Catholic school try to protect a woman


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What were the pros of social media again?

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My Catholic ex said all the Catholic girls were sluts. She had serious 'tism which means she was perfect but I moved away.

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Yeah, found her JewTube channel, this is even worse than I presumed. No shame presenting herself like that even in her younger teens. Absolutely disgusting. Her father has no backbone … I can't even.

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This tbh. We deserve terrorism.

Her dad.

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The more I see of Western women the more attractive shock collars become.

Alright, alright, OP, we get it. No need to post more of her pornographic pictures. Just look into her eyes, she is already dead inside; her girly-ness, femininity, innocence, virginity, whatever virtues she ever had or could have had are long gone since she sold her soul for the Pornojew.

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The evolution of the world in 10 years scary me.

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salt and watching these idiots eat each other alive for minor disagreements.

You idiots are the cause. Thanks for bringing the arrival of the Lord in my lifetime, though.

At least try to not winnie the pooh up with your sons.

It's already horrifying, that it becomes worse is only a given. We cannot put our trust into those who are fallen and need forgiveness. Reading the Holy Scriptures will remind how the cycle goes, and that God is with us who love Him and abide by His Law.

Do you know how sad and angry it makes me when I got into the inner city and see all the tween gals walking around like hookers, with lewd and self-worshipping expressions on their faces? How sad it is that my neighbor cancelled our guitar practice just so for sleeping with a whorish woman? How every Christian I meet is either a liberal cuck or a Pentecostal lunatic?

Ecclesiastes 1:9-11 gives me, at least, melancholic solace:
9 What has been is what will be,
and what has been done is what will be done;
and there is nothing new under the sun.
10 Is there a thing of which it is said,
“See, this is new”?
It has been already,
in the ages before us.
11 There is no remembrance of former things,
nor will there be any remembrance
of later things yet to happen
among those who come after.

Attached: evening in distant future.gif (450x510, 44.77K)

Stop posting hoes please

Get right with the Lord

They didn't say she had to take down her fitness photos, only the ones where she is wearing a bikini. Sounds fair enough honestly.

And of course the comments are full of "don't sexualise young women's bodies!!!" posts, as if an 18 year old woman isn't aware of her body and a bikini isn't meant to be tittilating.

Yeah Mike, cause that's how Catholic schools work

The Lord that glassed entire civilizations for sexual impropriety?

The difference in quality of life between us and the seething modernist mass of humanity is going to be pretty stark. It already is in many ways.

Not giving her access to limitless vice via social media would have probably been a good start. Might have well have just shot smack straight into her damn eyeballs for all the good it does a girl.

The Lord who would have spared Sodom for one innocent soul

Holy trips give pause. You're right. But shock collars aren't orbital bombardment, either.

You can't be in peace right now. Loud music everywhere.

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The irony being that libertine sexuality is actually closer to stone age behavior, right? Or is it that Christianity is from the iron age? I have trouble keeping up with post-ironic atheism some times.

A transformer exploded somewhere nearby this morning. The hour of pure silence was wonderful.

Heh, idk sometimes i've heard it said take your bronze age shit somewhere else, or sometimes it's iron age, or whatever age, or agist lol. Basically they might as well just come out and say it. It's whatever current year meme. It's funny though once you get into some educated reading, you'll start to see how ridiculous it all sounds is what I've noticed these past couple of months.

Sage for off topic post.

Solution to auditory pollution: Earplugs when you're not in contact with anyone

Technically no. Lot was the only good soul in Sodom and Gomorrha and the LORD still annihilated the cities.

Technically in chapter 18 the LORD said he wouldn't glass the city if there were at least 10 good people.

Now I almost feel badly for this thot. She was likely abused by her father. He gives off that vibe.

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Maybe you should read the Bible, friend.

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I disagree. He seems the over-permissive hugbox type. Like a doormat beta orbiter who's hit middle age.

Lot was in a state of sin. There is no contradiction in Lot being saved and sparing a city for a single soul.
The Lord spared him because he was the only one salvageable.

Perhaps you're right. Either way, I feel pity for this girl, who with no agency of her own and no real man, didn't really have a shot. I still condemn her actions though.


Does the Bible speak of cycles? I thought only Hinduism spoke of cycles with all of that "Kali Yuga" stuff.

I agree. His face screams "happy wife happy life"
I know a lot of men like that, sadly. I simply don't get how normies don't realize they won't have the attention and sexual relationship they so much desire by catering.
The first state to legalize women voting, Wyoming, did so to attract more women/wives to move. It did not work, not even a 0.1% increase of women migrants.

Makes me want to call my dad and let him know how much I appreciate the wholesome childhood he gave me.

In a sense, it does. Whenever Israel and Judah commit the atrocities they ought not to do God punishes them by becoming invaded, slaughtered and humiliated by strange nations. The curses and blessings of Deuteronomy 28 always repeat themselves whenever the Israelites transgress or abide the Law. Even in a time without prophets, like in the books of Maccabees, you can see that God is still with Judas Maccabee and the Israelites. As we see today, the nations that abandoned Christianity suffer greatly because of it, as the Israelites did millenia before them.

The question is: why did she choose a catholic school?

Catholic school, catholic rules. If you're going to violate them anyway then get out

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Update: She got disenrolled for, to her accord, "ambiguous reasons":
At last, justice is served.

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wtwtp is this thread even about?

Oh, it's about some thot?

So, yet another woman who refuses to take responsibility for her oozing sexuality. "You boys are just supposed to not look. I'm just exercising because all women make this pose when they exercise."

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Hooktube is failing because she took down her video about her shitty petition to get not kicked out of school.

Yee, but what's worse is that she became a shameless thot by 14/15 years of age.