fools of yourselves, and logical fools by getting proclamation by (((God))), in a church which you know by doctrine hates your sin. It's literally just virtue signaling of the highest degree, and outright perversion is the best way of putting it.
Another retard that does not realizes God hates much more things than what he loves. He is most likely on hell now.
Logan Evans
Sounds like he watched mainstream news and believed what it said about Trump being a homophobic Nazi monster about to round gays up. The media has this kid's blood on their hands. But also he was being a drama queen by falling for it.
Jose Collins
Also all the gays in the comments blame the suicide on religion, even though the 'pastor' who posted the suicide note apparently is himself gay and 'pro-queer'. He's getting a ton of abuse on Twitter by his fellow homos because they hate religion.
Connor Brooks
That's why you should never compromise with LGBT people. Like Jesus' disciplines, it should be on them to make a compromise with God instead.