US announces suspension of nuclear arms treaty with Russia
Tactical Nukes Back on the Menu Boys
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Sweet release of death soon or is it just going to be dick waving?
More fun for everyone!
Dick waving, we're not lucky enough for something like nuclear annihilation.
This is just the West playing good-cop, bad-cop with its citizens. The Trump government pulls out of arms treaties and ensures international tensions never leave the front page, and then in 2020 the new Dem president will "de-escalate" the situation and be praised to high heaven for saving the world from the evil Alt-Right forces of chaos.
Just look at how the rest of NATO backs the decision yet simultaneously in other channels they talk about what a destabilizing influence the US is being by making it.
That's not to say annihilation is impossible. Everyone in charge thinks they're invincible, and that means there's a chance they'll push too far.
So how has Russia been breaking it?
Might be less obligations, ultimately us Plebs don't know nuffin. Not everything in politics is dick-waving, you ass.
Since the US started developing again ABM under Bush.
You're right. Not everything is dick-waving. The other part of politics is fucking us over a table and making us be happy that we're getting fucked otherwise we get redflags and beatings.
It's all fucked. I want some dumbass to set off a nuclear war so we can at least die with some scraps of dignity left.
No surprise, mutts are at it again.
Reportedly, they've brought into service an updated version of a missile that had been under development before this treaty banned it.
Russia, for their part, points out that American ground-launched Tomahawks also have a range covered by the treaty, and that the rise of UACVs undermines it as well.
Worth mentioning is that China is not covered by the treaty at all and has made as many as they wanted of this class of missile.
You takin' the piss m80?
The United States is a net exporter of food and dumping cheap consumer goods on the international market is the only thing keeping the Chinese bubble from bursting. A "real" trade war would be the best thing that could happen to this country.
You may not like this fact but if China got sanctioned out the ass America would pull all its mothballed industries out from storage. It's hilarious to think china will be anything than pissant.
You're right. When materials become more expensive, you simply just stop producing it. Completely outright.
cold war 2.0 patchnotes:
added: CYBER WARFARE expansion, all new battlescape! More than 50 new ways to fuck your enemy over.
added: one new playable nation. South Sudan.
removed: friendship between Europe and USA
balancing changes:
China received a slight buff to production and has gained the trait "cyberpunk dystopia", granting "mutated children" (5% reduced research time on "gene enhanced troops"), "organ market" (-50% on wounded troops dying in hospitals due to lack of transplant) and "digitally controlled" (-75% on all internal revolution factors).
Europe got a permanent debuff: "EUSSR" (-10% internal and external cohesion), as well as "Refugees" (-15% economy, +10 goodboy points).
Russia gained starting wargoal "reconquer eastern Europe" against baltics, Ukraine and Georgia.
USA got debuff "internal struggle" (-50% national unity, but has a 10% of triggering a reverse effect if another nation invades US soil) and "Lockheeb" (-100% on aircraft efficienty, with +100% on airforce cost)
map changes:
ISIS was permanently removed from the map.
Kurds have been reduced by a factor of 10.
Little green men have been removed from Lithuanian forest biomes for now.
Königsberg received "new tactical nuclear missiles" with higher quality texture and mesh than old ones.
NATO exercise background sounds boosted by 10dB.
Current government bugged. Resolving the issue will require an entirely new mapbuild. We will see what we can do next time.
They're stronger than ever, nigger. Trump lied.
This, only now they're being used by CIAniggers to attack Iran instead of U.S soldiers.
My 2 forints:
V4 (Czechia, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia):
-Memelitary buildup (-1% training time for all troops)
-Bulwarks of Christianity (+10 relations with Israel)
I don't think Israel threating you with nukes, niggers and State Department over your attempt at blocking the retcons in holocauster cinematic universe is a positive diplomatic relationship.
Nukes are the gayest weapon of mass destruction humans have ever come up with.
You don't get to enjoy the destruction, it just happens in an instant. Chemical and bioweapons will forever be superior.
Russia's been bitching about US breaking it for over a year now, actually.
No, there would have to be entire new builds of machines, rebuilding of warehouse walls and ceiling, about the only savings would be in not repaving the concrete floors
Biologicals lack any and all excitement and thrill. It just turns whole map grids into "lol u died fagit"-areas where you and everyone die because you stepped on something you need a fucking microscope to see and that something ends up in your lungs and bloodstream.
It's complete and utter bullshit to die to something that possibly lies dormant for years and doesn't even make a sound when it kills you.
The suffering of those infected and the fear lingering in the hearts of the population fills me with bliss. Bioweapons are magnificent. War is not fair mate. Doesn't need to be. No greater sight than thousands of a week-long dead of enemy civilians who died from incurable horrible disease.
I'm torn between biological weapons and dirty bombs.
On one hand, biologicals can be engineered to wipe out city-dwelling degenerates, on other DB can deny an entire city for very long time.
I don't think you understand when I say mothballed. I mean doors closed and locked due to said industry being undercut by chinks so hard they couldn't compete. If you think fallout tier detroit is the only place with industry I don't think you could be any more wrong.
WMDs in general were a terrible mistake and development. Killing that many people with the push of a button takes all the soul out of it. You can argue that sustained fire weapons weren't a great development either, but as I enjoy the dynamics and interplay of armoured and airborne warfare I can't quite bring myself to say that it should all be rolled back to the first day of the American civil war although inserting 1st gen AFVs and aircraft there would be a lot of fun; but it does get tempting.
Do you think those industries are just standing there ready to resume operations at the drop of a hat? All those machines would get sold (likely to chinks) to recoup losses
They haven't.
Well not anymore than they have since it's inception, IE all mobile ground missiles they have should be able to go much further than 500km with a light tactical nuclear payload instead of the heavy HE payload they have, but all Russia does is have them with HE payload.
The US want that treaty dead since early 2000's everyone knew they were going to be out of it the minute the renewal date, which was 31 January 2019, expired.
They used the excuse of the new modernized Iskander (which change is largely cosmetic, they're a bit longer and a bit thinner so they can pack 4 per trucks instead of 2), to pretend Russia is infringing upon the treaty while what they have been building IRBM silos in Poland and Romania for 10 years…
Cost too much to scrap them or to ship them anywhere, a decent chunk of my tooling in my shop used to operate off of a steam engine drive shaft in particular the lathe. Most chink shit is built in house, bar some exceptions i.e a good chunk of their weapons tooling. You'd be amazed at what is just locked away, as for getting it going I'd give it a month given I was told that is how long it'd be to get an old cotton mill up and going I was looking at for shits and giggles after chinks tried to chink me over SKS tooling.
Don't ever do business with chinks, they'll try and fuck you in any way and for whatever reason Pizza hut is like five star dining there.
Bush started this, obama continued, and now even Trump. Do these niggers think that Russia is less good at making nuclear weapons? Or annexing countries? Washington needs to stop huffing its own fumes.
if you think america lies, you should look at russia first m8.
Don't even feed the gopnik, they'll just ask for proofs.
USA wants another cold war, is all. During a Cold War, you can:
A cold war presents an opportunity for stripping people's liberties and taking greater control over the society, while also allowing for more profit in the form of more taxes and endless rearmament programs and small wars. And if anyone bitches then he's an enemy agent.
US knows that it doesn't matter how many nukes Russia has if US has a shitload of them as well due to MAD, so this move is just a way to increase tensions (and move towards cold war) and justify spending money on developing new missiles.
A long winded plot which grants the American government more power is assigning too much intelligence to Americans in genral. Their congress and upper echelons are filled with morons like >>645914 that actually believe cold war propaganda their own nation started that wasn't even true fifty years earlier before the tectonic socioeconomic shifts of the 21st century.
Basically they're extremely aggressive, dumb, incompetent and weak. They can't protect themselves from illiterate stone age people, much less protect the entire western world they claim as their fief.
The only reason they haven't been wiped from reality is the fact that no one wants to step on a shit.
lol what makes you think they do? America has no ability to produce plutonium, 60% of their delivery systems are so obsolete they may as well not exist, minutemen, dumb bombs, subsonic missiles… the other 40% are on rusty, single hulled, steel construction ohio subs that can't hide from or out-dive what's hunting them. And don't have the throw weight to tackle the air defenses around moscow. All surface ship armament is extremely light warheads, pathetic range, and subsonic speed, which means it can only reliably fight cargo ships. But they don't have enough frigates and light combatants to engage in economic combat, so the massive cruisers will only be able to damage Russian fishing industry. Army has no ability to move globally, no ability to move through europe, and is woefully under equipped for any kind of comparable combatant. Marines have only about 70k shooting men (rest is support staff) which is exactly how many paratroopers Russia has. Air force is incapable of providing organic ground support, the main thing an airforce even exists for. It's a joke.
It's a joke.
Meant ironically. I know that the jews are the source of most of our problems…
and redpilled
While I'd like to say this is peak leaf posting, he is 100% right. We're boned and royally so. Our idea of "deterrence" is to put an infantry combat brigade and an airborne combat brigade into rotation in the military district area-of-responsibility of the 1st Guards Tank Army, which consists of armored and motorized rifle divisions, a separate armor brigade, a separate motorized infantry brigade, a missile brigade, artillery brigade, and assorted ancillary support brigades (NCB, ISTAR, MAD, Combat Engineers, Logistics, ect…) for fucks sake, the Russian logistical brigade attached to the 1st Guards is the size of the IBCT sitting in Poland and all it's elements within the BCT are company-sized.
Don't forget all the people on charge are incompetent fuckwits. As for the few enlisted (who aren't niggers or drooling retards who are just smart enough to follow orders), they get the joy of having their hands tied and forced to go do stupid shit they wouldn't want to on behest of their fuckwit CO just so they can hopefully survive long enough to leave and hope they can at least get some benefits while they can.
Russia withdrew from the treaty today as well. USA blames Russia of developing a rocket system banned by the treaty, while Russia denies these claims and blames USA of developing UAVs capable of carrying such missiles and anti-rocket systems (which would threaten MAD).
American foreign policy isn't made by the president, it's made by an unaccountable, unelected, near hereditary caste of self-proclaimed experts who went to the right elite universities™ and congregate in Washington DC and a few other places on the Eastern Seaboard.
I suspect it's for show because they want to grind Russia down with economic sanctions and then launch a color revolution at the next expedient date (maybe when Putin finally steps down) and install another Jeltsin-tier drunk in the Kremlin.
wew, guess the usa are really a nation of insane war-mongers. the sooner they get nuked the sooner the world will know peace from their non-stop terrorism.
I don't care who will start it, I just want war. Give the the sound of gunshots, not womens whining.
This, the atomic bomb will save western civilization tbh, it'll provide the governmental collapse that will allow us to take charge.
Nothing like having to use the atom to shake things up.
They're not.
They're sitting in front of the Baltic Sea army (1 coastal, 1 marine, 2 mot inf brigades + a shit load of supports units which makes for a "regular" Russian army size formation).
The 1st Guard Tank Army AO is Poland and at least Germany, just one of it's division has more tanks than Germany, they're not bringing it out of Moscow tow wipeout what, 87 burger tanks?
Think of the fuel cost.
But bongland, there will be almost nothing left of your island after the nukes drop
I'll take "What is Task Force Smith?" for $300 Alex.
the power of an atomic bomb is inflated by the movie industry. The area of destruction is relatively small and the countryside would be mostly unaffected. As for radiation, it is possible there would barely be any – nukes are usually detonated above the ground (high enough to that the fireball does not touch the ground), to maximise the airburst which causes the most destruction. Due to being detonated so high up, there is very little dust that could get irradiated, meaning the fallout will be negligible. If you wanted a lot of radiation, you would need to detonate the bomb on surface level, but it's doubtful that would be done since you usually care more about immediate destruction rather than shitting out radiation and waiting assloads of time to see any results.
In other words, the nukes would likely only target big cities, thus removing the shittiest part of the population and destroying the government, while leaving the countryside unaffected and free to rebuild.
Don't forget that the effects of radiation are also inflated. The area would be irradiated only for a few months, and then the people who were there during those months are more likely to get cancer. That's all, we wouldn't live in a world of radstorms and mutant tribes.
Good, I was never really fond of cities anyway. Too bad the historical buildings would probably be destroyed too. But as long as there will be lands to cultivate after the war, I'm ok.
Biological is vastly superior when it comes to purging degenerates. Hepatitis and AIDS were not even intentional.
B .. b .. but, Magyarbro … why must you take away the one dream that makes it worth waking up in the morning? I mean, I can live without Fallout tier supermutants, but are you telling me that as a country dwelling Bong I wouldn't even get a zone full of artefacts and anomalies to enjoy?
Apparently, he does
Honestly, the industry built around rebuilding the industry would be pretty good for revamping the economy
Those were made with FEV, ghouls were a product of radiation.
In other words it all comes back to bioweapons.
Rural areas free of military bases will mostly be fine
ie, the 99% white, gun-owning areas. Nukes are the best form of WMD because they will pretty much solely effect urbanised nigger hives.
Fuck Russia.
What do you do with a disease? You quarantine it. This time, Eastern Europe is on our side.
Is The War Game (1965) out of date?
Kill yourself, boomer kike.
What has attracted all these blatant boomers in that last year?
Probably that Q larping faggot.
Just mandatory reminder that USA left Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty under Clinton in the 1999.
Dick waving, they will be re-introducing tactical nukes because China is producing them, this has nothing to do with Russia.
Distrust of traditional media +
They will not.
The US is pulling out because they think that by using stealth drones from Turkey/Kurdistan and whatever is gonna replace the tomahawks from Poland and Romania they can take out Russian bases and silos with conventional weaponry.
Of course this shit is blatantly violating the INF treaty (as the INF treaty clearly forbid armed drones with over a 500km radius and was fully written with it in mind, RC planes aren't new, which is why only recon drones were made up until recently)
but they still blame it on the Russians because that's what they always do.
I mean they blame Russia for people voting for Trump, at that point I'm surprise they don't blame winter snows on them.
What the fuck is a Q anyway? I had been lurking Zig Forums all along until chodemonkey's takeover that made it unlurkable but never understood what the fuck all this commotion was about.
Actually the Russian plains are pretty much the originator of our northern winds that bring the winter.
q is a faggot larper that knows and does nothing but retarded burger boomers pretend he is second coming of christ, works at white house, has all the insider info and hides it in useless places because ???
really, these fucks should be shot on sight
The mutts need a jeebus and a satan. Always. No compromise with Satan and Jeebus is allowed. Thats how their brain functions.
Not even a larper tbh. It just spews cryptic bullshit that the common amerimutts use to justify legal beaner imports, the fence and gun control.
you are not in a position to talk
It's a LARPer that's supposedly high-up in the Trump admin that makes cryptic bullshit about how he's "totally going to destroy the deep state guizes"
Morgenthau plan would be like putting you out of misery, all things considered.
When we fall, you will fall too
Bring it on.
You mean the Baltic Fleet Coastal Forces with the 11th Army Corps, which falls into the Western Military District AO? There is no "Baltic Sea Army". The supposed support units aren't "regular" support units, it's separate EW-ECM, Comm/Recon, Anti-Sabotage, and Air Defense units with the primary mission being the defense of fleet assets in Baltiysk and Kronshtadt. None of those support unit components come even close to the formation of a "regular" Russian Army formation…they lack logistical, NBC, Fires, and other ancillary support elements of a "regular" conventional army-sized formation, they're ability to operate outsize of the fleet's logistical reach in Kalinigrad is extremely limited. To that end; I'm speaking of the roving ABCT and IBCT moving between Lithuania, Estonia, and Latvia…(on the opposite side of Kalinigrad) not the NATO advisory forces in Poland, those rotational forces pose a threat to Moscow directly, not the Baltic Fleet…which is why I mention 1st Guards Tank Army as it's in the Western Military District, it's direct AO stretches from Finland down to Ukraine and it's elements are spread across the district not centralized in Moscow.
The 1st Guard Tank Army AO is the entire Western Military District covering Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine as well as Romania, Moldova, Poland, Germany, Sweden and Finland. It'd be 190 Burger Burners, USFE is stationing two HBCT permanently. Now, those two HBCT will fall into the Baltic Fleets AO, because they'll be stationed in Poland.
Which is the entire reason USFE hasn't based an HBCT in Europe, until now…if USFE parks a HBCT or two within driving range of Moscow (Warsaw is only 650mi from Moscow proper), 1st Guards Tank Army would mobilize along the border as a show of force and to act as a deterrent against US placement of armor in Eastern Europe (fuel cost be damned) which goes against previously established force placement agreements, but then again we're backing out the INF treaty so it's not like it'd be a shocking occurrence.
The modern US Military wants to relearn all the lessons it's faced the past 70 years.
That's dependent on warhead size, detonation altitude, and if the area was only hit by a single strike. A sizeable chunk of the Western rural US would be pock marked, but suvive. The East Coast and Corridor on the other hand would be glassed, the majority of US C2, as well as logistical and industrial might lies along the corridor and coast.
Radiation would be heavy in any regard, it's fallout that would be the deciding factor. Warhead altitude detonation is based on intended function, if the goal is maximized destructive impact, then a 300KT detonation at 500AGL is most effective, it takes advantage of concept know as a "precursor", a type of dynamic wave form, anything not hardened is heavily damage or destroyed.
Again, this is based on warhead size, as well as design. For a detonation to be high enough to create minimal fallout, it would require a detonation altitude above 2,000ft, at an altitude where an airburst would be negligible in is destructive power. With detonation below 2,000ft it causes significant fallout and if the weapon is design to maximize fallout there is a high chance it's been salted or boosted to increase the amount of post-det isotopes.
Surface detonation is normally preformed for two functions, area denial and launch deterrence, all mission dependent.
Again, depends on a series of factors. Is the strike counterforce or countervalue. In a scenario where population centers are struck, then it's countervalue in which case any target set of value would be struck to include agricultural centers, communication nodes, ect…
Any effort to rebuild would be seriously hampered by a number of factors, chief among them being the survivor lack in knowledge and experience in pre-1950's technology and manual labor. The psychological toll would be a close secondary hurdle, as those who've lived with modern convenience struggle to survive without the comfort of electricity, prepared foods, readily accessed entertainment, ect… suicide would be rampant among survivors, as would death from disease brought on by lack of hygiene and lack in knowledge proper wound care and basic medical knowledge.
You were bred by literal HIV nigger though.
They haven't so far AFAIK.
All there is are the two ABCT (one is called an IBCT but it's reinforced by a tank unit making it de facto ABCT) of operation "Atlantic Resolve" which makes for 87 tanks.
The next "closets" US combat units are the 10th Combat Aviation Brigade (Germany, 24 apaches, a bunch of Blackhawks and a handful of Chinooks), 4400 soldiers) the 2nd Cavalry Regiment (Germany, light infantry brigade, 5500 soldiers on Strykers), the 12th combat aviation brigade (Germany, 24 apaches, a bunch of Blackhawks and a handful of Chinooks) and the 173rd Airborne Brigade (Italy, airborne infantry brigade).
Then you have 1 Infantry Btn in ex-Yugoslavia (typically Nat. Guard) and that's about the entirety of US combat troops in Europe.
If they were to put HBCT in Poland and Romania logic dictates that they would close the rapid reaction units in Germany and Italy and therefore, keep at the very least, the wages expenses the same.
The only thing you have in Romania is the "Black Sea Rotational Force" which is a USMC thing (of about 700 marines).
And Atlantic Resolve AO is to be in front the non-existing "Baltic Sea Army" that is sitting in Kalinigrad that isn't showing up on Russian charts because that's how they like to do things (it's a joint naval/land command thingy).
Kaliningrad is basically only a giant military base hosting:
The 336th separate Guards naval infantry
Brigade, 7th separate Guards mechanized infantry Regiment, 79th separate Guards mechanized infantry Brigade, the 244th artillery Brigade, the 152nd Guards missile Brigade, the 22nd separate Guards air defense Regiment, with a typical EW brigade (254th separate special purpose radio battalion, 142nd separate electronic warfare battalion, 134th separate communications battalion) and engineers half-brigade (37 separate field engineer battalion, 73 separate pontoon bridge battalion).
Those units makes a typical Russian brigade based "army size" formation (which are much smaller than their division based armies, but also typically more professionalized and autonomous), with a military district typically having two "brigade armies" that are on high readiness and one "division army" that act as the main force with lower readiness (with the exception of the 1st tank army which is division based and high readiness but it's the High Command main force).
There are many others in Kaliningrad whose job is to support the fleet (25th separate coastal missile regiment, 183th Guard missile defense regiment, 1545th missile defense regiment, countless radio and EW units, etc…)
However the others are clearly meant for ground fighting, with light amphibious capabilities.
All are "separate" (meaning they have all their support Bat/Co) and are expecting to act independently to give a good smackdown to the Balts and Poland while waiting for reinforcement to come from St-Petersburg units and Belarus.
OK in retrospect, re-reading this I think it was too much of a blackpill After all America has 300 million people whereas Russia only has 100 million, I'm sure America would eventually win - or more Americans would survive the war - which amounts to the same thing.
Name 1 reason i should give a fuck.
In fact, there should've been tactical simon mol units air dropped onto every feminist protest.
Now remove the useless diversity, incompetent leadership, people who are only in it for benefits and who'll desert the moment shit goes south, and the people who'll turn on the rest after seeing how fucked things are.
How many do you have left?
I understand your enthusiasm regarding biologicals, with albanians, turks, gypsies surrounding your nation, but your own troops can't even traverse that polluted clay depending on the type of weaponry used.
Well they can but a throughout large scale decontamination is just so tiresome.
Shit dude, in case of war, I just want to be able to walk between gym, office-desk, mess-hall and a dry and comfy bunk without throwing up my organs in the process.
Afaik those units you listed are under direct command of baltic fleet HQ. Basically static ammunition depo & base guards with various rapid response units.
I mean almost half of that are niggers and spics
All you need is a single family of gingers and you can repopulate a continent. As long as there aren't any niggers around, the gingers breed like fucking rabbits. It's almost parthogenesis, they bud off each other like amoeabas.
It's not really better anywhere else. For example Canada last took their census in 2001, when we were 80+ percent white. Recently it came out through unofficial channels that the reason the census numbers were hidden is because by 2018 we were less than 60% white. We were a country of 25 million that routinely imported 500,000 niggers per year.
Have white canadians done anything about it or are you waiting to become south africa 2?
Some effects:
- Our 16-22yo are ridiculously right wing and have seperated themselves from social media and from non whites. Facebook is unpopular, as is most social media except peer-to-peer stuff like snapchat.
- Currently non whites have all service jobs, public and private sector, so the younger generation has no choice but to be entrepreneurial. The number of small businesses in canada has sextupled in two years.
- They're also moving out of large cities. Not a lot, and not very far out, but it's become a popular thing to do. Before that it was mostly white people were in the center of the cities, and nonwhites in the newly built suburbs for immigrants.
No overt attacks on nonwhites though, aside from… some effective things I'm not going to mention with fucking NSA agents on this board.
Why did hueg-yield thermonuclear warheads go out of fashion?
They were fun.
How do you know they went out of fashion?
China has it too. I wouldn't want to ride one of their rockets, but they do have manned-flight capability.
This is probably why nukes are back.
Syrian Missile Crysis III: Thermonuclear edition when?
Muttxtermination when?
Protip: American politics is operated by a large bureaucracy of people behind the scenes empowered by the DOJ.
America is not a Republic, and the presidency is nothing more than a controlled op.
How is it that a lowly district judge has more power over the course of the state than the president, congress, or constitution?
Kritocracy. Look it up.
The bureaucracy has been shaped by the ever familiar (((group))) to extract the most value from the land and people.
It has achieved this by destabilizing the American nation, replacing the America state's citizens with consumers, and encouraging pointless military actions.