I've been through the 'The History of Christianity: From the Disciples to the Dawn of the Reformation' and I really liked it. What course should I pirate next?
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You shouldn't pirate any.
Oh, you're right. What course should I "buy"?
You're right, it's called file sharing
You get it. You are a cool guy.
If you don't know Greek yet then check it out, and tell us if its worth it.
Pick one.
i picked two
what are you gonna do about it?
The person who made that cartoon is a Jewish atheist feminist who advocates for human extinction
How odd that her video is correct
Stealing intellectual property is stealing someone's labour. You are benefiting from their labour without giving anything back. Regardless of whether that meets the most literal definition of stealing, it is certainly a form of exploitation and parasitism. It is also illegal, and as Christians we are obligated to obey the law except where the law commands us to sin. If you're worried about giving money to Hollywood or other insidious content creators, then don't watch that content. If you think that a video game is overpriced, don't play it. If you're poor, then focus on survival rather than entertainment. The only cases where I can see digital piracy being acceptable and not really stealing is when the thing is no longer for sale commercially.
Is borrowing a book stealing? You are benefiting from the author's work yet you arent paying him, this is the same case
You keep going on about theft but somebody whose work has been freely shared still can profit from it however he likes, since file sharing puts no limits on the author's freedom. He doesn't have to make his work anew because it's still there, he doesn't have to waste any time to retrieve it because it's still there, he isn't distressed because he has lost nothing, the police don't have to be bothered because it's still there, he can still share it with whomever he likes and sell it to whomever he likes because he still owns and has possession of it, and removing it from the face of the earth was never an option because intellectual works are by nature meant to be shared. It's brilliant, really.
It could be argued that physical borrowing of say a book or movie is benefiting from the creator's work without paying, but it is on a small enough scale that it poses no real threat to the creator and also isn't prohibited legally. The person who borrowed the thing certainly doesn't get to keep it forever. Digital piracy however is easier, faster, and can give you a copy of something forever. Though you are right to some extent, nevertheless there is a big difference between you lending your friend a video game to play, and you uploading your videogame on a torrent site for a huge number of people to play. I think the legality of one and the illegality of the other is the final decider. I just don't see how we have any excuse to break the law purely for our selfish benefit.
You say that, and yet a great many content creators have been unhappy about people illegally downloading the things they have created.
That's because they, like you, have bought into the lost sales meme, the same meme which got disproven by the EU in a study they promptly suppressed because we all know where the bureaucrats' allegiance lies.
Every single backwater outside of the turd world has at least one public library, and you dare to call that a small scale.
Every single backwater outside of the turd world has at least one public library, and you dare to call that a small scale.
Remind you of the eighth commandment :^)
I don't know the extent to which digital piracy results in loss of money, it probably is exaggerated by the entertainment industry . But I know for certain that there are people who would have paid money in order to enjoy some form of entertainment if that was the only way to do so, and would have easily been able to afford doing so, but because they had the option of illegally downloading that entertainment, chose to do so and save money.
Libraries are legal and limited by physical resources, digital piracy is illegal and far less limited.
I think the argument comes down to this. Digital piracy is illegal. We should obey the law unless it would be wrong to do so. This means that we cannot disobey the law simply because we think the law is stupid or doesn't make sense. If it is no sin to obey the law, then we will obey the law. Even if you guys are completely right about intellectual piracy not really being that bad, which I am not entirely convinced by, even so we would still be required to obey the law if it is no sin to do so. If you want to not pay for something and still enjoy it, find a legal way to do that.
"Freely you have received, freely give" was the norm before the synagogue of satan took a hold of our legislative systems