Build your own Air Force

An unspecified eastern European country awards you 35 billion dollars to build their Air Force.


1. No helicopters, the army controls the helo branch directly

2. They are a former Soviet country considering joining NATO, so western equipment is preferred but not required.

I'll start.
200 F-15X (approx. 95m each, 18b)
60 A-10C (20m each, 1.2b)
20 E/A-18G (68.2m each, 1.3b)
60 C-130J (67.3m each, 4b)
6 EC-130 (167m each, 1b)
10 AC-130U (210m each, 2.1b)
10 AWACS (209.8m each, 2b)
30 KC-46 (147.4m each, 4.4b)

I would spend whatever's left on hookers and blow. And an F-14 for my own use.

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Where are your trainer aircraft?

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Let's just say they already paid for it.

Must be some rich Eastern European country. Or one that actually takes proper care of its army…

So they are retards and you're asking me to build an air force that will do anything Israel says.
In that case, I spend every last cent on acquiring full rights to the F-35 and every other retarded overpriced project Lockheed Martin has been working on. Then I upgrade the aircraft with even more overpriced shit until we run out of money.

Now the retards have a worthless air force and Israel can't use them for war like they originally intended to.

Primary fighter force would probably be Gripens. They're modern, they're pretty cheap, they got good radars and ewar and are capable of using all the modern stuff out there. Considerably cheaper than anything American and the Gripen follows Swedish tradition of being able to land and take off on civilian roads and being really easy to service by a conscript force. I heard that they're so dedicated to that idea of civilian roads as landings for fighters, that their cold war doctrine ordered all airfields to be destroyed and evacuated in case of war.
Light fighters do have their limitations so I'd also probably choose to have some heavier fighters to accompany them, maybe some Eurofighters or maybe something American. Probably in a 70/30 split of Gripens to those heavier fighters.
I don't know enough about trainers, AWACS, refuelling, et cetera to make decisions on those.

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You can get a ~70 000 modern 300mm MLRS instead and watch the world burn.

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Invest it all in drones with guns attached and AA/artillery. That way it can never be used for the kikes but will provide something resembling protection of their skies.

I go to Lockheed tell them I have $30B for them if I get a 5% finders fee.
I contract them for 120 F-35 and emigrate to the US with $1.5B on my swiss account so that my great great grandchild can still have hookers and blow.

Buy Russian, shit's cheap yo. Chances are you never will fight a war anyway especially against a USA funded vassal state so why bother with overpriced western technology that could be embargoed against you the moment you stop taking orders from 1600 Pennsylvania avenue (cough…iran…cough)

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Russian shit gets more expensive to maintain over time, due to shitty manufacturing process and their redundancy meme. Hence why Germany have all their MiG-29s to Poland rather than keeping them for their own use.

And get suicided by Lockheeb Martin

15 billion for early warning and air defence, 20 billion for mig-21's or their derivatives. I am going to combine infantry and airforce. Every pilot is a rifleman.


Finns never disappoint

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What's their role withing the framework of the larger, national, armed forces structure? Are they intended to win air-superiority (and pad the bottom line of Lockheeb)? Or are they focused on actually doing their job and supporting the ground forces (by providing CAS and keeping hostile CAS away from the front)?

Those both lead to radically different purchases and doctrines. In the first case then buy as many F-14s (unit cost $38 million) as are available - hopefully ingratiating themselves with NATO governments looking to get rid of the kit that actually works to make room for more F-35's. On the budget you stipulated that should provide at least a few hundred aircraft and the associated ammunition, support, etc (assuming the planes are available for purchase of course). In the event that the Iranians are not willing to sell their planes then switch for F-15's and accept a smaller force for the same price (and boast about 'MUH MULTIROOOLE!' as much as possible).

If you're aiming for the latter then acquire a mix of F-111's, Tornado's, and F-16's. The 111's will do well as bombers, and the other two designs can be fitted for anti-ground/air roles as needed, and while they may not do as well as a dedicated platform in the same role they can do 'not too much worse' for the price.

I recognise that I objected to multirole aircraft in the second paragraph, but in the second scenario it makes sense as it allows an anti-air capacity without sacrificing the potential to fit it with missiles/bombs depending on the situation and target. call me a hypocrite if you want, but I maintain that it makes sense in this case

If we're not set on buying aircraft then you could probably get much more use out of the money by buying long range SAM's and artillery. "It always comes down to the infantryman and his rifle".

Really? You could spend it all on paperclips and they'd find a way to make that work for them if you're part of NATO, and thus beholden to the US.

What does 20 billion look like in mig21s?

Could having that many mig 21s be a viable alternative?

A MiG-21 refurbished and modernized should cost no more than 10 million, so you could buy 3,500 of them.

Since they're not in production anymore and basically all retired, I don't think you could acquire enough Mig-21s to use all $20 billion. Better off just getting Flankers which are ~$20 million. That's a thousand Flankers.

According to Wikipedia an Indian export model Mig-21 is 2 million USD although I heard those export models of old commie crap are really shit so assuming you double or triple the price, probably around 2000-5000. But you do start seeing a lot more issues 5-20 years down the line when you want to keep them all operational and combat ready which is gonna be a pain in the ass. Having a smaller but more efficient force is much more preferable than tard tier airzerging.
Plus, you have to look at practical things like cost per flight hour and how much time you can actually give to each pilot or if having that many pilots is even possible.

Buy five F-35s, you don't even need any other planes. Spend the remainder on Holocaust reparations.

I miss the times when armies were massive

r8 my chairforce

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For 35 billion my nation would swarm the skies in 3,000,000 cessna 172's (at 10k a pop with the rest for arms and training) each armed with twin vickers behind the props. Special ground attack cessna's would have nugget door gunners and large ornate dragon phalluses painted on the bottom. Our insignia will be the mighty duck. AIR SUPREMACY THROUGH AIR SATURATION.


Plan B: one F35 with the remaining 5$ spent on copy paper to train the pilot by using paper airplanes and imagination.

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Even without going full insanity with 20 billions you buy 500 MiG-35 which gives you more planes than France UK and Germany combined.

Plan C; How many (well trained) birds do you think you could get for that budget?

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Cessnas are nice but a fighter that can withstand autocannon recoil would be preferable.

Jokes aside, if some madman with 35 billion dollars showed up and wanted to build 100% authentic working replicas of Fw 190s, with everything perfectly reconstructed including the guns and the ammunition, how many would he be able to buy and most importantly, who the fuck would be capable of building those planes and weapons?

Wouldn't 3 billion planes blackout the sky if they all flew at the same time? Also how did you get them at 10k a pop? Google says they cost 300k a pop?

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Would tell them to buy every building licence offered for 4.5 and 5th gen fighters, buy a couple of each fighter, make an aeronautic industry and research institutions over it (while focusing in both educating their domestic population into potential researchers and attracting foreign ones), and buy a good stocks-share from every company that produces modern warplanes. Then compare the planes' performance, pick what's suitable for them and customize them by retrofitting them with other planes parts (for example MiG-35 but with western avionics and EJ200 or GE F414 engines). Now they have the means not only to domestically produce bleeding-edge fighters at viable cost but also have the amount of influence to not get fucked over as costumers, practically a goy version of Israel.

Άνον, why would you give a (((NATO))) country a good airforce?

This. A good airforce doesn't rely on foreign suppliers or then again, one thats proper funding is given to.


you could probably contract BMW and Vereinigte Flugtechnische Werke and see if they still have their old designs in an archive somewhere along with the required tooling (assuming the commie troglodytes didn't take it to the motherland for testing and research purposes)

makes sense, have more planes than they have bullets. and missiles wouldn't work because there is no heat or infrared signature so they are essentially useless except for point blank spamming.
and if you have enough ammo for that many dakas then you could probably either kill the pilot or fuck up enough of the electronics/powerplant to take it down or at the very least ground it until it gets repaired

The D series were high altitude fighters, you’re going to need some Me 410s for dive bombing and cas, as well as night fighters. Maybe add some He 177s for strategic bombing too.

For 35 Billion factories will be retooled, hell they'd build a factory for a contract that big (maybe not a very big one, but one set up specifically for your project).

I meant the bad kind of autism. There’s nothing wrong with 3-million-Cessna autism. But sperging at a non-existent country in regards to a theoretical situation it’s in is a bit retarded.

For 35 billion your local bakery will retool to build Focke-wulfs just for the contract.

Adam is that you? When's the last time you flew? ITM to all ships at sea boots otg etc. p.p

My plan:

Sorry, but that's idiotic and breaks the immersion for me. $35 billion is a yearly budget for half of those countries.

Oтличная идея, товарищ!

(Should be doable, since saab 105 in current day money is 1.7 million)
Celebrate 4/20 by defending against israeli aggression.

user, tinfoil attracts electromagnetic waves.

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Would 35 billion be enough to make these werk?

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I don't think you understood the last half of what he was saying. The serbs used Microwave ovens with the door removed, tubs of water encased in a tank sized plywood box and other shit that attracted the USAF like flies to shit. Turns out most of that shit looks like actual tanks and personnel to pilots when they were bombing serbia.

Indeed, I just checked. Alibabi lists a 700 watt microwave for 30 dollars / 100. Besides ordering much greater quantities, I think you could get a discount because you don't really need them to include the door.

The aluminum foil is as protection for the pilots so they don't get cancer when a few thousands planes turn on their ewar equipment.

Riiiiight. It can't just have been the US/UK/France calling the shots thanks to the geheimer staatsvertrag and creating a new market for Lockheeb….

Germany rejected several proposals to buy the F-35 in favor of the Eurofighter. They even fired a general over it.

My bad, you're right they bought the Eurokiker instead.

If buy nukes and remove brazniggers and blame it on the mutts mutts mutts mutts

Mutt kike destroyed the world

mexicans are the worst kind of beaners