Marxist tranny gets a sunroof for his head

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That article isn't about your post, strelok. Did you make a mistake?

Since this is a fake news thread, what is the real context of the embed? Your archive is completely irrelevant.

It's the guy that got shot. Sorry for not posting the other article


What the fuck is this article

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What did he think was going to happen? Jesus christ what a pathetic way to die lmao. I mean, if your going to to something like that don't be a faggot about it.

Can't tell if he pulled a gun or grabbed one from the cop, but dude was resisting arrest with his finger on the trigger. He was gonna get shot one way or the other in that situation.

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It was his. The cops weren't using Berettas.

You forgot the part about him being massively anti-cop and wanting to kill them.

He clearly pulled the gun from his right hip, the two cops were to his left.

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Well they certainly smashed his patriarchy, now it's off to the morgue to chill.

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Nope he pulled out the Taurus out and tried to shoot the cops, there's facebook posts of him saying to kill cops, he was trying to kill the officers. Luckily he got whatever is left of his retarded spic commie brain splattered in front of his daughter. Cops don't use dogshit pistols like Taurus.

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Damn. I couldn't tell weather it was a real Beretta pr a shitty clone.

Neither can I, but the articles said it was a Taurus and seeing that he's a commie spic that probably lines up with his budget.


Yeah, nah. CS is high-T. Basically every pro out there is a Chad or Chad-lite and the average player is average dudes from post commie countries.

Then, Overshit?

That's probably closer to reality. These faggots usually don't play vidya at all though, they browse reddit.

I never browsed Reddit though, so I have to take your word, Eesti user.

It's just their mentality. They think they are some 140iq geniuses for following generic "fuck the police, workers of the world unite!" shit and reddit happens to have a lot of those kinds of people.

So 'Dunning–Kruger effect + Cognitive dissonance': the internet site.

This tbh.
It'd be interesting to collect tranny brain chunks to try and piece them together to compare against a regular human brain.

Are they really trying to present the per capita shot when PoC commit 60% of violent crime?

So the faggot hot his ass handed over to him. Ok.


Good thing it got ventilated before it could fill marxist mumbo-jumbo to his child.

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The kid will still be trash due to genetics.

CS is faggot e-sports shit. Play better games.


Big fan of this post

That’s like being a bigger faggot than Chris-Chan.

Let's see you say that IRL or on de_dust2 (^:

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Either way there'd be some pieces missing : ^ )

Papa doesn't even play anymore

I didn't know that, first guy in mind that came to mind for an "internet tough guy" shitpost.

He retired last year, just streams now. Pro Polish CS is so awful now.

Steer clear of it unless you like deviantart OC and draconian wordfilters that ban you for even thinking bad about another player.

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Zig Forums should stick to guns


I'm pretty sure he's making fun of faggots who post READ SIEGE in every "happening" thread

his USAF MKUltra handler is a qt3.14

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I'd give her the 'ol lickeroo nomesayin

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Darwin Award material right here

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Every police station across America needs to fire whoever the fuck sets the audio levels on their microphones.

made me kek

it was an obvious allusion to siege posters faggot

Probably supported gun control bills, while at the same time deriding cops as monsters who shouldn't have power.

Nothing of value was lost, except for the poor little daughter's innocence.

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What am I looking at? Blood stain? Wound cavity? I don't think a 9mm wound cavity looks like that. Maybe the close proximity of the gunshot flayed the flesh?

The nice new hole in the back of his head his brain matter decided to exit though after being persuaded to do so by Mr 9mm Hollow Point. The skull don't behave the same way as other parts of the body when struck by bullets.

At the front of his Marxist face, that's an exit wound. The cop who fell down in the video is the one that put a bullet in this spic nigger's head. The officer was using .45 ACP not a 9mm.

is that a stain left by leftist's brain remnants leaving the skull? I can't make sense of the picture
Looks like an axe wound on his upper back

Only a turbovirgin basement-dwelling cs-playing faggot bitchboy would say this.

It's his red bag

No. As much as we like to meme about .45 being stronk and its stoppin powah, it's a pistol not a shotgun or rifle. It takes a while for blood to start rushing out of the head. The back is his gay commie bandanna, you could sort of see blood puddling at the bottom of his head in the shadow.

Here's basically what I think happened, I can't really tell but just guesstimating, officer on top of commie is wrestling with him, second officer runs, drops, shoots two rounds, one misses the second connects. Now seeing as he's got some fleshy bits coming out of his face, he probably got shot near the back of the top of his head and the bullet went out his eye or near his eye. Don't really know for sure as for this isn't scientific nor am I a coroner.

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I see it now, thanks.

Mmmm, real neato. Is 45 ACP the anti-commie round of choice?

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The anti-commie round of choice is anything that would kill a commie dead.

Lend-lease tanks usually had an M1 Thompson with a box of .45 ACP ammunition. If anything, it's a pro-commie round.


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No, this is not daijoubu.

Isn't it "Daijōbu"?

Ah yes. Yes it is.

You do know where Iowa is sitting right? Its not hard to break the welds on her breech.

Fuck that's true.

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That sounds just as lovely. Actually, just a little more.
I love how the nip version of America will forever be better than real America.

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Isn't it that way with everything in anime?

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Naw, give them conventional shelling at first, then sail away giving the red rats some hope before letting all the guns let loose with the power of the beloved atom.

Good fucking riddance.


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If this guy was their best gunslinger, the civil war will be fun.

Man it keeps getting better.

I'd imagine 9MM Lugerbellum has killed more commies on the Ostfront than .45 ACP in two gook click slaughters.

This was their instructor? It's going to be a quick civil war boys.

My dick is ready

This video gives good info on the background of the dead faggot commie

Was this worth dying over? He could have just walked away and gone on with his life, but he literally virtue signaled himself into the grave.

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That's the best part about it. These people are so delusional that they feel their way of thinking is so infallible that they're completely ready to do seriously dumb shit without thought of bodily harm. What could go wrong mentally if you're not smart enough to even think about it?

This is what happens when you're so brainwashed to think that you're right and on the "right side of history." Hopefully more of these retarded trannies start trying to use firearms against the "evil white supremacist police," I love watching a retard commie get killed dead.

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