A few months back I bought a PSA PA-10 for around $650, along with an SWFA SS Scope and an SWFA SSALT mount for around $350. Overall I'm happy with the purchase but I encountered a few issues.
AR-10 thread/PA-10 Review
I forgot to mention, the upper is a 20 inch with a rifle length gas system, and shipped with a midwest industries mlok handguard.
WTF mutts?
Shitpost aside, who can make a true rugged SHTF AR 10 DPMS type upper? I want to eat all the .308 and 7.62 I can find, accuracy be damned (as long as it is still better than a service AK).
Should have included DPMS type lower too but AR-10 world is pretty much JUST anyway.
There's your problem.
What's better? The FAL or PTR? Any particular models to look for?
Both are wallet raping expensive, but if I had to pick one.
Why buy a PTR or FAL over an AR-10?
Poorfag gun for poorfag boolits
I assume it had to do with the soft lead tip hanging up on the feed ramps. The majority of .308/7.62x51 ammo out there is FMJ, including cheap surplus, so you'd probably be fine with an AR-10 in SHFT (Ammo wise). The real problem is replacement parts, something which is a big problem for the '10 vs the '15.
From what i've heard they're both fine. Just get whatever looks cool. The only reason I picked up a PSA was because I have a boner for DI stoner guns and it was incredibly cheap. For $630 I would tolerate a lot more problems than what I got.
Isn't the answer obvious?
AFAIK Any dpms lower will work with a PSA upper and vice versa. In fact, most AR-10's are DPMS pattern. The problem is that some companies may have a little bit different spec parts than another company. Use this site if you want to look at compatibility between parts, and make sure to heavily research anything you buy. 308ar.com
I would recommend buying a completer upper at minimum, because you don't know if a bolt and barrel from different manufacturers will be headspaced correctly, so you'd need a gauge for that. And if they aren't specced correctly there is no guarantee you'll be able to return it (Most companies don't guarantee compatibility with other companies parts)
opinion discarded
Clean your room, pablo :^)
The AR-10 would have been the end all be all of battle rifles if it wasn't sent to trials with a barrel made of aluminum against Stoner's wishes.
Cool thread OP
the holocaust never happened, prove me wrong
protip you can't
Another user made 2 good posts about the topic of BRs >>642741
PTRs are made to actual G3 specs because H&K wants it so and a lot of the spare parts from actual G3s, HK91s and CETMEs will work on it. On the other side I heard that the cheaper FALs aren't really as good and spare parts are a bitch due to metric/imperial differences.
But I did post an AR-10.
What mags are you using?
I just bought one magpul 10 round magazine, anything longer than that might interfere with the bipod.
Not good
Aero Precision makes a good .308 AR. Paired with an A5 reciever extension you can use regular carbine buffers without issue.
It's good for the price.
Most AR-10's aren't interchangable. FAL and G3 were good designs the world adopted because they were well built guns. Only reason the US adopted the AR-15 was 100% politics. The AR-10 is far worse and adopted by how many countries? If certain political players, Whizz kids, Colt, didn't push the M-16 you would't even have heard or known about Eugene "Would Have Been Nobody Without Political Push" Stoner.
Not really a marker of the quality of the design, as you stated.
It's not bad, but it could definitely be better.
AR-18 chambered in a 6.5mm cartridge.
1. Gas Piston > Direct Impingement
Roller delayed blowback is the best, though.
2. A fixed or folding stock won't fuck up the rifle if dented.
3. This part is fixable, but a better standard cartridge than 5.56. 5.56 is an ok plinking round, but 6.5 or that .280 round woukd be better.
Also, I change my mind. A G41 in 6.5 or .280 would be a really nice rifle.
This is not a common problem.
I want direct impingement AR based off the LMT monolithic receiver with a 45 degree gas block that uses the KAC torque attachment system, and a bolt which copies the LMT enhanced bolt, which is chambered a full power 6mm cartridge, that would propel a 115 grain bullet with a BC of .563 (G1) at a speed of 3300 feet per second out of a ~21'' barrel. Change my mind.
This isn't a real a problem.
5.56 is fine for what it was designed for.
Is this spergook nogun talking? Am I transported back to Discovery Channel in the 2000s?
Stop repeating retarded meme you dumbfuck. AR is not even true DI. And 6.5 AR10 ajd AR15 have been on offer for years now.
Ban all nogun nonwhite and nogun whitecuck on sight pls.
Shits where it fucking eats, you utter retards. Back to cuckchan will the lot of you.
Gun-less nonwhites are the worst.
So…one good gun means other guns of its kind are inherently good?
So jews are inherently good?
Yeah, and how many others do you think jam up and work like shit after that much fouling?
Hear that? It's the sound of no argument.
Ah, the filthy fourteen. Caused as much asshurt during it's lifetime as Interracial TV mudtests.
Fuck off before we spray you again with agent orange again, you ungrateful bug.
Funny how we got a chilean (I assume it's another VPN of the fake kraut) who defend the AR design.
I guess it's not "mutt" when it decides so.
Oh fuck, I meant Czech.
Why the fuck are you lumping me in with the fucking gook, dumbass?
I'm calling out a rifle for being ok, but could be better if it didn't have DIl
Hey good m8 can you take care of the gookspammer?
Any dissenting opinion is called gook opinion now LOL
You spew nogun retarded bullshit, you fucking spammer. GTFO of here.
Would love to get me some equatorial BLFM chinks. The northen ones are too tough. When we are done we can drop dioxin over you too. Win win.
You present one good AR and try to pass it as the norm.
I'm gonna stick to my vietnamese root and prefer actual Gas-operated design. Long stroke-piston is best.
I thought you were one of the sellout gooks my grandpa fucked during deployment?
The DI is actually your root, not combloc guns.
Being an amerimutt and larping as one of the fleeing traitor gooks
Even the Southern Viets prefer the AK when they got it.
M16 is way too fucking long for small asian frame.
M4 is okay at length, but I still prefer long stroke piston.
If properly lubricated an AR-15 won't jam. Why don't you show me some examples of properly lubricated quality AR's jamming up?
Nigger, since when does an AK need properly lubrication? Just fucking clean it with water.
t. american AK
I love americans (as a people) but european make better guns, yes, even better AR.
Fucking asian make better AR i.e. T91.
t. nogunsspergook
how the fuck is it any better than any run of the mill AR?
Shit. Runs. Cleaner.
Oh yeah you admitted the rifle is sub-par in the OP. Not good for the price if it doesn't work correctly out of the box.
If I recall that failure came from bad headspacing, not anything maintenance related.
A .308 AR15 is not an AR10
Details? Not too familiar with a .308 AR15. How isn't an AR10?
Most AR-10's on the market are just AR-10's scaled up for said .308/6.5CM.
err I mean AR-15's in the second half.
Right! Didnt look at the above responding posts. Typical US correct term is just .308 AR. Lol didn't read
The changes that were made between the original AR10 and the AR15 were carried over by Stoner when he designed the SR25 which makes many parts between the originals and the modern ones incompatible, also the original AR10s came full auto from the factory.
>barrel has aluminium heatsink hidden under the handguard which helps keep cool the barrel it actually works quite well but the downside is it makes the handguard heat up rather quick
I don't care that much about people calling their SR25 clones "AR10's", I was just shitposting earlier.
But it was good for the price? Just because it doesn't work immediately doesn't mean it's a bad deal.
Have you every fired either an AK or an AR? An AK runs just as dirty as an AR, especially with cheap ammo.
Since always, and so does the FAL, G3, and every other gun on the planet. Do you think the russian or chinese military didn't lube their AK's? Do you think niggers in africa or dirt farmers in the ME don't have their AK's jam?
The AK may require a bit less maintenance than an AR, but it is superior in every other way, lighter, more accurate, more reliable in adverse environments, in line recoil, and easier to maintain and repair.
You have literal meme knowledge, every piece of information that resides in your skull is based on nothing but hit air and other peoples half baked opinions. kys
Make me, chucklefuck.
*hot air
Careful now, his AR-10 is actually properly designed and built.
Shoot both and I really prefer the AK due to its compactness and the open sights. Neither jammed.
The Vietcong guerilla didn't carry fucking lubrication oil with them.
You know what they do to clean their gun? They go to the nearest river, strip the AK and wash it like they wash dish.
Heard nothing but good things about the T91, even the ones imported to the US recently.
But what makes it better than a normal AR aside from "hurr it shits where it eats". It's more complex and weights considerably more, while bringing nothing to the table.
By the Vietcong having no "lubrication oil" except water.
Well, again, shit runs cleaner so you require LESS maintenance.
The AK runs just as dirty as an AR, the AK's need for less matinence doesn't come from it's long stroke piston system. A T-91 will require just as much lubricant as a normal AR.
Fouling in the AR will not impede it's function unless it is improperly lubricated.
Jesus fucking Christ you need to go back to wherever you came from. The VC had cleaning kits and oil bottles from the same places they got their rifles, ammo, medical supplies and chest rigs. The thought of them materializing AKs and SKS out of thin air and keeping them running on mudwater and ammo they willed into existence is pure fudd retardation or warhammer 40k ork tier thinking.
We do have document on what kind of supplies the VC have regarding their rifles, ammo, medical supplies.
I haven't seen any mention of lubrication oil for guns, oil for mechanics sure, but for guns, no.
Look at the fucking standard issue oilier kit I just posted. They all had bottles like this with minor variations depending on country and factory for weapon maintenance.
Never mind, I feel dumb as fuck now.
They DID use oil. Chink one.
(wasted dubs)
If you buy a factory new car have to put more money into it just to get it working properly without the dealership doing it for you, must be a good deal right? You probably think PBR is a good beer too.
Man makes mistake.
That is not even a source. But it is not surprising that you get your "knowledge" like that instead of actually shooting guns and using your brain for once.
When I use AK, I have never ever needed to clean it with oil.
Water is already enough.
I wonder when will this meme end, probably as soon as the spergkike/fake kraut leaves.
But as said, truth fears no investigation.
IF you were a gook, you would be issued an ak with assorted kit if you were conscripted. Your ass would get rightfully beaten when they found out you dont even bother to clean the rifle properly despite instructions and available supply, decreasing the weapon's service life.
But what am I doing again.
Reported as everyone should do.
Again, I'm talking about vietcong who are irregular troops.
Please do provide proof of what you are saying. In vietnamese regulation back in the 70s.
Again, why do you report me?
You cant own any AK for private purpose in Nam. Well, certainly not you. If you were to use an AK at any point in time for a period long enough that you had to maintain the rifle, you would be 100% conscripted or enlisted. Which we know you are not.
But I wont get down to your level of subhuman retardadation into imagining what would happen to soldiers who get found out that they only ever cleaned their rifles with water the entire time in the base.
So again no proof of what are saying vs experience I have talking with actual veterans and my own experience handling the rifle.
Again, why do you report me?
Im sure you can privately own an AK in Vietnam, gook.
And those war vets never lubricated any mechanical device despite you yourself just found out one of the gun oil variations they used.
Vehicles, machine sure. That is necessary and documented, even down to the brand of oil.
But as a viet, I have never seen that package of gun oil.
Oi cunt, nogun cunts are not welcome here.
Say that again but slower.
To what
Everyone shitting on him
But I did.
No wonder you bought a PSA then
Son, PSA is a mans company, ain't no joking about that. Attacking American industry will not be tolerated here, snowflake.
M8, PSA is alright for a basic AR.
Don't treat them like they're super fancy high end.
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.