Girls and guns

Would Zig Forums fuck A girl with her Glock?

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She could lose about 60 pounds please.

I thought she did

Where is that banner of a girl sucking a pistol when you need it?

There are better options than her.

I need her in my life

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will the roast ever learn the meaning of loyalty?

I'd give her the ol' lickeroo

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How rare are women like her nowadays?

Absolute Pleb Tier tbh

glockfu is not for sexual ;_;

I met a qt blonde that liked guns a few months ago and we really hit it off, but then her boyfriend walked up

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Only reason a woman visits a range is either because of her man, or because of her father.

That's just it, we weren't at a range.

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What kind of degenerate shit is this anyway? Just because she has guns and vagina? Because it turned out so great the last 1000 times women were brought into a hobby amirite?

Remember when roasties were hot?


You really can't fix shit taste

are people not concerned about legitimate lead poisoning when they fellate their guns?

Guns aren't made from lead.

Depend on the type of bullet you're using.

A) Guns aren't made from lead.
B) The blood barrier, skin barrier, and stomach/intestine barrier do not like to absorb lead at all, it takes massive exposure to lead or inhaling lead fumes to get anywhere close to ever experiencing lead poisoning. This is why we still use lead (and polymers that turn into sulphur/hydrogen gas when burned) in our electronics.

You're all nigger faggots and should feel bad. Real Zig Forumsommandos only love their raifus and nothing else.

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It's more a figure of speech. If she likes guns, it's either because her husband does, or because her father does.

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I need a girl like her

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And there are better options than her.

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It's a Chinese knock-off. Can't you tell?

Wanting to fuck women with masculine hobbies is a homosexual trait. They don't want to admit they're gay so they pick women who behave like men to cover their internal hatred

Please, if I were gay I wouldn't beat around the bush, I'd just go start sucking dicks. Women are so much trouble you'd have to be retarded to pretend to be straight.

Which is why you should waifu guns instead.

Reminder that tomboys are closeted homosexuality, so are muscular women.
Futa is less gay because it's confined to the realms of 2D.

Tomboys and /fit/ chicks only work in 2D.

Masculine traits such as knowing how to defend themselves, taking care of the home, raising children, and having values to uphold? We wouldn't want any of that, would we, my fellow (((white))) person?

Are you stupid?
3DPD lack all the that by default. Also, the spic said hobbies, not traits. Learn to fucking read, nigger. That said, if they "like" them then they are likely either dykes or attention whores.

I never understood how that anime decides who a slut or not.

Hint: SVD is the only nonslut.

Knowing how to defend yourself is very different to larping with guns like the above example. A woman should know how to use a firearm, she shouldn't have it as a hobby, that's a masculine trait. Taking care of the home and raising children varies from man to woman in the ways you do it. A woman shouldn't be acting like a man.

It's the tomboy thing. You're attracted to masculinity and a woman pretending to be a man. It's no different from what a woman joins the army, she's pretending to be a man. If you find that attractive you're a queer. Women raised in masculine environments don't try to be men, they try to be women and learn the role of a woman. There is something broken in a butch woman, be it a "tomboy" or a woman who uses shooting as a hobby. Her hobby should be feminine like food, reading, sewing. Something useful (the same way learning violence is useful for a man) but clearly feminine.

If you cannot tell the difference between a woman's behaviour and a man's behaviour then you're fucked in the head by liberals. Fix your head and fix your dick craving the anal cavity of another man.

I approve, traps are not gay.


Even Freud would call you a retarded faggot. Other Strelok is right, you're an obvious Jew.

Why not take your wife (male) to whatever sportsball you gather for playing with your friends, to the pub or fishing as well.

How is reading a feminine hobby?

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Only in your Semitic degeneracy spiral.

Reading fiction is.

Going to the range with your wife where she sits in the cafe while you shoot is acceptable. Your wife going to the range without you is not.

Depends on what you're reading. If she's reading Tom Clancy she has a dick but there are healthy female fiction. Women are some of the best record keepers for local legends and history. Having your wife document your family history and to preserve part of that and pass it onto your children is the most noble act a woman can do. She requires books for that.

Fuck off, faggot spic. Best chefs in the world are men, without exception.

Well, there are like 2 or 3 women, but that leaves like 99% of chefs as men.

The best everything as men you double ended dildo. That doesn't mean a woman can't prepare a good family meal 7 days a week. You don't stick your dick in the roast potatoes you know.

Yeah, except being a chef is hard work done for money for a large number of people every day, your wife cooking you (and kids) food isn't, relatively speaking.
And your job is to make money to get food for her to prepare for you.


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Have some browned tip ammo

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What is her ethnicity.
What is wrong with her left nipple?

Unironically women like her should be executed by firing squad


Both it and your kind deserve extermination, mutt.

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Shit, wrong file.

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sorry, it was buried and forgot how I had named it

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Enjoy the toilet paper in your food, Pedro, fucking fag.

Modern women are similar to downs syndrome kids. Except instead of an extra chromosome, they have an extra dimension. Same analogy.
Or to make it simple, 3D women should do womanly tasks only and you are a gay.

Historically women were expected to be able to fight. In Feudal Europe and Japan women of both nobility and peasantry were taught how to fight in order to defend their homes and children from bandits and enemy raiders while their men were off fighting in war. There is nothing homosexual about wanting a strong, fit woman, who can bare many children, and defend the home. The real homos are people who just want a maid and walking flesh light, perhaps so you can focus on getting fucked by other men rather than worry actually having a relationship with a girl.

Are you going to say "It's not gay to enjoy your >girlfriend's strap-on." too, fag?
3D women exist to act like a maid and pop out children. Wanting anything more is a waste of time and resources to train.
As for security, just rig up an automated security system.
Really though, the best solution to this problem of women is to have robotic women equipped with artificial wombs and integrated weapons systems. A kill bot that you can fuck and have kids with > a whiny meatbag that quickly becomes useless.

Nerd detected

Where do you think we are?

A place where nerds still need to have their lunch money taken.


Sure. Whatever you say, mr. internet tough guy.

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Everything else is a little silly though. Tomboy != butch necessarily.
This but it's not liberalism necessarily. Read Spengler.
Also, flags were a mistake.

lel, mutt is butthurt

Paco you're acting like a retard

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She is obviously a lesbian.

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What is that from?

Tomboy and butch aren't the same thing at least not today.
That's only depicted as modern activities for women when used to contrast gggrrrrrr men strong and destroy stuff me like booze. Women should make the meals but they don't compare to male cooks, and there's nothing feminine about reading unless you think it's dainty to not be crushing Modela cans on your head 24/7.

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why do you want to know you fucking cookie cutter porn addict?

Cut it with the macho act, spic. Don't think I don't know your Mongoloid genetic admixture causes you to grow up "stunted" compared to most below-average males of other races, including even the Negroids. Just like the other ones of your race, you try to "keep up" by acting in ways you consider hypermasculine to make up for your biological lacking. Cold exterior, silent nature, and violent tendencies are all you subhumans can resort to, yet a white guy with a smile can pull your senorita right out of your influence, because you aren't man enough, at all. Give it a rest, and be yourself, Pablo.

Well said, burgercuck. Being a little pussy is the way of the huwite man.

You just can't help but back a lion into a corner. Can't you? How many more must die?

No, you sicko! Unlike some people around here, I actually have respect for firearms.

Forgot pic.
Pic unrelated.

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Sooo… a 3some?

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