TSA Can Abusively Fondle Your Genitals With Immunity

SA agents and security screeners can’t be sued for false arrests, abuse, or assault, according to a ruling from a federal appeals court in Pellegrino v. the United States of America Transportation Security Administration,

The TSA – whose job is supposedly “fighting terrorism” – is, without doubt, one of America’s most corrupt and incompetent agencies. However, last year, they apparently became so unsatisfied with the mere ability to strip search babies, remove colostomy bags, beat up blind cancer patients, and fondle your genitalia, that they announced a more invasive physical pat-downs. The pat-downs, which TSA warned would probably prompt assault complaints with the police department because of their invasive nature, have been implemented and now, a federal court ruled that these complaints mean absolutely nothing because the TSA cannot be sued.

As the Washington Post reports, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 3rd Circuit, which sits in Philadelphia, held that TSA officers enjoy sovereign immunity
because, despite their badges and titles as “officers,” they do not qualify as “investigative or law enforcement officers” who could be held legally responsible for abuses under the Federal Tort Claims Act


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hopefully the sauce means it's bullshit

Stop traveling by plane

they've started doing it on amtrak too, wanker

If you wanna get to where you wanna go, just fucking drive

next up buses

Criminals hide illegal stuff in their crotch/bra/whatever precisely so they can scream molestation if someone tries to check them.
It's only reasonable that searches should be able to check those places anyways because the alternative is they become free smuggling locations.

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Ant the perverts over at the TSA will use that excuse to molest little girls and boys.

You never heard of drug mules? You really think criminals are above hiding shit inside children's pants? Or even inside them for that matter?
Putting drugs inside balloons or condoms then swallowing them or ass-shoving them is a common (if risky) way of getting them past rudimentary searches.

I think it would be more prudent target criminals at the source then, not attack from the middle.
If planes can afford to have someone give you a snack, they can afford to have an air marshal on every flight.

Pedo alert!!!!!!!!!!!!!

t. masochictic homosexual

this tbh

I kind of want to take a flight for fun now. I would act like the biggest faggot as my nuts got toyed.

I used to fly a lot for work. I don't go through the cancer machines, so I get patted down every time I fly. It's always a same-sex screener (for your comfort). One time an older gentleman, as he was rubbing his gloved hands over my body, remarked about how muscular my shoulders were, giving them a little squeeze as he made a 2nd pass. Pretty sure he wasn't a faggot or anything, just 'miring, but it was still uncomfortable.


kill all judges that rule immunity
equality or death

Bullshit. The constitution makes no distinction between citizens and public servants. Everybody can be sued, even the nigger judges.


Travel oregon trail style

Those mules are pesky

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This, who needs a plane. Have an adventure instead

What happened to the right to travel unmolested?

Shut up mohumud

We all know how homosexual they were.

what if you put something smelly on your balls ? Would Jordan Peterson think this is a novel way to get your balls washed ?

If they start doing it for schools, I'm applying to work as TSA patdowner.
Imagine all those succulent, young, ripe bodies passing through your hands every day. Completely unable to resist, under threat of taser, arrest, or often just a more private cavity search. Did you know that the best way to test a 13 year old girl for cocaine transportation into a school is to thrust your tongue up her anus and vagina while your moustache becomes coated in her fluids.
She can't even tell her parents as she'll be under a gagging order.
The future is bright, in the land of the free.

The real problem that the colon and vagina are too long for only fingers to explore, a criminal would just hide the drug packets deeper in a child's anus or vagina.
In which case, a longer probing tool is necessary, and the tool least likely to cause an allergic reaction is one from a completely natural source.
As a TSA worker, I regularly feed my erect penis into the backsides and vaginas of girls from the age of 11 to 15, as they are the most common drug mules.
Having to do it in both holes, several times a day, means I can't waste that amount of condoms and have to go in raw.
The unintentional side effect from the friction is that I usually ejaculate after a few minutes of exploration, and consequently leave some of the older girls pregnant.
This is the price for feeling safe.

Just hit them in the face every time and go to jail. You'll do your country a favor.

So molesting children is less important then drugs and we have a murder all pedophiles attitude? I think we need a cleansing.

I used to fly a lot for work too, usually accompanied by one of my adopted daughters carrying a package for me in her tight little body.
The TSA would always pat her down for some cheap thrills, but it would be me sucking the drug packets out of her vagina with my mouth that evening.
Nice to meet a fellow traveller, friend.

Oh noes! You were uncomfortable! (Mean while the government secretly tortures people using cell phone towers in public for years to instigate mass murder)2

golly gee I sure am shocked, offended and don't want to discuss this topic anymore, which will look like I ceded the point to you when I stop posting! Oops, but I didn't stop posting.

your bosses should hire me, I'd be a way better shill than you

Sounds like you wouldn't be acting.

Why are you shocked to hear someone in the same line of work as you, pal?
Maybe you should go back to subscribing to facebook pages on twitter.

Canines can't sniff out drugs if it's inside people?

Just shit and / or piss on the floor in their offices

Stop letting spics smuggle shit using their holes then.

The best way for a large German shepherd to see if a 13 year old girl is carrying drugs inside her is for it to mount her numerous times, inseminating her on each occasion.
There were even studies showing that hot dog semen benefits the health and well being of human female recipients. Therefore, this could be both a security check and a health spa service.
It will work best if the canine worker penetrates alternately the vagina and the anus of the young girls.

Thank you for your service!

Doesn't that enter the realm of hazard then? I mean if they're not "investigative or law enforcement officers" what exactly qualifies them to be doing this at all? If this is the case then it's just some assholes groping you with no legal authority and you are infact morally obliged to fight back. Right now, by identifying them all like the sex offenders they are and creating a TSA registry containing the addresses of them and their families. This is of course what the courts must want as they've fundamentally acknowledged it isn't their issue to deal with with this ruling.

You're welcome.
I hope you enjoy your flight and that your daughter enjoys decades of nightmares before suicide.

I've been patted many times, when they get to my erection, they let me board the plane

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9/11. it used to be a nice thing to drive from canada across the border with no questions asked to go buy illegal american fireworks. didn't even need a passport. then some saudis flew into a couple towers and suddenly canucks are treated like criminals while america sucks saudi dick and exempts them from travel bans

Americans everyday life.

it's been a long summer

It's like this is some kind of imageboard for MS-13 members.

This. Saudi arabia deserved several nukes.

Nice larping you middle aged cunt. Reply back in another week when your grandson comes back to show you how to turn the computer on.