Christian Fashion Possible?

So I've been lurking through some orthodox news and all of that. And I've read a report about a visit by some MP's from Russian State Duma to the Serbian Patriarch. In the report, there are some photos. A Russian MP who is known to be ultra-orthodox is wearing a black suit and black pants. Isn't that odd?

Would it be ok to wear that outfit in your denomination? What is your opinion on Christian fashion? Is it even possible to be a good Christian and to wear nice things? Am I wrong to say that the concept of fashion was not even known to the biblical figures so I will not find a whole lot on this issue in the Bible?

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For me, the question about fashion is a part of the broader question: where lies the border between culture and theology in the life of a Christian? So, is fashion a purely cultural thing like wearing beards? The Romans have always shaved them and the Greeks did not. So a beard in Greek/Orthodox world is a must and in the Catholic West a beard still has some barbaric connotations.

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Honestly, this depends on whether or not fashion is being used as a worldly interest (ie.buying new clothes every "season", following trends) or as a practical action (owning a small amount of clothes that are well cared for and only buying more clothes once a garment has become unwearable). Basically, don't use clothing as a worldly wealth signifier and you should be fine.

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Idk but i wear aloha shirts, tracksuits and suits all the time.

Most fashions are ridden on "themes" and "keywords" such as "spring", "sensual", "youth", "spirited", etc.

"Wholesome", "graceful", and "humble". These are the keywords which popped in my head when you mention "Christian fashion". Your pictures are fine example. Like silk hiding steel, but instead of steel it is indomitable faith as solid as the rock which the church is built upon full of grace.

Fashion is unfortunately vanity for the most part. Everyone has to ask himself if he dresses that way to look orderly or to look good. I think women should wear skirts below the knee, blouses below the elbows, and collars above the collar bones; women should not wear pants.
Poklonskaya is a cutie and a patriot, but she's not a model Christian woman: She is divorced and has only one kid.

There's no such thing as "Christian fashion", because that'd mean you'd indulge in some kind of vain wordlyness and who cares about that anway. Rule of thumb: Don't run around like a thot or a bum. In church and when visiting clergy on official occasions, pull out good clothes - after all, you're going to be in the same room as your Lord and Savior. A black suit is best, but generally make sure you look "professional" and grown up.

Fashion is purely cultural thing. As long as it isn't indecent it should be okay.

Literally nothing wrong with this?

Oh and I'm Catholic

Wtf is wrong with pants? I am sure those are female pants. We are not living in the 50's anymore where a woman could be escorted home by the police if she showed up to a restaurant wearing pants.

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Sounds like my kind of traditional country.

Christians, unless they're monks, are supposed to have as many kids as possible.

Just no. That is unbiblical. Christians should not abuse contraception is true but 'to have as many children as possible' is hardly a Christian commandment. You see, bearing children is not the goal of a Christian marriage. Bearing children is rather the nature of a Christian marriage, you know. But nature != goal. Let's say, you have a garden. And you are growing flowers for a person you hold dear. You get the flowers but having them is not your goal. Your goal is to give them to the person. The flowers are the nature of gardening in this case but your goal is to make someone happy. You can call marriage or family a 'school of love' and children are the by-product.


Begone SATAN!!!!!

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Yeah, do you see the difference between 'multiply' and 'be fruitful and overpopulate the planet'?

But it is not the goal. If it were so, a matrimony between a sterile man or woman would be against the canonical law. During the 2000 years of Christianity there were no such law forbidding to marry a sterile woman.

Not in these images.


Cease your satanic sophistry.

We had christian fashion until the late XIX when feminists liberated women from traditions. Each, country, region had it's cultural expression.

and who would want to marry a sterile woman? That was unthinkable in the past.

Isaac had married the barren rebekah in genesis 25:21. Enough said.

I merely oppose the worldview where a woman is considered an incubator in the first place. I think that as Christian we should not reduce women to their reproductive function. A Christian marriage is so much more than that.

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A man can dream.

Fashion is expression and communication. Even if you think you're sticking to basics with something like a suite or polo you communicate fashion decisions in the cut, silhouette, etc. Just as you wouldn't wear stripes with plaid, caring about fashion is caring about the clarity of a message. What that message is is what the real question is about, and I take the same rules with other communication such as speech as I do fashion. Dignity, piety, substance.